blob: 17a612bf9d367a5b4b5a5e710876c745590318d3 [file] [log] [blame]
/* first element: redir will redirect to contributing page, then to url,
"here" will offer the download here and "skip" will directly go to the NL-webpage
if NL-group has its own contributing webpage and want to use it */
/* skip for all, since contributing-page doesn't redirect anymore ...
v1: ISO-short with array of 'skip/here' (old, not used),
v2: language name in en-US,
v3: link to native-lang-page,
v4: flag indicating if builds with JRE are available,
v5: flag for mirrorsystem usage ('y' to use Mirrorbrain and 'n' to use the NL-webpage),
v6: flag for mirrorsystem for MAC ( only in combination with previous flag! ) */
/* v1 , v2 , v3 , v4, v5, v6 */
var languages = {
"en": {"-": ['here', 'English (US)', '','n','y','y'],
"us": ['here', 'English (US)', '','n','y','y']}