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<title>3.&nbsp;Prepared SQL Cache</title><base href="display"><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/docbook.css"><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.79.1"><link rel="home" href="manual.html" title="Apache OpenJPA 2.4 User's Guide"><link rel="up" href="ref_guide_caching.html" title="Chapter&nbsp;10.&nbsp; Caching"><link rel="prev" href="ref_guide_cache_querycomp.html" title="2.&nbsp; Query Compilation Cache"><link rel="next" href="ref_guide_encryption.html" title="Chapter&nbsp;11.&nbsp; Encryption Provider"></head><body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center">3.&nbsp;Prepared SQL Cache</th></tr><tr><td width="20%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="ref_guide_cache_querycomp.html">Prev</a>&nbsp;</td><th width="60%" align="center">Chapter&nbsp;10.&nbsp;
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<a class="indexterm" name="d5e16431"></a>
Prepared SQL Cache caches SQL statements corresponding to JPQL queries.
If a query is executed more than once in the same or different persistence
contexts, the SQL statement generated during the first execution is cached and
executed directly for subsequent execution. Direct execution of SQL offers
significant performance gain as it saves the cost of parsing query string and,
more importantly, populating the query expression tree during every execution.
Relative performance gain becomes higher as the complexity of forming a SQL
query from a JPQL string increases. For example, a JPQL query <code class="code">Q1</code>
that involves multiple joins across tables takes more computation to translate
into a SQL statement than a JPQL query <code class="code">Q2</code> to select by simple
primary key identifier. Correspondingly, repeated execution of <code class="code">Q1</code>
will gain more performance advantage than <code class="code">Q2</code> with Prepared SQL
Prepared SQL Cache is configured by the <a class="link" href="ref_guide_conf_jdbc.html#openjpa.jdbc.QuerySQLCache" title="6.10.&nbsp; openjpa.jdbc.QuerySQLCache">
<code class="literal">openjpa.jdbc.QuerySQLCache</code></a> configuration property. This
property accepts a plugin string (see <a class="xref" href="ref_guide_conf_plugins.html" title="4.&nbsp; Plugin Configuration">Section&nbsp;4, &#8220;
Plugin Configuration
with value of <code class="literal">true</code> or <code class="literal">false</code>. The default
is <code class="literal">true</code>. The execution statistics of the cached queries can be
optionally collected as
</p><pre class="programlisting">
&lt;property name="openjpa.jdbc.QuerySQLCache" value="true(EnableStatistics=true)"&gt;
The <a class="ulink" href="../../apidocs/org/apache/openjpa/kernel/QueryStatistics.html" target="_top">
<code class="code">QueryStatistics</code></a> can be accessed via <code class="code">PreparedQueryCache.getStatistics()</code>.
<div class="table" id="d5e16450"><p class="title"><b>Table&nbsp;10.3.&nbsp;
Pre-defined aliases
</b></p><div class="table-contents">
<table class="table" summary="&#xA; Pre-defined aliases&#xA; " border="1"><colgroup><col align="left" class="alias"><col align="left" class="value"><col align="left" class="notes"></colgroup><thead><tr><th align="left">Alias</th><th align="left">Value</th><th align="left">Notes</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align="left">
<code class="literal">true</code>
</td><td align="left">
<code class="literal">org.apache.openjpa.util.CacheMap</code>
</td><td align="left">
The default option. Uses a
<a class="ulink" href="../../apidocs/org/apache/openjpa/util/CacheMap.html" target="_top">
<code class="literal">CacheMap</code></a> to store SQL string.
<code class="literal">CacheMap</code> maintains a fixed number of cache entries, and an
optional soft reference map for entries that are moved out of the LRU space.
So, for applications that have a monotonically increasing number of distinct
queries, this option can be used to ensure that a fixed amount of memory is
used by the cache.
</td></tr><tr><td align="left"><code class="literal">false</code></td><td align="left"><span class="emphasis"><em>none</em></span></td><td align="left">
Disables the SQL cache.
</div></div><br class="table-break">
Following salient points to be noted regarding usage of Prepared Query Cache.
</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; "><li class="listitem">
Prepared Query Cache uses the original JPQL string as the key to index the
corresponding SQL statement. Hence the JPQL strings that are semantically
identical but differ by character case or identification variables are
considered as different by this cache. One of the implications is that the
applications can gain better advantage from the Prepared Query Cache by
using parameters in their JPQL query rather than concatenating the parameter
values in the query string itself .
For example, contrast the following two examples of executing JPQL queries.
</p><div class="example" id="jpa_caching_hardcode_jpql"><p class="title"><b>Example&nbsp;10.26.&nbsp;Hardcoded Selection Value in JPQL Query</b></p><div class="example-contents">
<pre class="programlisting">
String jpql = "SELECT p FROM Person p WHERE'John'";
List johns = em.createQuery(jpql).getResultList();
jpql = "SELECT p FROM Person p WHERE'Tom'";
List toms = em.createQuery(jpql).getResultList();
</div></div><p><br class="example-break">
In <a class="xref" href="ref_guide_cache_querysql.html#jpa_caching_hardcode_jpql" title="Example&nbsp;10.26.&nbsp;Hardcoded Selection Value in JPQL Query">Example&nbsp;10.26, &#8220;Hardcoded Selection Value in JPQL Query&#8221;</a>, the queries have
<span class="emphasis"><em>hardcoded</em></span> the selection value for the <code class="code"></code>
field. Prepared Query Cache will not recognize the second execution as
same as the first, though both will result in same SQL statement.
While in <a class="xref" href="ref_guide_cache_querysql.html#jpa_caching_parametrize_jpql" title="Example&nbsp;10.27.&nbsp;Parameterized Selection Value in JPQL Query">Example&nbsp;10.27, &#8220;Parameterized Selection Value in JPQL Query&#8221;</a>, the
selection value for the <code class="code"></code> field is parameterized.
Prepared Query Cache will recognize the second execution as
same as the first, and will execute the cached SQL statement directly.
</p><div class="example" id="jpa_caching_parametrize_jpql"><p class="title"><b>Example&nbsp;10.27.&nbsp;Parameterized Selection Value in JPQL Query</b></p><div class="example-contents">
<pre class="programlisting">
String jpql = "SELECT p FROM Person p WHERE";
List johns = em.createQuery(jpql).setParameter("name","John").getResultList();
List toms = em.createQuery(jpql).setParameter("name","Tom").getResultList();
</div></div><p><br class="example-break">
</li><li class="listitem">
A JPQL query may not always translate into a <span class="emphasis"><em>single</em></span>
SQL query. The JPQL queries that require multiple select statements are
never cached.
</li><li class="listitem">
Same JPQL query may result into different SQL statements under different
execution context. Execution context parameters such as fetch configuration
or locking mode determine the resultant SQL. However, Prepared SQL Cache
<span class="emphasis"><em>does not</em></span> capture the execution context parameters
while caching a generated SQL.
</li><li class="listitem">
The named or positional parameters of a JPQL query can be set to different
values across executions. In general, the corresponding cached SQL statement
will be re-parameterized accordingly. However, the parameter value itself can
determine the SQL query. For example, when a JPQL query compares a relation
field for equality against a parameter <code class="code">p</code>, whether the actual
value of <code class="code">p</code> is <code class="code">null</code> or not will determine the
generated SQL statement. Another example is collection valued parameter for
<code class="code">IN</code> expression. Each element of a collection valued parameter
results into a SQL parameter. If a collection valued parameter across
executions are set to different number of elements, then the parameters of
the cached SQL do not correspond. If such situations are encountered while
re-parameterizing the cached SQL, the cached version is not reused and the
original JPQL query is used to generate a new SQL statement for execution.
</li><li class="listitem">
JPQL query that returns a <span class="emphasis"><em>numeric</em></span> value such as
<code class="code">SELECT count(p) FROM PObject p</code> is never cached.
Several mechanisms are available to the application to bypass SQL caching
for a JPQL query.
</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; "><li class="listitem">A user application can disable Prepared SQL Cache
for entire lifetime of a persistence context by invoking the following
method on OpenJPA's EntityManager SPI interface:
<pre class="programlisting">
<code class="methodname">OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI.setQuerySQLCache(boolean)</code>
</li><li class="listitem">
A user application can instruct particular execution of a JPQL query to
ignore any cached SQL query, by setting
<code class="literal">QueryHints.HINT_IGNORE_PREPARED_QUERY</code> or
<code class="literal">"openjpa.hint.IgnorePreparedQuery"</code> to <code class="literal">true</code>
via standard <code class="literal">javax.persistence.Query.setHint(String, Object)</code> method. If a
SQL query has been cached corresponding to the JPQL query prior to this
execution, then the cached SQL remains in the cache and will be reused
for any subsequent execution of the same JPQL query.
</li><li class="listitem">
A user application can instruct all subsequent execution of a JPQL query to
ignore any cached SQL query, by setting
<code class="literal">QueryHints.HINT_INVALIDATE_PREPARED_QUERY</code> or
<code class="literal">"openjpa.hint.InvalidatePreparedQuery"</code> to <code class="literal">true</code>
The SQL query is removed from the cache. Also the JPQL query will never be
cached again during the lifetime of the entire persistence unit.
</li><li class="listitem">
Plug-in property <code class="literal">openjpa.jdbc.QuerySQLCache</code> can be
configured to exclude certain JPQL queries as shown below.
<pre class="programlisting">
&lt;property name="openjpa.jdbc.QuerySQLCache" value="true(excludes='select c from Company c;select d from Department d')"/&gt;
will never cache JPQL queries <code class="code">select c from Company c</code> and
<code class="code">select d from Department d</code>.
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