blob: b7bf33cd5d4933ffa9184dbdc0751dfeb731a6c5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.opennlp.utils.classification;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
* C = argmax( P(d|c) * P(c) )
* where P(d|c) is called: likelihood
* and P(c) is called: prior - we can count relative frequencies in a corpus
* and d is a vector of features
* <p/>
* we assume:
* 1. bag of words assumption: positions don't matter
* 2. conditional independence: the feature probabilities are independent given a class
* <p/>
* thus P(d|c) == P(x1,..,xn|c) == P(x1|c)*...P(xn|c)
public class SimpleNaiveBayesClassifier implements NaiveBayesClassifier<String, String> {
private static final String UNKNOWN_WORD_TOKEN = "_unk_word_";
private Collection<String> vocabulary; // the bag of all the words in the corpus
private final Map<String, String> docsWithClass; // this is the trained corpus holding a the doc as a key and the class as a value
private Map<String, String> classMegaDocMap; // key is the class, value is the megadoc
// private Map<String, String> preComputedWordClasses; // the key is the word, the value is its likelihood
private Map<String, Double> priors;
public SimpleNaiveBayesClassifier(Map<String, String> trainedCorpus) {
this.docsWithClass = trainedCorpus;
// preComputeWordClasses();
private void preComputePriors() {
priors = new HashMap<String, Double>();
for (String cl : classMegaDocMap.keySet()) {
priors.put(cl, calculatePrior(cl));
// private void preComputeWordClasses() {
// Set<String> uniqueWordsVocabulary = new HashSet<String>(vocabulary);
// for (String d : docsWithClass.keySet()) {
// calculateClass(d);
// }
// }
private void createMegaDocs() {
classMegaDocMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
Map<String, StringBuilder> mockClassMegaDocMap = new HashMap<String, StringBuilder>();
for (String doc : docsWithClass.keySet()) {
String cl = docsWithClass.get(doc);
StringBuilder megaDoc = mockClassMegaDocMap.get(cl);
if (megaDoc == null) {
megaDoc = new StringBuilder();
mockClassMegaDocMap.put(cl, megaDoc);
} else {
mockClassMegaDocMap.put(cl, megaDoc.append(" ").append(doc));
for (String cl : mockClassMegaDocMap.keySet()) {
classMegaDocMap.put(cl, mockClassMegaDocMap.get(cl).toString());
private void createVocabulary() {
vocabulary = new LinkedList<String>();
for (String doc : docsWithClass.keySet()) {
String[] split = tokenizeDoc(doc);
private String[] tokenizeDoc(String doc) {
// TODO : this is by far not a tokenization, it should be changed
return doc.split(" ");
public String calculateClass(String inputDocument) {
Double max = 0d;
String foundClass = null;
for (String cl : classMegaDocMap.keySet()) {
Double clVal = priors.get(cl) * calculateLikelihood(inputDocument, cl);
if (clVal > max) {
max = clVal;
foundClass = cl;
return foundClass;
private Double calculateLikelihood(String document, String c) {
String megaDoc = classMegaDocMap.get(c);
// for each word
Double result = 1d;
for (String word : tokenizeDoc(document)) {
// num : count the no of times the word appears in documents of class c (+1)
double num = count(word, megaDoc) + 1; // +1 is added because of add 1 smoothing
// den : for the whole dictionary, count the no of times a word appears in documents of class c (+|V|)
double den = 0;
for (String w : vocabulary) {
den += count(w, megaDoc) + 1; // +1 is added because of add 1 smoothing
// P(w|c) = num/den
double wordProbability = num / den;
result *= wordProbability;
// P(d|c) = P(w1|c)*...*P(wn|c)
return result;
private int count(String word, String doc) {
int count = 0;
for (String t : tokenizeDoc(doc)) {
if (t.equals(word))
return count;
private Double calculatePrior(String currentClass) {
return (double) docCount(currentClass) / docsWithClass.keySet().size();
private int docCount(String countedClass) {
int count = 0;
for (String c : docsWithClass.values()) {
if (c.equals(countedClass)) {
return count;