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<span id="publishDate">Last Published: 06 Sep 2020 22:01 CEST</span>
&nbsp;| <span id="projectVersion">Version: 3.1.3-SNAPSHOT</span>
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<li class="none"><a href="index.html" title="Introduction">Introduction</a></li>
<li class="none"><strong>Usage</strong></li>
<li class="none"><a href="plugin-info.html" title="Goals">Goals</a></li>
<li class="none"><a href="examples/enhance.html" title="Enhance">Enhance</a></li>
<li class="none"><a href="examples/sql.html" title="SQL">SQL</a></li>
<li class="none"><a href="examples/schema.html" title="Schema">Schema</a></li>
<li class="none"><a href="examples/testenhance.html" title="TestEnhance">TestEnhance</a></li>
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<h2><a name="OpenJPA_Maven_Plugin"></a>OpenJPA Maven Plugin</h2>
<p>As of this writing the OpenJPA Plugin provides 3 goals to cope with persistence-enabled classes in a project using Maven 2.</p>
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<h3><a name="Goals_Overview"></a>Goals Overview</h3>
<li><tt>openjpa:enhance</tt> enhances the persistence-enabled classes in a project.</li>
<li><tt>openjpa:test-enhance</tt> enhances the persistence-enabled test classes in a project. This is typically bound to the process-test-classes phase.</li>
<li><tt>openjpa:sql</tt> creates a file which contains the SQL statements for creating or updating the database or directly create the schema in the database.</li>
<li><tt>openjpa:schema</tt> create the schema mapping XML file
<p>All these OpenJPA Mojos expect the following resources to be present on classpath:</p></li>
<li><tt>META-INF/persistence.xml</tt>, or</li>
<p>OpenJPA documentation is available <a class="externalLink" href="">here</a>.</p></li></ul></div>
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<h3><a name="Examples"></a>Examples</h3>
<p>Below is an OpenJPA plugin configuration example.</p>
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<pre> &lt;plugin&gt;
&lt;!-- Pass additional properties to the Plugin here --&gt;
<li>You don't have to explicitly specify an OpenJPA dependency in the dependencies section of the plugin! Follow the following guide to use this plugin with <a href="#examplesolder_versions.html">older OpenJPA versions</a>.</li>
<li>The <tt>openjpa:enhance</tt> mojo will automatically be called in the <tt>process-classes</tt> phase.
<p>From the command prompt/terminal window.</p></li>
<li>Change directory to the project's root directory.</li>
<li>Run the following goal to run OpenJPA PCEnhancer on persistence-enabled classes manually.
<pre> mvn openjpa:enhance</pre></div></li>
<li>Run the following goal to run OpenJPA MappingTool for creating the database creation SQL statements for all persistence-enabled classes manually.
<pre> mvn openjpa:sql</pre></div></li>
<li>Run the following goal to run OpenJPA MappingTool for creating the schema mapping XML file for all persistence-enabled classes manually.
<pre> mvn openjpa:schema</pre></div></li></ul></div></div>
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