blob: 67ed6bcfb206cd9e5cd7e123494144d59e853811 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/Puny_Container.class.php');
require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/Puny_Resource.class.php');
* Puny
* Light-weight content editing for Balance applications. Puny makes it easy
* to add editable sections of content to your application views and supports
* real-time, in-place editing.
* Puny has been designed so that it is easy to plug in custom back end data
* stores (MySql, MongoDB, SQLite, etc) and template engines (Markdown, Textile,
* bbcode, etc). Use what makes sense for your project, and if what you want
* is not yet supported, writing a Puny driver for a datastore or template
* engine is a piece of cake. There are examples of each in the /classes/data and
* /classes/parsers directories.
* @author ahart
class Puny {
protected static $datastore = null;
protected static $commonResourcesLoaded = false;
protected static $editorResourcesLoaded = false;
protected static function init() {
// Only if the datastore has not yet been initialized...
if (!self::$datastore) {
try {
// Obtain datastore configuration details
$datastoreClass = App::Get()->settings['puny_datastore_classname'];
require_once( App::Get()->settings['puny_datastore_classpath'] );
// Create an instance of the datastore connector
self::$datastore = new $datastoreClass();
// Connect to the datastore
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
throw new Exception("Error instantiating Puny. "
. "The underlying cause was: " . $e->getMessage());
public static function load( $resourceId, $version = null, $parseContent = true ) {
// Load the raw data from the data store...
if (false !== ($resource = self::$datastore->load( $resourceId, $version ))) {
// If a valid resource was found, return it
return ($parseContent) ? $resource->parse() : $resource;
} else {
// Otherwise, return an empty resource with the requested id
return new Puny_Resource( array("resourceId" => $resourceId, "content" => $resourceId) );
public static function store (Puny_Resource $resource ) {
// Persist the resource to the datastore
self::$datastore->store( $resource );
public static function isEditing() {
return ( isset($_SESSION['puny']) && $_SESSION['puny']['editing'] === true );
public function initializeEditorSession() {
$_SESSION['puny'] = array('editing' => true, 'sessionStart' => time());
public static function destroyEditorSession() {
public static function status() {
if (self::isEditing()) {
return "<a href='".App::Get()->settings['puny_module_root']."/logout'>Logout</a>";
} else {
return "<a href='".App::Get()->settings['puny_module_root']."/login'>Login</a>";
protected static function injectCommonResources() {
// Inject the environmental information needed for the javascript libraries
// to function as expected...
if ( !self::$commonResourcesLoaded ) {
$js = "\r\n"
. "var puny_module_root = '" . trim(App::Get()->settings['puny_module_root']) . "'\r\n"
. " puny_module_static = '" . trim(App::Get()->settings['puny_module_static']) ."'\r\n"
. " puny_current_url = '" . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ."';\r\n";
App::Get()->response->addJavascript( $js, true ); // raw Javascript
// Add puny default styles
$staticPath = trim(App::Get()->settings['puny_module_static']);
App::Get()->response->addStylesheet($staticPath . '/css/defaults.css');
App::Get()->response->addJavascript($staticPath . '/js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js');
self::$commonResourcesLoaded = true;
protected static function injectEditorResources() {
// Only inject resources if we are editing and they have not already been loaded...
$segments = App::Get()->request->uri;
$staticPath = trim(App::Get()->settings['puny_module_static']);
if ( self::isEditing() && strstr($segments,'edit') != false) {
App::Get()->response->addJavascript($staticPath . '/js/gollum.js');
App::Get()->response->addJavascript($staticPath . '/js/gollum.dialog.js');
App::Get()->response->addJavascript($staticPath . '/js/gollum.placeholder.js');
App::Get()->response->addJavascript($staticPath . '/js/editor/gollum.editor.js');
App::Get()->response->addStylesheet($staticPath . '/css/github.css');
App::Get()->response->addStylesheet($staticPath . '/css/editor.css');
App::Get()->response->addStylesheet($staticPath . '/css/dialog.css');
if ( self::isEditing() && !self::$editorResourcesLoaded ) {
App::Get()->response->addJavascript($staticPath . '/js/puny.js');
App::Get()->response->addStylesheet($staticPath . '/css/puny.css');
self::$editorResourcesLoaded = true;
public static function container( $htmlElmt = 'div' , $extra = array()) {
// Create a new Puny_Container object according to the provided info
return new Puny_Container($htmlElmt, $extra);