blob: 14fad42f0febce408f1e0ca019ccc12127c767b6 [file] [log] [blame]
//Based on sample:
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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
$(document).ready(function() {
"Cam resolution: 120x90 [4:3 (~196 kbit/s)]");
$("#amount_pwv").val("2 participants with audio/video");
$("#amount_pnv").val("Participants without audio/video?");
$(function() {
var p = {
0 : "None (Only audio ~44 kbit/s)",
1 : "Cam resolution: 40x30 [4:3 (~83 kbit/s)]",
2 : "Cam resolution: 80x60 [4:3 (~129 kbit/s)]",
3 : "Cam resolution: 120x90 [4:3 (~196 kbit/s)]",
4 : "Cam resolution: 160x120 [QQVGA 4:3 (~246 kbit/s)]",
5 : "Cam resolution: 240x180 [4:3 (~251 kbit/s)]",
6 : "Cam resolution: 320x240 [HVGA 4:3 (~252 kbit/s)]",
7 : "Cam resolution: 480x360 [4:3 (~469 kbit/s)]",
8 : "Cam resolution: 640x480 [4:3 (~904 kbit/s)]",
9 : "Cam resolution: 1024x768 [XGA 4:3 (~2090 kbit/s)]",
10 : "Cam resolution: 256x150 [16:9 (~252 kbit/s)]",
11 : "Cam resolution: 432x240 [WQVGA 9:5 (~283 kbit/s)]",
12 : "Cam resolution: 480x234 [pseudo 16:9 (~302 kbit/s)]",
13 : "Cam resolution: 512x300 [16:9 (~411 kbit/s)]",
14 : "Cam resolution: 640x360 [nHD 16:9 (~615 kbit/s)]",
15 : "Cam resolution: 1024x600 [16:9 (~1624 kbit/s)] ",
var t = {
0 : "44",
1 : "83",
2 : "129",
3 : "196",
4 : "246",
5 : "251",
6 : "252",
7 : "469",
8 : "904",
9 : "2090",
10 : "252",
11 : "283",
12 : "302",
13 : "411",
14 : "615",
15 : "1624",
value : "3",
min : 0,
max : 15,
step : 1,
slide : function(event, ui) {
var camRes = $("#cam_res").val();
var numWithCam = $("#pwv").val();
var numWithoutCam = $("#pnv").val();
$("#sib").val(+camRes * +numWithCam);
$("#sob").val(+camRes * +numWithCam * (+numWithCam + +numWithoutCam - 1));
$("#uib").val(+camRes * +numWithCam);
value : "2",
min : 0,
max : 100,
step : 1,
slide : function(event, ui) {
$("#amount_pwv").val(ui.value + " participant(s) with audio/video");
var camRes = $("#cam_res").val();
var numWithCam = $("#pwv").val();
var numWithoutCam = $("#pnv").val();
$("#sib").val(+camRes * +numWithCam);
$("#sob").val(+camRes * +numWithCam * (+numWithCam + +numWithoutCam - 1));
$("#uib").val(+camRes * +numWithCam);
value : "0",
min : 0,
max : 100,
step : 1,
slide : function(event, ui) {
$("#amount_pnv").val(ui.value + " participant(s) without audio/video");
var camRes = $("#cam_res").val();
var numWithCam = $("#pwv").val();
var numWithoutCam = $("#pnv").val();
$("#sib").val(+camRes * +numWithCam);
$("#sob").val(+camRes * +numWithCam * (+numWithCam + +numWithoutCam - 1));
$("#uib").val(+camRes * +numWithCam);
$("#cam_res").val('$' + $("#slider-cam-res").slider("value"));
$("#pwv").val('$' + $("#slider-num-with-cam").slider("value"));
$("#pnv").val('$' + $("#slider-num-without-cam").slider("value"));