blob: a46d62b53ee46ecd7e231d5edc7f5dd3bd872f9e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* OODT Balance
* Web Application Base Framework
* ApplicationRequest: Provides methods for interpreting and processing
* a resource request.
* @author ahart
class Org_Apache_Oodt_Balance_Core_ApplicationRequest {
public $isScript;
public $config;
public $uri;
public $segments;
public $data;
public $viewPath;
public $scriptPath;
public $isModule;
public $modulePath; // Filesystem path for module
public $moduleRoot; // URL base for module
public $moduleStatic; // URL base for static module assests (images,css,js,etc)
public function __construct($config,$requestURI) {
// Determine if this request is a script or a view
$this->isScript = $this->isScript($requestURI);
// Store the config as provided
$this->config = $config;
// Store the uri as provided
$this->uri = htmlentities($requestURI);
// Initialize the segments and view path
$this->segments = array();
$this->viewPath = false;
// Store data associated with the request
$this->data = $_GET;
$this->data = array_merge($this->data,$_POST);
if ($this->isScript) {
} else {
protected function processAsView() {
// Determine the view to use
list($thePage) = explode('index.php', parse_url($this->uri, PHP_URL_PATH)); // we only care about URL path info
$thePage = ltrim($thePage,'/');
if ($thePage == '') { $thePage = 'index'; }
$parts = explode('/',$thePage);
// Determine whether a module is being requested
$module = App::Get()->isModule($thePage);
if ($module) {
$this->isModule = true;
$this->modulePath = $module->modulePath;
$this->moduleRoot = $module->moduleRoot;
$this->moduleStatic = $module->moduleStatic;
// Starting with the full request string, test for the existance of
// a corresponding view. If none is found in the HOME
// directory, chop off the last segment and try again. Add the chopped
// segment to the "segments" array since it is likely a parameter.
$partCount = count($parts);
// check for view at least once
do {
$testPath = implode('/',$parts);
$homeTest = (($this->isModule) ? "{$this->modulePath}/views" : $this->config['views_dir']) . '/' . $testPath . '.php';
$homeIdxTest = (($this->isModule) ? "{$this->modulePath}/views" : $this->config['views_dir']) . '/' . $testPath . '/index.php';
if (is_file($homeTest)) {
$this->viewPath = $homeTest;
if (is_file($homeIdxTest)) {
$this->viewPath = $homeIdxTest;
// If here, neither is a valid view, so chop the last segment
$this->segments[] = $parts[$partCount - 1];
} while ($partCount > 0);
// If no view has been found by this point, display a 404 message
if (!$this->viewPath) {
$this->viewPath = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/views/error/404.php";
// Reverse the segments array so that params appear in the proper order
$this->segments = array_reverse($this->segments);
protected function processAsScript() {
// Determine the desired script
list($theScript) = explode("_init.php",$this->uri);
if ($GLOBALS['app']->settings['site_root'] != '/') {
$theScript = str_replace($GLOBALS['app']->settings['site_root'],'',$theScript);
$theScript = str_replace(".do",".php",$theScript);
$theScript = strpos($theScript,'?')
? substr($theScript,0,strpos($theScript,'?'))
: $theScript;
$theScript = ltrim($theScript,'/');
$module = $GLOBALS['app']->isModule($theScript);
if ($module) {
$this->isModule = true;
$this->modulePath = $module->modulePath;
$this->moduleRoot = $module->moduleRoot;
$this->moduleStatic = $module->moduleStatic;
$theScript = substr($theScript,strpos($theScript,'/')+1);
$path = $module->modulePath . "/scripts/{$theScript}";
} else {
$path = HOME . "/scripts/{$theScript}";
$this->scriptPath = $path;
protected function isScript($requestURI) {
// Is this a script? (does the script filename end in .do?)
$test = $requestURI;
if (strpos($test,'?')) {
$test = substr($test,0,strpos($test,'?'));
return (substr($test,-3,3) == '.do');