| ###This file contains details release-log inteneded for internal developers. |
| -- Oozie 3.0.1 release |
| |
| OOZIE-97 release 3.0.1 |
| OOZIE-96 add coordinator 0.2 schema to coord spec twiki |
| OOZIE-95 rerun SUCCEEDED coord job should not change status |
| OOZIE-94 check action-actual-time if is null |
| OOZIE-92 add updated sql scripts for 3.0.1 |
| OOZIE-91 add actualTime to coordinator spec |
| OOZIE-90 coord rerun add backward compatibility |
| OOZIE-93 coordinator start and end instances doesn't work with float number. |
| OOZIE-89 coord job status keep in SUCCEEDED when rerun in backward support state |
| OOZIE-88 fix the status-transit-service to aggregate coordinator job running state |
| OOZIE-83 add parameter userName to bundle xml in example |
| OOZIE-85 kill a SUCCEEDED coordinator job with 0.1 schema and backward compatibility is true |
| OOZIE-84 add bundle id to coordinator submit |
| OOZIE-87 Fix for change endtime not create new actions when job DONEWITHERROR/FAILED |
| OOZIE-86 Make bundle status RUNNING after change endtime |
| OOZIE-80 Make coordinator backward compatible for RUNNING and PREPSUSPENDED |
| OOZIE-78 Resume coordinator actions should check the status is suspended |
| OOZIE-58 Add date/time formatting function to coord. |
| OOZIE-76 Add coordinator state backward compatibility for DONEWITHERROR and PAUSED |
| OOZIE-77 add updatescripts for 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 |
| OOZIE-75 fix coord el function actualTime() |
| OOZIE-73 increase executionPath of wf_actions to 1k. |
| OOZIE-71 Update the index.twiki of oozie 3.0.0 documentation to reflect bundle. |
| OOZIE-72 Resume bundle actions should check the status is suspended or prepsuspended |
| OOZIE-59 Adding util class for transforming the statuses based on app version |
| OOZIE-62 client command error when bundle rerun with -action. |
| GH-0566 If Java Main exit code !=0, LauncherMapper should the exit code as the error code |
| OOZIE-70 Add application namespace to coord_jobs |
| OOZIE-69 KillTransitionXCommand should update job after kill children |
| OOZIE-68 rename wf job column parentId to parent_id |
| OOZIE-64 Fix coordinator el function actualTime() |
| OOZIE-66 rerun PAUSED bundle should leave status to PAUSED |
| OOZIE-67 Revise recovery service for coordinator |
| OOZIE-34 LauncherMapper security manager fails when a permission with context is check |
| OOZIE-XX Fix the docs for the coord:user() and dateOffset() function |
| OOZIE-15 when writing action configurations to logs, properties names containing 'password' should be masked |
| OOZIE-48 fix log messages when message logged at early stages |
| OOZIE-47 coordinator resume should resume PREPSUSPENDED state |
| OOZIE-45 coord job set to DONEWITHERROR when coord actions are TIMEOUT |
| OOZIE-44 fix the spaces issues in db updatescripts |
| OOZIE-43 should reset pending when pausetime changes and materialized actions are removed |
| OOZIE-37 Fixing pause service for exceptions. |
| OOZIE-53 User is not able to change End time on Bundles. |
| OOZIE-52 Oozie allows users to Change the pause time for Succeeded Bundles. |
| OOZIE-51 Add coordinator materialization flag |
| OOZIE-54 Coord job in DoneWithError should not be Killed |
| OOZIE-55 Coord Actions in SUSPENDED should not be rerun |
| OOZIE-56 Fix Oozie pom version |
| OOZIE-50 Update the POM files with new version 3.0.1-SNAPSHOT |
| |
| -- Oozie 3.0.0 release |
| |
| OOZIE-49 Update README file for version 3.0.0 |
| OOZIE-41 Update POM version for release 3.0.0. |
| OOZIE-42 Adding web services documentation. |
| OOZIE-38 add bundle example to oozie-examples. |
| OOZIE-39 update coordinator spec and bundle spec for status changes |
| OOZIE-25 Modify the release log. |
| OOZIE-36 rerun a paused coordinator job should not reset status and pause time and pending flag |
| OOZIE-33 Fixing coord job status when all actions in SUSPENDED |
| OOZIE-31 reset pending for coordjob with running pending true when change end time |
| OOZIE-30 set coord paused time to null when rerun a paused coord job |
| OOZIE-29 bundle rerun by name only doesn't work. |
| GH-0682 Fixing Coord Rerun for date range. |
| OOZIE-21 modify the POM to enable exclusion of testcases via command line when invoking maven |
| OOZIE-19 oozie-setup.sh should add all JARs from an extensions directory |
| OOZIE-27 fix NonTransient suspend to update coordinator action |
| OOZIE-23 Update oozie examples with new namespace version for workflow and coordinator. |
| OOZIE-20 examples job properties have hardcoded values, and use non-default Hadoop ports |
| GH-0674 Fixing Bundle status after rerun. |
| GH-0677 OOZIE-24 fix paused bundle job and status in bundle actions |
| GH-0676 Coord jobs are getting in to Pause status 5 mins earlier |
| GH-0510 credentialsConf should be initialized without loading defaults |
| GH-0663 rerun PAUSED bundle should reset pause time |
| GH-0665 XCommand log object has to reset after the logInfo has reset |
| GH-0568 DOC: Add Bundle specifications |
| GH-0482 coordinator default config is looked up in the wrong place (regression) |
| GH-0653 Adding Pause status update in service. |
| GH-0656 create sql scripts for table updates |
| GH-0654 Fix workflow web console for missing columns |
| GH-0649 Fixing Bundle status service for Done with error status. |
| GH-0647 rerun TIMEDOUT action and it uses the timeout value and timedout again |
| GH-0651 Fix refresh button on bundle job to reload coord jobs. |
| GH-0630 Fixing Paused status for Coordinator. |
| GH-0633 no FAILED sla event when coord job failed to create wf job. |
| GH-0632 remove extra fields in oozie jobs -jobtype bundle -verbose. |
| GH-0636 coord job should be started immediately if no kick-off time specified in bundle.xml. |
| GH-0583 rerun bundle job by name and date. all actions are rerun |
| GH-0079 Oozie command line documentation for Ops |
| GH-0626 Fixing Bundle Rerun for invalid timestamps of coordinator actions |
| GH-0620 Adding Precondition for Coordinator Kill Command. |
| GH-0619 Allow oozie client to print the exact URL point in debug mode. |
| GH-0613 Display configuration content for bundle jobs. |
| GH-0623 does oozie allow bundle rerun on a PREP bundle? |
| GH-0624 SUCCEEDED bundle job should not be KILLED. |
| GH-0614 Fixing CLient Proxy to work for toString calls |
| GH-0610 Fixing Bundle status service and Coordinator Action resume |
| GH-0480 Support new Pig API to submit pig job |
| GH-0529 Update Tomcat download URL |
| GH-0562 oozie job -log returns incomplete or empty log |
| GH-0606 Encountered java.lang.NoSuchMethodError error after submitting a job |
| GH-0608 Oozie default and max throttle and concurrency is not being verified. |
| GH-0550 remove dependency on JPA persistency from oozie-client |
| GH-0603 ORA-01408 error when restart yjava_tomcat after drop bundle_actions table. |
| GH-0601 bundle status did not change from PREPSUSPENDED to PREP after resume. |
| GH-0598 Fixing Coordinator Resume command to resume after suspend. |
| GH-0594 Coordinator action materialization concurrency should use new properties. |
| GH-0588 Adding Bundle to recovery service. |
| GH-0580 Fix Bundle rerun by coord names |
| GH-0569 Bundle status stays RUNNING when rerun a non-existing coord job |
| GH-0553 coord job should not materialize new actions when WAITING actions exceed concurrency. |
| GH-0557 Update StatusTransitService to aggregate coordinator status |
| GH-0125 Query GET_WORKFLOWS_COLUMNS should order by createdTimestamp instead of starttime |
| GH-0559 kill a wf job by CLI command left the hdfs temp dir not deleted. |
| GH-0515 LauncherMapper should add OOZIE_JOB/ACTION_ID to action configuration |
| GH-0506 mkdistro.sh does not exit !=0 on failures |
| GH-0564 E0605 error is wrapped by E0603 |
| GH-0525 bundle pausetime change not passed to all coord jobs |
| GH-0500 TestRerun should not use SSH action |
| GH-0483 tests using pig 0.8 fails if a hadoop-site.xml or core-site.xml file is not in the classpath |
| GH-0479 Add time ratio property to XTestCase waitFor |
| GH-0478 quick install doc corrections |
| GH-0528 Refactor CoordActionMaterializeXCommand and CoordJobMatLookupXCommand to TransitionXCommand |
| GH-0542 Refactor CoordSuspendXCommand & CoordResumeXCommand to TransitionXCommand based |
| GH-0543 Refactor CoordRerunXCommand to TransitionXCommand based |
| GH-0530 Update workflow rerun twiki. |
| GH-0537 migrate CoordKillXCommand to transition based |
| GH-0532 update to apache-tomcat-6.0.32.tar.gz from apache-tomcat-6.0.29.tar.gz |
| GH-0533 Add uniqueness to master branch |
| GH-0078 Option to rerun from failed node. |
| GH-0522 Bundle rerun failed. |
| GH-0086 Clean up temporary files in the user HDFS directory upon completion. |
| GH-0497 bundle status is RUNNING when fail to create coord job |
| GH-0514 bundle_change did not set pausetime on a PREP bundle |
| GH-0518 Provide a basic UI for bundle jobs and jobs command for bundle jobs |
| GH-0512 Make pauseTime only future time for coordinator jobs |
| GH-0499 Fix bundle suspend, kill and add test cases |
| GH-0503 Fix coordinator web console NullPointerException |
| GH-0075 Provide access to date list. |
| GH-0166 Modify the logic of adding .so and .so.1 files into cache. |
| GH-0067 input data check should have a timeout for catch-up mode |
| GH-0361 Throttle coordinator action/workflow creation per coordinator job |
| GH-0461 Mapping the workflow ID to coordinator ID |
| GH-0391 Add support for filters to the EmbeddedServletContainer |
| GH-0404 assembly plugin 2.2-beta-5 breaks file permissions |
| GH-0442 Add Hudson CI script to master trunk |
| GH-0387 default jdbc URL has wrong value |
| GH-0354 change jsp-api dependency groupId to javax.servlet.jsp |
| GH-0346 add support for a test.properties file to load test system properties |
| GH-0341 oozie-jpa.log file is created in extra log directory |
| GH-0307 check for oozie setup owner in setup/start/stop scripts should be optional |
| GH-0295 subworkflow action fails if workflow URI is a directory |
| GH-0302 the ...wf.ext.schemas property should allow spaces/enters between schema files |
| GH-0288 update readme file to point to 2.3 documentation |
| GH-0296 JPA log configuration uses wrong variable |
| GH-0304 index.twiki and DG_QuickStart.twiki need update on distro contents |
| GH-0306 core module should depend on sharelib module |
| GH-0284 TestLocalOozieExample should extend XTestCase |
| GH-0263 TestCallableQueueService.testConcurrencyLimit() fails randomly |
| GH-0276 bump up version to 3.0-SNAPSHOT in master after creating 2.3 branch |
| |
| -- Oozie 2.3.0 release |
| |
| GH-0236 add support for -Dname=value to oozie CLI and make -config optional |
| GH-0108 Add support for Derby as Oozie DB |
| GH-0189 make ENV setting flexible to allow Unix standard layout for conf/logs/data/tmp |
| GH-0149 create sharelib module with Pig/Streaming JARs |
| GH-0119 support for user() EL function in coord apps |
| GH-0131 add an embedded tomcat in Oozie distribution |
| GH-0026 add support for multiple workflow XMLs in a single directory |
| GH-0027 support for a share lib directory in HDFS for workflow action binaries |
| GH-0106 support for a system share lib directory in HDFS for workflow action binaries |
| GH-0034 update/simplify examples |
| GH-0050 Oozie jobs configuration properties with variables should be resolved to concrete values. |
| |
| -- Oozie 2.2.5 release |
| |
| GH-0372 Change logs output for missing dependencies |
| GH-0332 Adding Credentials Module |
| GH-0066 Add Uniqueness functionality to queue |
| GH-0141 Oozie uses excessive memory when doing purging |
| |
| -- Oozie 2.2.3 release |
| |
| GH-0055 Oozie should not materialize a coordinator job right after its submission if the job will only run in far future |
| GH-0046 Add support the coordiator job submitted to run in far future |
| |
| -- Oozie 2.2.2 release |
| |
| GH-0040 coordinator rerun doesn't consider empty output-event |
| GH-0041 update ojdbc version |
| GH-0001 references SVN in bin/mkdistro.sh |
| |
| -- Oozie 2.2.1 release |
| |
| GH-0010 POM cleanup, remove unneeded repositories, remove/exclude commons-cli 2.0 |
| |
| -- Oozie 2.2.0 release |
| |
| - adding Pig version number to pig execution log in launcher log |
| - simplify Oozie build |
| - oozie documentation is not included in oozie.war and standalone as docs.zip |
| - simplify Oozie config/logs loading |
| - fixing location of RowExpander.js for web console in index.html |
| - jpa configuration refactoring |
| - Fix oozie UI |
| - Stop checking input directories if unable to find anyone directory |
| - Read default timeout from config file. |
| - Change update query to only modify required fields. |
| - Simplify client utility methods |
| - Http Submission of single MR/PIG job without corresponding workflow.xml |
| - oozie launcher failed when pig log not found. |
| - client API addArchive does not link file to a directory |
| - oozie.libpath needs to start with hdfs://namenode when submit pig job to certain versions of hadoop clusters |
| |
| -- Oozie 2.1.0 release |
| |
| - compositecommand uses hardcoded type, this limits concurrency by command type |
| - testcases time doubled, lot of exceptions on command queue on shutdown |
| - Set default coordinator action timeout to 2 hours. |
| - build/assembly changes |
| - oozie mistakes namenode as the jobtracker at white list validation |
| - single distribution should work both with Hadoop 20 and 20S |
| - use comma as separator for datasets |
| - Oozie should not package the Hadoop JARs |
| - Whitelist of valid Jobtracker & Namenode URIs |
| - blank whitelist should allow any namenode/jobtracker |
| - EL function in oozie coordinator to check data dependencies on the closest future data date |
| - EL function to generate a UTC date based on another UTC date |
| - instrumentation for commands in the queue. |
| - Queue Refactor |
| - instrumentation for commands in the queue |
| - Coordinator action rerun |
| - Change end_time and concurrency for a running coordinator job |
| - Change pause_time for a running coordinator job |
| - Annotate error message with jobID |
| - Set pending in SuspendCommand and reset pending in ResumeCommand |
| - Set time in super class bean |
| - Remove unnecessary command and service from the code. |
| - CoordRecoveryCommand update the job status unconditionally |
| - Fix admin -version |
| - Need to revisit prioritization of coordinator commands |
| - coordinator job takes long time (>10mins) to create new actions when released from being paused |
| - Set NN and JT Principal in JavaActionExecutor |
| - Adding support for hadoop 0.20.200 |
| - Update document with two new EL functions in 2.1 |
| |
| -- Oozie 2.0.2 release |
| |
| -- Oozie coordinator |