blob: a03ac3f93b348781ce2429c7146cb179ccd790d5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.oodt.xmlquery;
import org.apache.oodt.commons.util.Documentable;
import org.apache.oodt.commons.util.XML;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
/** Header of a query
* @author Kelly
public class QueryHeader implements Serializable, Cloneable, Documentable {
/** Create a blank query header.
public QueryHeader() {
this(/*id*/"UNKNOWN", /*title*/"UNKNOWN", /*desc*/"UNKNOWN", /*type*/"QUERY", /*status*/"ACTIVE",
/*security*/"UNKNOWN", /*rev*/"1999-12-12 JSH V1.0 Under Development", /*datadict*/"UNKNOWN");
/** Create a query header with the specified values.
* @param id The identification of this query.
* @param title The title of this query.
* @param description A string describing this query.
* @param type The type of the query, usually QUERY.
* @param statusID The status of the query.
* @param securityType The type of security to apply to this query.
* @param revisionNote A note about the revision history of this query.
* @param dataDictID The ID of the data dictionary used by this query.
public QueryHeader(String id, String title, String description, String type, String statusID, String securityType,
String revisionNote, String dataDictID) { = id;
this.title = title;
this.description = description;
this.type = type;
this.statusID = statusID;
this.securityType = securityType;
this.revisionNote = revisionNote;
this.dataDictID = dataDictID;
/** Create a query header from an XML node.
* @param node The <queryAttributes> node.
public QueryHeader(Node node) {
if (!"queryAttributes".equals(node.getNodeName()))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("QueryHeader must be constructed from <queryAttributes> node, not <"
+ node.getNodeName() + ">");
NodeList children = node.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); ++i) {
Node child = children.item(i);
if ("queryId".equals(child.getNodeName()))
id = XML.unwrappedText(child);
else if ("queryTitle".equals(child.getNodeName()))
title = XML.unwrappedText(child);
else if ("queryDesc".equals(child.getNodeName()))
description = XML.unwrappedText(child);
else if ("queryType".equals(child.getNodeName()))
type = XML.unwrappedText(child);
else if ("queryStatusId".equals(child.getNodeName()))
statusID = XML.unwrappedText(child);
else if ("querySecurityType".equals(child.getNodeName()))
securityType = XML.unwrappedText(child);
else if ("queryParentId".equals(child.getNodeName()))
; // ignore
else if ("queryChildId".equals(child.getNodeName()))
; // ignore
else if ("queryRevisionNote".equals(child.getNodeName()))
revisionNote = XML.unwrappedText(child);
else if ("queryDataDictId".equals(child.getNodeName()))
dataDictID = XML.unwrappedText(child);
/** Get the identification of this query.
* @return The identification of this query.
public String getID() {
return id;
* Get the identification of this query as a URI.
* @return an <code>URI</code> value.
public URI getURIID() {
return URI.create(id.startsWith("urn")? id : "urn:oodt:query:" + id);
/** Get the title of this query.
* @return The title of this query.
public String getTitle() {
return title;
/** Get a string describing this query.
* @return A string describing this query.
public String getDescription() {
return description;
/** Get the type of the query, usually QUERY.
* @return The type of the query, usually QUERY.
public String getType() {
return type;
/** Get the status of the query.
* @return The status of the query.
public String getStatusID() {
return statusID;
/** Get the type of security to apply to this query.
* @return The type of security to apply to this query.
public String getSecurityType() {
return securityType;
/** Get a note about the revision history of this query.
* @return A note about the revision history of this query.
public String getRevisionNote() {
return revisionNote;
/** Get the ID of the data dictionary used by this query.
* @return The ID of the data dictionary used by this query.
public String getDataDictID() {
return dataDictID;
/** Set the identification of this query.
* @param id The identification of this query.
public void setID(String id) { = id;
/** Set the title of this query.
* @param title The title of this query.
public void setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
/** Set a string describing this query.
* @param description A string describing this query.
public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
/** Set the type of the query, usually QUERY.
* @param type The type of the query, usually QUERY.
public void setType(String type) {
this.type = type;
/** Set the status of the query.
* @param statusID The status of the query.
public void setStatusID(String statusID) {
this.statusID = statusID;
/** Set the type of security to apply to this query.
* @param securityType The type of security to apply to this query.
public void setSecurityType(String securityType) {
this.securityType = securityType;
/** Set a note about the revision history of this query.
* @param revisionNote A note about the revision history of this query.
public void setRevisionNote(String revisionNote) {
this.revisionNote = revisionNote;
/** Set the ID of the data dictionary used by this query.
* @param dataDictID The ID of the data dictionary used by this query.
public void setDataDictID(String dataDictID) {
this.dataDictID = dataDictID;
public Node toXML(Document doc) throws DOMException {
Element root = doc.createElement("queryAttributes");
XML.add(root, "queryId", getID());
XML.add(root, "queryTitle", getTitle());
XML.add(root, "queryDesc", getDescription());
XML.add(root, "queryType", getType());
XML.add(root, "queryStatusId", getStatusID());
XML.add(root, "querySecurityType", getSecurityType());
XML.add(root, "queryRevisionNote", getRevisionNote());
XML.add(root, "queryDataDictId", getDataDictID());
return root;
public int hashCode() {
return getID().hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object rhs) {
if (rhs == this) return true;
if (rhs == null || !(rhs instanceof QueryHeader)) return false;
QueryHeader obj = (QueryHeader) rhs;
return getID().equals(obj.getID());
public Object clone() {
Object rc = null;
try {
rc = super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException cantHappen) {}
return rc;
public String toString() {
return getClass().getName() + "[id=" + id + "]";
/** The identification of this query. */
private String id;
/** The title of this query. */
private String title;
/** A string describing this query. */
private String description;
/** The type of the query, usually QUERY. */
private String type;
/** The status of the query. */
private String statusID;
/** The type of security to apply to this query. */
private String securityType;
/** A note about the revision history of this query. */
private String revisionNote;
/** The ID of the data dictionary used by this query. */
private String dataDictID;
/** Serial version unique ID. */
static final long serialVersionUID = -8601229234696670816L;