blob: a98c9df113822158e0b836bb6f9ce722cdd44459 [file] [log] [blame]
/* first element: redir will redirect to contributing page, then to url, here
* will offer the download here and skip will directly go to the NL-page
* (nl-group has its own contributing page */
/* skip for all, since contributing-page doesn't redirect anymore... */
var languages = {
"ar": {"-": ['skip', 'Arabic', '']},
"eu": {"-": ['skip', 'Basque', '']},
"bn": {"-": ['skip', 'Bengali', '']},
"bg": {"-": ['skip', 'Bulgarian', '']},
"ca": {"-": ['skip', 'Catalan', '']},
"cs": {"-": ['skip', 'Cesky', '']},
"zh": {"-": ['skip', 'Chinese', '']},
"hr": {"-": ['skip', 'Croatian', '']},
"da": {"-": ['skip', 'Danish', '']},
"nl": {"-": ['skip', 'Dutch', '']},
"en": {"-": ['here', 'US English', ''],
"gb": ['skip', 'British English', ''],
"us": ['here', 'US English', '']},
"et": {"-": ['skip', 'Estonian', '']},
/*"fr": {"-": ['skip', 'French', '']}, */
"fr": {"-": ['here', 'French', '']},
"de": {"-": ['skip', 'German', '']},
"el": {"-": ['skip', 'Greek', '']},
"he": {"-": ['skip', 'Hebrew', '']},
"hi": {"-": ['skip', 'Hindi', '']},
"hu": {"-": ['skip', 'Hungarian', '']},
"it": {"-": ['skip', 'Italian', '']},
"ja": {"-": ['skip', 'Japanese', '']},
"km": {"-": ['skip', 'Khmer', '']},
"ko": {"-": ['skip', 'Korean', '']},
"lo": {"-": ['skip', 'Laotian', '']},
"mk": {"-": ['skip', 'Macedonian', '']},
"ms": {"-": ['skip', 'Malaysian', '']},
"no": {"-": ['skip', 'Norwegian', '']},
"pl": {"-": ['skip', 'Polish', '']},
"pt": {"-": ['skip', 'Português', ''],
"pt": ['skip', 'Português', ''],
"br": ['skip', 'Português do Brasil', '']},
"ro": {"-": ['skip', 'Romana', '']},
"ru": {"-": ['skip', 'Russian', '']},
"sr": {"-": ['skip', 'Serbian', '']},
"sk": {"-": ['skip', 'Slovak', '']},
"sl": {"-": ['skip', 'Slovenian', '']},
"fi": {"-": ['skip', 'Suomi', '']},
"es": {"-": ['skip', 'Spanish', '']},
"sv": {"-": ['skip', 'Swedish', '']},
"ta": {"-": ['skip', 'Tamil', '']},
"th": {"-": ['skip', 'Thai', '']},
"tr": {"-": ['skip', 'Turkish', '']},
"vi": {"-": ['skip', 'Vietnamese', '']},
"cy": {"-": ['skip', 'Welsh', '']}
function informNativeLanguage() {
var language = "";
if (navigator.language)
language = navigator.language;
else if (navigator.userLanguage)
language = navigator.userLanguage;
else if (navigator.systemLanguage)
language = navigator.systemLanguage;
// Convert "en" to "en-US" as well since en-US build is the canonical
// translation, and thus better tested.
if (language == "" || language == "en")
language = "fr";
// Konqueror uses '_' where other browsers use '-'.
if (language.indexOf("_") != -1) language = language.split("_").join("-");
language = language.toLowerCase();
var languageCode = language.split("-")[0];
var regionCode = language.split("-")[1];
thisLanguageSet = languages[languageCode];
// alert (languageCode + regionCode);
if (thisLanguageSet.length > 1) {
if (thisLanguageSet[regionCode] != null) {
thisLanguage = thisLanguageSet[regionCode];
else {
thisLanguage = thisLanguageSet["-"]
} else {
thisLanguage = thisLanguageSet["-"];
if (languageCode != "en" && regionCode != "us"){
document.writeln("You might be interested in the <a href=\""+thisLanguage[2]+"\">" + thisLanguage[1] + "</a> version.");
function writeJavaSelector() {
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//document.writeln("<label for=\"cbIncludeJRE\">Include the Java JRE with this download</label></p>");
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if (document.downloadSettings.cbIncludeJRE.checked == false) {
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} else {
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//we cannot assume that it is always right, and in order to prevent wjrewjrewjre&... this (should) solve(s) it...
anchorsToBouncer[i].href = anchorsToBouncer[i].href.replace("wjre&amp;lang=","&amp;lang=");
anchorsToBouncer[i].href = anchorsToBouncer[i].href.replace("wjre&lang=","&lang=");
//and now we add them :)
anchorsToBouncer[i].href = anchorsToBouncer[i].href.replace("&amp;lang=","wjre&amp;lang=");
anchorsToBouncer[i].href = anchorsToBouncer[i].href.replace("&lang=","wjre&lang=");
function continueToDownload(uri) {
//bonuscheck... noone gets hurt...
//if (document.downloadSettings.cbIncludeJRE.checked == false) {
// uri=uri.replace("wjre","");
// }
document.location = "about-downloads-contrib.html"+uri;
function openItem(itemid,uri) {
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var thisDocument = document.getElementById(itemid);
if (itemid=="optionitem1") {
var thisContent = document.getElementById("downloadextendedtext");
// expand the block = "block" = "default"
thisDocument.onclick = null;
} else {
// reset the input
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document.location = uri;
//return false;
function makeDownloadLIintoButtons() {
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if ("bouncer") > -1) {
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var myHref = this.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].href;
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