blob: 7e7af0b66374bb440d425d4dfd89abe963ea8696 [file] [log] [blame]
/* This file is to maintain text information that can be used on the download webpage via JavaScript when
* including this file.
* Instead of hard coded text in the green box please use these variables and translate it to your favorite language.
* Wrong: "Download Apache OpenOffice"
* Correct: l10n.dl_green_box_headline_text
// Object that contains all following variables.
var l10n = new Object();
// The following variables are used in the "index.html" file:
// Set a specific language ISO code to force to assemble a download link with a certain language.
DL.NL_LANG = "fr";
// General:
l10n.dl_headline_text = "Apache OpenOffice Download";
// Download: Strings in the green box (used in "index.html").
l10n.dl_green_box_headline_text = "Télécharger Apache OpenOffice";
l10n.dl_green_box_headline_title = "Téléchargez Apache OpenOffice pour votre système d'exploitation, votre langue et votre version préférés";
l10n.dl_green_box_subtext1_text = "Hébergé par - Un site de confiance";
l10n.dl_green_box_subtext1_title = "Les fichiers binaires Apache OpenOffice sont hébergés par - Un site Web de confiance";
l10n.dl_green_box_subtext2_text = "Sélectionnez votre système d'exploitation, votre langue et votre version préférés";
l10n.dl_green_box_subtext2_title = "Sélectionnez votre système d\'exploitation, votre langue et votre version préférés";
l10n.dl_green_box_selectbox_os_title = "Sélectionnez votre système d exploitation préféré";
l10n.dl_green_box_selectbox_lang_title = "Sélectionnez votre langue préférée";
l10n.dl_green_box_selectbox_ver_title = "Sélectionnez votre version préférée";
// The strings that will be shown in the OS, language and version drop-down select boxes.
// You must leave at least one single empty string (see the comment lines below the 3 following variables)!
/* l10n.dl_green_box_select_box_os_values = [ "" ]; */
l10n.dl_green_box_select_box_os_values = [ "" ];
/* l10n.dl_green_box_select_box_language_values = [ "" ]; */
l10n.dl_green_box_select_box_language_values = [ "" ];
/* l10n.dl_green_box_select_box_lang_values_custom = [ "" ]; */
// Value Visible text Tool tip
l10n.dl_green_box_select_box_lang_values_custom = [ "ast", "Asturian", "Asturianu",
"eu", "Basque", "Euskara",
"bg", "Bulgarian", "български език",
"ca", "Catalan", "Català",
"ca-XV", "Catalan [Valencia AVL]", "València (AVL)",
"ca-XR", "Catalan [Valencia RACV]", "València (RACV)",
"zh-CN", "Chinese [simplified]", "简体中文",
"zh-TW", "Chinese [traditional]", "正體中文",
"cs", "Czech", "Čeština",
"da", "Danish", "Dansk",
"nl", "Dutch", "Nederlands",
"en-GB", "English [British]", "English [British]",
"en-US", "English [US]", "English [US]",
"fi", "Finnish", "Suomi",
"fr", "Français", "Français",
"gl", "Galician", "Galego",
"de", "German", "Deutsch",
"el", "Greek", "ελληνικά",
"he", "Hebrew", "עברית",
"hi", "Hindi", "हिन्दी",
"hu", "Hungarian", "Magyar",
"it", "Italian", "Italiano",
"ja", "Japanese", "日本語",
"km", "Khmer", "ភាសាខ្មែរ",
"ko", "Korean", "한국어",
"lt", "Lithuanian", "Lietuvių",
"nb", "Norwegian [Bokmal]", "Norsk [Bokmål]",
"pl", "Polish", "Polski",
"pt-BR", "Portuguese [Brazilian]", "Português [do Brasil]",
"pt", "Portuguese [European]", "Português [Europeu]",
"ru", "Russian", "Русский",
"gd", "Scottish [Gaelic]", "Gàidhlig",
"sr", "Serbian [Cyrillic]", "Cрпски [ћирилицом]",
"sk", "Slovak", "Slovenský jazyk [slovenčina]",
"sl", "Slovenian", "Slovenski jezik [slovenščina]",
"es", "Spanish", "Español",
"sv", "Swedish", "Svenska",
"ta", "Tamil", "தமிழ்",
"th", "Thai", "ภาษาไทย",
"tr", "Turkish", "Türkçe",
"vi", "Vietnamese", "Tiếng Việt" ];
l10n.dl_green_box_select_box_version_values = [ "" ];
l10n.dl_green_box_select_box_version_older = "Older releases";
// Download: Strings in the sub-green box (used in "index.html").
// Not defined for now.
// Download: Strings in the yellow box (used in "index.html").
// Not defined for now.
// Download: Strings in the sub-yellow box (used in "index.html").
// Not defined for now.
// Get developers: Strings in the orange box (used in "index.html").
l10n.dl_getdev_orange_box_headline_text = "Aide requise";
l10n.dl_getdev_orange_box_headline_title = "Le projet Apache OpenOffice recherche des développeurs pour participer à l'expansion de ses activités";
l10n.dl_getdev_orange_box_text_text = "Êtes-vous un développeur de logiciels avec des compétences en C++ ? Avez-vous une expertise dans la construction de logiciels ? Êtes-vous un rédacteur technique expérimenté ? Êtes-vous compétent en anglais ? Vous aimez contribuer à des projets open source ? Rejoignez-nous pour aider Apache OpenOffice à prospérer.";
l10n.dl_getdev_orange_box_text_title = "Le projet Apache OpenOffice recherche des développeurs pour participer à l'expansion de ses activités";
l10n.dl_getdev_orange_box_text_href = "";
// Share: Strings in the light-blue box (used in "index.html").
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_headline_text = "Aidez à la diffusion";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_headline_title = "Aidez à faire passer le mot et parlez à vos amis d Apache OpenOffice";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_text_text = "Veuillez parler d'Apache OpenOffice à vos amis :";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_text_title = "Aidez à faire passer le mot et parlez à vos amis d Apache OpenOffice";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_blog_text = "Blog officiel";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_blog_title = "Weblog de OpenOffice";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_blog_src = "/images/logo-rss-32.png";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_blog_alt = "Weblog de OpenOffice";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_facebook_text = "Facebook";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_facebook_title = "Veuillez parler d Apache OpenOffice à vos amis via Facebook";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_facebook_src = "/images/logo-facebook-32.png";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_facebook_alt = "Share on Facebook";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_twitter_text = "Twitter";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_twitter_title = "Veuillez parler d Apache OpenOffice à vos amis via Twitter";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_twitter_src = "/images/logo-twitter-32.png";
l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_twitter_alt = "Partager sur Twitter";
// Extensions: Strings in the blue box (top) (used in "index.html").
l10n.dl_ext_blue_box_headline_text = "Obtenez les extensions et dictionnaires Apache OpenOffice";
l10n.dl_ext_blue_box_headline_title = "Choisissez parmi une large gamme de fonctionnalités supplémentaires et individuelles";
l10n.dl_ext_blue_box_text_text = "Étendez vos fonctionnalités Apache OpenOffice avec une bibliothèque importante et croissante d'extensions et de dictionnaires d'autres utilisateurs.";
l10n.dl_ext_blue_box_text_title = "Choisissez parmi une large gamme de fonctionnalités supplémentaires et individuelles";
l10n.dl_ext_blue_box_text_href = "";
// Templates: Strings in the blue box (bottom) (used in "index.html").
l10n.dl_tlp_blue_box_headline_text = "Obtenez des modèles Apache OpenOffice";
l10n.dl_tlp_blue_box_headline_title = "Choisissez parmi une large gamme de documents supplémentaires et individuels";
l10n.dl_tlp_blue_box_text_text = "Étendez votre créativité Apache OpenOffice avec une bibliothèque importante et croissante de modèles d'autres utilisateurs.";
l10n.dl_tlp_blue_box_text_title = "Choisissez parmi une large gamme de documents supplémentaires et individuels";
l10n.dl_tlp_blue_box_text_href = "";
// Strings in the navigation bar (used in "index.html").
// Release Information
l10n.dl_nav_headline_1_text = "Informations de version";
l10n.dl_nav_sysreq_text = "Configuration requise";
l10n.dl_nav_sysreq_title = "HDD: ~300MB free - Mémoire: >128MB - Processeur: >500MHz - OS: Windows, macOS (OS X), Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD...";
l10n.dl_nav_sysreq_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_license_text = "License";
l10n.dl_nav_license_title = "License Apache OpenOffice";
l10n.dl_nav_license_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_source_text = "Source";
l10n.dl_nav_source_title = "Pour les développeurs et les utilisateurs expérimentés : obtenez la source pour créer Apache OpenOffice à partir de zéro";
l10n.dl_nav_source_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_build_text = "Guide de construction";
l10n.dl_nav_build_title = "Pour les développeurs et les utilisateurs expérimentés : guide pratique pour créer Apache OpenOffice à partir de zéro";
l10n.dl_nav_build_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_sdk_text = "Software Development Kit SDK)";
l10n.dl_nav_sdk_title = "Pour les développeurs : Kit de développement logiciel";
l10n.dl_nav_sdk_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_devbuilds_text = "Development Builds";
l10n.dl_nav_devbuilds_title = "For QA volunteers: Development Builds";
l10n.dl_nav_devbuilds_href = "";
// Documentation
l10n.dl_nav_headline_2_text = "Documentation";
l10n.dl_nav_schedule_text = "Calendriers de publication";
l10n.dl_nav_schedule_title = "Quand les nouvelles versions sont-elles prévues ?";
l10n.dl_nav_schedule_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_hist_schedule_text = "Historique du calendrier de sortie";
l10n.dl_nav_hist_schedule_title = "Quand les anciennes versions étaient-elles prévues ?";
l10n.dl_nav_hist_schedule_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_inst_guide_text = "Guides d'Installation";
l10n.dl_nav_inst_guide_title = "Instructions d installation d Apache OpenOffice sur Windows, macOS (OS X) et Linux";
l10n.dl_nav_inst_guide_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_user_guide_text = "Guides de l'utilisateur";
l10n.dl_nav_user_guide_title = "Manuels d'utilisation complets pour une utilisation quotidienne";
l10n.dl_nav_user_guide_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_why_java_text = "Java et Apache OpenOffice";
l10n.dl_nav_why_java_title = "Explique ce qu'est Java et pourquoi l utiliser ";
l10n.dl_nav_why_java_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_eol_text = "Informations de fin de vie";
l10n.dl_nav_eol_title = "Informations sur les versions qui ont atteint le statut de fin de vie";
l10n.dl_nav_eol_href = "";
// Additional Resources
l10n.dl_nav_headline_3_text = "Ressources additionnelles";
l10n.dl_nav_support_text = "Support";
l10n.dl_nav_support_title = "Si les informations ci-dessus ne répondent pas à votre question : Support gratuit et payant !";
l10n.dl_nav_support_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_local_text = "Localisations (traductions)";
l10n.dl_nav_local_title = "Informations et assistance dans votre langue préférée";
l10n.dl_nav_local_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_stat_text = "Statistiques de téléchargements";
l10n.dl_nav_stat_title = "Téléchargement et autres statistiques";
l10n.dl_nav_stat_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_mirrors1_text = "Lien de téléchargement alternatif #1";
l10n.dl_nav_mirrors1_title = "Utiliser les miroirs SourceForge pour télécharger Apache OpenOffice";
l10n.dl_nav_mirrors1_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_mirrors2_text = "Lien de téléchargement alternatif #2";
l10n.dl_nav_mirrors2_title = "Utiliser les miroirs Apache pour télécharger Apache OpenOffice";
l10n.dl_nav_mirrors2_href = "" + DL.VERSION + "/binaries/";
l10n.dl_nav_porting_text = "Portagess et distributions tierce partie";
l10n.dl_nav_porting_title = "Portages et distributions de fournisseurs tierss";
l10n.dl_nav_porting_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_archive_text = "Versions archivées et héritées";
l10n.dl_nav_archive_title = "Download legacy and archived releases";
l10n.dl_nav_archive_href = "";
// List items in the navigation bar that are not used for now.
l10n.dl_nav_release_notes_text = "Release Notes";
l10n.dl_nav_release_notes_title = "What is new, what has been improved in Apache OpenOffice?";
l10n.dl_nav_release_notes_href = "";
l10n.dl_nav_checksum_text = "Verify the downloaded file";
l10n.dl_nav_checksum_title = "How to verify the downloaded file with signatures and hashes?";
l10n.dl_nav_checksum_href = "";
// Strings for the logo graphics.
l10n.dl_img_sourceforge_title = "SourceForge - Téléchargez, développez et publiez des logiciels open source gratuits";
l10n.dl_img_sourceforge_href = "";
l10n.dl_img_sourceforge_src = "/images/sourceforge.png";
l10n.dl_img_sourceforge_alt = "SourceForge";
l10n.dl_img_w3c_title = "Service de validation de balisage W3C - Vérifie le balisage (HTML, XHTML, ...) des documents Web" ;
l10n.dl_img_w3c_href = "";
l10n.dl_img_w3c_src = "/images/valid-xhtml10-blue.png";
l10n.dl_img_w3c_alt = "W3C Validator";
// The following variables are used in the "download.js" file:
// Download: Strings in the green box (used in "download.js").
l10n.dl_full_link_text = "Télécharger installation complète";
l10n.dl_full_link_title = "Cliquez pour télécharger : ";
l10n.dl_langpack_link_text = "Télécharger le pack de langue";
l10n.dl_langpack_link_title = "Cliquez pour télécharger : ";
l10n.dl_platform_info_text = "Conseils importants pour ";
l10n.dl_platform_info_title = "Cliquez ici pour obtenir des conseils importants pour ";
l10n.dl_platform_info_link = "platform_hints.html";
l10n.dl_platform_info_headline = "Apache OpenOffice - Conseils importants pour la plateforme choisie";
l10n.dl_platform_info_win_headline = "Windows";
l10n.dl_platform_info_win_text = "<h5> 32-bit, 64-bit and Java - Que choisir? </h5> <p> Pour le moment, nous proposons une version 32 bits (x86) pour Windows. Cependant, il s'installe et s'exécute également sur Windows 64 bits (x86-64). Veuillez noter que vous pouvez avoir besoin de Java en 32 bits pour des fonctionnalités supplémentaires qui ne doivent alors être sélectionnées qu'une seule fois (voir menu 'Outils - Options - OpenOffice - Java'). <br /><br /> Pour plus d'informations sur OpenOffice et Java, veuillez consulter : <a target='_blank' href=></a>.</p>";
l10n.dl_platform_info_mac_headline = "macOS";
l10n.dl_platform_info_mac_text = "<h5> Bientôt disponible </h5>";
l10n.dl_platform_info_linux_headline = "Linux";
l10n.dl_platform_info_linux_text = "<h5> RPM vs. DEB - What to choose? </h5> <p> RPM is used in: <br/> CentOS, Fedora, Mageia, Mandriva, MeeGo, openSUSE, Oracle Linux, PCLinuxOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Sailfish OS, Scientific Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server <br /><br /> DEB is used in: <br/> Debian, Kanotix, Knoppix, Kubuntu, Linux Mint, Lubuntu, Ubuntu, Xubuntu </p> <h5> Installation instructions </h5> <p>For installation instruction please see here: <a target='_blank' href=></a>.</p>";
l10n.dl_full_link_porting_text = "Porting: Click to choose from 3rd party vendors";
l10n.dl_full_link_porting_title = "Click to browse to the porting webpage and download from 3rd party vendors";
l10n.dl_full_link_archive_text = "Archive: Click to choose from legacy releases";
l10n.dl_full_link_archive_title = "Click to browse to the archive and download legacy releases";
// Download: Strings in the sub-green box (used in "download.js").
l10n.dl_rel_info_headline_text = "Version : ";
l10n.dl_rel_info_milestone_text = "Milestone ";
l10n.dl_rel_info_buildid_text = "Build ID ";
l10n.dl_rel_info_svn_text = "SVN "
l10n.dl_rel_info_rel_date_text = "Publié ";
l10n.dl_rel_notes_text = "Notes de version";
l10n.dl_rel_notes_title = "Notes de version pour Apache OpenOffice ";
l10n.dl_headline_full_text = "Installation complète: ";
l10n.dl_headline_langpack_text = "Pack de langue: ";
l10n.dl_filesize_text = "Taille fichier ~ ";
l10n.dl_megabyte_text = " MByte";
l10n.dl_checksum_headline_text = "Signatures et hachages: ";
l10n.dl_checksum_keys_text = "KEYS";
l10n.dl_checksum_keys_title = "KEYS signature file";
l10n.dl_checksum_asc_text = "ASC";
l10n.dl_checksum_asc_title = "ASC signature for: ";
l10n.dl_checksum_md5_text = "MD5";
l10n.dl_checksum_md5_title = "MD5 hash for: ";
l10n.dl_checksum_sha256_text = "SHA256";
l10n.dl_checksum_sha256_title = "SHA256 hash for: ";
l10n.dl_checksum_sha512_text = "SHA512";
l10n.dl_checksum_sha512_title = "SHA512 hash for: ";
l10n.dl_help_img_title = "Quelle est la différence entre l'installation complète et le pack de langue?";
l10n.dl_help_img_src = "/download/cachedimages/help-information-icon.png";
l10n.dl_help_img_alt = "Informations sur l'installation";
l10n.dl_help_text = "Qu'est-ce qu'un pack de langue?";
l10n.dl_help_title = "Quelle est la différence entre l'installation complète et le pack de langue?";
l10n.dl_checksum_img_title = "Comment vérifier le fichier téléchargé avec des sommes de contrôle?";
l10n.dl_checksum_img_src = "/download/cachedimages/help-information-icon.png";
l10n.dl_checksum_img_alt = "Vérifier la somme de contrôle ";
l10n.dl_checksum_text = "Comment vérifier le téléchargement?";
l10n.dl_checksum_title = "How to verify the downloaded file with checksums?";
l10n.dl_report_img_title = "Broken download link? Click here to report.";
l10n.dl_report_img_src = "/download/cachedimages/help-report-broken-link-icon.png";
l10n.dl_report_img_alt = "Lien brisé";
l10n.dl_report_text = "Signaler un lien rompu";
l10n.dl_report_title = "Lien de téléchargement rompu ? Cliquez ici pour signaler.";
// Download: Strings for error text in the sub-red box (used in "download.js").
l10n.dl_full_link_error_text = "No full installation available";
l10n.dl_full_link_error_title = "Please select another language, platform or version.";
l10n.dl_langpack_link_error_text = "No language pack available";
l10n.dl_langpack_link_error_title = "Please select another language, platform or version.";
l10n.dl_error_problem_img_title = "The selected download file is not available";
l10n.dl_error_problem_img_src = "/download/cachedimages/exclamation-icon.png";
l10n.dl_error_problem_img_alt = "Error text";
l10n.dl_error_problem_text = "Problem: ";
l10n.dl_error_solution_text = "Solution: ";
l10n.dl_error_aoo_text = "Apache OpenOffice ";
l10n.dl_error_not_available_for_text = " is not available for ";
l10n.dl_error_please_select_1_text = "Please select version 4.0.1.";
l10n.dl_error_please_select_2_text = "Please select version 4.1.0 or newer.";
l10n.dl_error_please_select_3_text = "Please select a download for Windows, macOS (OS&nbsp;X) or Linux.";
l10n.dl_error_please_select_4_text = "Please select another language or version.";
l10n.dl_unknown_platform_text = "unknown operating system / platform";
// Download: Strings with customized error text in the sub-red box (used in "download.js").
// Can be used when the default text in the variables above cannot be translated correctly.
l10n.dl_error_custom_1_text = "";
l10n.dl_error_custom_2_text = "";
l10n.dl_error_custom_3_text = "";
l10n.dl_error_custom_4_text = "";
// The following variables are used in the "analyze.html" file:
// Analyze: Strings for the instruction text (used in "analyze.html").
l10n.dl_analyze_headline_text = "How to report a broken download link?";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_select_text = "<b>Select your favorites</b>: Operating system, language and version in the green box below.";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_verify_text = "Verify that these options <b>still do not</b> lead to valid download links.";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_click_text = "Click on the button below the green box: ";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_copy_text = "Copy the selected table data into the clipboard: ";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_new_mail_text = "Create a new mail.";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_problem_text = "<b>Write a problem description</b> (what does not work and what do you expect).";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_details_text = "Please also add <b>details about the used operating system</b>.";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_paste_text = "Paste the copied data at the end of the mail.";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_only_download_text = "Please <b>send the mail only in case of download problems</b> and not if you cannot install.";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_no_install_text = "This webpage cannot help at all with installation problems.";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_send_mail_text = "Finally, <b>send the mail</b> to the: ";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_mailing_list_text = "Apache OpenOffice Development Mailing List";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_mailing_list_title = "Send the report to the Apache OpenOffice developers mailing list";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_learn_more_text = "Click here to learn more about what a mailing list is";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_learn_more_title = "Learn more about what a mailing list is";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_answer_text = "We will try to answer as soon as we get the mail and the problem analyzed.";
l10n.dl_analyze_instruction_thanks_text = "Thank you for your report.";
// Analyze: Strings for the 3 buttons (used in "analyze.html").
l10n.dl_analyze_update_button_text = "Click to update the table";
l10n.dl_analyze_update_button_title = "Put the selected options as values into the table below";
l10n.dl_analyze_select_button_text = "Click to select the table";
l10n.dl_analyze_select_button_title = "Select all data in the table below";
l10n.dl_analyze_copy_button_text = "Copy with [Ctrl]+[C] / [&#8984;]+[C]";
l10n.dl_analyze_copy_button_title = "Copy the selected table data via [ Ctrl ] + [ C ] or [ &#8984; ] + [ C ] into the clipboard";
// Analyze: Strings for the table (used in "analyze.html").
l10n.dl_analyze_table_problem_text1 = "Problem description";
l10n.dl_analyze_table_problem_text2 = "Exchange this text to describe the problem <br /><br />(What does not work? What do you expect?)";
l10n.dl_analyze_table_browser_text = "Browser variables";
l10n.dl_analyze_table_values_text = "Values";
l10n.dl_analyze_table_yes_text = "Yes";
l10n.dl_analyze_table_no_text = "No";
l10n.dl_analyze_table_stable_release_text = "Stable Release";
l10n.dl_analyze_table_javascript_text = "JavaScript&nbsp;functions/variables";
// General: Links to webpage files that could be localized.
l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo4113_link = "";
l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo4112_link = "";
l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo4111_link = "";
l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo4110_link = "";
l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo419_link = "";
l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo418_link = "";
l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo417_link = "";
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