blob: 891acbbb68d8702fb66c94184dfb6f34ac6e2c4f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.olingo.server.sample.processor;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.EdmComplexType;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.EdmEntitySet;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.EdmPrimitiveType;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.EdmProperty;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.format.ContentType;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.format.ODataFormat;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.http.HttpContentType;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.http.HttpHeader;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.http.HttpStatusCode;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.OData;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.ODataApplicationException;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.ODataRequest;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.ODataResponse;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.ServiceMetadata;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.deserializer.DeserializerException;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.processor.ComplexProcessor;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.processor.EntityCollectionProcessor;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.processor.EntityProcessor;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.processor.PrimitiveProcessor;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.processor.PrimitiveValueProcessor;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.serializer.ComplexSerializerOptions;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.serializer.EntityCollectionSerializerOptions;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.serializer.EntitySerializerOptions;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.serializer.ODataSerializer;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.serializer.PrimitiveSerializerOptions;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.serializer.SerializerException;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.uri.UriInfo;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.uri.UriInfoResource;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.uri.UriResource;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.uri.UriResourceEntitySet;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.uri.UriResourceProperty;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.uri.queryoption.ExpandOption;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.uri.queryoption.SelectOption;
* This processor will deliver entity collections, single entities as well as properties of an entity.
* This is a very simple example which should give you a rough guideline on how to implement such an processor.
* See the JavaDoc of the server.api interfaces for more information.
public class CarsProcessor implements EntityCollectionProcessor, EntityProcessor,
PrimitiveProcessor, PrimitiveValueProcessor, ComplexProcessor {
private OData odata;
private DataProvider dataProvider;
// This constructor is application specific and not mandatory for the Olingo library. We use it here to simulate the
// database access
public CarsProcessor(final DataProvider dataProvider) {
this.dataProvider = dataProvider;
public void init(OData odata, ServiceMetadata edm) {
this.odata = odata;
public void readEntityCollection(final ODataRequest request, ODataResponse response, final UriInfo uriInfo,
final ContentType requestedContentType) throws ODataApplicationException, SerializerException {
// First we have to figure out which entity set to use
final EdmEntitySet edmEntitySet = getEdmEntitySet(uriInfo.asUriInfoResource());
// Second we fetch the data for this specific entity set from the mock database and transform it into an EntitySet
// object which is understood by our serialization
EntitySet entitySet = dataProvider.readAll(edmEntitySet);
// Next we create a serializer based on the requested format. This could also be a custom format but we do not
// support them in this example
final ODataFormat format = ODataFormat.fromContentType(requestedContentType);
ODataSerializer serializer = odata.createSerializer(format);
// Now the content is serialized using the serializer.
final ExpandOption expand = uriInfo.getExpandOption();
final SelectOption select = uriInfo.getSelectOption();
InputStream serializedContent = serializer.entityCollection(edmEntitySet.getEntityType(), entitySet,
.contextURL(format == ODataFormat.JSON_NO_METADATA ? null :
getContextUrl(edmEntitySet, false, expand, select, null))
// Finally we set the response data, headers and status code
response.setHeader(HttpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE, requestedContentType.toContentTypeString());
public void readEntity(final ODataRequest request, ODataResponse response, final UriInfo uriInfo,
final ContentType requestedContentType) throws ODataApplicationException, SerializerException {
// First we have to figure out which entity set the requested entity is in
final EdmEntitySet edmEntitySet = getEdmEntitySet(uriInfo.asUriInfoResource());
// Next we fetch the requested entity from the database
Entity entity;
try {
entity = readEntityInternal(uriInfo.asUriInfoResource(), edmEntitySet);
} catch (DataProviderException e) {
throw new ODataApplicationException(e.getMessage(), 500, Locale.ENGLISH);
if (entity == null) {
// If no entity was found for the given key we throw an exception.
throw new ODataApplicationException("No entity found for this key", HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND
.getStatusCode(), Locale.ENGLISH);
} else {
// If an entity was found we proceed by serializing it and sending it to the client.
final ODataFormat format = ODataFormat.fromContentType(requestedContentType);
ODataSerializer serializer = odata.createSerializer(format);
final ExpandOption expand = uriInfo.getExpandOption();
final SelectOption select = uriInfo.getSelectOption();
InputStream serializedContent = serializer.entity(edmEntitySet.getEntityType(), entity,
.contextURL(format == ODataFormat.JSON_NO_METADATA ? null :
getContextUrl(edmEntitySet, true, expand, select, null))
response.setHeader(HttpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE, requestedContentType.toContentTypeString());
public void createEntity(ODataRequest request, ODataResponse response, UriInfo uriInfo,
ContentType requestFormat, ContentType responseFormat)
throws ODataApplicationException, DeserializerException, SerializerException {
throw new ODataApplicationException("Entity create is not supported yet.",
HttpStatusCode.NOT_IMPLEMENTED.getStatusCode(), Locale.ENGLISH);
public void deleteEntity(ODataRequest request, ODataResponse response, UriInfo uriInfo)
throws ODataApplicationException {
throw new ODataApplicationException("Entity delete is not supported yet.",
HttpStatusCode.NOT_IMPLEMENTED.getStatusCode(), Locale.ENGLISH);
public void readPrimitive(ODataRequest request, ODataResponse response, UriInfo uriInfo, ContentType format)
throws ODataApplicationException, SerializerException {
readProperty(response, uriInfo, format, false);
public void readComplex(ODataRequest request, ODataResponse response, UriInfo uriInfo, ContentType format)
throws ODataApplicationException, SerializerException {
readProperty(response, uriInfo, format, true);
public void readPrimitiveValue(ODataRequest request, ODataResponse response, UriInfo uriInfo, ContentType format)
throws ODataApplicationException, SerializerException {
// First we have to figure out which entity set the requested entity is in
final EdmEntitySet edmEntitySet = getEdmEntitySet(uriInfo.asUriInfoResource());
// Next we fetch the requested entity from the database
final Entity entity;
try {
entity = readEntityInternal(uriInfo.asUriInfoResource(), edmEntitySet);
} catch (DataProviderException e) {
throw new ODataApplicationException(e.getMessage(), 500, Locale.ENGLISH);
if (entity == null) {
// If no entity was found for the given key we throw an exception.
throw new ODataApplicationException("No entity found for this key", HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND
.getStatusCode(), Locale.ENGLISH);
} else {
// Next we get the property value from the entity and pass the value to serialization
UriResourceProperty uriProperty = (UriResourceProperty) uriInfo
.getUriResourceParts().get(uriInfo.getUriResourceParts().size() - 1);
EdmProperty edmProperty = uriProperty.getProperty();
Property property = entity.getProperty(edmProperty.getName());
if (property == null) {
throw new ODataApplicationException("No property found", HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND
.getStatusCode(), Locale.ENGLISH);
} else {
if (property.getValue() == null) {
} else {
String value = String.valueOf(property.getValue());
ByteArrayInputStream serializerContent = new ByteArrayInputStream(
response.setHeader(HttpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE, HttpContentType.TEXT_PLAIN);
private void readProperty(ODataResponse response, UriInfo uriInfo, ContentType contentType,
boolean complex) throws ODataApplicationException, SerializerException {
// To read a property we have to first get the entity out of the entity set
final EdmEntitySet edmEntitySet = getEdmEntitySet(uriInfo.asUriInfoResource());
Entity entity;
try {
entity = readEntityInternal(uriInfo.asUriInfoResource(), edmEntitySet);
} catch (DataProviderException e) {
throw new ODataApplicationException(e.getMessage(),
HttpStatusCode.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.getStatusCode(), Locale.ENGLISH);
if (entity == null) {
// If no entity was found for the given key we throw an exception.
throw new ODataApplicationException("No entity found for this key",
HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND.getStatusCode(), Locale.ENGLISH);
} else {
// Next we get the property value from the entity and pass the value to serialization
UriResourceProperty uriProperty = (UriResourceProperty) uriInfo
.getUriResourceParts().get(uriInfo.getUriResourceParts().size() - 1);
EdmProperty edmProperty = uriProperty.getProperty();
Property property = entity.getProperty(edmProperty.getName());
if (property == null) {
throw new ODataApplicationException("No property found",
HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND.getStatusCode(), Locale.ENGLISH);
} else {
if (property.getValue() == null) {
} else {
final ODataFormat format = ODataFormat.fromContentType(contentType);
ODataSerializer serializer = odata.createSerializer(format);
final ContextURL contextURL = format == ODataFormat.JSON_NO_METADATA ? null :
getContextUrl(edmEntitySet, true, null, null, edmProperty.getName());
InputStream serializerContent = complex ?
serializer.complex((EdmComplexType) edmProperty.getType(), property,
ComplexSerializerOptions.with().contextURL(contextURL).build()) :
serializer.primitive((EdmPrimitiveType) edmProperty.getType(), property,
response.setHeader(HttpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE, contentType.toContentTypeString());
private Entity readEntityInternal(final UriInfoResource uriInfo, final EdmEntitySet entitySet)
throws DataProvider.DataProviderException {
// This method will extract the key values and pass them to the data provider
final UriResourceEntitySet resourceEntitySet = (UriResourceEntitySet) uriInfo.getUriResourceParts().get(0);
return, resourceEntitySet.getKeyPredicates());
private EdmEntitySet getEdmEntitySet(final UriInfoResource uriInfo) throws ODataApplicationException {
final List<UriResource> resourcePaths = uriInfo.getUriResourceParts();
* To get the entity set we have to interpret all URI segments
if (!(resourcePaths.get(0) instanceof UriResourceEntitySet)) {
throw new ODataApplicationException("Invalid resource type for first segment.",
HttpStatusCode.NOT_IMPLEMENTED.getStatusCode(), Locale.ENGLISH);
* Here we should interpret the whole URI but in this example we do not support navigation so we throw an exception
final UriResourceEntitySet uriResource = (UriResourceEntitySet) resourcePaths.get(0);
return uriResource.getEntitySet();
private ContextURL getContextUrl(final EdmEntitySet entitySet, final boolean isSingleEntity,
final ExpandOption expand, final SelectOption select, final String navOrPropertyPath)
throws SerializerException {
return ContextURL.with().entitySet(entitySet)
.selectList(odata.createUriHelper().buildContextURLSelectList(entitySet.getEntityType(), expand, select))
.suffix(isSingleEntity ? Suffix.ENTITY : null)
public void updatePrimitive(final ODataRequest request, final ODataResponse response,
final UriInfo uriInfo, final ContentType requestFormat,
final ContentType responseFormat)
throws ODataApplicationException, DeserializerException, SerializerException {
throw new ODataApplicationException("Primitive property update is not supported yet.",
HttpStatusCode.NOT_IMPLEMENTED.getStatusCode(), Locale.ENGLISH);
public void deletePrimitive(ODataRequest request, ODataResponse response, UriInfo uriInfo) throws
ODataApplicationException {
throw new ODataApplicationException("Primitive property delete is not supported yet.",
HttpStatusCode.NOT_IMPLEMENTED.getStatusCode(), Locale.ENGLISH);
public void updateComplex(final ODataRequest request, final ODataResponse response,
final UriInfo uriInfo, final ContentType requestFormat,
final ContentType responseFormat)
throws ODataApplicationException, DeserializerException, SerializerException {
throw new ODataApplicationException("Complex property update is not supported yet.",
HttpStatusCode.NOT_IMPLEMENTED.getStatusCode(), Locale.ENGLISH);
public void deleteComplex(final ODataRequest request, final ODataResponse response, final UriInfo uriInfo)
throws ODataApplicationException {
throw new ODataApplicationException("Complex property delete is not supported yet.",
HttpStatusCode.NOT_IMPLEMENTED.getStatusCode(), Locale.ENGLISH);
public void updateEntity(final ODataRequest request, final ODataResponse response,
final UriInfo uriInfo, final ContentType requestFormat,
final ContentType responseFormat)
throws ODataApplicationException, DeserializerException, SerializerException {
throw new ODataApplicationException("Entity update is not supported yet.",
HttpStatusCode.NOT_IMPLEMENTED.getStatusCode(), Locale.ENGLISH);