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~~ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
~~ or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
~~ distributed with this work for additional information
~~ regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
~~ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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~~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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~~ under the License.
Let's start on defining an object type that requires dependency injection and that a callback
has to be invoked once application will be shutdown:
import org.apache.onami.lifecycle.Dispose;
@Singleton // not necessary, but let's add some spice
public class MyServiceImpl
private Dependency dependency;
// setter omitted for simplicity
public void tearDown()
All users have to do, is adding the <<<DisposeModule>>> when creating the <<<Injector>>>:
import static;
import org.apache.onami.lifecycle.DisposeModule;
Injector injector = createInjector( new DisposeModule(), ... );
Then, require the <<<org.apache.onami.lifecycle.Disposer>>> injection to shutdown the application:
import org.apache.onami.lifecycle.Disposer;
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook( new Thread()
public void run()
injector.getInstance( Disposer.class ).dispose();
} );
Of course, same concept can be applied to any listener <<<javax.servlet.ServletContextListener>>>:
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent;
import javax.servlet.ServletContextListener;
public final class ContextListener
implements ServletContextListener
private Injector injector;
public void contextDestroyed( ServletContextEvent event )
injector.getInstance( Disposer.class ).dispose();
public void contextInitialized( ServletContextEvent event )
Dispose Handling
Users interested on tracking/logging/... objects dispose progresses, can register a
<<<org.apache.onami.lifecycle.DisposeHandler>>>, which has the following methods signatures:
public interface DisposeHandler
<I> void onSuccess( I injectee );
<I, E extends Throwable> void onError( I injectee, E error );
A <<<DisposeHandler>>> instance can be passed to <<<Disposer#dispose()>>> method:
injector.getInstance( Disposer.class ).dispose( new DisposeHandler
public <I> void onSuccess( I injectee )
{ "Object {} successfully released resources", injectee );
public <I, E extends Throwable> void onError( I injectee, E error )
logger.error( "Impossible to released resources of " + injectee, error );
} );
The <<<DisposeModule>>> module supports dynamic definition of the annotation has to be handled; let's replace
the <<<org.apache.onami.lifecycle.Dispose>>> with the <<<javax.annotation.PreDestroy>>>:
import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;
@Singleton // not necessary, but let's add some spice
public class MyServiceImpl
private Dependency dependency;
// setter omitted for simplicity
public void tearDown()
then, create the <<<Injector>>>:
import static;
import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;
import org.apache.onami.lifecycle.AfterInjectionModule;
Injector injector = createInjector( new DisposeModule( PreDestroy.class, Matchers.any() ), ... );