blob: 3ddf432a2c2791c73d82b08bea89baef9ae33c37 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
// files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
// modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
// Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// odata-gml.js
(function (window, undefined) {
var datajs = window.odatajs || {};
var odata = window.OData || {};
// Imports.
var contains = odatajs.contains;
var djsassert = odatajs.djsassert;
var http = odatajs.http;
var isArray = odatajs.isArray;
var xmlAppendChild = odatajs.xmlAppendChild;
var xmlAttributeValue = odatajs.xmlAttributeValue;
var xmlChildElements = odatajs.xmlChildElements;
var xmlFirstChildElement = odatajs.xmlFirstChildElement;
var xmlInnerText = odatajs.xmlInnerText;
var xmlLocalName = odatajs.xmlLocalName;
var xmlNamespaceURI = odatajs.xmlNamespaceURI;
var xmlNewElement = odatajs.xmlNewElement;
var xmlQualifiedName = odatajs.xmlQualifiedName;
var gmlOpenGis = http + ""; //
var gmlXmlNs = gmlOpenGis + "/gml"; //
var gmlSrsPrefix = gmlOpenGis + "/def/crs/EPSG/0/"; //
var gmlPrefix = "gml";
var gmlCreateGeoJSONOBject = function (type, member, data) {
/// <summary>Creates a GeoJSON object with the specified type, member and value.</summary>
/// <param name="type" type="String">GeoJSON object type.</param>
/// <param name="member" type="String">Name for the data member in the GeoJSON object.</param>
/// <param name="data">Data to be contained by the GeoJSON object.</param>
/// <returns type="Object">GeoJSON object.</returns>
var result = { type: type };
result[member] = data;
return result;
var gmlSwapLatLong = function (coordinates) {
/// <summary>Swaps the longitude and latitude in the coordinates array.</summary>
/// <param name="coordinates" type="Array">Array of doubles descrbing a set of coordinates.</param>
/// <returns type="Array">Array of doubles with the latitude and longitude components swapped.</returns>
if (isArray(coordinates) && coordinates.length >= 2) {
var tmp = coordinates[0];
coordinates[0] = coordinates[1];
coordinates[1] = tmp;
return coordinates;
var gmlReadODataMultiItem = function (domElement, type, member, members, valueReader, isGeography) {
/// <summary>
/// Reads a GML DOM element that represents a composite structure like a multi-point or a
/// multi-geometry returnig its GeoJSON representation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="domElement">GML DOM element.</param>
/// <param name="type" type="String">GeoJSON object type.</param>
/// <param name="member" type="String">Name for the child element representing a single item in the composite structure.</param>
/// <param name="members" type="String">Name for the child element representing a collection of items in the composite structure.</param>
/// <param name="valueReader" type="Function">Callback function invoked to get the coordinates of each item in the comoposite structure.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean" Optional="True">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree is the Latitude and
/// will be deserialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns type="Object">GeoJSON object.</returns>
var coordinates = gmlReadODataMultiItemValue(domElement, member, members, valueReader, isGeography);
return gmlCreateGeoJSONOBject(type, "coordinates", coordinates);
var gmlReadODataMultiItemValue = function (domElement, member, members, valueReader, isGeography) {
/// <summary>
/// Reads the value of a GML DOM element that represents a composite structure like a multi-point or a
/// multi-geometry returnig its items.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="domElement">GML DOM element.</param>
/// <param name="type" type="String">GeoJSON object type.</param>
/// <param name="member" type="String">Name for the child element representing a single item in the composite structure.</param>
/// <param name="members" type="String">Name for the child element representing a collection of items in the composite structure.</param>
/// <param name="valueReader" type="Function">Callback function invoked to get the transformed value of each item in the comoposite structure.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean" Optional="True">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree is the Latitude and
/// will be deserialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns type="Array">Array containing the transformed value of each item in the multi-item.</returns>
var items = [];
xmlChildElements(domElement, function (child) {
if (xmlNamespaceURI(child) !== gmlXmlNs) {
var localName = xmlLocalName(child);
if (localName === member) {
var valueElement = xmlFirstChildElement(child, gmlXmlNs);
if (valueElement) {
var value = valueReader(valueElement, isGeography);
if (value) {
if (localName === members) {
xmlChildElements(child, function (valueElement) {
if (xmlNamespaceURI(valueElement) !== gmlXmlNs) {
var value = valueReader(valueElement, isGeography);
if (value) {
return items;
var gmlReadODataCollection = function (domElement, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Reads a GML DOM element representing a multi-geometry returning its GeoJSON representation.</summary>
/// <param name="domElement">DOM element.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean" Optional="True">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree is the Latitude and
/// will be deserialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns type="Object">MultiGeometry object in GeoJSON format.</returns>
var geometries = gmlReadODataMultiItemValue(domElement, "geometryMember", "geometryMembers", gmlReadODataSpatialValue, isGeography);
return gmlCreateGeoJSONOBject(GEOJSON_GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, "geometries", geometries);
var gmlReadODataLineString = function (domElement, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Reads a GML DOM element representing a line string returning its GeoJSON representation.</summary>
/// <param name="domElement">DOM element.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean" Optional="True">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree is the Latitude and
/// will be deserialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns type="Object">LineString object in GeoJSON format.</returns>
return gmlCreateGeoJSONOBject(GEOJSON_LINESTRING, "coordinates", gmlReadODataLineValue(domElement, isGeography));
var gmlReadODataMultiLineString = function (domElement, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Reads a GML DOM element representing a multi-line string returning its GeoJSON representation.</summary>
/// <param name="domElement">DOM element.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean" Optional="True">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree is the Latitude and
/// will be deserialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns type="Object">MultiLineString object in GeoJSON format.</returns>
return gmlReadODataMultiItem(domElement, GEOJSON_MULTILINESTRING, "curveMember", "curveMembers", gmlReadODataLineValue, isGeography);
var gmlReadODataMultiPoint = function (domElement, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Reads a GML DOM element representing a multi-point returning its GeoJSON representation.</summary>
/// <param name="domElement">DOM element.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean" Optional="True">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree is the Latitude and
/// will be deserialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns type="Object">MultiPoint object in GeoJSON format.</returns>
return gmlReadODataMultiItem(domElement, GEOJSON_MULTIPOINT, "pointMember", "pointMembers", gmlReadODataPointValue, isGeography);
var gmlReadODataMultiPolygon = function (domElement, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Reads a GML DOM element representing a multi-polygon returning its GeoJSON representation.</summary>
/// <param name="domElement">DOM element.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean" Optional="True">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree is the Latitude and
/// will be deserialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns type="Object">MultiPolygon object in GeoJSON format.</returns>
return gmlReadODataMultiItem(domElement, GEOJSON_MULTIPOLYGON, "surfaceMember", "surfaceMembers", gmlReadODataPolygonValue, isGeography);
var gmlReadODataPoint = function (domElement, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Reads a GML DOM element representing a point returning its GeoJSON representation.</summary>
/// <param name="domElement">DOM element.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean" Optional="True">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree is the Latitude and
/// will be deserialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns type="Object">Point object in GeoJSON format.</returns>
return gmlCreateGeoJSONOBject(GEOJSON_POINT, "coordinates", gmlReadODataPointValue(domElement, isGeography));
var gmlReadODataPolygon = function (domElement, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Reads a GML DOM element representing a polygon returning its GeoJSON representation.</summary>
/// <param name="domElement">DOM element.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean" Optional="True">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree is the Latitude and
/// will be deserialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns type="Object">Polygon object in GeoJSON format.</returns>
return gmlCreateGeoJSONOBject(GEOJSON_POLYGON, "coordinates", gmlReadODataPolygonValue(domElement, isGeography));
var gmlReadODataLineValue = function (domElement, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Reads the value of a GML DOM element representing a line returning its set of coordinates.</summary>
/// <param name="domElement">DOM element.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean" Optional="True">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree is the Latitude and
/// will be deserialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns type="Array">Array containing an array of doubles for each coordinate of the line.</returns>
var coordinates = [];
xmlChildElements(domElement, function (child) {
var nsURI = xmlNamespaceURI(child);
if (nsURI !== gmlXmlNs) {
var localName = xmlLocalName(child);
if (localName === "posList") {
coordinates = gmlReadODataPosListValue(child, isGeography);
if (localName === "pointProperty") {
coordinates.push(gmlReadODataPointWrapperValue(child, isGeography));
if (localName === "pos") {
coordinates.push(gmlReadODataPosValue(child, isGeography));
return coordinates;
var gmlReadODataPointValue = function (domElement, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Reads the value of a GML DOM element representing a point returning its coordinates.</summary>
/// <param name="domElement">DOM element.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean" Optional="True">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree is the Latitude and
/// will be deserialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns type="Array">Array of doubles containing the point coordinates.</returns>
var pos = xmlFirstChildElement(domElement, gmlXmlNs, "pos");
return pos ? gmlReadODataPosValue(pos, isGeography) : [];
var gmlReadODataPointWrapperValue = function (domElement, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Reads the value of a GML DOM element wrapping an element representing a point returning its coordinates.</summary>
/// <param name="domElement">DOM element.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean" Optional="True">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree is the Latitude and
/// will be deserialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns type="Array">Array of doubles containing the point coordinates.</returns>
var point = xmlFirstChildElement(domElement, gmlXmlNs, "Point");
return point ? gmlReadODataPointValue(point, isGeography) : [];
var gmlReadODataPolygonValue = function (domElement, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Reads the value of a GML DOM element representing a polygon returning its set of coordinates.</summary>
/// <param name="domElement">DOM element.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean" Optional="True">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree is the Latitude and
/// will be deserialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns type="Array">Array containing an array of array of doubles for each ring of the polygon.</returns>
var coordinates = [];
var exteriorFound = false;
xmlChildElements(domElement, function (child) {
if (xmlNamespaceURI(child) !== gmlXmlNs) {
// Only the exterior and the interior rings are interesting
var localName = xmlLocalName(child);
if (localName === "exterior") {
exteriorFound = true;
coordinates.unshift(gmlReadODataPolygonRingValue(child, isGeography));
if (localName === "interior") {
coordinates.push(gmlReadODataPolygonRingValue(child, isGeography));
if (!exteriorFound && coordinates.length > 0) {
// Push an empty exterior ring.
return coordinates;
var gmlReadODataPolygonRingValue = function (domElement, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Reads the value of a GML DOM element representing a linear ring in a GML Polygon element.</summary>
/// <param name="domElement">DOM element.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean" Optional="True">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree is the Latitude and
/// will be deserialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns type="Array">Array containing an array of doubles for each coordinate of the linear ring.</returns>
var value = [];
xmlChildElements(domElement, function (child) {
if (xmlNamespaceURI(child) !== gmlXmlNs || xmlLocalName(child) !== "LinearRing") {
value = gmlReadODataLineValue(child, isGeography);
return value;
var gmlReadODataPosListValue = function (domElement, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Reads the value of a GML DOM element representing a list of positions retruning its set of coordinates.</summary>
/// <param name="domElement">DOM element.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean" Optional="True">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree is the Latitude and
/// will be deserialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// The positions described by the list are assumed to be 2D, so
/// an exception will be thrown if the list has an odd number elements.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns type="Array">Array containing an array of doubles for each coordinate in the list.</returns>
var coordinates = gmlReadODataPosValue(domElement, false);
var len = coordinates.length;
if (len % 2 !== 0) {
throw { message: "GML posList element has an uneven number of numeric values" };
var value = [];
for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
var pos = coordinates.slice(i, i + 2);
value.push(isGeography ? gmlSwapLatLong(pos) : pos);
return value;
var gmlReadODataPosValue = function (domElement, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Reads the value of a GML element describing a position or a set of coordinates in an OData spatial property value.</summary>
/// <param name="property">DOM element for the GML element.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean" Optional="True">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree is the Latitude and
/// will be deserialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns type="Array">Array of doubles containing the coordinates.</returns>
var value = [];
var delims = " \t\r\n";
var text = xmlInnerText(domElement);
if (text) {
var len = text.length;
var start = 0;
var end = 0;
while (end <= len) {
if (delims.indexOf(text.charAt(end)) !== -1) {
var coord = text.substring(start, end);
if (coord) {
start = end + 1;
return isGeography ? gmlSwapLatLong(value) : value;
var gmlReadODataSpatialValue = function (domElement, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Reads the value of a GML DOM element a spatial value in an OData XML document.</summary>
/// <param name="domElement">DOM element.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean" Optional="True">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree is the Latitude and
/// will be deserialized as the second component of each position coordinates in the resulting GeoJSON object.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns type="Array">Array containing an array of doubles for each coordinate of the polygon.</returns>
var localName = xmlLocalName(domElement);
var reader;
switch (localName) {
case "Point":
reader = gmlReadODataPoint;
case "Polygon":
reader = gmlReadODataPolygon;
case "LineString":
reader = gmlReadODataLineString;
case "MultiPoint":
reader = gmlReadODataMultiPoint;
case "MultiCurve":
reader = gmlReadODataMultiLineString;
case "MultiSurface":
reader = gmlReadODataMultiPolygon;
case "MultiGeometry":
reader = gmlReadODataCollection;
throw { message: "Unsupported element: " + localName, element: domElement };
var value = reader(domElement, isGeography);
// Read the CRS
// WCF Data Services qualifies the srsName attribute withing the GML namespace; however
// other end points might no do this as per the standard.
var srsName = xmlAttributeValue(domElement, "srsName", gmlXmlNs) ||
xmlAttributeValue(domElement, "srsName");
if (srsName) {
if (srsName.indexOf(gmlSrsPrefix) !== 0) {
throw { message: "Unsupported srs name: " + srsName, element: domElement };
var crsId = srsName.substring(gmlSrsPrefix.length);
if (crsId) { = {
type: "name",
properties: {
name: "EPSG:" + crsId
return value;
var gmlNewODataSpatialValue = function (dom, value, type, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Creates a new GML DOM element for the value of an OData spatial property or GeoJSON object.</summary>
/// <param name="dom">DOM document used for creating the new DOM Element.</param>
/// <param name="value" type="Object">Spatial property value in GeoJSON format.</param>
/// <param name="type" type="String">String indicating the GeoJSON type of the value to serialize.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean" Optional="True">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in the GeoJSON value is the Longitude and
/// will be serialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>New DOM element in the GML namespace for the spatial value. </returns>
var gmlWriter;
switch (type) {
gmlWriter = gmlNewODataPoint;
gmlWriter = gmlNewODataLineString;
gmlWriter = gmlNewODataPolygon;
gmlWriter = gmlNewODataMultiPoint;
gmlWriter = gmlNewODataMultiLineString;
gmlWriter = gmlNewODataMultiPolygon;
gmlWriter = gmlNewODataGeometryCollection;
djsassert(false, "gmlNewODataSpatialValue - Unknown GeoJSON type <" + type + ">!!");
return null;
var gml = gmlWriter(dom, value, isGeography);
// Set the srsName attribute if applicable.
var crs =;
if (crs) {
if (crs.type === "name") {
var properties =;
var name = properties &&;
if (name && name.indexOf("ESPG:") === 0 && name.length > 5) {
var crsId = name.substring(5);
var srsName = xmlNewAttribute(dom, null, "srsName", gmlPrefix + crsId);
xmlAppendChild(gml, srsName);
return gml;
var gmlNewODataElement = function (dom, name, children) {
/// <summary>Creates a new DOM element in the GML namespace.</summary>
/// <param name="dom">DOM document used for creating the new DOM Element.</param>
/// <param name="name" type="String">Local name of the GML element to create.</param>
/// <param name="children" type="Array">Array containing DOM nodes or string values that will be added as children of the new DOM element.</param>
/// <returns>New DOM element in the GML namespace.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// If a value in the children collection is a string, then a new DOM text node is going to be created
/// for it and then appended as a child of the new DOM Element.
/// </remarks>
return xmlNewElement(dom, gmlXmlNs, xmlQualifiedName(gmlPrefix, name), children);
var gmlNewODataPosElement = function (dom, coordinates, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Creates a new GML pos DOM element.</summary>
/// <param name="dom">DOM document used for creating the new DOM Element.</param>
/// <param name="coordinates" type="Array">Array of doubles describing the coordinates of the pos element.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean">Flag indicating if the coordinates use a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first coordinate is the Longitude and
/// will be serialized as the second component of the <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>New pos DOM element in the GML namespace.</returns>
var posValue = isArray(coordinates) ? coordinates : [];
// If using a geographic reference system, then the first coordinate is the longitude and it has to
// swapped with the latitude.
posValue = isGeography ? gmlSwapLatLong(posValue) : posValue;
return gmlNewODataElement(dom, "pos", posValue.join(" "));
var gmlNewODataLineElement = function (dom, name, coordinates, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Creates a new GML DOM element representing a line.</summary>
/// <param name="dom">DOM document used for creating the new DOM Element.</param>
/// <param name="name" type="String">Name of the element to create.</param>
/// <param name="coordinates" type="Array">Array of array of doubles describing the coordinates of the line element.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean">Flag indicating if the coordinates use a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates is the Longitude and
/// will be serialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>New DOM element in the GML namespace.</returns>
var element = gmlNewODataElement(dom, name);
if (isArray(coordinates)) {
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = coordinates.length; i < len; i++) {
xmlAppendChild(element, gmlNewODataPosElement(dom, coordinates[i], isGeography));
if (len === 0) {
xmlAppendChild(element, gmlNewODataElement(dom, "posList"));
return element;
var gmlNewODataPointElement = function (dom, coordinates, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Creates a new GML Point DOM element.</summary>
/// <param name="dom">DOM document used for creating the new DOM Element.</param>
/// <param name="value" type="Object">GeoJSON Point object.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in the GeoJSON value is the Longitude and
/// will be serialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>New DOM element in the GML namespace for the GeoJSON Point.</returns>
return gmlNewODataElement(dom, "Point", gmlNewODataPosElement(dom, coordinates, isGeography));
var gmlNewODataLineStringElement = function (dom, coordinates, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Creates a new GML LineString DOM element.</summary>
/// <param name="dom">DOM document used for creating the new DOM Element.</param>
/// <param name="coordinates" type="Array">Array of array of doubles describing the coordinates of the line element.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in the GeoJSON value is the Longitude and
/// will be serialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>New DOM element in the GML namespace for the GeoJSON LineString.</returns>
return gmlNewODataLineElement(dom, "LineString", coordinates, isGeography);
var gmlNewODataPolygonRingElement = function (dom, name, coordinates, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Creates a new GML DOM element representing a polygon ring.</summary>
/// <param name="dom">DOM document used for creating the new DOM Element.</param>
/// <param name="name" type="String">Name of the element to create.</param>
/// <param name="coordinates" type="Array">Array of array of doubles describing the coordinates of the polygon ring.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean">Flag indicating if the coordinates use a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates is the Longitude and
/// will be serialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>New DOM element in the GML namespace.</returns>
var ringElement = gmlNewODataElement(dom, name);
if (isArray(coordinates) && coordinates.length > 0) {
var linearRing = gmlNewODataLineElement(dom, "LinearRing", coordinates, isGeography);
xmlAppendChild(ringElement, linearRing);
return ringElement;
var gmlNewODataPolygonElement = function (dom, coordinates, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Creates a new GML Polygon DOM element for a GeoJSON Polygon object.</summary>
/// <param name="dom">DOM document used for creating the new DOM Element.</param>
/// <param name="coordinates" type="Array">Array of array of array of doubles describing the coordinates of the polygon.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in the GeoJSON value is the Longitude and
/// will be serialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>New DOM element in the GML namespace.</returns>
var len = coordinates && coordinates.length;
var element = gmlNewODataElement(dom, "Polygon");
if (isArray(coordinates) && len > 0) {
xmlAppendChild(element, gmlNewODataPolygonRingElement(dom, "exterior", coordinates[0], isGeography));
var i;
for (i = 1; i < len; i++) {
xmlAppendChild(element, gmlNewODataPolygonRingElement(dom, "interior", coordinates[i], isGeography));
return element;
var gmlNewODataPoint = function (dom, value, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Creates a new GML Point DOM element for a GeoJSON Point object.</summary>
/// <param name="dom">DOM document used for creating the new DOM Element.</param>
/// <param name="value" type="Object">GeoJSON Point object.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in the GeoJSON value is the Longitude and
/// will be serialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>New DOM element in the GML namespace for the GeoJSON Point.</returns>
return gmlNewODataPointElement(dom, value.coordinates, isGeography);
var gmlNewODataLineString = function (dom, value, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Creates a new GML LineString DOM element for a GeoJSON LineString object.</summary>
/// <param name="dom">DOM document used for creating the new DOM Element.</param>
/// <param name="value" type="Object">GeoJSON LineString object.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in the GeoJSON value is the Longitude and
/// will be serialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>New DOM element in the GML namespace for the GeoJSON LineString.</returns>
return gmlNewODataLineStringElement(dom, value.coordinates, isGeography);
var gmlNewODataPolygon = function (dom, value, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Creates a new GML Polygon DOM element for a GeoJSON Polygon object.</summary>
/// <param name="dom">DOM document used for creating the new DOM Element.</param>
/// <param name="value" type="Object">GeoJSON Polygon object.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in the GeoJSON value is the Longitude and
/// will be serialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>New DOM element in the GML namespace for the GeoJSON Polygon.</returns>
return gmlNewODataPolygonElement(dom, value.coordinates, isGeography);
var gmlNewODataMultiItem = function (dom, name, members, items, itemWriter, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Creates a new GML DOM element for a composite structure like a multi-point or a multi-geometry.</summary>
/// <param name="dom">DOM document used for creating the new DOM Element.</param>
/// <param name="name" type="String">Name of the element to create.</param>
/// <param name="items" type="Array">Array of items in the composite structure.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean">Flag indicating if the multi-item uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in each of the items is the Longitude and
/// will be serialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>New DOM element in the GML namespace.</returns>
var len = items && items.length;
var element = gmlNewODataElement(dom, name);
if (isArray(items) && len > 0) {
var membersElement = gmlNewODataElement(dom, members);
var i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
xmlAppendChild(membersElement, itemWriter(dom, items[i], isGeography));
xmlAppendChild(element, membersElement);
return element;
var gmlNewODataMultiPoint = function (dom, value, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Creates a new GML MultiPoint DOM element for a GeoJSON MultiPoint object.</summary>
/// <param name="dom">DOM document used for creating the new DOM Element.</param>
/// <param name="value" type="Object">GeoJSON MultiPoint object.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in the GeoJSON value is the Longitude and
/// will be serialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>New DOM element in the GML namespace for the GeoJSON MultiPoint.</returns>
return gmlNewODataMultiItem(dom, "MultiPoint", "pointMembers", value.coordinates, gmlNewODataPointElement, isGeography);
var gmlNewODataMultiLineString = function (dom, value, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Creates a new GML MultiCurve DOM element for a GeoJSON MultiLineString object.</summary>
/// <param name="dom">DOM document used for creating the new DOM Element.</param>
/// <param name="value" type="Object">GeoJSON MultiLineString object.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in the GeoJSON value is the Longitude and
/// will be serialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>New DOM element in the GML namespace for the GeoJSON MultiLineString.</returns>
return gmlNewODataMultiItem(dom, "MultiCurve", "curveMembers", value.coordinates, gmlNewODataLineStringElement, isGeography);
var gmlNewODataMultiPolygon = function (dom, value, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Creates a new GML MultiSurface DOM element for a GeoJSON MultiPolygon object.</summary>
/// <param name="dom">DOM document used for creating the new DOM Element.</param>
/// <param name="value" type="Object">GeoJSON MultiPolygon object.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in the GeoJSON value is the Longitude and
/// will be serialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>New DOM element in the GML namespace for the GeoJSON MultiPolygon.</returns>
return gmlNewODataMultiItem(dom, "MultiSurface", "surfaceMembers", value.coordinates, gmlNewODataPolygonElement, isGeography);
var gmlNewODataGeometryCollectionItem = function (dom, value, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Creates a new GML element for an item in a geometry collection object.</summary>
/// <param name="dom">DOM document used for creating the new DOM Element.</param>
/// <param name="item" type="Object">GeoJSON object in the geometry collection.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in the GeoJSON value is the Longitude and
/// will be serialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>New DOM element in the GML namespace.</returns>
return gmlNewODataSpatialValue(dom, value, value.type, isGeography);
var gmlNewODataGeometryCollection = function (dom, value, isGeography) {
/// <summary>Creates a new GML MultiGeometry DOM element for a GeoJSON GeometryCollection object.</summary>
/// <param name="dom">DOM document used for creating the new DOM Element.</param>
/// <param name="value" type="Object">GeoJSON GeometryCollection object.</param>
/// <param name="isGeography" type="Boolean">Flag indicating if the value uses a geographic reference system or not.<param>
/// <remarks>
/// When using a geographic reference system, the first component of all the coordinates in the GeoJSON value is the Longitude and
/// will be serialized as the second component of each <pos> element in the GML DOM tree.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>New DOM element in the GML namespace for the GeoJSON GeometryCollection.</returns>
return gmlNewODataMultiItem(dom, "MultiGeometry", "geometryMembers", value.geometries, gmlNewODataGeometryCollectionItem, isGeography);
odata.gmlNewODataSpatialValue = gmlNewODataSpatialValue;
odata.gmlReadODataSpatialValue = gmlReadODataSpatialValue;
odata.gmlXmlNs = gmlXmlNs;