blob: cfa560bd42b7251785901232588db89df4329cc4 [file] [log] [blame]
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<cas:Sofa xmi:id="1" sofaNum="1" sofaID="_InitialView" mimeType="text" sofaString="Ratko Mladić said to be too ill to face trial&#10;&#10;Ratko Mladić, a former Bosnian Serb general, is allegedly too ill to&#10;face trial for war crimes. According to his lawyer, 69-year-old Mladić&#10;will not survive to see the start of proceedings.&#10;&#10;Concerns for the health of Mladić come despite a Serbian judge having&#10;ruled him fit for extradition to the UN war crimes tribunal in The Hague&#10;only last Friday, a ruling which his lawyer seeks to appeal.&#10;&#10;“It was impossible to have a coherent conversation with him or to talk&#10;of his defence,” said lawyer Milos Saljic, after meeting with Mladić on Sunday.&#10;&#10;Serbian deputy war crimes prosecutor Bruno Vekaric believes Mladić is&#10;using his illness in an attempt to delay his extradition.&#10;&#10;“He's a man who has not taken care of his health for a while, but not&#10;to the point that he cannot stand trial,&quot; says Vekaric. &quot;According to&#10;doctors, he doesn't need hospitalisation.&quot;&#10;&#10;Chief prosecutor Vladimir Vukcevic echoed these sentiments, stating&#10;that Mladić was both well enough to make the two-hour flight to the&#10;Netherlands and is conscious of the charges against him, despite claims&#10;from family members that the former general is not lucid.&#10;&#10;Mladić’s son, Darko Mladić, is calling for his father’s health to be&#10;reviewed by independent experts. Mladić has reportedly suffered three&#10;strokes, the last in 2008, resulting in the partial paralysis of his&#10;right side. His family has expressed concerns he will not receive&#10;adequate treatment in The Hague.&#10;&#10;Mladić is being indicted for crimes against humanity, war crimes&#10;and genocide, notably the Srebrenica massacre during the Bosnian war.&#10;"/>
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