blob: 2f2028c07e4178072d574e1b7e52aa50fe172b96 [file] [log] [blame]
/* This file is to maintain text information that can be used on the download webpage via JavaScript when
* including this file.
* Instead of hard coded text in the green box please use these variables and translate it to your favorite language.
* Wrong: "Download Apache OpenOffice"
* Correct: l10n.dl_green_box_headline_text
// Object that contains all following variables.
//var l10n = new Object();
// The following variables are used in the "index.html" file:
// Set a specific language ISO code to force to assemble a download link with a certain language.
DL.NL_LANG = "zh-tw";
// General:
l10n.dl_headline_text = "Apache OpenOffice 下載";
// Download: Strings in the green box (used in "index.html").
l10n.dl_green_box_headline_text = "下載Apache OpenOffice";
l10n.dl_green_box_headline_title = "下載Apache OpenOffice,選擇你偏好的作業系統、語言及版本";
l10n.dl_green_box_subtext1_text = "下載空間寄存於 - 一個受信賴的網站";
l10n.dl_green_box_subtext1_title = "Apache OpenOffice 二進位檔案寄存於 - 一個受信賴的網站";
l10n.dl_green_box_subtext2_text = "選擇你偏好的作業系統、語言及網站";
l10n.dl_green_box_subtext2_title = "選擇你偏好的作業系統、語言及網站";
l10n.dl_green_box_selectbox_os_title = "選擇你偏好的作業系統";
l10n.dl_green_box_selectbox_lang_title = "選擇你偏好的語言";
l10n.dl_green_box_selectbox_ver_title = "選擇你偏好的版本";
// The strings that will be shown in the OS, language and version drop-down select boxes.
// You must leave at least one single empty string (see the comment lines below the 3 following variables)!
/* l10n.dl_green_box_select_box_os_values = [ "" ]; */
l10n.dl_green_box_select_box_os_values = [ "Windows (EXE)",
"Linux 64-bit (x86-64) (DEB)",
"Linux 64-bit (x86-64) (RPM)",
"Linux 32-bit (x86) (DEB)",
"Linux 32-bit (x86) (RPM)",
"OS X (version >= 10.7) (DMG)",
"OS X (version <= 10.6) (DMG)",
"More platforms / operating systems" ];
/* l10n.dl_green_box_select_box_language_values = [ "" ]; */
l10n.dl_green_box_select_box_language_values = [ "" ];
/* l10n.dl_green_box_select_box_lang_values_custom = [ "" ]; */
// Value Visible text Tool tip
l10n.dl_green_box_select_box_lang_values_custom = [ "ast", "Asturian", "Asturianu",
"eu", "Basque", "Euskara",
"bg", "Bulgarian", "български език",
"ca", "Catalan", "Català",
"ca-XV", "Catalan [Valencia AVL]", "València (AVL)",
"ca-XR", "Catalan [Valencia RACV]", "València (RACV)",
"zh-CN", "Chinese [simplified]", "简体中文",
"zh-TW", "Chinese [traditional]", "正體中文",
"cs", "Czech", "Čeština",
"da", "Danish", "Dansk",
"nl", "Dutch", "Nederlands",
"en-GB", "English [British]", "English [British]",
"en-US", "English [US]", "English [US]",
"fi", "Finnish", "Suomi",
"fr", "French", "Français",
"gl", "Galician", "Galego",
"de", "German", "Deutsch",
"el", "Greek", "ελληνικά",
"he", "Hebrew", "עברית",
"hi", "Hindi", "हिन्दी",
"hu", "Hungarian", "Magyar",
"it", "Italian", "Italiano",
"ja", "Japanese", "日本語",
"km", "Khmer", "ភាសាខ្មែរ",
"ko", "Korean", "한국어",
"lt", "Lithuanian", "Lietuvių",
"nb", "Norwegian [Bokmal]", "Norsk [Bokmål]",
"pl", "Polish", "Polski",
"pt-BR", "Portuguese [Brazilian]", "Português [do Brasil]",
"pt", "Portuguese [European]", "Português [Europeu]",
"ru", "Russian", "Русский",
"gd", "Scottish [Gaelic]", "Gàidhlig",
"sr", "Serbian [Cyrillic]", "Cрпски [ћирилицом]",
"sk", "Slovak", "Slovenský jazyk [slovenčina]",
"sl", "Slovenian", "Slovenski jezik [slovenščina]",
"es", "Spanish", "Español",
"sv", "Swedish", "Svenska",
"ta", "Tamil", "தமிழ்",
"th", "Thai", "ภาษาไทย",
"tr", "Turkish", "Türkçe",
"vi", "Vietnamese", "Tiếng Việt" ];
/* l10n.dl_green_box_select_box_version_values = [ "" ]; */
l10n.dl_green_box_select_box_version_values = [ "" ];
l10n.dl_green_box_select_box_version_older = "Older releases";
// Download: Strings in the sub-green box (used in "index.html").
// Not defined for now.
// Download: Strings in the yellow box (used in "index.html").
// Not defined for now.
// Download: Strings in the sub-yellow box (used in "index.html").
// Not defined for now.
// Share: Strings in the light-blue box (used in "index.html").
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_headline_text = "協助宣傳";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_headline_title = "協助宣傳,向你的朋友介紹Apache OpenOffice";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_text_text = "請向你的朋友介紹Apache OpenOffice:";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_text_title = "協助宣傳,向你的朋友介紹Apache OpenOffice";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_blog_text = "Official Blog";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_blog_title = "Weblog of OpenOffice";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_blog_src = "/images/logo-rss-32.png";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_blog_alt = "Weblog of OpenOffice";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_facebook_text = "Facebook";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_facebook_title = "請透過Facebook向你的朋友介紹OpenOffice";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_facebook_src = "/images/logo-facebook-32.png";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_facebook_alt = "在Facebook上分享";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_twitter_text = "Twitter";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_twitter_title = "請透過Twitter向你的朋友介紹Apache OpenOffice";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_twitter_src = "/images/logo-twitter-32.png";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_twitter_alt = "在Twitter上分享";
// Extensions: Strings in the blue box (top) (used in "index.html").
l10n.dl_ext_blue_box_headline_text = "取得Apache OpenOffice 擴充軟體及字典";
l10n.dl_ext_blue_box_headline_title = "從各式各樣增添的獨特功能中選擇";
l10n.dl_ext_blue_box_text_text = "運用其他使用者提供的擴充軟體及字典,擴展Apache OpenOffice 的功能。";
l10n.dl_ext_blue_box_text_title = "從各式各樣增添的獨特功能中選擇";
l10n.dl_ext_blue_box_text_href = "";
// Templates: Strings in the blue box (bottom) (used in "index.html").
l10n.dl_tlp_blue_box_headline_text = "取得Apache OpenOffice範本";
l10n.dl_tlp_blue_box_headline_title = "從各式各樣增添的獨特文件中選擇";
l10n.dl_tlp_blue_box_text_text = "運用其他使用者提供的範本庫,擴展Apache OpenOffice的創造力。";
l10n.dl_tlp_blue_box_text_title = "從各式各樣增添的獨特文件中選擇";
l10n.dl_tlp_blue_box_text_href = "";
// Strings in the navigation bar (used in "index.html").
// Release Information
l10n.dl_nav_headline_1_text = "發行版本資訊";
l10n.dl_nav_sysreq_text = "系統需求";
l10n.dl_nav_sysreq_title = "硬碟: ~300MB 可用空間 - 記憶體: &gt;128MB - 處理器: &gt;500MHz - 作業系統: Win, Linux, Mac OS, Solaris, FreeBSD...";
l10n.dl_nav_sysreq_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_license_text = "授權";
l10n.dl_nav_license_title = "Apache OpenOffice使用授權聲明";
l10n.dl_nav_license_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_source_text = "原始碼";
l10n.dl_nav_source_title = "針對咖發人員及專業使用者: 取得原始碼從頭編譯Apache OpenOffice。";
l10n.dl_nav_source_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_build_text = "編譯指引";
l10n.dl_nav_build_title = "針對開發人員及專業使用者: 如何從頭編譯Apache OpenOffice的指引";
l10n.dl_nav_build_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_sdk_text = "軟體開發包(SDK)";
l10n.dl_nav_sdk_title = "針對開發人員: 軟體開發包";
l10n.dl_nav_sdk_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_devbuilds_text = "發展中版本";
l10n.dl_nav_devbuilds_title = "針對自願測試者(QA): 發展中版本";
l10n.dl_nav_devbuilds_href = "";
// Documentation
l10n.dl_nav_headline_2_text = "說明文件";
l10n.dl_nav_schedule_text = "版本發行時間表";
l10n.dl_nav_schedule_title = "新版本預計何時發行?";
l10n.dl_nav_schedule_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_hist_schedule_text = "版本發行歷史";
l10n.dl_nav_hist_schedule_title = "舊版本是何時發佈的?";
l10n.dl_nav_hist_schedule_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_inst_guide_text = "安裝指引";
l10n.dl_nav_inst_guide_title = "在Windows, Linux 及Mac OS 上安裝Apache OpenOffice的說明指引";
l10n.dl_nav_inst_guide_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_user_guide_text = "使用者指引";
l10n.dl_nav_user_guide_title = "日常使用的完整說明";
l10n.dl_nav_user_guide_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_why_java_text = "Java與Apache OpenOffice";
l10n.dl_nav_why_java_title = "說明使用Java的原因及它是什麼是";
l10n.dl_nav_why_java_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_eol_text = "終止服務資訊";
l10n.dl_nav_eol_title = "關於已終止服務的發行版本資訊";
l10n.dl_nav_eol_href = "";
// Additional Resources
l10n.dl_nav_headline_3_text = "其他資源";
l10n.dl_nav_support_text = "支援";
l10n.dl_nav_support_title = "如果上述資訊無法回答你的問題:免費及付費支援!";
l10n.dl_nav_support_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_local_text = "在地化";
l10n.dl_nav_local_title = "以你偏好語言提供的資訊及服務";
l10n.dl_nav_local_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_stat_text = "下載統計";
l10n.dl_nav_stat_title = "下載及其他統計資訊";
l10n.dl_nav_stat_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_mirrors1_text = "鏡射載點#1";
l10n.dl_nav_mirrors1_title = "使用Apache鏡射網站下載Apache OpenOffice";
l10n.dl_nav_mirrors1_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_mirrors2_text = "鏡射載點#2";
l10n.dl_nav_mirrors2_title = "使用Apache鏡射網站下載Apache OpenOffice";
l10n.dl_nav_mirrors2_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_porting_text = "第三方移植及發佈版本";
l10n.dl_nav_porting_title = "第三方供應商所製作的移植及發行版本";
l10n.dl_nav_porting_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_archive_text = "舊檔案及過往發行版本";
l10n.dl_nav_archive_title = "下載已過時或已封存的發行版本";
l10n.dl_nav_archive_href = "";
// List items in the navigation bar that are not used for now.
l10n.dl_nav_release_notes_text = "發行版本說明";
l10n.dl_nav_release_notes_title = "Apache OpenOffice的增加或改善了什麼功能?";
l10n.dl_nav_release_notes_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_checksum_text = "驗證下載完成的檔案";
l10n.dl_nav_checksum_title = "如何使用簽章與雜湊碼驗證下載完成的檔案?";
l10n.dl_nav_checksum_href = "";
// Strings for the logo graphics.
l10n.dl_img_sourceforge_title = "Sourceforge - 下載,開發及發佈自由開源軟體";
l10n.dl_img_sourceforge_href = "";
l10n.dl_img_sourceforge_src = "";
l10n.dl_img_sourceforge_alt = "Sourceforge";
l10n.dl_img_w3c_title = "W3C 標記驗證服務- 檢查網頁文件(HTML, XHTML, ...)的標記";
l10n.dl_img_w3c_href = "";
l10n.dl_img_w3c_src = "";
l10n.dl_img_w3c_alt = "W3C 驗證軟體";
// The following variables are used in the "download.js" file:
// Download: Strings in the green box (used in "download.js").
l10n.dl_full_link_text = "下載完整安裝";
l10n.dl_full_link_title = "以滑鼠點擊下載: ";
l10n.dl_langpack_link_text = "下載語言包";
l10n.dl_langpack_link_title = "以滑鼠點擊下載: ";
l10n.dl_win_info_text = "Important hint: 32-bit, 64-bit and Java - What to choose?";
l10n.dl_win_info_title = "At the moment we offer a 32-bit (x86) version for Windows. However, it installs and runs also on Windows 64-bit (x86-64).\nPlease note that you may need Java in 32-bit for additional functionality which must then be selected only once (see menu 'Tools - Options - OpenOffice - Java').\n\nFor more information about OpenOffice and Java please see the link on the right 'Java and Apache OpenOffice'.";
l10n.dl_linux_info_text = "Important hint: RPM vs. DEB - What to choose?";
l10n.dl_linux_info_title = "RPM is used in:\nCentOS, Fedora, Mageia, Mandriva, MeeGo, openSUSE, Oracle Linux, PCLinuxOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Sailfish OS, Scientific Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server\n\nDEB is used in:\nDebian, Kanotix, Knoppix, Kubuntu, Linux Mint, Lubuntu, Ubuntu, Xubuntu";
//l10n.dl_mac_info_text = "macOS : Text";
//l10n.dl_mac_info_title = "macOS : Title";
l10n.dl_full_link_porting_text = "移植: 點擊以選擇第三方供應商";
l10n.dl_full_link_porting_title = "點擊以瀏覽其他移植版網頁,並從第三方供應商下載";
l10n.dl_full_link_archive_text = "舊檔案: 點擊以選擇過往版本";
l10n.dl_full_link_archive_title = "點擊瀏覽舊檔案並下載過往版本";
// Download: Strings in the sub-green box (used in "download.js").
l10n.dl_rel_info_headline_text = "版本: ";
l10n.dl_rel_info_milestone_text = "里程碑";
l10n.dl_rel_info_buildid_text = "Build ID ";
l10n.dl_rel_info_svn_text = "SVN "
l10n.dl_rel_info_rel_date_text = "發佈於";
l10n.dl_rel_notes_text = "發行版本說明";
l10n.dl_rel_notes_title = "Apache OpenOffice 的發行版本說明 ";
l10n.dl_headline_full_text = "完整安裝: ";
l10n.dl_headline_langpack_text = "語言包: ";
l10n.dl_filesize_text = "檔案大小 ~ ";
l10n.dl_megabyte_text = " MByte";
l10n.dl_checksum_headline_text = "簽章與雜湊碼: ";
l10n.dl_checksum_keys_text = "金鑰";
l10n.dl_checksum_keys_title = "金鑰簽章檔";
l10n.dl_checksum_asc_text = "ASC";
l10n.dl_checksum_asc_title = "提供下載的ASC簽章是針對: ";
l10n.dl_checksum_md5_text = "MD5";
l10n.dl_checksum_md5_title = "提供下載的MD5雜湊值是針對: ";
l10n.dl_checksum_sha256_text = "SHA256";
l10n.dl_checksum_sha256_title = "提供下載的SHA256雜湊值是針對: ";
l10n.dl_checksum_sha512_text = "SHA512";
l10n.dl_checksum_sha512_title = "提供下載的SHA512雜湊值是針對: ";
l10n.dl_help_img_title = "完整安裝與語言包有什麼不同?";
l10n.dl_help_img_src = "/download/cachedimages/help-information-icon.png";
l10n.dl_help_img_alt = "安裝資訊";
l10n.dl_help_text = "什麼是語言包?";
l10n.dl_help_title = "完整安裝與語言包有什麼不同?";
l10n.dl_checksum_img_title = "如何以檢查碼驗證下載的檔案?";
l10n.dl_checksum_img_src = "/download/cachedimages/help-information-icon.png";
l10n.dl_checksum_img_alt = "檢查碼驗證";
l10n.dl_checksum_text = "如何驗證下載的檔案?";
l10n.dl_checksum_title = "如何以檢查碼驗證下載的檔案?";
l10n.dl_report_img_title = "下載連結失效? 點這裡回報。";
l10n.dl_report_img_src = "/download/cachedimages/help-report-broken-link-icon.png";
l10n.dl_report_img_alt = "下載連結失效";
l10n.dl_report_text = "回報下載連結";
l10n.dl_report_title = "下載連結失效? 點這裡回報。";
// Download: Strings for error text in the sub-red box (used in "download.js").
l10n.dl_full_link_error_text = "沒有完整安裝可供下載";
l10n.dl_full_link_error_title = "請選擇其他語言、平台或版本。";
l10n.dl_langpack_link_error_text = "沒有語言包可供下載";
l10n.dl_langpack_link_error_title = "請選擇其他語言、平台或版本。";
l10n.dl_error_problem_img_title = "選擇下載的檔案無法使用";
l10n.dl_error_problem_img_src = "/download/cachedimages/exclamation-icon.png";
l10n.dl_error_problem_img_alt = "錯誤文字";
l10n.dl_error_problem_text = "問題: ";
l10n.dl_error_solution_text = "解決方法: ";
l10n.dl_error_aoo_text = "Apache OpenOffice ";
l10n.dl_error_not_available_for_text = "無法提供以下的下載版本:";
l10n.dl_error_please_select_1_text = "請選擇4.0.1版";
l10n.dl_error_please_select_2_text = "請選擇4.0.1或更新版本。";
l10n.dl_error_please_select_3_text = "請選擇Windows, Linux 或OS X版本下載。";
l10n.dl_error_please_select_4_text = "請選擇其他的語言或版本。"
l10n.dl_unknown_platform_text = "未知的作業系統 / 平台";
// Download: Strings with customized error text in the sub-red box (used in "download.js").
// Can be used when the default text in the variables above cannot be translated correctly.
l10n.dl_error_custom_1_text = "";
l10n.dl_error_custom_2_text = "";
l10n.dl_error_custom_3_text = "";
l10n.dl_error_custom_4_text = "";
// The following variables are used in the "analyze.html" file:
// Analyze: Strings for the instruction text (used in "analyze.html").
l10n.dl_analyze_headline_text = "如何回報失效的連結?";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_select_text = "在下面綠色區域<b>選擇你偏好的</b>: 作業系統、語言及版本。";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_verify_text = "檢驗這些選項<b>仍然無法</b> 導引至可用的下載連結。";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_click_text = "點擊綠色方框下方的按鈕:";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_copy_text = "將選擇的表格資料複製至系統剪貼簿:";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_new_mail_text = "建立新郵件。";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_problem_text = "<b>撰寫問題描述</b> (無法正常運作的項目及期望的結果。).";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_details_text = "請加入<b>關於作業系統的細節</b>.";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_paste_text = "將複製的資料貼到信件尾端。";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_only_download_text = "請<b>限於寄送下載問題</b> 不要利用這裡回報無法安裝的問題。";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_no_install_text = "這個網頁無法協助解決安裝問題。";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_send_mail_text = "最後, <b>將郵件</b> 送給: ";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_mailing_list_text = "Apache OpenOffice 開發者通信論壇";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_mailing_list_title = "將報告發送到Apache OpenOffice開發者通信論壇";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_learn_more_text = "點這裡學習更多關於通信論壇的知識";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_learn_more_title = "深入瞭解通信論壇";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_answer_text = "一旦我們接到郵件並分析問題,我們會盡快回答。";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_thanks_text = "感謝你回報。";
// Analyze: Strings for the 3 buttons (used in "analyze.html").
l10n.dl_analyze_update_button_text = "點擊以更新表格";
l10n.dl_analyze_update_button_title = "將選擇的選項當成資料值放進下面的表格";
l10n.dl_analyze_select_button_text = "點擊以全選表格";
l10n.dl_analyze_select_button_title = "從下面的表格選擇所有資料";
l10n.dl_analyze_copy_button_text = "以[Ctrl] + [C]複製";
l10n.dl_analyze_copy_button_title = "透過[Ctrl] + [C] 將選擇的表格資料複製至系統剪貼簿";
// Analyze: Strings for the table (used in "analyze.html").
l10n.dl_analyze_table_browser_text = "瀏覽器變數";
l10n.dl_analyze_table_values_text = "值";
l10n.dl_analyze_table_yes_text = "是";
l10n.dl_analyze_table_no_text = "否";
l10n.dl_analyze_table_stable_release_text = "穩定發行版本";
l10n.dl_analyze_table_javascript_text = "JavaScript&nbsp;函式/變數";
// General: Links to webpage files that could be localized.
l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo419_link = "";
l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo418_link = "";
l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo417_link = "";
l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo416_link = "";
l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo415_link = "";
l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo414_link = "";
l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo413_link = "";
l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo412_link = "";
l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo411_link = "";
l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo410_link = "";
l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo401_link = "";
l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo400_link = "";
l10n.dl_help_link = "";
l10n.dl_checksum_link = "";
l10n.dl_report_link = "";
l10n.dl_porting_link = "";
l10n.dl_archive_link = "";
l10n.dl_aoo341_link = "";