blob: 47a331edf9e64e288371fefe8a073e7fa87c3c69 [file] [log] [blame]
/// <summary>
/// Class used to parse csdl to create the metatdata object
/// </summary>
namespace DataJS.Tests
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
public static class CsdlReader
static readonly string knownNamespace = "";
static readonly string[] repeatingElements =
public static JsonObject ReadCsdl(TextReader payload)
return BuildElementJsonObject(XElement.Load(payload));
/// <summary>
/// Builds the extensions element object
/// extensions = {
/// name: string, // local name of the custom XML element
/// namespace: string, // namespace URI of the custom XML element
/// value: string, // value of the custom XML element
/// attributes: array, // array of attribute extension objects of the custom XML element
/// children: array // array of element extension objects of the custom XML element };
/// </summary>
/// <param name="customElement">The custom element to be made into an extension object</param>
/// <returns>the custom element json object</returns>
static JsonObject BuildExtensionsElementObject(XElement customElement)
string value;
// customElement.Value contains the value of the element's children, but these are already
// captured in the children propterty.
if (customElement.HasElements)
value = null;
if (customElement.Value == "")
value = null;
value = customElement.Value;
JsonObject jsonObject = BuildBaseExtensionsObject(customElement.Name.LocalName, customElement.Name.Namespace.ToString(), value);
jsonObject["attributes"] = customElement.Attributes().Select(
attribute => BuildBaseExtensionsObject(attribute.Name.LocalName, attribute.Name.Namespace.ToString(), attribute.Value)
jsonObject["children"] = customElement.Elements().Select(element => BuildExtensionsElementObject(element)).ToArray();
return jsonObject;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a generic extension object
/// extensions = {
/// name: string, // local name of the custom XML element or attribute
/// namespace: string, // namespace URI of the custom XML element or attribute
/// value: string, // value of the custom XML element or attribute }
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">name of the object</param>
/// <param name="objectNamespace">namespace of the obect</param>
/// <param name="value">value of the object</param>
/// <returns></returns>
static JsonObject BuildBaseExtensionsObject(string name, string objectNamespace, string value)
JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();
jsonObject["name"] = name;
jsonObject["namespace"] = objectNamespace;
jsonObject["value"] = value;
return jsonObject;
/// <summary>
/// Build the attribute object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xmlAttributes">IEnumberable of XAttributes to build the attribute object</param>
/// <returns>The JsonObject containing the name-value pairs for an element's attributes</returns>
static JsonObject BuildAttributeJsonObject(IEnumerable<XAttribute> xmlAttributes)
JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();
List<JsonObject> extensions = new List<JsonObject>();
foreach (XAttribute attribute in xmlAttributes)
if (!attribute.IsNamespaceDeclaration)
string attributeNamespace = attribute.Name.Namespace.ToString();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributeNamespace) || attributeNamespace.StartsWith(knownNamespace, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
jsonObject[MakeFirstLetterLowercase(attribute.Name.LocalName)] = attribute.Value;
extensions.Add(BuildBaseExtensionsObject(attribute.Name.LocalName, attribute.Name.Namespace.ToString(), attribute.Value));
if (extensions.Count > 0)
jsonObject["extensions"] = extensions.ToArray();
return jsonObject;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a JsonObject from an XML container element with each attribute or subelement as a property
/// </summary>
/// <param name="container">The XML container</param>
/// <param name="buildValue">Function that builds a value from a property element</param>
/// <returns>The JsonObject containing the name-value pairs</returns>
public static JsonObject BuildElementJsonObject(XElement container)
if (container == null)
return null;
JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();
List<JsonObject> extensions = new List<JsonObject>();
if (container.HasAttributes || container.HasElements)
Dictionary<string, List<JsonObject>> repeatingObjectArrays = new Dictionary<string, List<JsonObject>>();
JsonObject extensionObject = new JsonObject();
jsonObject = BuildAttributeJsonObject(container.Attributes());
foreach (XElement propertyElement in container.Elements())
string propertyName = MakeFirstLetterLowercase(propertyElement.Name.LocalName);
string properyNamespace = propertyElement.Name.Namespace.ToString();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(properyNamespace) || properyNamespace.StartsWith(knownNamespace, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
// Check to see if the element is repeating and needs to be an array
if (repeatingElements.Contains(propertyElement.Name.LocalName))
// See if property was already created as an array, if not then create it
if (!repeatingObjectArrays.ContainsKey(propertyName))
repeatingObjectArrays.Add(propertyName, new List<JsonObject>());
jsonObject[propertyName] = BuildElementJsonObject(propertyElement);
if (extensions.Count > 0)
jsonObject["extensions"] = extensions.ToArray();
foreach (string key in repeatingObjectArrays.Keys)
jsonObject[key] = repeatingObjectArrays[key].ToArray();
jsonObject[MakeFirstLetterLowercase(container.Name.LocalName)] = container.Value;
return jsonObject;
/// <summary>
/// Makes the first letter of a string lowercase
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The string to be modified</param>
/// <returns>Modified string</returns>
private static string MakeFirstLetterLowercase(string str)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str))
if (str.Length > 1 && !(str[1].ToString() == str[1].ToString().ToUpper()))
return str[0].ToString().ToLower() + str.Substring(1);
return str;
return str;