| #!/usr/bin/env bash |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| |
| if [ "${TESTPATCHDEBUG}" == "true" ] ; then |
| set -x |
| fi |
| |
| BASEDIR=$(pwd) |
| OP="" |
| STDOUT="/dev/null" |
| FINDBUGS_JAR=findbugs-diff-0.1.0-all.jar |
| FINDBUGS_JAR_URL=https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/me/andrz/findbugs/findbugs-diff/0.1.0/$FINDBUGS_JAR |
| # Priorities.HIGH_PRIORITY and Priorities.NORMAL_PRIORITY |
| # Scariest and scary |
| SPOTBUGS_XML_NAME=spotbugsXml.xml |
| FINDBUGS_DIFF_XML=findbugs-new.xml |
| |
| |
| cleanup_and_exit() { |
| remove_file_if_present "${DIFF_DIR}/${FINDBUGS_JAR}" |
| remove_file_if_present "${DIFF_DIR}/${FINDBUGS_JAR}.md5" |
| exit "$1" |
| } |
| |
| |
| remove_file_if_present() { |
| FILE_NAME=$1 |
| |
| if [ -f "${FILE_NAME}" ]; then |
| rm -f "${FILE_NAME}" |
| echo "[TRACE] File [${FILE_NAME}] removed" |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| print_usage() { |
| echo "Usage: $0 --taskname | (--op=pre|post|report --tempdir=<TEMP DIR> --reportdir=<REPORT DIR> --summaryfile=<SUMMARY FILE> --summaryfile-full=<FULL SUMMARY FILE>) [--verbose] [-D<VALUE>...] [-P<VALUE>...]" |
| echo |
| } |
| |
| |
| parse_args() { |
| for i in "$@"; do |
| case $i in |
| --taskname) |
| echo ${TASKNAME} |
| exit 0 |
| ;; |
| --op=*) |
| OP=${i#*=} |
| ;; |
| --tempdir=*) |
| TEMPDIR=${i#*=} |
| ;; |
| --reportdir=*) |
| REPORTDIR=${i#*=} |
| ;; |
| --summaryfile=*) |
| SUMMARYFILE=${i#*=} |
| ;; |
| --summaryfile-full=*) |
| ;; |
| --verbose) |
| STDOUT="/dev/stdout" |
| ;; |
| -D*) |
| ;; |
| -P*) |
| ;; |
| esac |
| done |
| if [[ "${TASKNAME}" == "" || "${OP}" == "" || "${TEMPDIR}" == "" || "${REPORTDIR}" == "" || "${SUMMARYFILE}" == "" || "${SUMMARYFILE_FULL}" == "" ]] ; then |
| echo "Missing options" |
| echo |
| print_usage |
| cleanup_and_exit 1 |
| fi |
| if [[ "${OP}" != "pre" && "${OP}" != "post" && "${OP}" != "report" ]] ; then |
| echo "Invalid operation" |
| echo |
| print_usage |
| cleanup_and_exit 1 |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| |
| verify_and_save_spotbugs_output() { |
| |
| echo "[TRACE] Verifying and saving SpotBugs output in ${BRANCH_LABEL}" |
| echo "[TRACE] mvn clean compile test-compile spotbugs:check -Dspotbugs.failOnError=false -Dcheckstyle.failOnViolation=false -DskipTests ${MVNPASSTHRU} | tee ${REPORTDIR}/${TASKNAME}-${REPORT_SUFFIX}.txt >> ${STDOUT}" |
| |
| mvn clean compile test-compile spotbugs:check -Dspotbugs.failOnError=false -Dcheckstyle.failOnViolation=false -DskipTests ${MVNPASSTHRU} | tee "${REPORTDIR}/${TASKNAME}-${REPORT_SUFFIX}.txt" >> ${STDOUT} |
| |
| if [ ! -d "$SPOTBUGS_OUTPUT_DIR" ]; then |
| mkdir -p "${SPOTBUGS_OUTPUT_DIR}" |
| fi |
| |
| find . -name ${SPOTBUGS_XML_NAME} ! -path '*/test-patch/*' -exec rsync -avqR {} "${SPOTBUGS_OUTPUT_DIR}" ";" |
| |
| if [ -n "$(ls -A "${SPOTBUGS_OUTPUT_DIR}")" ] ; then |
| echo "{color:green}+1{color} ${BRANCH_LABEL} produces SpotBugs output" >> "${TEMPDIR}/${TASKNAME}-${REPORT_SUFFIX}.txt" |
| else |
| echo "{color:red}-1{color} ${BRANCH_LABEL} does not produce SpotBugs output" >> "${TEMPDIR}/${TASKNAME}-${REPORT_SUFFIX}.txt" |
| fi |
| |
| echo "[TRACE] SpotBugs output in ${BRANCH_LABEL} verified and saved" |
| } |
| |
| |
| create_missing_spotbugs_files() { |
| PRE_DIR=$1 |
| POST_DIR=$2 |
| |
| create_missing_xml "${PRE_DIR}" "pre" "post" |
| create_missing_xml "${POST_DIR}" "post" "pre" |
| } |
| |
| create_missing_xml() { |
| sourceFolder=$1 |
| sourcePart=$2 |
| targetPart=$3 |
| |
| sourceXmlFiles=() |
| while IFS= read -r -d '' fn; do |
| sourceXmlFiles+=("${fn}") |
| done < <(find "${sourceFolder}" -name ${SPOTBUGS_XML_NAME} -print0) |
| |
| for index in "${!sourceXmlFiles[@]}"; do |
| targetXmlFile=${sourceXmlFiles[index]/${sourcePart}/${targetPart}} |
| targetFolder=${targetXmlFile%${SPOTBUGS_XML_NAME}} |
| |
| if [ ! -d "${targetFolder}" ]; then |
| echo "[TRACE] Folder [${targetFolder}] does not exist, creating" |
| mkdir -p "${targetFolder}" |
| fi |
| |
| if [ ! -f "${targetXmlFile}" ]; then |
| echo "[TRACE] XML file [${targetXmlFile}] does not exist, creating" |
| echo "<BugCollection />" > "${targetXmlFile}" |
| fi |
| done |
| } |
| |
| |
| download_and_check_findbugs_diff_jar() { |
| DIFF_DIR=$1 |
| BASH_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" |
| |
| mkdir -p "${DIFF_DIR}" |
| |
| echo "[TRACE] Downloading FindBugs diff JAR from ${FINDBUGS_JAR_URL}" |
| |
| |
| echo "[TRACE] FindBugs diff JAR downloaded" |
| |
| if hash md5 2>/dev/null; then |
| echo "[TRACE] Calculating md5 content using md5" |
| md5Content="$(md5 -q "${DIFF_DIR}/${FINDBUGS_JAR}")" |
| elif hash md5sum 2>/dev/null; then |
| echo "[TRACE] Calculating md5 content using md5sum" |
| md5Content="$(md5sum "${DIFF_DIR}/${FINDBUGS_JAR}" | awk '{ print $1 }')" |
| else |
| echo "[ERROR] Neither md5 nor md5sum are present, cannot check FindBugs diff JAR" |
| summary_both "{color:red}-1{color} Neither md5 nor md5sum are present, cannot check FindBugs diff JAR." |
| cleanup_and_exit 1 |
| fi |
| echo "${md5Content}" > "${DIFF_DIR}/${FINDBUGS_JAR}.md5" |
| |
| jarMd5DiffCount=$(diff "${BASH_DIR}"/${FINDBUGS_JAR}.md5 "${DIFF_DIR}"/${FINDBUGS_JAR}.md5 | wc -l) |
| |
| if [ "${jarMd5DiffCount}" -gt "0" ]; then |
| echo "[TRACE] md5 hash of FindBugs diff jar is $(cat "${DIFF_DIR}"/${FINDBUGS_JAR}.md5)" |
| echo "[ERROR] FindBugs diff JAR has a weird MD5 sum, rejecting" |
| summary_both "{color:red}-1{color} FindBugs diff JAR has a weird MD5 sum, rejecting." |
| cleanup_and_exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| echo "[TRACE] FindBugs diff JAR checked, is safe to use" |
| |
| } |
| |
| |
| perform_spotbugs_diffs() { |
| PRE_DIR=$1 |
| POST_DIR=$2 |
| DIFF_DIR=$3 |
| |
| echo "[TRACE] Performing SpotBugs diffs" |
| |
| sourceXmlFiles=() |
| while IFS= read -r -d '' fn; do |
| preSpotbugsDiffs+=("${fn}") |
| done < <(find "${PRE_DIR}" -name ${SPOTBUGS_XML_NAME} -print0) |
| |
| postSpotbugsDiffs=() |
| while IFS= read -r -d '' fn; do |
| postSpotbugsDiffs+=("${fn}") |
| done < <(find "${POST_DIR}" -name ${SPOTBUGS_XML_NAME} -print0) |
| |
| for index in "${!preSpotbugsDiffs[@]}"; do |
| preSpotbugsDir=${preSpotbugsDiffs[index]} |
| diffDirPostfix=${preSpotbugsDir/*${TASKNAME}/${TASKNAME}} |
| diffDirPostfix=${diffDirPostfix:18} |
| diffDirPostfix=${diffDirPostfix%%/target/spotbugs/$SPOTBUGS_XML_NAME} |
| |
| check_minimum_file_size "${preSpotbugsDiffs[index]}" |
| check_minimum_file_size "${postSpotbugsDiffs[index]}" |
| |
| java -jar -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=ERROR "${DIFF_DIR}"/${FINDBUGS_JAR} --outDir="${DIFF_DIR}/${diffDirPostfix}" "${preSpotbugsDiffs[index]}" "${postSpotbugsDiffs[index]}" |
| done |
| |
| echo "[TRACE] SpotBugs diffs performed" |
| } |
| |
| |
| check_minimum_file_size() { |
| FILE_NAME=$1 |
| |
| actualSize=$(wc -c < "${FILE_NAME}") |
| minimumSize=10 |
| if [ "${actualSize}" -le "${minimumSize}" ]; then |
| echo "[ERROR] File [${FILE_NAME}] is below minimum size (has only [${actualSize}] bytes), cannot perform SpotBugs diff" |
| cleanup_and_exit 1 |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| |
| check_spotbugs_diffs_and_create_reports() { |
| DIFF_DIR=$1 |
| REPORT=() |
| |
| echo "[TRACE] Checking SpotBugs diffs and creating reports" |
| |
| belowThresholdCount=0 |
| totalCount=0 |
| while IFS= read -r -d '' fn; do |
| componentDir=${fn/*${TASKNAME}/${TASKNAME}} |
| componentDir=${componentDir:19} |
| htmlFileName=${componentDir%%.xml}.html |
| componentDir=${componentDir%%/$FINDBUGS_DIFF_XML} |
| |
| xmlLintXPathCompatible=$(xmllint | grep -ce '\-\-xpath') |
| if [ "${xmlLintXPathCompatible}" -eq "0" ]; then |
| echo "[TRACE] Old XMLLib present, calling 'xmllint --shell' to get bug instance counts" |
| newBugTotalCount=$(xmllint --shell "${fn}" <<< 'xpath count(/BugCollection/BugInstance)' | grep -oE '[^ ]+$') |
| newBugBelowThresholdCount=$(xmllint --shell "${fn}" <<< 'xpath count(/BugCollection/BugInstance[@priority <= "${SPOTBUGS_PRIORITY_THRESHOLD}" or @rank <= "${SPOTBUGS_RANK_THRESHOLD}"])' | grep -oE '[^ ]+$') |
| else |
| echo "[TRACE] New XMLLib present, calling 'xmllint --xpath' to get bug instance counts" |
| newBugTotalCount=$(xmllint --xpath "count(/BugCollection/BugInstance)" "${fn}") |
| newBugBelowThresholdCount=$(xmllint --xpath "count(/BugCollection/BugInstance[@priority <= ${SPOTBUGS_PRIORITY_THRESHOLD} or @rank <= ${SPOTBUGS_RANK_THRESHOLD}])" "${fn}") |
| fi |
| |
| belowThresholdCount=$((belowThresholdCount + newBugBelowThresholdCount)) |
| totalCount=$((totalCount + newBugTotalCount)) |
| |
| if [ "${newBugBelowThresholdCount}" -gt "0" ]; then |
| echo "[ERROR] There are [${newBugBelowThresholdCount}] new bugs found below threshold in [${componentDir}]." |
| REPORT_FULL+=("{color:red}-1{color} There are [${newBugBelowThresholdCount}] new bugs found below threshold in [${componentDir}] that must be fixed.") |
| if [ "${newBugBelowThresholdCount}" -gt "${BUG_LIMIT_PER_PROJECT}" ]; then |
| REPORT+=("{color:red}-1{color} There are [${newBugBelowThresholdCount}] new bugs found below threshold in [${componentDir}] that must be fixed, listing only the first [${BUG_LIMIT_PER_PROJECT}] ones.") |
| else |
| REPORT+=("{color:red}-1{color} There are [${newBugBelowThresholdCount}] new bugs found below threshold in [${componentDir}] that must be fixed.") |
| fi |
| echo "[DEBUG] You can find the SpotBugs diff here (look for the red and orange ones): ${htmlFileName}" |
| REPORT+=("You can find the SpotBugs diff here (look for the red and orange ones): ${htmlFileName}") |
| REPORT_FULL+=("You can find the SpotBugs diff here (look for the red and orange ones): ${htmlFileName}") |
| REPORT_FULL+=("The most important SpotBugs errors are:") |
| if [ "${newBugBelowThresholdCount}" -gt "${BUG_LIMIT_PER_PROJECT}" ]; then |
| REPORT+=("The top [${BUG_LIMIT_PER_PROJECT}] most important SpotBugs errors are:") |
| else |
| REPORT+=("The most important SpotBugs errors are:") |
| fi |
| |
| lineCount=0 |
| while IFS= read -r line; do |
| REPORT_FULL+=( "${line}" ); |
| if [ "${lineCount}" -lt "${BUG_LIMIT_PER_PROJECT}" ]; then |
| REPORT+=( "${line}" ); |
| fi |
| lineCount=$((lineCount + 1)) |
| done < <(echo cat "/BugCollection/BugInstance[@priority <= ${SPOTBUGS_PRIORITY_THRESHOLD} or @rank <= ${SPOTBUGS_RANK_THRESHOLD}]/SourceLine/Message/text() | /BugCollection/BugInstance[@priority <= 2 or @rank <= 9]/LongMessage/text()" \ |
| | xmllint --shell "${fn}" | grep -v '\-\-\-\-\-\-\-' | grep -v '/ >' | sed -e 'N;s/\(.*\)\n\(.*\)/\2: \1/') |
| elif [ "${newBugTotalCount}" -gt "0" ]; then |
| echo "[WARN] There are [${newBugTotalCount}] new bugs found in [${componentDir}]." |
| REPORT+=("{color:orange}0{color} There are [${newBugTotalCount}] new bugs found in [${componentDir}] that would be nice to have fixed.") |
| REPORT_FULL+=("{color:orange}0{color} There are [${newBugTotalCount}] new bugs found in [${componentDir}] that would be nice to have fixed.") |
| echo "[DEBUG] You can find the SpotBugs diff here: ${htmlFileName}" |
| REPORT+=("You can find the SpotBugs diff here: ${htmlFileName}") |
| REPORT_FULL+=("You can find the SpotBugs diff here: ${htmlFileName}") |
| else |
| echo "[DEBUG] There are no new bugs found in [${componentDir}]." |
| REPORT+=("{color:green}+1{color} There are no new bugs found in [${componentDir}].") |
| REPORT_FULL+=("{color:green}+1{color} There are no new bugs found in [${componentDir}].") |
| fi |
| |
| done < <(find "${DIFF_DIR}" -name ${FINDBUGS_DIFF_XML} -print0) |
| |
| if [ "${belowThresholdCount}" -gt "0" ]; then |
| echo "[ERROR] There are [${belowThresholdCount}] new bugs found below threshold in total that must be fixed." |
| summary_both "{color:red}-1{color} There are [${belowThresholdCount}] new bugs found below threshold in total that must be fixed." |
| elif [ "${totalCount}" -gt "0" ]; then |
| echo "[WARN] There are [${totalCount}] new bugs found in total that would be nice to have fixed." |
| summary_both "{color:orange}0{color} There are [${totalCount}] new bugs found in total that would be nice to have fixed." |
| else |
| echo "[INFO] There are no new bugs found totally]." |
| summary_both "{color:green}+1{color} There are no new bugs found in total." |
| fi |
| |
| for line in "${REPORT[@]}" ; do |
| summary ". ${line}" |
| done |
| |
| for line in "${REPORT_FULL[@]}" ; do |
| summary_full ". ${line}" |
| done |
| |
| echo "[TRACE] SpotBugs diffs checked and reports created" |
| } |
| |
| |
| summary() { |
| LINE=$1 |
| echo "${LINE}" >> "${SUMMARYFILE}" |
| } |
| |
| |
| summary_full() { |
| LINE=$1 |
| echo "${LINE}" >> "${SUMMARYFILE_FULL}" |
| } |
| |
| |
| summary_both() { |
| LINE=$1 |
| echo "${LINE}" >> "${SUMMARYFILE}" |
| echo "${LINE}" >> "${SUMMARYFILE_FULL}" |
| } |
| |
| |
| parse_args "$@" |
| |
| case ${OP} in |
| pre) |
| verify_and_save_spotbugs_output "${TEMPDIR}/${TASKNAME}/pre" HEAD clean |
| ;; |
| post) |
| verify_and_save_spotbugs_output "${TEMPDIR}/${TASKNAME}/post" PATCH patch |
| ;; |
| report) |
| create_missing_spotbugs_files "${TEMPDIR}/${TASKNAME}/pre" "${TEMPDIR}/${TASKNAME}/post" |
| download_and_check_findbugs_diff_jar "${TEMPDIR}/${TASKNAME}/diff" |
| perform_spotbugs_diffs "${TEMPDIR}/${TASKNAME}/pre" "${TEMPDIR}/${TASKNAME}/post" "${TEMPDIR}/${TASKNAME}/diff" |
| check_spotbugs_diffs_and_create_reports "${TEMPDIR}/${TASKNAME}/diff" |
| echo "[TRACE] Summary file size is $(wc -c "${SUMMARYFILE}" | awk '{print $1}') bytes" |
| echo "[TRACE] Full summary file size is $(wc -c "${SUMMARYFILE_FULL}" | awk '{print $1}') bytes" |
| ;; |
| esac |
| |
| cleanup_and_exit 0 |