blob: 7efc14cb322885910fd95da6c7065344128f34c0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
grammar UriParser;
// This grammar refers to the "odata-abnf-construction-rules.txt" Revision 517.
// URL:
// While contructing this grammar we tried to keep it close to the ABNF.
// However this is not really possible in order to support
// - percent decoding
// - operator precedence
// - having a context free grammar ( without java snipplets to add context)
// - generating the parser in different target languages
// Currently not supported are
// - $search
// - geometry data
// - json data in url
options {
language = Java;
tokenVocab = UriLexer;
//; 0. URI
entityEOF : vNS=namespace vODI=odataIdentifier;
//; 1. Resource Path
//resourcePathEOF : vlPS=pathSegments EOF;
crossjoinEOF : CROSSJOIN OPEN WSP? vlODI+=odataIdentifier WSP? ( COMMA WSP? vlODI+=odataIdentifier WSP?)* CLOSE EOF;
allEOF : ALL;
pathSegmentEOF : (pathSegment | constSegment) EOF;
pathSegments : vlPS+=pathSegment (SLASH vlPS+=pathSegment)* (SLASH vCS=constSegment)?;
pathSegment : vNS=namespace? vODI=odataIdentifier vlNVO+=nameValueOptList*;
nameValueOptList : OPEN (vVO=commonExpr | vNVL=nameValueList)? CLOSE;
nameValueList : WSP* vlNVP+=nameValuePair WSP* ( COMMA WSP* vlNVP+=nameValuePair WSP*)* ;
nameValuePair : vODI=odataIdentifier EQ (AT vALI=odataIdentifier | vCOM=commonExpr /*TODO | val2=enumX*/);
constSegment : (vV=value | vC=count | vR=ref | vAll=allExpr | vAny=anyExpr);
count : COUNT;
ref : REF;
value : VALUE;
//; 2. Query Options
queryOptions : vlQO+=queryOption ( AMP vlQO+=queryOption )*;//TODO can this be removed
queryOption : systemQueryOption;
systemQueryOption : expand
| filter
| inlinecount
| orderBy
| search
| select
| skip
| skiptoken
| top
skiptoken : SKIPTOKEN EQ REST;
expand : EXPAND EQ expandItems;
expandItemsEOF : expandItems EOF;
expandItems : vlEI+=expandItem ( COMMA vlEI+=expandItem )*;
expandItem : vS=STAR ( SLASH vR=ref | OPEN LEVELS EQ ( vL=INT | vM=MAX) CLOSE )?
| vEP=expandPath vEPE=expandPathExtension?;
expandPath : vlPS+=pathSegment (SLASH vlPS+=pathSegment)*;
expandPathExtension : OPEN vlEO+=expandOption ( SEMI vlEO+=expandOption )* CLOSE
| SLASH vR=ref ( OPEN vlEOR+=expandRefOption ( SEMI vlEOR+=expandRefOption )* CLOSE )?
| SLASH vC=count ( OPEN vlEOC+=expandCountOption ( SEMI vlEOC+=expandCountOption )* CLOSE )?
expandCountOption : filter
| search
expandRefOption : expandCountOption
| orderBy
| skip
| top
| inlinecount
expandOption : expandRefOption
| select
| expand
| levels;
levels : LEVELS EQ ( INT | MAX );
filter : FILTER EQ commonExpr;
filterExpressionEOF : commonExpr EOF;
orderBy : ORDERBY EQ orderList;
orderByEOF : orderList EOF;
orderList : vlOI+=orderByItem ( WSP* COMMA WSP* vlOI+=orderByItem )*;
orderByItem : vC=commonExpr ( WSP ( vA=ASC | vD=DESC ) )?;
skip : SKIP EQ INT;
top : TOP EQ INT;
inlinecount : COUNT EQ booleanNonCase;
search : SEARCH searchSpecialToken;
searchInline : SEARCH_INLINE searchSpecialToken;
searchSpecialToken : EQ WSP? searchExpr;
searchExpr : (NOT WSP) searchExpr
| searchExpr searchExpr
| searchExpr WSP searchExpr
| searchExpr ( WSP AND WSP) searchExpr
| searchExpr ( WSP OR WSP) searchExpr
| searchPhrase
| searchWord
searchPhrase : SEARCHPHRASE;
searchWord : SEARCHWORD;
select : SELECT EQ vlSI+=selectItem ( COMMA vlSI+=selectItem )*;
selectEOF : vlSI+=selectItem ( COMMA vlSI+=selectItem )*;
selectItem : vlSS+=selectSegment ( SLASH vlSS+=selectSegment ) *;
selectSegment : vNS=namespace? ( vODI=odataIdentifier | vS=STAR );
aliasAndValue : vODI=ODATAIDENTIFIER EQ vV=parameterValue;
parameterValue : commonExpr //TODO json not supported arrayOrObject
//; 3. Context URL Fragments
contextFragment : REST; // the context fragment is only required on the client side
//; 4. Expressions
commonExpr : OPEN commonExpr CLOSE #altPharenthesis
| vE1=commonExpr (WSP HAS WSP) vE2=commonExpr #altHas
| methodCallExpr #altMethod
| ( unary WSP? ) commonExpr #altUnary
| anyExpr #altAny
| allExpr #altAll
| memberExpr #altMember
| vE1=commonExpr (WSP vO=MUL WSP | WSP vO=DIV WSP | WSP vO=MOD WSP ) vE2=commonExpr #altMult
| vE1=commonExpr (WSP vO=ADD WSP | WSP vO=SUB WSP) vE2=commonExpr #altAdd
| vE1=commonExpr (WSP vO=GT WSP | WSP vO=GE WSP | WSP vO=LT WSP
| WSP vO=LE WSP ) vE2=commonExpr #altComparism
| vE1=commonExpr (WSP vO=EQ_ALPHA WSP | WSP vO=NE WSP) vE2=commonExpr #altEquality
| vE1=commonExpr (WSP AND WSP) vE2=commonExpr #altAnd
| vE1=commonExpr (WSP OR WSP) vE2=commonExpr #altOr
| rootExpr #altRoot // $...
| AT odataIdentifier #altAlias // @...
| primitiveLiteral #altLiteral // ...
unary : (MINUS| NOT) ;
rootExpr : ROOT vPs=pathSegments;
memberExpr : vIt=IT ( SLASH (vANY=anyExpr | vALL=allExpr))?
| vIts=ITSLASH? vPs=pathSegments ( SLASH (vANY=anyExpr | vALL=allExpr))?;
anyExpr : ANY_LAMDA OPEN WSP? ( vLV=odataIdentifier WSP? COLON WSP? vLE=commonExpr WSP? )? CLOSE;
allExpr : ALL_LAMDA OPEN WSP? vLV=odataIdentifier WSP? COLON WSP? vLE=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
methodCallExpr : indexOfMethodCallExpr
| toLowerMethodCallExpr
| toUpperMethodCallExpr
| trimMethodCallExpr
| substringMethodCallExpr
| concatMethodCallExpr
| lengthMethodCallExpr
| yearMethodCallExpr
| monthMethodCallExpr
| dayMethodCallExpr
| hourMethodCallExpr
| minuteMethodCallExpr
| secondMethodCallExpr
| fractionalsecondsMethodCallExpr
| totalsecondsMethodCallExpr
| dateMethodCallExpr
| timeMethodCallExpr
| roundMethodCallExpr
| floorMethodCallExpr
| ceilingMethodCallExpr
| geoDistanceMethodCallExpr
| geoLengthMethodCallExpr
| totalOffsetMinutesMethodCallExpr
| minDateTimeMethodCallExpr
| maxDateTimeMethodCallExpr
| nowMethodCallExpr
//from boolean
| isofExpr
| castExpr
| endsWithMethodCallExpr
| startsWithMethodCallExpr
| containsMethodCallExpr
| geoIntersectsMethodCallExpr
containsMethodCallExpr : CONTAINS_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? COMMA WSP? vE2=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
startsWithMethodCallExpr : STARTSWITH_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? COMMA WSP? vE2=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
endsWithMethodCallExpr : ENDSWITH_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? COMMA WSP? vE2=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
lengthMethodCallExpr : LENGTH_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
indexOfMethodCallExpr : INDEXOF_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? COMMA WSP? vE2=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
substringMethodCallExpr : SUBSTRING_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? COMMA WSP? vE2=commonExpr WSP? ( COMMA WSP? vE3=commonExpr WSP? )? CLOSE;
toLowerMethodCallExpr : TOLOWER_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
toUpperMethodCallExpr : TOUPPER_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
trimMethodCallExpr : TRIM_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
concatMethodCallExpr : CONCAT_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? COMMA WSP? vE2=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
yearMethodCallExpr : YEAR_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
monthMethodCallExpr : MONTH_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
dayMethodCallExpr : DAY_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
hourMethodCallExpr : HOUR_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
minuteMethodCallExpr : MINUTE_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
secondMethodCallExpr : SECOND_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
fractionalsecondsMethodCallExpr : FRACTIONALSECONDS_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
totalsecondsMethodCallExpr : TOTALSECONDS_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
dateMethodCallExpr : DATE_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
timeMethodCallExpr : TIME_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
totalOffsetMinutesMethodCallExpr : TOTALOFFSETMINUTES_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
minDateTimeMethodCallExpr : MINDATETIME_WORD WSP? CLOSE;
maxDateTimeMethodCallExpr : MAXDATETIME_WORD WSP? CLOSE;
nowMethodCallExpr : NOW_WORD WSP? CLOSE;
roundMethodCallExpr : ROUND_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
floorMethodCallExpr : FLOOR_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
ceilingMethodCallExpr : CEILING_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
geoDistanceMethodCallExpr : GEO_DISTANCE_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? COMMA WSP? vE2=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
geoLengthMethodCallExpr : GEO_LENGTH_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
geoIntersectsMethodCallExpr : GEO_INTERSECTS_WORD WSP? vE1=commonExpr WSP? COMMA WSP? vE2=commonExpr WSP? CLOSE;
isofExpr : ISOF_WORD WSP? ( vE1=commonExpr WSP? COMMA WSP? )? vNS=namespace vODI=odataIdentifier WSP? CLOSE;
castExpr : CAST_WORD WSP? ( vE1=commonExpr WSP? COMMA WSP? )? vNS=namespace vODI=odataIdentifier WSP? CLOSE;
//; 5. JSON format for function parameters
//; Note: the query part of a URI needs to be partially percent-decoded before
//; applying these rules, see comment at the top of this file
arrayOrObject : json_array
| json_object;
json_array : BEGIN_ARRAY json_value ( WSP? COMMA WSP? json_value)* END_ARRAY;
json_value : jsonPrimitiv
| rootExpr
| json_object
| json_array;
json_object : BEGIN_OBJECT
//; JSON syntax: adapted to URI restrictions from [RFC4627]
jsonPrimitiv : STRING_IN_JSON
| number_in_json
| 'null'
number_in_json : INT | DECIMAL;
//; 6. Names and identifiers
qualifiedtypename : namespace odataIdentifier
| 'collection' OPEN ( namespace odataIdentifier ) CLOSE
namespace : (odataIdentifier POINT)+;
odataIdentifier : ODATAIDENTIFIER;
//; 7. Literal Data Values
primitiveLiteral : nullrule
| booleanNonCase
| DECIMAL //includes double and single literals
| naninfinity
| INT //includes int16/int32 and int64 literals
| string
| enumLit
| geographyCollection
| geographyLineString
| geographyMultilineString
| geographyMultipoint
| geographyMultipolygon
| geographyPoint
| geographyPolygon
| geometryCollection
| geometryLineString
| geometryMultilineString
| geometryMultipoint
| geometryMultipolygon
| geometryPoint
| geometryPolygon
naninfinity : NANINFINITY;
nullrule : NULLVALUE;
booleanNonCase : BOOLEAN | TRUE | FALSE;
string : STRING;
enumLit : vNS=namespace vODI=odataIdentifier vValues=STRING;
enumValues : vlODI+=odataIdentifier ( COMMA vlODI+=odataIdentifier )*;
geographyCollection : GEOGRAPHY fullCollectionLiteral SQUOTE;
fullCollectionLiteral : sridLiteral collectionLiteral;
collectionLiteral : (COLLECTION ) OPEN geoLiteral ( COMMA geoLiteral )* CLOSE;
geoLiteral : collectionLiteral
| lineStringLiteral
| multipointLiteral
| multilineStringLiteral
| multipolygonLiteral
| pointLiteral
| polygonLiteral;
geographyLineString : GEOGRAPHY fullLineStringLiteral SQUOTE;
fullLineStringLiteral : sridLiteral lineStringLiteral;
lineStringLiteral : LINESTRING lineStringData;
lineStringData : OPEN positionLiteral ( COMMA positionLiteral )* CLOSE;
geographyMultilineString : GEOGRAPHY fullMultilineStringLiteral SQUOTE;
fullMultilineStringLiteral : sridLiteral multilineStringLiteral;
multilineStringLiteral : MULTILINESTRING OPEN ( lineStringData ( COMMA lineStringData )* )? CLOSE;
geographyMultipoint : GEOGRAPHY fullMultipointLiteral SQUOTE;
fullMultipointLiteral : sridLiteral multipointLiteral;
multipointLiteral : MULTIPOINT OPEN ( pointData ( COMMA pointData )* )? CLOSE ;
geographyMultipolygon : GEOGRAPHY fullmultipolygonLiteral SQUOTE;
fullmultipolygonLiteral : sridLiteral multipolygonLiteral;
multipolygonLiteral : MULTIPOLYGON OPEN ( polygonData ( COMMA polygonData )* )? CLOSE;
geographyPoint : GEOGRAPHY fullpointLiteral SQUOTE;
fullpointLiteral : sridLiteral pointLiteral;
pointLiteral : GEO_POINT pointData;
pointData : OPEN positionLiteral CLOSE;
positionLiteral : (DECIMAL | INT ) WSP (DECIMAL | INT ); //; longitude, then latitude
geographyPolygon : GEOGRAPHY fullPolygonLiteral SQUOTE;
fullPolygonLiteral : sridLiteral polygonLiteral;
polygonLiteral : POLYGON polygonData;
polygonData : OPEN ringLiteral ( COMMA ringLiteral )* CLOSE;
ringLiteral : OPEN positionLiteral ( COMMA positionLiteral )* CLOSE;
geometryCollection : GEOMETRY fullCollectionLiteral SQUOTE;
geometryLineString : GEOMETRY fullLineStringLiteral SQUOTE;
geometryMultilineString : GEOMETRY fullMultilineStringLiteral SQUOTE;
geometryMultipoint : GEOMETRY fullMultipointLiteral SQUOTE;
geometryMultipolygon : GEOMETRY fullmultipolygonLiteral SQUOTE;
geometryPoint : GEOMETRY fullpointLiteral SQUOTE;
geometryPolygon : GEOMETRY fullPolygonLiteral SQUOTE;
sridLiteral : SRID EQ INT SEMI;