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<title>CAS Push Pull Framework Developer Guide</title>
<author email="">Brian Foster</author>
<author email="">Chris Mattmann</author>
<section name="Introduction">
This is the developer guide for the Apache OODT Catalog and Archive Service (CAS)
Push Pull framework, or Push Pull for short. Primarily, this guide
will explain the Push Pull architecture and interfaces, including its
tailorable extension points. For information on installation, configuration,
and examples, please see our <a href="../user/basic.html">User Guides.</a>
<p>The remainder of this guide is separated into the following sections:</p>
<li><a href="#section1">Project Description</a></li>
<li><a href="#section2">Architecture</a></li>
<li><a href="#section3">Extension Points</a></li>
<li><a href="#section4">Current Extension Point Implementations</a></li>
<a name="section1"/>
<section name="Project Description">
<p>The Push Pull framework is responsible for downloading remote content (pull),
or accepting the delivery of remote content (push) to a local system staging area
for use by the <a href="../../crawler">CAS Crawler Framework</a> to ingest into
the <a href="../../filemgr">CAS File Manager</a>. The Push Pull framework is extensible
and provides a fully tailorable Java-based API for the acquisition of remote content.</p>
<a name="section2"/>
<section name="Architecture">
<p>In this section, we will describe the architecture of the Push Pull framework,
including its constituent components, object model, and key capabilities.</p>
<subsection name="Components">
<p>The major components of the Push Pull Framework are the Daemon Launcher, the Daemon,
the Protocol Layer, and the File Retrieval System, to name a few. The relationship between
all of these components are shown in the diagram below:
<p><img src="../images/pp_extension_points.png" alt="Push Pull Framework Architecture"/></p>
<p>The Push Pull Framework provides a Daemon Launcher, responsible for creating new
Daemon instances. Each Daemon has an associated Daemon Configuration, and has the
ability to use a File Retrieval Setup extension point. This class is responsible for
leveraging both a Protocol and a File Retrieval System to obtain ProtocolFiles, based on
a File Restrictions Parser, that yields eventually a VirtualFileStructure (VFS) model. The
VFS defines what files to accept and pull down from a remote site.
<subsection name="Object Model">
<p>The critical objects managed by the Push Pull Framework include:</p>
<li><strong>Protocol</strong> - A pluggable means of obtaining content over
some file acquisition method, e.g., FTP, SCP, HTTP, etc.</li>
<li><strong>Protocol File</strong> - Metadata information about a remote file,
including its ProtocolPath.</li>
<li><strong>Protocol Path</strong> - A pointer to a remote Product file's (or files')
location, which can be used to derive metadata and determine where to place the file
in the local staging area built by the Push Pull Framework.</li>
<li><strong>Remote Site</strong> - Descriptive information about a remote site, including
the username/password combination, as well as a origin directory to start interrogating.</li>
<p>Each Protocol delivers one or more Protocol Files. Each ProtocoFile is associated with a
single RemoteSite, and each ProtocolFile is associated with a single ProtocolPath. These
relationships are shown in the below figure.</p>
<img src="../images/pp_object_model.png" alt="Push Pull Framework Object Model"/>
<subsection name="Key Capabilities">
<p>The Push Pull Framework has been designed with a new of key capabilities in mind.
These capabilities include:</p>
<p><strong>Flexibility</strong> - ability to plug in different Metadata Extractors,
Data Protocols, Content Types, etc.</p>
<p><strong>Support Push/Pull</strong> - Support of both &quot;Push&quot; and &quot;Pull&quot;
style data transfers.</p>
<p><strong>Extensibility</strong> - ability to add new, previously undiscovered Data Protocols,
and &quot;plug&quot; them into the framework.</p>
<p><strong>Java-based</strong> - Use of Java programming language and development kit for Multi-Platform
deployment (using the Java Virtual Machine).</p>
<p><strong>Fast Data-transfer</strong> - Support of Parallel File Transfers and Data Downloads.</p>
<p><strong>Email-based Push</strong> - Support for Email-based Push Data Acceptance using IMAP, SMTP protocols.</p>
<p><strong>Modeling of remote data sites</strong> - Ability to configure “Virtual” remote directories (based on Metadata
such as Date/Time) to download files from.</p>
<p><strong>Integration with other CAS components</strong> - Ability to &quot;plug-in&quot; to the CAS File Management
and CAS Crawl Framework components for Data Ingestion.</p>
<a name="section3"/>
<section name="Extension Points">
<p>We have constructed the Push Pull Framework making use of the <i>factory
method pattern</i> to provide multiple extension points for the Push Pull Framework. An
extension point is an interface within the Push Pull Framework that can have many
implementations. This is particularly useful when it comes to software
component configuration because it allows different implementations of
an existing interface to be selected at deployment time.</p>
<div class="info">The factory method pattern is a creational pattern common to
object oriented design. Each Push Pull Framework extension point involves the
implementation of two interfaces: an <i>extension factory</i> and an
<i>extension</i> implementation. At run-time, the Push Pull Framework loads a
properties file specifies a factory class to use during extension point
instantiation. For example, the Push Pull Framework may communicate with a
remote FTP site to obtain content, or it may use an IMAPS protocol plugin to
accept email-push notifications of available files.
<p>Using extension points, it is fairly simple to support many different types
of what are typically referred to as &quot;plug-in architectures&quot;. Each of the core
extension points for the Push Pull Framework is described below:</p>
<td>The Protocol extension point is the heart of the Push Pull framework,
responsible for modeling remote sites, and for obtaining their content via
different Retrieval Methods, using different File Restrictions Parsers.
<td>Retrieval Method</td>
<td>The Retrieval Method extension point is responsible for orchestrating
download (pull) and acceptance (push) of remote content.
<td>File Restrictions Parser</td>
<td>The File Restrictions Parser extension point is responsible for defining
how to accept or decline files encountered by a Retrieval Method, in essence
modeling remote file and directory structures.
<td>The extension point that provides the external interface to the
Push Pull Framework services. This includes the Daemon Launcher interface,
as well as the associated Daemon interface, that
is managed by with the Daemon Launcher.
<a name="section4"/>
<section name="Current Extension Point Implementations">
<p>There are at least two implementations of all of the aforementioned
extension points for the Push Pull Framework. Each extension point implementation
is detailed in this section.</p>
<subsection name="Protocol">
<li><strong>Cog JGlobus FTP.</strong> An implementation of
the Protocol extension point for FTP using
<a href="">CoG jglobus</a>.
<li><strong>Commons Net FTP.</strong> An implementation of the
of the Protocol extension point for FTP using
<a href="">Commons Net</a> FTP client.
<li><strong>HTTP.</strong> An implementation of
the Protocol extension point using Java's URL class, as well as
<a href="">Apache Tika</a>'s HTMLParser.</li>
<li><strong>IMAPS.</strong> An implementation of the
Protocol extension point using IMAPS javax.mail classes from
<a href="">Apache Geronimo</a> and
HTML parsing from <a href="">Apache Tika</a>.</li>
<li><strong>Local.</strong> An implementation of
the Protocol extension point using Java NIO for local
data acquisition.</li>
<li><strong>SFTP.</strong> An implementation of the
Protocol extension point using <a href="">JCraft</a>'s
<a href="">JSch</a> library.</li>
<subsection name="Retrieval Method">
<li><strong>Remote Crawler.</strong> An implementation of
the Retrieval Method interface that uses an XML based set of
policy files to determine which remote directories and files
to crawl and obtain.</li>
<li><strong>List Retriever.</strong> An implementation of the
Retrieval Method interface that accepts a list of URLs that point
to content to obtain.</li>
<subsection name="File Restrictions Parser">
<li><strong>DirStructXml Parser.</strong> An implementation of
the File Restrictions Parser interface that interprets an XML file
specifying the remote directories and files to obtain.</li>
<li><strong>FileList Parser.</strong> An implementation of the
File Restrictions Parser interface that specifies an ASCII newline separated
list of URLs pointing to remote directories and files to obtain.</li>
<li><strong>Class NOAA Email Parser.</strong> An implementation of the
File Restrictions Parser interface that reads email files from NOAA's CLASS
archive which specify lists of directory and file URLs to obtain.</li>
<subsection name="Daemon Launcher (Daemon client and Daemon server)">
<li><strong>Java RMI based server.</strong> An
implementation of the external server interface for the Push Pull Framework that
uses RMI as the transportation medium to launch Push Pull Daemons.</li>
<li><strong>Push Pull Daemon.</strong> An
implementation of the client interface for the Java RMI-based
server that uses RMI as the transportation medium to manage and control the
Push Pull services.</li>
<section name="Conclusion">
<p>The aim of this document is to provide information relevant to developers
about the CAS Push Pull Framework. Specifically, this document has described the
Push Pull Framework's architecture, including its constituent components, object model and
key capabilities. Additionally, the this document provides an overview of the
current implementations of the Push Pull Framework's extension points.</p>
<p>In the <a href="../user/basic.html">Basic User Guide</a> and
<a href="../user/advanced.html">Advanced User Guide</a>, we will cover topics
like installation, configuration, and example uses as well as advanced topics
like scaling and other tips and tricks.</p>