blob: 9d93702813208897080f6a1894b528d5b08476ea [file] [log] [blame]
* get array for language
function getArray() {
if (navigator.language)
language = navigator.language;
else if (navigator.userLanguage)
language = navigator.userLanguage;
else if (navigator.systemLanguage)
language = navigator.systemLanguage;
// Convert "en" to "en-US" as well since en-US build is the canonical
// translation, and thus better tested.
if (language == "" || language == "null" || language == "en") language = "en-US";
// Konqueror uses '_' where other browsers use '-'.
if (language.indexOf("_") != -1) {
language = language.split("_").join("-");
language = language.toLowerCase();
var languageCode = language.split("-")[0];
var regionCode = language.split("-")[1];
var thisLanguageSet = languages[languageCode];
if ( thisLanguageSet == null ) {
// language code not found inside array
languageCode = "en";
regionCode = "us";
thisLanguageSet = languages[languageCode];
if ( regionCode != null ) {
// found additional region code
if (thisLanguageSet[regionCode] != null) {
// choose langCode-regionCode
thisLanguage = thisLanguageSet[regionCode];
} else {
// choose default
thisLanguage = thisLanguageSet["-"];
if ( languageCode == "en" ) {
// special case, default is en-US for en-XX
regionCode = "us";
thisLanguageSet = languages[languageCode];
thisLanguage = thisLanguageSet[regionCode];
} else {
// choose default for none given region code
thisLanguage = thisLanguageSet["-"];
return thisLanguage;
* get language for user-language
function getLanguage() {
var a = getArray();
return a[1];
* get language for user-language in ISO format
function getLanguageISO() {
if (navigator.language)
language = navigator.language;
else if (navigator.userLanguage)
language = navigator.userLanguage;
else if (navigator.systemLanguage)
language = navigator.systemLanguage;
// Convert "en" to "en-US" as well since en-US build is the canonical
// translation, and thus better tested.
if (language == "" || language == "null" || language == "en") language = "en-US";
if (language == "pt") language = "pt-PT";
// Konqueror uses '_' where other browsers use '-'.
if (language.indexOf("_") != -1) language = language.split("_").join("-");
language = language.toLowerCase();
var languageCode = language.split("-")[0];
var regionCode = language.split("-")[1];
var thisLanguageSet = languages[languageCode];
if ( thisLanguageSet == null ) {
return "en-US";
} else if ( regionCode != null ) {
if ( regionCode == "pt" && languageCode == "pt" ) {
// fix for Port. pt-PT downloads named only pt without region code!
return languageCode;
if (thisLanguageSet[regionCode] != null) {
// choose langCode-regionCode
return languageCode + "-" + regionCode.toUpperCase();
} else {
// choose default
if ( languageCode == "en" ) {
// special case, default is en-US for en-XX
return "en-US";
} else
return languageCode;
} else {
// choose default
return languageCode;
* get flag for mirror link
* was old bouncer flag
* depends on array-list
function hasMirrorLink() {
var a = getArray();
var platform = getPlatform();
if ( a[4] == 'y' ) {
// special handling for MAC, links in combination with general flag a[4]
if ( platform.indexOf( "Mac" ) == -1 || a[5] == 'y' ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
* get link
* depends on array-list
function getLink( version ) {
return bouncer_getLink( version );
* get link
* depends on array-list
function getLink( version, mirror ) {
if ( null != mirror ) {
return bouncer_getLink( version, mirror, "old" );
* get link
* depends on array-list and download-set nameschema
function getLink( version, mirror, schema ) {
if ( null != mirror ) {
if ( mirror.indexOf( "bouncer" ) > -1 ) {
return bouncer_getLink( version );
} else if ( mirror.indexOf( "mirrorbrain" ) > -1 ) {
return mirrorbrain_getLink( version, schema );
} else if ( mirror.indexOf( "sourceforge" ) > -1 ) {
return sourceforge_getLink( version, schema );
} else {
return bouncer_getLink( version );
* get platform of browser
* independant from mirror-system
function getPlatform() {
if ( navigator.platform != null ) {
if ( navigator.platform.indexOf( "Win32" ) != -1 ) {
return "Windows";
} else if ( navigator.platform.indexOf( "Win64" ) != -1 ) {
return "Windows";
} else if ( navigator.platform.indexOf( "Win" ) != -1 ) {
return "Windows";
} else if ( navigator.platform.indexOf( "Linux" ) != -1 ) {
if ( navigator.platform.indexOf( "64" ) != -1 ) {
if ( navigator.userAgent != null ) {
if ( navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf( "debian" ) != -1 ||
navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf( "ubuntu" ) != -1 ) {
return "Linux Debian 64-bit";
} else {
return "Linux 64-bit";
} else {
return "Linux 64-bit";
} else {
if ( navigator.userAgent != null ) {
if ( navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf( "debian" ) != -1 ||
navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf( "ubuntu" ) != -1 ) {
return "Linux Debian";
} else {
return "Linux";
} else {
return "Linux";
} else if ( navigator.platform.indexOf( "SunOS i86pc" ) != -1 ) {
return "Solaris x86";
} else if ( navigator.platform.indexOf( "SunOS sun4u" ) != -1 ) {
return "Solaris SPARC";
} else if ( navigator.platform.indexOf( "SunOS" ) != -1 ) {
return "Solaris SPARC";
} else if ( navigator.platform.indexOf( "Mac" ) != -1 && navigator.platform.indexOf( "Intel" ) != -1 ) {
return "Mac OS Intel";
} else if ( navigator.platform.indexOf( "Mac" ) != -1 && navigator.platform.indexOf( "PPC" ) != -1 ) {
return "Mac OS PPC";
} else if ( navigator.platform.indexOf( "Mac" ) != -1 ) {
return "Mac OS Intel" ;
} else if ( navigator.platform.indexOf( "iPad" ) != -1 || navigator.platform.indexOf( "iPhone" ) != -1 ||
navigator.platform.indexOf( "iPod" ) != -1 ) {
// this code will redirect the iPad, iPhone and iPod entries
return "Mac OS Intel" ;
} else if ( navigator.platform.indexOf( "Series60" ) != -1 ) {
// this code will redirect the Series60 entries
return "Windows" ;
} else if ( navigator.platform.indexOf( "null" ) != -1 ) {
return "Windows" ;
} else {
// return platform name
return navigator.platform;
return "Windows";
* get platform for bouncer-link
* must be changed
function getPlatformForMirror() {
return bouncer_getPlatformForMirror();
* deprecated
* must be changed
function getPlatformForBouncer() {
return getPlatformForMirror();
* get tupel for tracking
function getTupel( href ) {
if ( href.indexOf( "?" ) > 0 && href.indexOf( MIRROR_BOUNCER_URL ) > -1 ) {
return bouncer_getTupel( href );
} else if ( href.indexOf( MIRROR_MIRRORBRAIN_URL + "files/" ) > -1 ) {
return mirrorbrain_getTupel( href );
return "";
* get product name for tracking
function getProduct( href ) {
var retVal = "";
if ( href.indexOf( "?" ) > 0 && href.indexOf( MIRROR_BOUNCER_URL ) > -1 ) {
return bouncer_getProduct( href );
} else if ( href.indexOf( MIRROR_MIRRORBRAIN_URL + "files/" ) > -1 ) {
return mirrorbrain_getProduct( href );
return retVal;
* get language code for tracking
function getLang( href ) {
var retVal = "";
if ( href.indexOf( "?" ) > 0 && href.indexOf( MIRROR_BOUNCER_URL ) > -1 ) {
return bouncer_getLang( href );
} else if ( href.indexOf( MIRROR_MIRRORBRAIN_URL + "files/" ) > -1 ) {
return mirrorbrain_getLang( href );
return retVal;
* get os for tracking
function getOS( href ) {
var retVal = "";
if ( href.indexOf( "?" ) > 0 && href.indexOf( MIRROR_BOUNCER_URL ) > -1 ) {
return bouncer_getOS( href );
} else if ( href.indexOf( MIRROR_MIRRORBRAIN_URL + "files/" ) > -1 ) {
return mirrorbrain_getOS( href );
return retVal;
* get version for tracking
function getVersion( href ) {
var retVal = "";
if ( href.indexOf( "?" ) > 0 && href.indexOf( MIRROR_BOUNCER_URL ) > -1 ) {
return bouncer_getVersion( href );
} else if ( href.indexOf( MIRROR_MIRRORBRAIN_URL + "files/" ) > -1 ) {
return mirrorbrain_getVersion( href );
return retVal;
* this function is used on the "" website
function writeJavaSelector() {
document.write( "<form action=\"\" method=\"\" name=\"downloadSettings\">" );
document.write( "<input type=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"updateHREFs()\" checked=\"checked\" name=\"cbIncludeJRE\" id=\"cbIncludeJRE\">&nbsp;" );
//document.write( "<label for=\"cbIncludeJRE\">Include the JRE to the download (this option is not available for Linux 32/64-bit Debian and Mac OS).</label></input>" );
document.write( "Include the JRE to the download (switching is only available for Windows and Linux 32-bit RPM full installation sets).</input>" );
document.write( "<br/>" );
document.write( "</form>" );
* this function is used on the "" website
function writeJavaSelectorRC() {
document.write( "<form action=\"\" method=\"\" name=\"downloadSettings\">" );
document.write( "<input type=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"updateHREFs()\" checked=\"checked\" name=\"cbIncludeJRE\" id=\"cbIncludeJRE\">&nbsp;" );
//document.write( "<label for=\"cbIncludeJRE\">Include the JRE to the download (this option is not available for Linux 32/64-bit Debian and Mac OS).</label></input>" );
document.write( "Include the JRE to the download (switching is only available for Windows and Linux 32-bit RPM full installation sets).</input>" );
document.write( "<br/>" );
document.write( "</form>" );
function updateHREFs() {
var qabuildsul = document.getElementById("qabuilds");
var anchorsToMirror = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
if (document.downloadSettings.cbIncludeJRE.checked == false) {
for (var i = 0; i < anchorsToMirror.length; i++) {
if ( anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "os=linuxinteldeb" ) == -1
&& anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "os=macosx" ) == -1
) {
if ( anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "?" ) > 0 && anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( MIRROR_BOUNCER_URL ) > -1 ) {
anchorsToMirror[i].href = anchorsToMirror[i].href.replace("wjre&amp;lang=","&amp;lang=");
anchorsToMirror[i].href = anchorsToMirror[i].href.replace("wjre&lang=","&lang=");
} else if ( anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( MIRROR_MIRRORBRAIN_URL + "files/" ) > -1 ) {
if ( anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "_install-" ) > -1 ||
( anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "_install_" ) > -1 &&
( anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "_Linux_" ) > -1 || anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "_MacOS_" ) > -1 ||
anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "_Win_" ) > -1 ) ) ) {
// new schema
anchorsToMirror[i].href = anchorsToMirror[i].href.replace("-wJRE_","_");
} else {
// old schema
anchorsToMirror[i].href = anchorsToMirror[i].href.replace("install_wJRE_","install_");
} else {
anchorsToMirror[i].href = anchorsToMirror[i].href.replace("wjre&amp;lang=","&amp;lang=");
anchorsToMirror[i].href = anchorsToMirror[i].href.replace("wjre&lang=","&lang=");
if ( anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "_Linux_x86-64_install-rpm_" ) > -1 || anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "_Solaris_" ) > -1) {
// do not include Linux x86-64 RPM, Solaris in the JRE switching as only wJRE builds are available
anchorsToMirror[i].href = anchorsToMirror[i].href.replace("_install-rpm_","_install-rpm-wJRE_");
anchorsToMirror[i].href = anchorsToMirror[i].href.replace("_install_","_install-wJRE_");
if ( anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "OOo-SDK_" ) > -1 ) {
// do not include SDK in the JRE switching as only non-JRE builds are available
anchorsToMirror[i].href = anchorsToMirror[i].href.replace("_install-wJRE_","_install_");
anchorsToMirror[i].href = anchorsToMirror[i].href.replace("_install-rpm-wJRE_","_install-rpm_");
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < anchorsToMirror.length; i++) {
if ( anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "os=linuxinteldeb" ) == -1
&& anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "os=macosx" ) == -1
) {
if ( anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "?" ) > 0 && anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( MIRROR_BOUNCER_URL ) > -1 ) {
// we cannot assume that it is always right, and in order to prevent wjrewjrewjre&... this (should) solve(s) it...
anchorsToMirror[i].href = anchorsToMirror[i].href.replace("wjre&amp;lang=","&amp;lang=");
anchorsToMirror[i].href = anchorsToMirror[i].href.replace("wjre&lang=","&lang=");
// and now we add them :)
anchorsToMirror[i].href = anchorsToMirror[i].href.replace("&amp;lang=","wjre&amp;lang=");
anchorsToMirror[i].href = anchorsToMirror[i].href.replace("&lang=","wjre&lang=");
} else if ( anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( MIRROR_MIRRORBRAIN_URL + "files/" ) > -1 ) {
if ( anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "_install" ) > -1 &&
( anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "_MacOS" ) > -1 || anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "_deb" ) > -1 ||
anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "_HPPA" ) > -1 || anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "_IA64" ) > -1 ||
anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "_PPC" ) > -1 || anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "_S390X" ) > -1 ||
anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "OOo-SDK_" ) > -1 ) ) {
// do nothing for MAC, _deb, Linux HPPA, IA64, PPC, S390X and OOo-SDK
} else if ( anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "_install-" ) > -1 || (
anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "_install_" ) > -1 && (
anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "_Linux_" ) > -1 || anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "_Win_" ) > -1 ||
anchorsToMirror[i].href.indexOf( "_Solaris_" ) > -1
) ) {
// new schema
anchorsToMirror[i].href = anchorsToMirror[i].href.replace("_install_","_install-wJRE_");
anchorsToMirror[i].href = anchorsToMirror[i].href.replace("_install-rpm_","_install-rpm-wJRE_");
} else {
// old schema
anchorsToMirror[i].href = anchorsToMirror[i].href.replace("install_wJRE_","install_");
anchorsToMirror[i].href = anchorsToMirror[i].href.replace("install_","install_wJRE_");
} else {
// we cannot assume that it is always right, and in order to prevent wjrewjrewjre&... this (should) solve(s) it...
anchorsToMirror[i].href = anchorsToMirror[i].href.replace("wjre&amp;lang=","&amp;lang=");
anchorsToMirror[i].href = anchorsToMirror[i].href.replace("wjre&lang=","&lang=");
// and now we add them :)
anchorsToMirror[i].href = anchorsToMirror[i].href.replace("&amp;lang=","wjre&amp;lang=");
anchorsToMirror[i].href = anchorsToMirror[i].href.replace("&lang=","wjre&lang=");
function continueToDownload( uri ) {
uri = uri.replace( MIRROR_BOUNCER_URL, "" );
// bonuscheck... noone gets hurt...
if (document.downloadSettings.cbIncludeJRE.checked == false) {
uri = uri.replace("wjre","");
document.location = "" + uri; //absolute to for use at other subdomains
function continueToDownloadTwo( uri ) {
uri = uri.replace("","");
// bonuscheck... noone gets hurt...
if (document.downloadSettings.cbIncludeJRE.checked == false) {
uri = uri.replace("wjre","");
document.location = "" + uri;
function openItem( itemid, uri ) {
var thisDocument = document.getElementById("downloadextendedtext");
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if ( ( itemid=="optionitem1" || itemid=="optionitem5" || itemid=="optionitem6" || itemid=="optionitem7" || itemid=="optionitem8" ) && uri.indexOf( MIRROR_BOUNCER_URL ) > -1 ) {
uri = uri.replace( MIRROR_BOUNCER_URL + "?","");
uri = "" + escape( uri );
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uri = uri.replace( MIRROR_MIRRORBRAIN_URL, "");
uri = "" + escape( uri );
document.location = uri;
// start( uri );
function makeDownloadLIintoButtons() {
var downloadextendedtext = document.getElementById( "downloadextendedtext" );
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liItems[i].onclick = function () {
var myHref = this.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].href;
return false;
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liItems[i].onclick = function () {
var myHref = this.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].href;
document.location = myHref;
return false;
liItems[i].style.cursor = "pointer";
function start( uri ) {
alert( 'Go to ' + uri );
function doLoad( uri ) {
// the timeout value should be the same as in the "refresh" meta-tag
setTimeout( "download('" + uri + "')", 2*1000 );
function download( uri ) {
// starting the download
window.location.href = uri;
function startDownload() {
var s =;
i = s.indexOf( "download=" );
if ( i > -1 ) {
if ( s.indexOf( "download=bouncer" ) > -1 ) {
uri = unescape( s.split( "download=bouncer" )[1] );
uri = MIRROR_BOUNCER_URL + "?" + uri;
} else if ( s.indexOf( "download=mirrorbrain&" ) > -1 ) {
uri = unescape( s.split( "download=mirrorbrain&" )[1] );
s_linkType = "d";
s_linkTrackVars = "events,products,eVar3,eVar8,prop19,prop20,prop21";
s_linkTrackEvents = "event7";
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s_linkName = "ooo:" + getTupel( uri );
s_products = "Downloaded Products;" + getProduct( uri ) + " Download";
s_eVar8 = getTupel( uri );
s_prop19 = getOS( uri );
s_prop20 = getLang( uri );
s_prop21 = getVersion( uri );
if ( uri != null ) {
document.write( "Starting download from <a onClick='s_lnk=s_co(this);s_gs(s_account);' href='" + uri + "'>" + uri + "</a>." );
doLoad( uri );
// document.location = uri;
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