blob: e2a937cb6fc2d387a3093cabf327e627f0b970a8 [file] [log] [blame]
NOTICE file for use with, and corresponding to Section 4 of,
the Apache License, Version 2.0,
in this case for the Oozie, Workflow Engine for Hadoop project
Copyright 2011 The Apache Software Foundation
This product includes software developed by The Apache Software
Foundation (
This product includes org.json (,
Copyright (c) 2002
Detailed License information for all components can be found in the
documentation in the ooziedocs.war at index.html##LicenseInfo
Oozie source contains 3 binaries (wordcount-simple_Linux-amd64-64_h20,
wordcount-simple_Linux-i386-32_h20, wordcount-simple_Mac_OS_X-x86_64-64_h20) for
testing purposes, these binaries are compiled artifacts from Apache Hadoop.