blob: befea379de709cbbbe0275f98c5f9d1cbb049ae4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Functions to draw every single colored box as well as the navigation bar and logo section
* Download box
* Show the select boxes, both download text buttons, the sub-box and help icons and links
* @param: None
* @return: None
DL.createDownloadBox = function() {
document.write( "<div class='first button green-sel' id='optionitem2'>"
+ "<div class='green-sel-icon'></div>"
// Headline.
+ "<h2 title='" + l10n.dl_green_box_headline_title + "'>"
+ l10n.dl_green_box_headline_text
+ "</h2>"
// Box text.
+ "<p title='" + l10n.dl_green_box_subtext1_title + "'>"
+ "(" + l10n.dl_green_box_subtext1_text + ")"
+ "</p>"
+ "<p title='" + l10n.dl_green_box_subtext2_title + "'>"
+ "<b>" + l10n.dl_green_box_subtext2_text + ":</b>"
+ "</p>"
// Select drop-down boxes.
+ "<form name='download'>"
+ "<select class='sel-os' id='os' name='os' onchange='DL.getLinkSelection()'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_green_box_selectbox_os_title + "'>"
+ "</select>"
+ "<select class='sel-language' id='language' name='language' onchange='DL.getLinkSelection()'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_green_box_selectbox_lang_title + "'>"
+ "</select>"
+ "<select class='sel-version' id='version' name='version' onchange='DL.getLinkSelection()'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_green_box_selectbox_ver_title + "'>"
+ "</select>"
+ "</form>"
// Both download text buttons: First (left) for "full install", then (right) for "langpack".
+ "<div style='margin: 0px 0px -15px 3%;'>"
+ "<div class='btn_dl' style='display: inline-block;'>"
+ "<h3>"
+ "<a id='dl_f_link' target='_blank'></a>"
+ "</h3>"
+ "</div>"
+ "<a style='margin: 0px 0px 0px -1%; cursor: default;'></a>"
+ "<div class='btn_dl' style='display: inline-block;'>"
+ "<h3>"
+ "<a id='dl_lp_link' target='_blank'></a>"
+ "</h3>"
+ "</div>"
+ "</div>"
+ "<br /><br />"
// Button for platform hint text.
+ "<div style='margin: 0px 0px 0px 3%;'>"
+ "<div class='btn_hint_text' style='display: inline-block;'>"
+ "<h3>"
// + "<a id='platform_info' target='_blank'></a>"
+ "<a id='platform_info' target='_blank' onclick='DL.showWindow( this.href ); return false;'></a>"
+ "</h3>"
+ "</div>"
+ "</div>"
+ "</div>"
// Sub-box
// Show release info, filesizes, checksum links and help links
+ "<div id='sub_box' class='button sub-green-sel'>"
+ "<div>" // The 3 lines of release info
// Error text with hint.
+ "<img id='dl_err_img' style='margin: 5px 5px 18px 3%;' height='16' width='16' />"
+ "<p id='dl_err' style='text-decoration: none;'></p>"
+ "<p>"
// Release info and notes.
+ "<a id='dl_rel_info' style='text-decoration: none;'></a>"
+ "<a id='dl_rel_notes' style='text-decoration: underline;' target='_blank'></a>"
+ "<br />"
// Full installation: Filesize and checksums.
+ "<a id='dl_f_info' style='text-decoration: none;'></a>"
+ "<a id='dl_f_chk_keys' style='text-decoration: underline;' target='_blank'></a>"
+ "<a id='space1' style='text-decoration: none;'></a>"
+ "<a id='dl_f_chk_asc' style='text-decoration: underline;' target='_blank'></a>"
+ "<a id='space2' style='text-decoration: none;'></a>"
+ "<a id='dl_f_chk_sha256' style='text-decoration: underline;' target='_blank'></a>"
+ "<a id='space3' style='text-decoration: none;'></a>"
+ "<a id='dl_f_chk_sha512' style='text-decoration: underline;' target='_blank'></a>"
+ "<a id='space4' style='text-decoration: none;'></a>"
+ "<a id='dl_f_chk_md5' style='text-decoration: underline;' target='_blank'></a>"
+ "<br />"
// Langpack: Filesize and checksums.
+ "<a id='dl_lp_info' style='text-decoration: none;'></a>"
+ "<a id='dl_lp_chk_keys' style='text-decoration: underline;' target='_blank'></a>"
+ "<a id='space5' style='text-decoration: none;'></a>"
+ "<a id='dl_lp_chk_asc' style='text-decoration: underline;' target='_blank'></a>"
+ "<a id='space6' style='text-decoration: none;'></a>"
+ "<a id='dl_lp_chk_sha256' style='text-decoration: underline;' target='_blank'></a>"
+ "<a id='space7' style='text-decoration: none;'></a>"
+ "<a id='dl_lp_chk_sha512' style='text-decoration: underline;' target='_blank'></a>"
+ "<a id='space8' style='text-decoration: none;'></a>"
+ "<a id='dl_lp_chk_md5' style='text-decoration: underline;' target='_blank'></a>"
+ "<br />"
+ "</p>"
+ "</div>"
// Help items
// Show the help icons and links
+ "<div>"
+ "<p>"
// Help: What is a language pack?
+ "<img id='dl_hlp_img' style='padding: 5px 5px 0px 0px;' height='16' width='16' />"
+ "<a id='dl_hlp' target='_blank' onclick='DL.showWindow( this.href ); return false;'></a>"
// Help: How to verify the download?
+ "<img id='dl_chk_img' style='padding: 5px 5px 0px 30px;' height='16' width='16' />"
+ "<a id='dl_chk' target='_blank'></a>"
// Help: Report broken link.
+ "<img id='dl_rpt_img' style='padding: 5px 5px 0px 30px;' height='16' width='16' />"
+ "<a id='dl_rpt' target='_blank'></a>"
+ "</p>"
+ "</div>"
+ "</div>" );
* Get more developers box
* Show the clickable text for the "Get Involved" webpage
* @param: None
* @return: None
DL.createGetDevBox = function() {
document.write( "<div class='orange button' id='optionitem5' "
+ "onclick='openItem(\"optionitem5\",\"" + l10n.dl_getdev_orange_box_text_href + "\"); return false;'>"
// No icon in the right corner of the box.
// + "<div class='<color>-icon'></div>"
// Headline.
+ "<h2 title='" + l10n.dl_getdev_orange_box_headline_title + "'>"
+ l10n.dl_getdev_orange_box_headline_text
+ "</h2>"
// Box text.
+ "<p style='margin-left: 5px; padding-bottom: 3%;'>"
+ "<a href='" + l10n.dl_getdev_orange_box_text_href + "' title='" + l10n.dl_getdev_orange_box_text_title + "'>"
+ l10n.dl_getdev_orange_box_text_text
+ "</a>"
+ "</p>"
+ "</div>" );
* Social network box
* Show the clickable icons for the social networks
* @param: None
* @return: None
DL.createShareBox = function() {
document.write( "<div class='button lightblue' id='optionitem4'>"
+ "<div class='lightblue-icon'></div>"
// Headline.
+ "<h2 title='" + l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_headline_title + "'>"
+ l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_headline_text
+ "</h2>"
// Box text.
+ "<p id='ShareDownloadLinks'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_text_title + "'>"
+ l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_text_text
+ "</p>"
+ "<div class='icon_box'>"
// Apache OpenOffice blog.
+ "<span onclick='javascript:share( \"apacheblog\" )'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_blog_title + "'>"
+ "<img src='" + l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_blog_src + "'"
+ "alt='" + l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_blog_alt + "'/>"
+ "<a>" + l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_blog_text + "</a>"
+ "</span>"
// Facebook.
+ "<span onclick='javascript:share( \"facebook\" )'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_facebook_title + "'>"
+ "<img src='" + l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_facebook_src + "'"
+ "alt='" + l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_facebook_alt + "' />"
+ "<a>" + l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_facebook_text + "</a>"
+ "</span>"
// Twitter.
+ "<span onclick='javascript:share( \"twitter\" )'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_twitter_title + "'>"
+ "<img src='" + l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_twitter_src + "'"
+ "alt='" + l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_twitter_alt + "' />"
+ "<a>" + l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_twitter_text + "</a>"
+ "</span>"
+ "</div>"
+ "</div>" );
* Extensions and dictionaries
* Show the clickable text to get extensions and dictionaries
* @param: None
* @return: None
DL.createExtensionsBox = function() {
document.write( "<div class='blue button' id='optionitem5' "
+ "onclick='openItem(\"optionitem5\",\"" + l10n.dl_ext_blue_box_text_href + "\"); return false;'>"
+ "<div class='blue-icon'></div>"
// Headline.
+ "<h2 title='" + l10n.dl_ext_blue_box_headline_title + "'>"
+ l10n.dl_ext_blue_box_headline_text
+ "</h2>"
// Box text.
+ "<p style='margin-left: 5px; padding-bottom: 3%;'>"
+ "<a href='" + l10n.dl_ext_blue_box_text_href + "' title='" + l10n.dl_ext_blue_box_text_title + "'>"
+ l10n.dl_ext_blue_box_text_text
+ "</a>"
+ "</p>"
+ "</div>" );
* Templates
* Show the clickable text to get templates
* @param: None
* @return: None
DL.createTemplatesBox = function() {
document.write( "<div class='button blue' id='optionitem6' "
+ "onclick='openItem(\"optionitem6\",\"" + l10n.dl_tlp_blue_box_text_href + "\"); return false;'>"
+ "<div class='blue-icon'></div>"
// Headline.
+ "<h2 title='" + l10n.dl_tlp_blue_box_headline_title + "'>"
+ l10n.dl_tlp_blue_box_headline_text
+ "</h2>"
// Box text.
+ "<p style='margin-left: 5px; padding-bottom: 3%;'>"
+ "<a href='" + l10n.dl_tlp_blue_box_text_href + "' title='" + l10n.dl_tlp_blue_box_text_title + "'>"
+ l10n.dl_tlp_blue_box_text_text
+ "</a>"
+ "</p>"
+ "</div>" );
* Navigation bar
* Show the navigation bar with 3 areas and their items
* @param: None
* @return: None
DL.createNavigationBar = function() {
document.write( "<div>"
// Headline 1.
+ "<h3>" + l10n.dl_nav_headline_1_text + "</h3>"
// List items.
+ "<ul>"
+ "<li>"
+ "<a href='" + l10n.dl_nav_sysreq_href + "'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_nav_sysreq_title + "'>" + l10n.dl_nav_sysreq_text
+ "</a>"
+ "</li>"
+ "<li>"
+ "<a href='" + l10n.dl_nav_license_href + "'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_nav_license_title + "'>" + l10n.dl_nav_license_text
+ "</a>"
+ "</li>"
+ "<li>"
+ "<a href='" + l10n.dl_nav_source_href + "'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_nav_source_title + "'>" + l10n.dl_nav_source_text
+ "</a>"
+ "</li>"
+ "<li>"
+ "<a href='" + l10n.dl_nav_build_href + "'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_nav_build_title + "'>" + l10n.dl_nav_build_text
+ "</a>"
+ "</li>"
+ "<li>"
+ "<a href='" + l10n.dl_nav_sdk_href + "'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_nav_sdk_title + "'>" + l10n.dl_nav_sdk_text
+ "</a>"
+ "</li>"
+ "<li>"
+ "<a href='" + l10n.dl_nav_devbuilds_href + "'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_nav_devbuilds_title + "'>" + l10n.dl_nav_devbuilds_text
+ "</a>"
+ "</li>"
+ "</ul>"
// Headline 2.
+ "<h3>" + l10n.dl_nav_headline_2_text + "</h3>"
// List items.
+ "<ul>"
+ "<li>"
+ "<a href='" + l10n.dl_nav_schedule_href + "'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_nav_schedule_title + "'>" + l10n.dl_nav_schedule_text
+ "</a>"
+ "</li>"
+ "<li>"
+ "<a href='" + l10n.dl_nav_hist_schedule_href + "'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_nav_hist_schedule_title + "'>" + l10n.dl_nav_hist_schedule_text
+ "</a>"
+ "</li>"
+ "<li>"
+ "<a href='" + l10n.dl_nav_inst_guide_href + "'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_nav_inst_guide_title + "'>" + l10n.dl_nav_inst_guide_text
+ "</a>"
+ "</li>"
+ "<li>"
+ "<a href='" + l10n.dl_nav_user_guide_href + "'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_nav_user_guide_title + "'>" + l10n.dl_nav_user_guide_text
+ "</a>"
+ "</li>"
+ "<li>"
+ "<a href='" + l10n.dl_nav_why_java_href + "'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_nav_why_java_title + "'>" + l10n.dl_nav_why_java_text
+ "</a>"
+ "</li>"
+ "<li>"
+ "<a href='" + l10n.dl_nav_eol_href + "'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_nav_eol_title + "'>" + l10n.dl_nav_eol_text
+ "</a>"
+ "</li>"
+ "</ul>"
// Headline 3.
+ "<h3>" + l10n.dl_nav_headline_3_text + "</h3>"
// List items.
+ "<ul>"
+ "<li>"
+ "<a href='" + l10n.dl_nav_support_href + "'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_nav_support_title + "'>" + l10n.dl_nav_support_text
+ "</a>"
+ "</li>"
+ "<li>"
+ "<a href='" + l10n.dl_nav_local_href + "'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_nav_local_title + "'>" + l10n.dl_nav_local_text
+ "</a>"
+ "</li>"
+ "<li>"
+ "<a href='" + l10n.dl_nav_stat_href + "'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_nav_stat_title + "'>" + l10n.dl_nav_stat_text
+ "</a>"
+ "</li>"
+ "<li>"
+ "<a href='" + l10n.dl_nav_mirrors1_href + "'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_nav_mirrors1_title + "'>" + l10n.dl_nav_mirrors1_text
+ "</a>"
+ "<br />"
+ "</li>"
+ "<li>"
+ "<a href='" + l10n.dl_nav_mirrors2_href + "'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_nav_mirrors2_title + "'>" + l10n.dl_nav_mirrors2_text
+ "</a>"
+ "<br />"
+ "</li>"
+ "<li>"
+ "<a href='" + l10n.dl_nav_porting_href + "'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_nav_porting_title + "'>" + l10n.dl_nav_porting_text
+ "</a>"
+ "<br />"
+ "</li>"
+ "<li>"
+ "<a href='" + l10n.dl_nav_archive_href + "'"
+ "title='" + l10n.dl_nav_archive_title + "'>" + l10n.dl_nav_archive_text
+ "</a>"
+ "<br />"
+ "</li>"
+ "</ul>"
+ "</div>" );
* Logos
* Show the clickable logos
* @param: None
* @return: None
DL.createLogoSection = function() {
document.write( "<div id='SupportedAndSupporters'>"
// Sourceforge logo.
+ "<a href='" + l10n.dl_img_sourceforge_href + "' target='_blank' title='" + l10n.dl_img_sourceforge_title + "'>"
+ "<img class='sf_logo' src='" + l10n.dl_img_sourceforge_src + "' width='160' height='34' alt='" + l10n.dl_img_sourceforge_alt + "' />"
+ "</a>"
+ "<br /><br />"
// W3C Validator logo.
+ "<a href='" + l10n.dl_img_w3c_href + "' target='_blank' title='" + l10n.dl_img_w3c_title + "'>"
+ "<img class='w3c_logo' src='" + l10n.dl_img_w3c_src + "' alt='" + l10n.dl_img_w3c_alt + "' />"
+ "</a>"
+ "</div>" );