blob: dbd62d55a0434bcc54b3912587b9fbe9033dc235 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
changed by swagner
<class name="colorSlider" extends="slider" x="4"
minvalue="1" maxvalue="240"
trackheight="4" thumbheight="12"
showrange="false" showvalue="true">
<attribute name="doSendValueEvent" value="false" type="boolean" />
<handler name="onvalue">
if (this.doSendValueEvent) {
} else {
<class name="colorPot" width="13" height="13"
<handler name="onmouseover">
var t = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('hans2',20);
var myColorTZ = new Color(t);
<attribute name="mycolor" type="color" value="0x000000"/>
<attribute name="mycolorString" type="string" value="0x000000"/>
<attribute name="listener" type="expression"/>
<handler name="onclick">
<handler name="ondblclick">
<labelTooltip text="${ parent.mycolorString }" />
<view bgcolor="#444444" width="13" height="13" >
<view bgcolor="${classroot.mycolor}" x="1" y="1" width="11" height="11"/>
<class name="colorRow" layout="axis:x;spacing:-1" />
<class name="colorpicker" extends="guiPresenter" labelid="425" isdragable="false"
minimizable="false" maximizable="false" fullToolBar="true"
resizeable="false" width="250" height="154" >
<attribute name="btnRef" value="null" />
<attribute name="selectedColor" type="number" value="0x00aeef"/>
<handler name="onclose">
this.btnRef.setAttribute('selectedColor', this.selectedColor);
<!--- @keywords private -->
<method name="passModeEvent" args="eventStr,view" >
if ( eventStr == "onmousedown" ){
if ( view != null ) {
if ( !view.childOf(this) ) {
} else {
if (view && view.childOf(this)) {
if (view[ eventStr ]) {
view[ eventStr ].sendEvent( view );
return false;
return true;
<method name="doDefaultColor" args="thisC">
var c = thisC.getRGB();
var r = (c >> 16) & 0xff;
var g = (c >> 8) & 0xff;
var b = c & 0xff;
////Debug.write("r g b: ",r,g,b);
var hsl = RGBtoHLS(r,g,b);
////Debug.write("doDefaultColor ",hsl);
var rgb = HLStoRGB(s_hue.value, s_bri.value, s_sat.value);
var c = rgb.r << 16 | rgb.g << 8 | rgb.b
this.setAttribute('selectedColor', c);
<method name="updateColor" >
////Debug.write("updateColor ");
var rgb = HLStoRGB(s_hue.value, s_bri.value, s_sat.value);
var c = rgb.r << 16 | rgb.g << 8 | rgb.b
this.setAttribute('selectedColor', c);
<method name="changeColor" args="c">
////Debug.write("changeColor ");
this.setAttribute('selectedColor', c);
var r = (c >> 16) & 0xff;
var g = (c >> 8) & 0xff;
var b = c & 0xff;
var hsl = RGBtoHLS(r,g,b);
<method name="updateSlidersByValue" args="hsl">
<method name="numberToRGB" args="thisC">
var c = thisC.getRGB();
var r = (c >> 16) & 0xff;
var g = (c >> 8) & 0xff;
var b = c & 0xff;
////Debug.write("r g b: ",r,g,b);
HEX_R = r.toString(16).toUpperCase();
HEX_G = g.toString(16).toUpperCase();
HEX_B = b.toString(16).toUpperCase();
if (HEX_R.length < 2) {
HEX_R = "0"+HEX_R;
if (HEX_G.length < 2) {
HEX_G = "0"+HEX_G;
if (HEX_B.length < 2) {
HEX_B = "0"+HEX_B;
var hex = "0x"+HEX_R + HEX_G + HEX_B;
return hex;
<method name="RGBtoHLS" args="r,g,b">
var h,l,s;
var max = (Math.max(Math.max(r, g), b))/255;
var min = (Math.min(Math.min(r, g), b))/255;
var delta = max-min;
l = (max+min)/2;
s = (max == min) ? 0 : ((l <= 0.5) ? delta/l/2 : delta/(2-l*2));
if(r/255 == max) h = (g-b)/delta/255;
else if(g/255 == max) h = 2+(b-r)/delta/255;
else if(b/255 == max) h = 4+(r-g)/delta/255;
h *= 40;
if(h < 0) h += 240;
h = Math.round(h);
return {h:((isNaN(h)) ? 0 : h), l:Math.round(l*240), s:Math.round(s*240)};
<method name="HLStoRGB" args="h,l,s">
var r,g,b;
if(s == 0) {
r = g = b = Math.round(l/240*255);
} else {
h /= 240; l /= 240; s /= 240;
var temp4,temp3;
var temp2 = (l < 0.5) ? l*(s+1) : l+s-l*s;
var temp1 = l*2 - temp2;
for(var i=0; i<3; i++) {
switch(i) {
case 0: temp3 = h+1/3; break;
case 1: temp3 = h; break;
case 2: temp3 = h-1/3; break;
if(temp3 < 0) temp3++;
else if(temp3 > 1) temp3--;
if(temp3*6 < 1) temp4 = temp1+(temp2-temp1)*6*temp3;
else if(temp3*2 < 1) temp4 = temp2;
else if(temp3*3 < 2) temp4 = temp1+(temp2-temp1)*((2/3)-temp3)*6;
else temp4 = temp1;
switch(i) {
case 0: r = Math.round(temp4*255); break;
case 1: g = Math.round(temp4*255); break;
case 2: b = Math.round(temp4*255); break;
return {r:r, g:g, b:b};
<text fontsize="8" x="$once{classroot.s_hue.width + classroot.s_hue.x}"
y="$once{classroot.s_hue.y - 4}" text="HUE" width="26"/>
<colorSlider name="s_hue" y="102" />
<text fontsize="8" x="$once{classroot.s_bri.width + classroot.s_bri.x}"
y="$once{classroot.s_bri.y - 4}" text="BRI" />
<colorSlider name="s_bri" y="120" />
<text fontsize="8" x="$once{classroot.s_sat.width + classroot.s_sat.x}"
y="$once{classroot.s_sat.y - 4}" text="SAT" />
<colorSlider name="s_sat" y="138" />
<!-- current color -->
<view name="c2" bgcolor="black" width="30" height="66" y="24" x="206">
<view name="current" x="1" y="1" bgcolor="${classroot.selectedColor}"
width="$once{parent.width -2}" height="$once{parent.height -2}" />
<!-- default colors -->
<view x="4" y="26" layout="axis:y;spacing:-1" >
<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#ff0000" mycolorString="0xFF0000" />
<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#ffff00" mycolorString="0xFFFF00" />
<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#00ff00" mycolorString="0x00FF00" />
<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#00ffff" mycolorString="0x00FFFF" />
<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#0000ff" mycolorString="0x0000FF" />
<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#ff00ff" mycolorString="0xFF00Ff" />
<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#ffffff" mycolorString="0xFFFFFF" />
<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#ebebeb" mycolorString="0xEBEBEB" />
<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#e1e1e1" mycolorString="0xE1E1E1" />
<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#d7d7d7" mycolorString="0xD7D7D7" />
<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#cccccc" mycolorString="0xCCCCCC" />
<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#c2c2c2" mycolorString="0xC2C2C2" />
<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#b7b7b7" mycolorString="0xB7B7B7" />
<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#acacac" mycolorString="0xACACAC" />
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