blob: eb64ec03a00a4a6621a33bc9340203e9343f4fe9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
(function (window, undefined) {
var unexpectedErrorHandler = function (err) {
djstest.assert(false, "Unexpected call to error handler with error: " + djstest.toString(err));
var uriRegEx = /^([^:/?#]+:)?(\/\/[^/?#]*)?([^?#:]+)?(\?[^#]*)?(#.*)?/;
var uriPartNames = ["scheme", "authority", "path", "query", "fragment"];
var getURIInfo = function (uri) {
/** Gets information about the components of the specified URI.
* @param {String} uri - URI to get information from.
* @returns {Object}
* An object with an isAbsolute flag and part names (scheme, authority, etc.) if available.
var result = { isAbsolute: false };
if (uri) {
var matches = uriRegEx.exec(uri);
if (matches) {
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = uriPartNames.length; i < len; i++) {
if (matches[i + 1]) {
result[uriPartNames[i]] = matches[i + 1];
if (result.scheme) {
result.isAbsolute = true;
return result;
var normalizeURI = function (uri, base) {
/** Normalizes a possibly relative URI with a base URI.
* @param {String} uri - URI to normalize, absolute or relative.
* @param {String} base - Base URI to compose with (may be null)
* @returns {String} The composed URI if relative; the original one if absolute.
if (!base) {
return uri;
var uriInfo = getURIInfo(uri);
if (uriInfo.isAbsolute) {
return uri;
var baseInfo = getURIInfo(base);
var normInfo = {};
if (uriInfo.authority) {
normInfo.authority = uriInfo.authority;
normInfo.path = uriInfo.path;
normInfo.query = uriInfo.query;
} else {
if (!uriInfo.path) {
normInfo.path = baseInfo.path;
normInfo.query = uriInfo.query || baseInfo.query;
} else {
if (uriInfo.path.charAt(0) === '/') {
normInfo.path = uriInfo.path;
} else {
normInfo.path = mergeUriPathWithBase(uriInfo, baseInfo);
normInfo.query = uriInfo.query;
normInfo.authority = baseInfo.authority;
normInfo.scheme = baseInfo.scheme;
normInfo.fragment = uriInfo.fragment;
return "".concat(
normInfo.scheme || "",
normInfo.authority || "",
normInfo.path || "",
normInfo.query || "",
normInfo.fragment || "");
var mergeUriPathWithBase = function (uriInfo, baseInfo) {
/** Merges the path of a relative URI and a base URI.
* @param uriInfo - URI component information for the relative URI.
* @param baseInfo - URI component information for the base URI.
* @returns {String} A string with the merged path.
var basePath = "/";
if (baseInfo.path) {
var end = baseInfo.path.lastIndexOf("/");
basePath = baseInfo.path.substring(0, end);
if (basePath.charAt(basePath.length - 1) !== "/") {
basePath = basePath + "/";
return basePath + uriInfo.path;
var services = [
var mimeTypes = [undefined, "application/json;odata.metadata=minimal"];
var httpStatusCode = {
created: 201,
noContent: 204,
notFound: 404
$.each(services, function (_, service) {
var foodsFeed = service + "/Foods";
var categoriesFeed = service + "/Categories";
var baseLinkUri = normalizeURI(service.substr(2), window.location.href);
var newFoodLinks = {
"": baseLinkUri + "/Foods" + "(1)"
var newCategoryLinks = {
"": baseLinkUri + "/Categories" + "(2)"
module("Functional", {
setup: function () {
djstest.wait(function (done) {
$.post(service + "/ResetData", done);
var readLinksFeed = categoriesFeed + "(1)/Foods/$ref";
var readLinksEntry = foodsFeed + "(0)/Category/$ref";
$.each(mimeTypes, function (_, mimeType) {
var headers = mimeType ? { "Content-Type": mimeType, Accept: mimeType} : undefined;
djstest.addTest(function readValidLinksFeedTests(params) {
djstest.assertsExpected(1);{ requestUri: params.linksFeed, headers: headers },
function (data, response) {
function (expectedData) {
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(data, expectedData, "Response data not same as expected");
}, params.mimeType
}, "Testing valid read of " + readLinksFeed + " with " + mimeType, { linksFeed: readLinksFeed, mimeType: mimeType });
djstest.addTest(function readValidLinksEntryTest(params) {
djstest.assertsExpected(1);{ requestUri: params.linksEntry, headers: headers },
function (data, response) {
function (expectedData) {
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(data, expectedData, "Response data not same as expected");
}, params.mimeType
}, "Testing valid read of " + readLinksEntry + " with " + mimeType, { linksEntry: readLinksEntry, mimeType: mimeType });
djstest.addTest(function updateLinksEntityTest(mimeType) {
var request = {
requestUri: foodsFeed + "(1)/Category/$ref",
method: "PUT",
headers: djstest.clone(headers),
data: newCategoryLinks
odatajs.oData.request(request, function (data, response) {
var httpOperation = request.method + " " + request.requestUri;
djstest.assertAreEqual(response.statusCode, httpStatusCode.noContent, "Verify response code: " + httpOperation);
ODataReadOracle.readLinksEntry(request.requestUri, function (actualData) {
if (actualData && actualData["@odata.context"]) {
delete actualData["@odata.context"];
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(actualData,, "Verify new links entry against the request: " + httpOperation);
}, unexpectedErrorHandler);
}, "Update links entity (mimeType = " + mimeType + " service = " + service + ")", mimeType);
djstest.addTest(function addDeleteLinksFeedTest(mimeType) {
var request = {
requestUri: categoriesFeed + "(2)/Foods/$ref",
method: "POST",
headers: djstest.clone(headers),
data: newFoodLinks
var deleteAndVerify = function (){
// delete by id
var deletionRequest = {
requestUri: categoriesFeed + "(2)/Foods/$ref?$id=" + newFoodLinks[""],
method: "DELETE",
headers: djstest.clone(headers),
data: null
odatajs.oData.request(deletionRequest, function (data, response) {
var httpOperation = deletionRequest.method + " " + deletionRequest.requestUri;
djstest.assertAreEqual(response.statusCode, httpStatusCode.noContent, "Verify response code: " + httpOperation);, function (data, response) {
var httpOperation = "Read " + request.requestUri;
djstest.assertAreEqual(0,, "Verify links against the request: " + httpOperation);
}, unexpectedErrorHandler);
// add
odatajs.oData.request(request, function (data, response) {
var httpOperation = request.method + " " + request.requestUri;
djstest.assertAreEqual(response.statusCode, httpStatusCode.noContent, "Verify response code: " + httpOperation);, function (data, response) {
ODataReadOracle.readLinksFeed(request.requestUri, function (actualData) {
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(actualData,, "Verify updated links entry against the request: " + httpOperation);
}, unexpectedErrorHandler);
}, "Add & Delete entity (mimeType = " + mimeType + " service = " + service + ")", mimeType);