This describes the Simple Groovy templates (GSP) that are used to build the site.
This template is used to generate html pages from both html and md files. It uses the following steps.<% // from jbake - content.file, content.uri and content.body // from page metadata - content.title and content.css if ( content.file.endsWith(".html") ) { // using content.body if html get content.header, content.bodytag, and content.extracted_body include "html_extract.gsp" } // insert breadcrumbs and ssi logic // using content.uri get content.breadcrumbs and content.ssi[] include "breadcrumbs.gsp" // using content.ssi[] get content.brand, content.topnav, content.leftnav and content.rightnav include "ssi_paths.gsp" // adjust css from markdown output if (content.image_css || content.list_css) { include "markdown_css.gsp"; } %>
The html skeleton may use any of the following content model properties
The following SSI files may be used.
The CSS file that is used for these pages is /css/ooo.css
. If provided then content.css
and content.css2
are included afterwards allowing for classes to be overridden.
This template is used to generate the top / branding portion of each page, and is included with SSI. These files are used to provide translated versions of the brand. files cause the creation of these html SSIs using metadata to be filled into the template.type=brand search=search selectedlang=en language=Language name=Apache OpenOffice tagline=The Free and Open Productivity Suite logo=AOO_logos/AOO4_website_logo.png domain= divid=bannera announce=Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7 released announceurl= announcetip=Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7 released ~~~~~~
This template is used to generate navigator SSI. These come in three
type=navigator divid=topnava ~~~~~~ - [Product][m0] - [Download][m1] - [Support][m2] - [Blog][m3] - [Extend][m4] - [Develop][m5] - [Focus Areas][m6] - [Native Language][m7] [m0]: /product/index.html "Apache OpenOffice product description" [m1]: /download/index.html "Download OpenOffice" [m2]: /support/index.html "Find Support for OpenOffice" [m3]: "Apache OpenOffice Blog" [m4]: /extensions/index.html "Extensions and Templates for OpenOffice" [m5]: "Get involved in Apache OpenOffice" [m6]: /projects/accepted.html "Apache OpenOffice development focus areas" [m7]: /projects/native-lang.html "Apache OpenOffice in your Native Language"
This template is to extract content model data from an html file.content.header
is the portion of the html between ...content.bodytag
is any attributes with the <body...> tag.content.extracted_body
is the page content within ... or after ...$<% // Extract the body attributes as content.bodytag def matcher0 = content.body =~ "<body(.*?)>"; assert matcher0 instanceof java.util.regex.Matcher; if (!matcher0) { // bare html not wrapped in a <body> tag content.extracted_body = content.body content.bodytag = null content.header = null } else { //assert matcher0.matches(); content.bodytag =; // Extract the head content as content.header def matcher1 = content.body =~ "<head.*?>([\\S\\s]*?)</head>"; assert matcher1 instanceof java.util.regex.Matcher; if (!matcher1) { // no head found. content.header = null } else { //assert matcher1.matches(); content.header =; } // Extract the body content as content.extracted_body def matcher2 = content.body =~ "<body.*?>([\\S\\s]*?)</body>"; assert matcher2 instanceof java.util.regex.Matcher; if (!matcher2) { matcher2 = content.body =~ "<body.*?>([\\S\\s]*?)"; if (!matcher2) { throw new RuntimeException("content body not found"); } } //assert matcher2.matches(); content.extracted_body=; } %>
This template processes the content's uri to create breadcrumbs and a set of paths.content.breadcrumbs
is html for the page's breadcrumbs.content.ssi
is an array of paths for the breadcrumbs and ssi includes.<% String[] dirs = content.uri.split("/") // start the breadcrumbs def path = "/" def breadcrumbs = "<a href=\"${path}\">home</a>" // save each breadcrumb path for ssi analysis def ssi = new String[dirs.length] ssi[0] = path def n = dirs.length - 1; // only proceed if the page is in a directory if (n > 0) { for (int i=0; i < n; i++) { // breadcrumb and path for each directory path += dirs[i]+"/"; breadcrumbs += " » <a href=\"${path}\">${dirs[i]}</a>"; ssi[i+1] = path } } content.breadcrumbs=breadcrumbs; content.ssi=ssi; %>
This template determines the ssi paths to include for branding and navigation. If you add either type of content then you will need to update this template.<% // default values content.brand='/brand.html'; content.topnav='/topnav.html'; content.leftnav=null; content.rightnav=null; def brand = [:] brand["/"] = "/brand.html" brand["/af/"] = "/af/brand.html" ... brand["/zh/"] = "/zh/brand.html" def topnav = [:] topnav["/"] = "/topnav.html" topnav["/af/"] = "/af/topnav.html" ... topnav["/zh/"] = "/zh/topnav.html" def leftnav = [:] leftnav["/api/"] = "/api/leftnav.html" leftnav["/da/product/"] = "/da/product/leftnav.html" leftnav["/da/why/"] = "/da/why/leftnav.html" ... leftnav["/xx/product/"] = "/xx/product/leftnav.html" leftnav["/xx/why/"] = "/xx/why/leftnav.html" def rightnav = [:] rightnav["/l10n/"]="/l10n/rightnav.html" def n=content.ssi.length; for (int i=0; i<n; i++ ) { def key = content.ssi[i] if ( brand[key] ) content.brand = brand[key]; if ( topnav[key] ) content.topnav = topnav[key]; if ( leftnav[key] ) content.leftnav = leftnav[key]; if ( rightnav[key] ) content.rightnav = rightnav[key]; } %>
This template is used to insert css classes for image paragraphs and product list items. This is due to no obvious support in JBake for Markdown Extra.<% content.extracted_body = content.body if ( content.image_css ) { content.extracted_body = content.extracted_body.replaceAll("(<p><img)") { it[0] = "<p class=\"${content.image_css}\"><img" } content.extracted_body = content.extracted_body.replaceAll("(<p><a href=\"/product)") { it[0] = "<p class=\"${content.image_css}\"><a href=\"/product" } } if ( content.list_css ) { String[] list_css = ["${content.list_css}-writer", "${content.list_css}-calc", "${content.list_css}-impress", "${content.list_css}-draw", "${content.list_css}-base", "${content.list_css}-math"] def n=list_css.length; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { content.extracted_body = content.extracted_body.replaceFirst("(\\<li\\>)") { it[0] = "<li class=\"${list_css[i]}\">" } } } %>