blob: 8700a5110c66642934ebad4f4e6b0208aaa76134 [file] [log] [blame]
<library xmlns="http://localhost/openlaszlo/lzx"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://localhost/openlaszlo/lzx ./../../../lzx.xsd">
<!--- The sender in Laszlo's point-to-point event system.
Events underly most of the functionality in OpenLaszlo applications. Unlike events in similar systems, OpenLaszlo's events are point-to-point, meaning that there is no general broadcast mechanism for events, and events do not trickle up or down the instance hierarchy. Instead, objects called <handler>s use LzDelegate.register() to register to receive events.
An event is implicitly declared for every attribute of a class or instance and sent when that attribute is changed. So, for instance, if a class has an attribute foo, you can receive events when foo changes by registering for the onfoo event.
Events are sent with a single argument, which usually conveys information about the property that changed. The default behavior of the LzEventable.setAttribute() method is to set the named property and send the event called "on" + property. This is general mechanism that updates constraints in a OpenLaszlo programs. For instance, when a view changes its x position, it sends the event onx with the new value for its x property.
<handler name="onavalue" reference="eventSender" args="v">
this.setAttribute('x' , v);
<class name="event" extends="false">
<!--- The name of the event -->
<attribute name="name" type="string" />