blob: cba234abb5329a61f193b0d124814517c2c23b12 [file] [log] [blame]
import org.apache.mahout.classifier.sgd.PassiveAggressive;
import org.apache.mahout.math.RandomAccessSparseVector;
import org.apache.mahout.math.Vector;
import org.apache.mahout.vectorizer.encoders.StaticWordValueEncoder;
public class SimpleTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Prepare data in vector format ...
// The basic idea is that you create a vector, typically a RandomAccessSparseVector,
// and then you use various feature encoders to progressively add features to that vector.
// The size of the vector should be large enough to avoid feature collisions as features are hashed.
// NOTE: Looks like we need to store the cardinality of the vector in the model ?!
StaticWordValueEncoder encoder = new StaticWordValueEncoder("word-encoder");
RandomAccessSparseVector vector1 = new RandomAccessSparseVector(3);
vector1.set(0, 1);
vector1.set(1, 0);
vector1.set(2, 1);
// encoder.addToVector("f1", vector1);
// encoder.addToVector("f", vector1);
RandomAccessSparseVector vector2 = new RandomAccessSparseVector(3);
vector2.set(0, 0);
vector2.set(1, 1);
vector2.set(2, 1);
// encoder.addToVector("f2", vector2);
// encoder.addToVector("f", vector2);
// do the training
PassiveAggressive pa = new PassiveAggressive(2, 3);
pa.train(0, vector1);
pa.train(1, vector2);
RandomAccessSparseVector vector = new RandomAccessSparseVector(pa.numFeatures());
vector.set(0, 1);
vector.set(1, 0);
vector.set(2, 1);
Vector result = pa.classifyFull(vector);