blob: ca691591e09cbac915906831bcc7e541fa944a6a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* LDAPAuthenticationProvider
* This class provides an extension of the OODT Security 'Single-sign on'
* functionality that complies with the contract specified in the OODT Balance
* ApplicationAuthenticationProvider interface.
* For more information on the functions available here, consult either the
* OODT Security package or the Balance ApplicationAuthenticationProvider
* interface documentation.
* Note: This class has a dependency on the OODT CAS-SSO package
* (
* To build this dependency, check out the above project and then:
* 1) cd into the checked out project (you should see a package.xml file)
* 2) pear package
* 3) (sudo) pear install --force Gov_Nasa_Jpl...tar.gz
* @author s.khudikyan
* @author ahart
class LDAPAuthenticationProvider
extends Org_Apache_Oodt_Security_SingleSignOn
implements Org_Apache_Oodt_Balance_Interfaces_IApplicationAuthenticationProvider {
// The LDAP server name
protected $ldapHost;
// The port on which the LDAP server listens
protected $ldapPort;
* Constructor
public function __construct() {
// set LDAP constants
define("SSO_LDAP_HOST", App::Get()->settings['ldap_host']);
define("SSO_LDAP_PORT", App::Get()->settings['ldap_port']);
define("SSO_BASE_DN", App::Get()->settings['ldap_base_dn']);
define("SSO_GROUPS_DN", App::Get()->settings['ldap_group_dn']);
define("SSO_COOKIE_KEY", App::Get()->settings['cookie_key']);
$this->ldapHost = SSO_LDAP_HOST;
$this->ldapPort = SSO_LDAP_PORT;
* Connect to the LDAP server
public function connect() {
return parent::connect($this->ldapHost,$this->ldapPort);
* Disconnect from the LDAP server
public function disconnect() {
* Determine whether or not a user has authenticated
* @return boolean Whether or not the current user has authenticated
public function isLoggedIn() {
return parent::isLoggedIn();
* Process a user login
* @param string $username The provided username
* @param string $password The provided password
public function login( $username, $password ) {
return parent::login( $username, $password );
* End an authenticated user's session
public function logout() {
* Return the unique username of the currently authenticated user
public function getCurrentUsername() {
return parent::getCurrentUsername();
* Process a password change request for the currently authenticated
* user
* @param string $newPassword The new password to associate with the user
public function changePassword( $newPassword ) {
if ( App::Get()->settings['auth_encryption_method'] ) {
return parent::changePassword( $newPassword, App::Get()->settings['auth_encryption_method'] );
return parent::changePassword( $newPassword );
* Attempt to validate a candidate value for new user password
* @param string $newPass The candidate password value
* @param string $encryptionMethod The encryption method to use
public function validateChangePassword( $newPass, $encryptionMethod = "SHA" ) {
$isValid = true;
$messages = array();
// validate rules from config file
$rules = App::Get()->settings['security_password_rules'];
if ( isset($rules) ) {
foreach( $rules as $rule ){
// Separate the rule from the error message
list($regularExpression,$errorMessage) = explode('|',$rule,2);
// Test the rule
$rulePassed = preg_match($regularExpression, $newPass);
// If the rule failed, append the error message
if (!$rulePassed) {
$messages[] = $errorMessage;
$isValid = false;
if ($isValid && $this->connect(SSO_LDAP_HOST,SSO_LDAP_PORT)) {
$result = $this->changePassword($newPass,$encryptionMethod);
return true;
} else
return $messages;
* Obtain detailed information about the specified user.
* This function accepts both a username and an array of attributes
* corresponding to the variables in the LDAP user record for which
* values should be returned.
* @param string $username The username to obtain information for
* @param array $attributes The set of variables to return values for
public function retrieveUserAttributes( $username, $attributes ) {
$rawArray = parent::retrieveUserAttributes( $username, $attributes );
$userAttributes = array();
if ( count($rawArray) > 1 ) {
$rawArray = $rawArray[0];
// Get only necessary attributes to return
foreach ( $rawArray as $key=>$keyValue ) {
foreach ( $attributes as $value ) {
if ( $key === $value ) {
$userAttributes[$key] = $keyValue[0];
return $userAttributes;
* Add a user record to the LDAP directory
* This function accepts an associative array of information about
* a user. The keys in this array correspond to the named variables
* in the user object in the LDAP directory. At a minimum, this
* array must contain a key 'uid' which must be unique across users
* so that a proper dn can be generated for the new user.
* @param array $userInfo The information to include in the record
public function addUser($userInfo) {
$ldapconn = $this->connect(SSO_LDAP_HOST,SSO_LDAP_PORT);
if ($ldapconn) {
$user = "uid={$userInfo[ "uid" ]}," . SSO_BASE_DN;
return ldap_add($ldapconn,$user,$userInfo);
// connection failed
return false;
* Determine if the specified username is available
* This function uses the value of the config setting 'username_attr' when
* determining which key in the LDAP user record to use as the username
* attribute.
* @param string $username The username to test for availability
public function usernameAvailability( $username ) {
$justthese = array( App::Get()->settings['username_attr'] );
$profile = $this->retrieveUserAttributes($username, $justthese);
if (count($profile) > 0) {
return false;
} else {
// available
return true;
* Update an existing user profile with new information
* This function accepts an associative array containing named key/value
* pairs. The keys in this array correspond to the named variables
* in the user object in the LDAP directory. The function can only update
* the record for the currently authenticated user.
* @param array $newInfo The updated information for the user's profile
public function updateProfile($newInfo) {
if ($this->isLoggedIn()) {
$user = "uid={$this->getCurrentUsername()}," . SSO_BASE_DN ;
$ldapconn = $this->connect(SSO_LDAP_HOST,SSO_LDAP_PORT);
if (ldap_mod_replace($ldapconn,$user,$newInfo)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;