blob: da3f38e42d98743bac83a7939f2d6badd28d1b13 [file] [log] [blame]
/// <reference path="../src/odata-utils.js" />
/// <reference path="../src/odata-handler.js" />
/// <reference path="../src/odata-atom.js" />
/// <reference path="../src/odata-xml.js" />
/// <reference path="common/djstest.js" />
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
// files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
// modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
// Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// odata-atom-tests.js
(function (window, undefined) {
var parseMetadataHelper = function (text) {
var response = { statusCode: 200, body: text, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/xml"} };, {});
var resetFoodData = function () {
$.ajax({ url: "./endpoints/FoodStoreDataServiceV4.svc/ResetData", async: false, type: "POST" });
var customerSampleMetadataText = '' +
'<edmx:Edmx Version="1.0" xmlns:edmx="">\r\n' +
'<edmx:DataServices xmlns:m="" m:DataServiceVersion="2.0">\r\n' +
'<Schema Namespace="Ns" xmlns:d="" xmlns="">\r\n' +
' <EntityType Name="Customer">\r\n' +
' <Key><PropertyRef Name="ID" /></Key>\r\n' +
' <Property Name="ID" Type="Edm.Int32" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Name" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="true" m:FC_TargetPath="SyndicationSummary" m:FC_ContentKind="xhtml" m:FC_KeepInContent="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="LastName" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="true" m:FC_TargetPath="foo/bar/@baz" m:FC_NsUri="htp://prefix" m:FC_NsPrefix="prefix" m:FC_KeepInContent="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="FavoriteNumber" Type="Edm.Int32" Nullable="true" m:FC_TargetPath="favorite/number" m:FC_NsUri="htp://prefix" m:FC_NsPrefix="prefix" m:FC_KeepInContent="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Address" Type="Ns.Address" Nullable="false" \r\n' +
' m:FC_TargetPath="foo/bar/@city" m:FC_NsUri="htp://prefix" m:FC_NsPrefix="prefix" m:FC_SourcePath="City" m:FC_KeepInContent="false" \r\n' +
' m:FC_TargetPath_1="foo/bar" m:FC_NsUri_1="htp://prefix" m:FC_NsPrefix_1="prefix" m:FC_SourcePath_1="Street" m:FC_KeepInContent_1="false" />\r\n' +
' </EntityType>\r\n' +
' <ComplexType Name="Address">\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Street" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="true" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="City" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="true" />\r\n' +
' </ComplexType>\r\n' +
' <EntityContainer Name="SampleContext" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer="true">\r\n' +
' <EntitySet Name="Customers" EntityType="Ns.Customer" />\r\n' +
' </EntityContainer>\r\n' +
'</Schema>\r\n' +
var foodServiceV4FoodsSampleText = '' +
'<feed xml:base="http://localhost:46541/tests/endpoints/FoodStoreDataServiceV4.svc/" xmlns="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:m="" xmlns:georss="" xmlns:gml="" m:context="http://localhost:46541/tests/endpoints/FoodStoreDataServiceV4.svc/$metadata#Foods">' +
'<id>http://localhost:46541/tests/endpoints/FoodStoreDataServiceV4.svc/Foods</id>' +
'<title type="text">Foods</title>' +
'<updated>2013-12-30T05:45:07Z</updated>' +
'<link rel="self" title="Foods" href="Foods" />' +
'<entry>' +
' <id>http://localhost:46541/tests/endpoints/FoodStoreDataServiceV4.svc/Foods(0)</id>' +
' <category term="#DataJS.Tests.V4.Food" scheme="" />' +
' <link rel="edit" title="Food" href="Foods(0)" />' +
' <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="Category" href="Foods(0)/Category" />' +
' <title />' +
' <updated>2013-12-30T05:45:07Z</updated>' +
' <author>' +
' <name />' +
' </author>' +
' <link rel="" type="image/png" title="Picture" href="http://localhost:46541/tests/endpoints/FoodStoreDataServiceV4.svc/Picture" />' +
' <link rel="" type="image/png" title="Picture" href="Foods(0)/Picture" m:etag="W/&quot;123456789&quot;" />' +
' <content type="application/xml">' +
' <m:properties>' +
' <d:FoodID m:type="Int32">0</d:FoodID>' +
' <d:Name>flour</d:Name>' +
' <d:UnitPrice m:type="Double">0.19999</d:UnitPrice>' +
' <d:ServingSize m:type="Decimal">1</d:ServingSize>' +
' <d:MeasurementUnit>Cup</d:MeasurementUnit>' +
' <d:ProteinGrams m:type="Byte">3</d:ProteinGrams>' +
' <d:FatGrams m:type="Int16">1</d:FatGrams>' +
' <d:CarbohydrateGrams m:type="Int32">20</d:CarbohydrateGrams>' +
' <d:CaloriesPerServing m:type="Int64">140</d:CaloriesPerServing>' +
' <d:IsAvailable m:type="Boolean">true</d:IsAvailable>' +
' <d:ExpirationDate m:type="DateTimeOffset">2010-12-25T12:00:00Z</d:ExpirationDate>' +
' <d:ItemGUID m:type="Guid">27272727-2727-2727-2727-272727272727</d:ItemGUID>' +
' <d:Weight m:type="Single">10</d:Weight>' +
' <d:AvailableUnits m:type="SByte">1</d:AvailableUnits>' +
' <d:Packaging m:type="#DataJS.Tests.V4.Package">' +
' <d:Type m:null="true" />' +
' <d:Color></d:Color>' +
' <d:NumberPerPackage m:type="Int32">2147483647</d:NumberPerPackage>' +
' <d:RequiresRefridgeration m:type="Boolean">false</d:RequiresRefridgeration>' +
' <d:ShipDate m:type="DateTimeOffset">2000-12-29T00:00:00Z</d:ShipDate>' +
' <d:PackageDimensions m:type="#DataJS.Tests.V4.Dimensions">' +
' <d:Length m:type="Decimal">79228162514264337593543950335</d:Length>' +
' <d:Height m:type="Int16">32767</d:Height>' +
' <d:Width m:type="Int64">9223372036854775807</d:Width>' +
' <d:Volume m:type="Double">1.7976931348623157E+308</d:Volume>' +
' </d:PackageDimensions>' +
' </d:Packaging>' +
' <d:CookedSize m:type="#DataJS.Tests.V4.CookedDimensions">' +
' <d:Length m:type="Decimal">2</d:Length>' +
' <d:Height m:type="Int16">1</d:Height>' +
' <d:Width m:type="Int64">3</d:Width>' +
' <d:Volume m:type="Double">6</d:Volume>' +
' </d:CookedSize>' +
' <d:AlternativeNames m:type="#Collection(String)">' +
' <m:element>ground cereal</m:element>' +
' <m:element>ground grain</m:element>' +
' </d:AlternativeNames>' +
' <d:Providers m:type="#Collection(DataJS.Tests.V4.Provider)">' +
' <m:element>' +
' <d:Name>Flour Provider</d:Name>' +
' <d:Aliases m:type="#Collection(String)">' +
' <m:element>fp1</m:element>' +
' <m:element>flour provider1</m:element>' +
' </d:Aliases>' +
' <d:Details m:type="#DataJS.Tests.V4.ProviderDetails">' +
' <d:Telephone>555-555-555</d:Telephone>' +
' <d:PreferredCode m:type="Int32">1001</d:PreferredCode>' +
' </d:Details>' +
' </m:element>' +
' <m:element>' +
' <d:Name>Ground Grains</d:Name>' +
' <d:Aliases m:type="#Collection(String)" />' +
' <d:Details m:null="true" />' +
' </m:element>' +
' </d:Providers>' +
' <d:SpatialData m:type="GeometryCollection">' +
' <gml:MultiGeometry gml:srsName="">' +
' <gml:geometryMembers>' +
' <gml:Point>' +
' <gml:pos>5 5</gml:pos>' +
' </gml:Point>' +
' </gml:geometryMembers>' +
' </gml:MultiGeometry>' +
' </d:SpatialData>' +
' </m:properties>' +
' </content>' +
'</entry>' +
'<entry>' +
' <id>http://localhost:46541/tests/endpoints/FoodStoreDataServiceV4.svc/Foods(1)</id>' +
' <category term="#DataJS.Tests.V4.Food" scheme="" />' +
' <link rel="edit" title="Food" href="Foods(1)" />' +
' <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="Category" href="Foods(1)/Category" />' +
' <title />' +
' <updated>2013-12-30T05:45:07Z</updated>' +
' <author>' +
' <name />' +
' </author>' +
' <link rel="" type="image/png" title="Picture" href="http://localhost:46541/tests/endpoints/FoodStoreDataServiceV4.svc/Picture" />' +
' <link rel="" type="image/png" title="Picture" href="Foods(1)/Picture" m:etag="W/&quot;123456789&quot;" />' +
' <content type="application/xml">' +
' <m:properties>' +
' <d:FoodID m:type="Int32">1</d:FoodID>' +
' <d:Name>sugar</d:Name>' +
' <d:UnitPrice m:type="Double">0.2</d:UnitPrice>' +
' <d:ServingSize m:type="Decimal">1</d:ServingSize>' +
' <d:MeasurementUnit>tsp</d:MeasurementUnit>' +
' <d:ProteinGrams m:type="Byte">0</d:ProteinGrams>' +
' <d:FatGrams m:type="Int16">0</d:FatGrams>' +
' <d:CarbohydrateGrams m:type="Int32">4</d:CarbohydrateGrams>' +
' <d:CaloriesPerServing m:type="Int64">16</d:CaloriesPerServing>' +
' <d:IsAvailable m:type="Boolean">false</d:IsAvailable>' +
' <d:ExpirationDate m:type="DateTimeOffset">2011-12-28T00:00:00Z</d:ExpirationDate>' +
' <d:ItemGUID m:type="Guid">ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff</d:ItemGUID>' +
' <d:Weight m:type="Single">0.1</d:Weight>' +
' <d:AvailableUnits m:type="SByte">0</d:AvailableUnits>' +
' <d:Packaging m:type="#DataJS.Tests.V4.Package">' +
' <d:Type xml:space="preserve"> </d:Type>' +
' <d:Color>BLUE</d:Color>' +
' <d:NumberPerPackage m:type="Int32">-2147483648</d:NumberPerPackage>' +
' <d:RequiresRefridgeration m:type="Boolean">true</d:RequiresRefridgeration>' +
' <d:ShipDate m:type="DateTimeOffset">2000-12-29T00:00:00Z</d:ShipDate>' +
' <d:PackageDimensions m:type="#DataJS.Tests.V4.Dimensions">' +
' <d:Length m:type="Decimal">-79228162514264337593543950335</d:Length>' +
' <d:Height m:type="Int16">-32768</d:Height>' +
' <d:Width m:type="Int64">-9223372036854775808</d:Width>' +
' <d:Volume m:type="Double">-1.7976931348623157E+308</d:Volume>' +
' </d:PackageDimensions>' +
' </d:Packaging>' +
' <d:CookedSize m:null="true" />' +
' <d:AlternativeNames m:type="#Collection(String)" />' +
' <d:Providers m:type="#Collection(DataJS.Tests.V4.Provider)" />' +
' <d:SpatialData m:null="true" />' +
' </m:properties>' +
' </content>' +
'</entry>' +
var foodServiceV4MetadataText = '' +
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\r\n' +
'<edmx:Edmx Version="4.0" xmlns:edmx="">\r\n' +
'<edmx:DataServices>\r\n' +
' <Schema Namespace="DataJS.Tests.V4" xmlns="">\r\n' +
' <EntityType Name="Category">\r\n' +
' <Key>\r\n' +
' <PropertyRef Name="CategoryID" />\r\n' +
' </Key>\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Icon" Type="Edm.Stream" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="CategoryID" Type="Edm.Int32" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Name" Type="Edm.String" />\r\n' +
' <NavigationProperty Name="Foods" Type="Collection(DataJS.Tests.V4.Food)" Partner="Category" />\r\n' +
' </EntityType>\r\n' +
' <EntityType Name="Food">\r\n' +
' <Key>\r\n' +
' <PropertyRef Name="FoodID" />\r\n' +
' </Key>\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Picture" Type="Edm.Stream" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="FoodID" Type="Edm.Int32" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Name" Type="Edm.String" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="UnitPrice" Type="Edm.Double" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="ServingSize" Type="Edm.Decimal" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="MeasurementUnit" Type="Edm.String" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="ProteinGrams" Type="Edm.Byte" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="FatGrams" Type="Edm.Int16" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="CarbohydrateGrams" Type="Edm.Int32" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="CaloriesPerServing" Type="Edm.Int64" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="IsAvailable" Type="Edm.Boolean" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="ExpirationDate" Type="Edm.DateTimeOffset" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="ItemGUID" Type="Edm.Guid" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Weight" Type="Edm.Single" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="AvailableUnits" Type="Edm.SByte" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Packaging" Type="DataJS.Tests.V4.Package" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="CookedSize" Type="DataJS.Tests.V4.CookedDimensions" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="AlternativeNames" Type="Collection(Edm.String)" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Providers" Type="Collection(DataJS.Tests.V4.Provider)" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="SpatialData" Type="Edm.GeometryCollection" SRID="Variable" />\r\n' +
' <NavigationProperty Name="Category" Type="DataJS.Tests.V4.Category" Partner="Foods" />\r\n' +
' </EntityType>\r\n' +
' <EntityType Name="PreparedFood" BaseType="DataJS.Tests.V4.Food">\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Instructions" Type="Edm.String" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="NumberOfIngredients" Type="Edm.Single" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' </EntityType>\r\n' +
' <ComplexType Name="Package">\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Type" Type="Edm.String" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Color" Type="Edm.String" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="NumberPerPackage" Type="Edm.Int32" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="RequiresRefridgeration" Type="Edm.Boolean" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="ShipDate" Type="Edm.DateTimeOffset" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="PackageDimensions" Type="DataJS.Tests.V4.Dimensions" />\r\n' +
' </ComplexType>\r\n' +
' <ComplexType Name="Dimensions">\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Length" Type="Edm.Decimal" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Height" Type="Edm.Int16" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Width" Type="Edm.Int64" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Volume" Type="Edm.Double" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' </ComplexType>\r\n' +
' <ComplexType Name="CookedDimensions">\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Length" Type="Edm.Decimal" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Height" Type="Edm.Int16" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Width" Type="Edm.Int64" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Volume" Type="Edm.Double" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' </ComplexType>\r\n' +
' <ComplexType Name="Provider">\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Name" Type="Edm.String" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Aliases" Type="Collection(Edm.String)" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Details" Type="DataJS.Tests.V4.ProviderDetails" />\r\n' +
' </ComplexType>\r\n' +
' <ComplexType Name="ProviderDetails">\r\n' +
' <Property Name="Telephone" Type="Edm.String" />\r\n' +
' <Property Name="PreferredCode" Type="Edm.Int32" Nullable="false" />\r\n' +
' </ComplexType>\r\n' +
' <Action Name="ResetData">\r\n' +
' <ReturnType Type="Edm.String" />\r\n' +
' </Action>\r\n' +
' <Function Name="FoodsAvailable" IsComposable="true">\r\n' +
' <ReturnType Type="Collection(Edm.String)" />\r\n' +
' </Function>\r\n' +
' <Function Name="PackagingTypes" IsComposable="true">\r\n' +
' <ReturnType Type="Collection(DataJS.Tests.V4.Package)" />\r\n' +
' </Function>\r\n' +
' <Function Name="UserNameAndPassword">\r\n' +
' <ReturnType Type="Edm.String" />\r\n' +
' </Function>\r\n' +
' <EntityContainer Name="FoodContainer">\r\n' +
' <EntitySet Name="Categories" EntityType="DataJS.Tests.V4.Category">\r\n' +
' <NavigationPropertyBinding Path="Foods" Target="Foods" />\r\n' +
' </EntitySet>\r\n' +
' <EntitySet Name="Foods" EntityType="DataJS.Tests.V4.Food">\r\n' +
' <NavigationPropertyBinding Path="Category" Target="Categories" />\r\n' +
' </EntitySet>\r\n' +
' <ActionImport Name="ResetData" Action="DataJS.Tests.V4.ResetData" />\r\n' +
' <FunctionImport Name="FoodsAvailable" Function="DataJS.Tests.V4.FoodsAvailable" IncludeInServiceDocument="true" />\r\n' +
' <FunctionImport Name="PackagingTypes" Function="DataJS.Tests.V4.PackagingTypes" IncludeInServiceDocument="true" />\r\n' +
' <FunctionImport Name="UserNameAndPassword" Function="DataJS.Tests.V4.UserNameAndPassword" IncludeInServiceDocument="true" />\r\n' +
' </EntityContainer>\r\n' +
' </Schema>\r\n' +
'</edmx:DataServices>\r\n' +
djstest.addFullTest(true, function applyEntryCustomizationToEntryTest() {
var metadata = parseMetadataHelper(customerSampleMetadataText);
var data = { __metadata: { type: "Ns.Customer" }, Name: "Name", LastName: "Last Name", Address: { Street: "Street Value", City: "City Value" }, FavoriteNumber: 123 };
var request = { data: data, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml"} };
OData.atomHandler.write(request, { metadata: metadata });
djstest.assert(request.body !== null, "request.body !== null");
djstest.assert(request.body.indexOf("<a:summary type=\"xhtml\">Name</a:summary>") !== -1, 'request.body.indexOf("<a:summary>Name</a:summary>") !== -1');
djstest.assert(request.body.indexOf('baz="Last Name"') !== -1, 'request.body.indexOf(baz="Last Name") !== -1');
djstest.assert(request.body.indexOf('city="City Value"') !== -1, 'request.body.indexOf(city="City Value") !== -1');
djstest.assert(request.body.indexOf('<prefix:foo ') !== -1, "request.body.indexOf('<prefix:foo ') !== -1");
djstest.assert(request.body.indexOf('term="Ns.Customer"') !== -1, "request.body.indexOf(term='Ns.Customer') !== -1");
djstest.assert(request.body.indexOf('>123</') !== -1, "request.body.indexOf(>123</) !== -1");
// Try with other mapping types.
metadata.dataServices.schema[0].entityType[0].property[1].FC_ContentKind = "html";
request.body = undefined;
OData.atomHandler.write(request, { metadata: metadata });
djstest.assert(request.body.indexOf("<a:summary type=\"html\">Name</a:summary>") !== -1, 'request.body.indexOf("<a:summary type="html">Name</a:summary>") !== -1');
// Try with a null value now. = null;
request.body = null;
OData.atomHandler.write(request, { metadata: metadata });
djstest.assert(request.body.indexOf('>123</') === -1, "request.body.indexOf(>123</) === -1");
djstest.assert(request.body.indexOf('m:null="true"') !== -1, "request.body.indexOf(m:null=true) !== -1");
// Try with a null complex type now. = 123; = null;
request.body = null;
OData.atomHandler.write(request, { metadata: metadata });
djstest.assert(request.body.indexOf('Street') === -1, "request.body.indexOf(Street) === -1");
djstest.assert(request.body.indexOf('m:null="true"') !== -1, "request.body.indexOf(m:null=true) !== -1");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function testParsePrimitivePropertiesBasic() {
var feed = "\
<entry xml:base=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns:d=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns:m=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns:atom=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns:app=\'\' \r\n\
<id> id</id> \r\n \
<content type='application/xml'>\r\n \
<m:properties xmlns=\'\'>\r\n \
<Boolean m:type='Edm.Boolean'>true</Boolean>\r\n \
<Binary m:type='Edm.Binary'>01007A8A680D9E14A64EAC1242DD33C9DB05</Binary>\r\n \
<Byte m:type='Edm.Byte'>8</Byte>\r\n \
<DateTime m:type='Edm.DateTime'>2010-11-01T15:13:25</DateTime>\r\n \
<Decimal m:type='Edm.Decimal'>100.10</Decimal>\r\n \
<Guid m:type='Edm.Guid'>12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddddeeeeffff</Guid>\r\n \
<!-- <Time m:type='Edm.Time'>P05DT12H30M05.125S</Time> --> \r\n \
<DateTimeOffset m:type='Edm.DateTimeOffset'>2010-11-01T15:13:25+10:00</DateTimeOffset>\r\n \
<Double m:type='Edm.Double'>1E+10</Double>\r\n \
<Single m:type='Edm.Single'>100.01</Single>\r\n \
<Int16 m:type='Edm.Int16'>16</Int16>\r\n \
<Int32 m:type='Edm.Int32'>32</Int32>\r\n \
<Int64 m:type='Edm.Int64'>64</Int64>\r\n \
<SByte m:type='Edm.SByte'>-8</SByte>\r\n \
</m:properties>\r\n \
</content>\r\n \
var response = { body: feed, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml"} };, {});
ODataReadOracle.readEntryLoopback(feed, function (expectedData) {
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(, expectedData, "Verify deserialized data");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function deserializeCustomizationsNullAndXhtmlTest() {
var payload = "<entry " +
' xmlns:d="" \r\n' +
" xmlns:m='' \r\n" +
" xmlns=\"\">\r\n" +
" <id>http://localhost/tests/endpoints/FoodDataService.svc/Foods(1)</id> " +
" <author><name>Customer #1</name></author>" +
" <summary><b>Name</b></summary>" +
" <category term='Ns.Customer' scheme='' /> " +
" <content type='application/xml'><m:properties><d:ID m:type='Edm.Int32'>1</d:ID>" +
" <d:LastName m:null='true' /></m:properties></content>" +
var metadata = parseMetadataHelper(customerSampleMetadataText);
var response = { body: payload, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml"} };, { metadata: metadata });
djstest.assertAreEqual(, null, "last name is null");
djstest.assertAreEqual(, "<b xmlns=\"\">Name</b>", "name includes tags");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function parseCustomizationSampleTest() {
var payload = foodServiceV4FoodsSampleText;
var metadata = parseMetadataHelper(foodServiceV4MetadataText);
var response = { body: payload, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml"} };, { metadata: metadata });
djstest.assert( !== null, " !== null");
djstest.assert( !== null, " !== null");
var r =;
djstest.assertAreEqual(r[0].__metadata.type, "DataJS.Tests.V4.Food", "r[0].__metadata.type");
djstest.assertAreEqual(r[0].Name, "flour", "r[0].Name");
djstest.assertAreEqual(r[0].UnitPrice, 0.19999, "r[0].UnitPrice");
djstest.assertAreEqual(r[0].ServingSize, 1, "r[0].ServingSize");
// CONSIDER: we intended to have complex type have their type annotation out-of-band, but JSON has it in-line; do we want to normalize this out everywhere?
// djstest.assertAreEqual(r[0].Packaging.__metadata.type, "DataJS.Tests.PackageV4", "r[0].Packaging.__metadata.type");
djstest.assertAreEqual(r[0].Packaging.Type, null, "package type for flour is null");
djstest.assertAreEqual(r[0].Packaging.PackageDimensions.Height, 32767, "r[0].Packaging.PackageDimensions.Height");
djstest.assertAreEqual(r[0].CookedSize.Length, 2, "r[0].CookedSize.Length");
djstest.assertAreEqual(r[0].CookedSize.Volume, 6, "r[0].CookedSize.Volume");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function parseIntoPropertiesTest() {
var payload = '' +
'<entry xml:base="http://localhost:46541/tests/endpoints/FoodStoreDataServiceV4.svc/" xmlns="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:m="" xmlns:georss="" xmlns:gml="" m:context="http://localhost:46541/tests/endpoints/FoodStoreDataServiceV4.svc/$metadata#Foods/$entity">' +
'<id>http://localhost:46541/tests/endpoints/FoodStoreDataServiceV4.svc/Foods(0)</id>' +
'<category term="#DataJS.Tests.V4.Food" scheme="" />' +
'<link rel="edit" title="Food" href="Foods(0)" />' +
'<link rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="Category" href="Foods(0)/Category" />' +
'<title />' +
'<updated>2013-12-30T06:01:30Z</updated>' +
'<author>' +
' <name />' +
'</author>' +
'<link rel="" type="image/png" title="Picture" href="http://localhost:46541/tests/endpoints/FoodStoreDataServiceV4.svc/Picture" />' +
'<link rel="" type="image/png" title="Picture" href="Foods(0)/Picture" m:etag="W/&quot;123456789&quot;" />' +
'<content type="application/xml">' +
' <m:properties>' +
' <d:FoodID m:type="Int32">0</d:FoodID>' +
' <d:Name>flour</d:Name>' +
' <d:UnitPrice m:type="Double">0.19999</d:UnitPrice>' +
' <d:ServingSize m:type="Decimal">1</d:ServingSize>' +
' <d:MeasurementUnit>Cup</d:MeasurementUnit>' +
' <d:ProteinGrams m:type="Byte">3</d:ProteinGrams>' +
' <d:FatGrams m:type="Int16">1</d:FatGrams>' +
' <d:CarbohydrateGrams m:type="Int32">20</d:CarbohydrateGrams>' +
' <d:CaloriesPerServing m:type="Int64">140</d:CaloriesPerServing>' +
' <d:IsAvailable m:type="Boolean">true</d:IsAvailable>' +
' <d:ExpirationDate m:type="DateTimeOffset">2010-12-25T12:00:00Z</d:ExpirationDate>' +
' <d:ItemGUID m:type="Guid">27272727-2727-2727-2727-272727272727</d:ItemGUID>' +
' <d:Weight m:type="Single">10</d:Weight>' +
' <d:AvailableUnits m:type="SByte">1</d:AvailableUnits>' +
' <d:Packaging m:type="#DataJS.Tests.V4.Package">' +
' <d:Type m:null="true" />' +
' <d:Color></d:Color>' +
' <d:NumberPerPackage m:type="Int32">2147483647</d:NumberPerPackage>' +
' <d:RequiresRefridgeration m:type="Boolean">false</d:RequiresRefridgeration>' +
' <d:ShipDate m:type="DateTimeOffset">2000-12-29T00:00:00Z</d:ShipDate>' +
' <d:PackageDimensions m:type="#DataJS.Tests.V4.Dimensions">' +
' <d:Length m:type="Decimal">79228162514264337593543950335</d:Length>' +
' <d:Height m:type="Int16">32767</d:Height>' +
' <d:Width m:type="Int64">9223372036854775807</d:Width>' +
' <d:Volume m:type="Double">1.7976931348623157E+308</d:Volume>' +
' </d:PackageDimensions' +
' </d:Packaging>' +
' <d:CookedSize m:type="#DataJS.Tests.V4.CookedDimensions">' +
' <d:Length m:type="Decimal">2</d:Length>' +
' <d:Height m:type="Int16">1</d:Height>' +
' <d:Width m:type="Int64">3</d:Width>' +
' <d:Volume m:type="Double">6</d:Volume>' +
' </d:CookedSize>' +
' <d:AlternativeNames m:type="#Collection(String)">' +
' <m:element>ground cereal</m:element>' +
' <m:element>ground grain</m:element>' +
' </d:AlternativeNames>' +
' <d:Providers m:type="#Collection(DataJS.Tests.V4.Provider)">' +
' <m:element>' +
' <d:Name>Flour Provider</d:Name>' +
' <d:Aliases m:type="#Collection(String)">' +
' <m:element>fp1</m:element>' +
' <m:element>flour provider1</m:element>' +
' </d:Aliases' +
' <d:Details m:type="#DataJS.Tests.V4.ProviderDetails">' +
' <d:Telephone>555-555-555</d:Telephone>' +
' <d:PreferredCode m:type="Int32">1001</d:PreferredCode>' +
' </d:Details>' +
' </m:element>' +
' <m:element>' +
' <d:Name>Ground Grains</d:Name>' +
' <d:Aliases m:type="#Collection(String)" />' +
' <d:Details m:null="true" />' +
' </m:element>' +
' </d:Providers>' +
' <d:SpatialData m:type="GeometryCollection">' +
' <gml:MultiGeometry gml:srsName="">' +
' <gml:geometryMembers>' +
' <gml:Point>' +
' <gml:pos>5 5</gml:pos>' +
' </gml:Point>' +
' </gml:geometryMembers>' +
' </gml:MultiGeometry>' +
' </d:SpatialData>' +
' </m:properties>' +
'</content>' +
var metadata = parseMetadataHelper(foodServiceV4MetadataText);
var response = { body: payload, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml"} };, { metadata: metadata });
djstest.assert( !== null, " !== null");
djstest.assertAreEqual(, "DataJS.Tests.V4.Food", "types match");
djstest.assertAreEqual(, 0.19999, "Price is as expected");
djstest.assertAreEqual(, "Edm.Double", "Price was marked as a double");
djstest.assertAreEqual(, "Edm.Decimal", "CookedSize.Length was marked as a decimal");
// When properties are marked on complex type metadata, this assertion will be true as well.
// djstest.assertAreEqual(, "Edm.String", "Packaging type was marked as a string");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function parseNullInlineTest() {
// Shorter version of:
//"/tests/endpoints/FoodStoreDataService.svc/Foods?$expand=Category&$filter=Category eq null", function(data, response) {
var body = '' +
'<feed xml:base="http://localhost:46541/tests/endpoints/FoodStoreDataServiceV4.svc/" xmlns="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:m="" xmlns:georss="" xmlns:gml="" m:context="http://localhost:46541/tests/endpoints/FoodStoreDataServiceV4.svc/$metadata#Foods">' +
'<id>http://localhost:46541/tests/endpoints/FoodStoreDataServiceV4.svc/Foods</id>' +
'<title type="text">Foods</title>' +
'<updated>2013-12-30T06:09:18Z</updated>' +
'<link rel="self" title="Foods" href="Foods" />' +
'<entry>' +
' <id>http://localhost:46541/tests/endpoints/FoodStoreDataServiceV4.svc/Foods(2)</id>' +
' <category term="#DataJS.Tests.V4.Food" scheme="" />' +
' <link rel="edit" title="Food" href="Foods(2)" />' +
' <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="Category" href="Foods(2)/Category">' +
' <m:inline />' +
' </link>' +
' <title />' +
' <updated>2013-12-30T06:09:18Z</updated>' +
' <author>' +
' <name />' +
' </author>' +
' <link rel="" type="image/png" title="Picture" href="http://localhost:46541/tests/endpoints/FoodStoreDataServiceV4.svc/Picture" />' +
' <link rel="" type="image/png" title="Picture" href="Foods(2)/Picture" m:etag="W/&quot;123456789&quot;" />' +
' <content type="application/xml">' +
' <m:properties>' +
' <d:FoodID m:type="Int32">2</d:FoodID>' +
' <d:Name>1 Chicken Egg</d:Name>' +
' <d:UnitPrice m:type="Double">0.55</d:UnitPrice>' +
' <d:ServingSize m:type="Decimal">1</d:ServingSize>' +
' <d:MeasurementUnit m:null="true" />' +
' <d:ProteinGrams m:type="Byte">6</d:ProteinGrams>' +
' </m:properties>' +
' </content>' +
'</entry>' +
var response = { body: body, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml"} };, {});
var data =;
var r = data.results[0];
djstest.assertAreEqual(r.Category, null, "r.Category is null as an empty inline entry");
djstest.assertAreEqual(r.FoodID, 2, "r.FoodID read correctly");
djstest.assertAreEqual([0].name, "title", "Category title extension parsed");
djstest.assertAreEqual([0].value, "Category", "Category title value parsed");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function serializeEpmTest() {
var metadata = parseMetadataHelper(foodServiceV4MetadataText);
var data = { __metadata: { type: "DataJS.Tests.V4.Food" }, FoodID: 123, Name: "name", CookedSize: { Length: 1, Height: 2, Width: 3, Volume: 4} };
var request = { data: data, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml"} };
OData.atomHandler.write(request, { metadata: metadata });
djstest.assert(request.body.indexOf("CookedSize") === -1, "CookedSize element is missing from payload");
djstest.assert(request.body.indexOf("length=") !== -1, "length is available as a mapped attribute");
djstest.assert(request.body.indexOf("height=") !== -1, "height is available as a mapped attribute");
djstest.assert(request.body.indexOf("width=") !== -1, "width is available as a mapped attribute");
djstest.assert(request.body.indexOf("volume>") !== -1, "volume is available as a mapped element");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function writeNullComplexTypeTest() {
// Verify that the server can be updated to set a complex value to null.
var foodSetUrl = "./endpoints/FoodStoreDataServiceV4.svc/Foods";
// Without metadata, this will fail because the server version won't be set to 2.0.
var metadata = parseMetadataHelper(foodServiceV4MetadataText); + "?$top=1", function (data) {
var item = data.results[0];
djstest.assert(item.Packaging, "item.Packaging is not null");
item.Packaging = null;
// The server will reject links for PUT operations.
delete item.Category;
odatajs.oData.request({ method: "PUT", requestUri: item.__metadata.uri, data: item, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml"} }, function (data) {
// Re-read the item., function (data) {
djstest.assert(data, "data was read successfully again");
djstest.assert(!data.Packaging, "!data.Packaging");
}, djstest.failAndDoneCallback("Failed to read back food.", resetFoodData));
}, djstest.failAndDoneCallback("Failed to write food"), null, null, metadata);
}, djstest.failAndDoneCallback("Failed to read food"), null, null, metadata);
djstest.addFullTest(true, function writeNonNullLinkTest() {
// Verify that the server can be updated to set a link to null.
var foodSetUrl = "./endpoints/FoodStoreDataServiceV4.svc/Foods";
var metadata = parseMetadataHelper(foodServiceV4MetadataText); + "?$top=1", function (data) {
var item = data.results[0];
// Turn this into something different.
delete item.__metadata.uri;
item.FoodID = 1001;
odatajs.oData.request({ method: "POST", requestUri: foodSetUrl, data: item, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml"} }, function (data) {
// Re-read the item. + "?$expand=Category", function (data) {
djstest.assert(data, "data was read successfully again");
djstest.assert(data.Category, "data.Category");
djstest.assert(data.Category.Name, "data.Category.Name");
}, djstest.failAndDoneCallback("Failed to read back food.", resetFoodData));
}, djstest.failAndDoneCallback("Failed to add modified food"), null, null, metadata);
}, djstest.failAndDoneCallback("Failed to read food"), null, null, metadata);
djstest.addFullTest(true, function writeNullLinkTest() {
// Verify that the server can be updated to set a link to null.
var foodSetUrl = "./endpoints/FoodStoreDataServiceV4.svc/Foods";
var metadata = parseMetadataHelper(foodServiceV4MetadataText); + "?$top=1", function (data) {
var item = data.results[0];
// Turn this into something different.
delete item.__metadata.uri;
item.FoodID = 1001;
item.Category = null;
odatajs.oData.request({ method: "POST", requestUri: foodSetUrl, data: item, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml"} }, function (data) {
// Re-read the item. + "?$expand=Category", function (data) {
djstest.assert(data, "data was read successfully again");
djstest.assert(!data.Category, "data.Category");
}, djstest.failAndDoneCallback("Failed to read back food.", resetFoodData));
}, djstest.failAndDoneCallback("Failed to add modified food"), null, null, metadata);
}, djstest.failAndDoneCallback("Failed to read food"), null, null, metadata);
djstest.addFullTest(true, function lookupEntityTypeInSchemaTest() {
var schemaEmpty = {};
var schemaZero = {
namespace: "Zero",
entityType: [
{ name: "Genre" },
{ name: "Language" }
var schemaOne = {
namespace: "One",
entityType: [
{ name: "Genre1" },
{ name: "Language1" }
var edmx = { dataServices: { schema: [schemaEmpty, schemaZero, schemaOne]} };
var lookupEntityTypeInSchema = function (name, schema) {
return OData.lookupInMetadata(name, schema, "entityType");
null, "Expected null for missing metadata");
lookupEntityTypeInSchema("", schemaEmpty),
null, "Expected null for empty type name");
lookupEntityTypeInSchema("FooWar", schemaEmpty),
null, "Expected null for mismatched name/namespace");
lookupEntityTypeInSchema("Zero", schemaZero),
null, "Expected null for unqualified type name");
lookupEntityTypeInSchema("Zero.Something", schemaZero),
null, "Expected null for mismatched type name");
lookupEntityTypeInSchema("Zero.Genre", schemaZero),
{ name: "Genre" }, "Found type by full name");
lookupEntityTypeInSchema("Zero.Something", edmx),
null, "Expected null for mismatched type name in edmx");
lookupEntityTypeInSchema("Zero.Genre", edmx),
{ name: "Genre" }, "Found type by full name in edmx");
lookupEntityTypeInSchema("One.Genre1", edmx),
{ name: "Genre1" }, "Found type by full name in edmx");
OData.lookupInMetadata("One.Genre1", edmx, "complexType"),
null, "Expected null for a complex type lookup of an entity type.");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function testLookupEntityType() {
var schemaZero = {
namespace: "Zero",
entityType: [
{ name: "Genre" },
{ name: "Language" }
var schemaOne = {
namespace: "One",
entityType: [
{ name: "Genre1" },
{ name: "Language1" }
var schemaTwo = {
namespace: "Two",
entityType: [
{ name: "Genre2" },
{ name: "Language2" }
var edmx = { dataServices: { schema: [schemaZero, schemaOne]} };
var metadata = [edmx, schemaTwo];
OData.lookupEntityType("Zero.Something", metadata),
null, "Expected null for mismatched type name in metadata");
OData.lookupEntityType("Zero.Genre", null),
null, "Expected null for missing metadata");
OData.lookupEntityType(null, metadata),
null, "Expected null for missing name");
OData.lookupEntityType("Zero.Genre", metadata),
{ name: "Genre" }, "Found type by full name in metadata");
OData.lookupEntityType("One.Genre1", metadata),
{ name: "Genre1" }, "Found type by full name in metadata");
OData.lookupEntityType("One.Genre1", edmx),
{ name: "Genre1" }, "Found type by full name in edmx");
OData.lookupEntityType("Two.Genre2", metadata),
{ name: "Genre2" }, "Found type by full name in metadata");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function testParseSimpleServiceDocument() {
var serviceDocString = "\
<service xml:base=\"\" \r\n\
xmlns:atom=\"\" \r\n\
xmlns:app=\"\" \r\n\
<atom:title>Default</atom:title> \r\n\
<collection href=\"Products\">\r\n\
<atom:title>Products</atom:title> \r\n\
<collection href=\"Categories\">\r\n\
<atom:title>Categories</atom:title> \r\n\
<collection href=\"Suppliers\">\r\n\
<atom:title>Suppliers</atom:title> \r\n\
var serviceDoc = OData.atomParser(OData.atomHandler, serviceDocString, {});
djstest.assertAreEqual(serviceDoc.workspaces.length, 1, "Incorrect number of workspaces");
var workspace = serviceDoc.workspaces[0];
djstest.assertAreEqual(workspace.title, "Default", "Incorrect service doc title");
var expectedCollections = [
{ expectedHref: "", expectedTitle: "Products" },
{ expectedHref: "", expectedTitle: "Categories" },
{ expectedHref: "", expectedTitle: "Suppliers" }
djstest.assertAreEqual(workspace.collections.length, expectedCollections.length, "Incorrect number of collections in workspace");
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = expectedCollections.length; i < len; i++) {
djstest.assertAreEqual(workspace.collections[i].href, expectedCollections[i].expectedHref, "Incorrect href on collection");
djstest.assertAreEqual(workspace.collections[i].title, expectedCollections[i].expectedTitle, "Incorrect title on collection");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function testServiceDocMustHaveAtLeastOneWorkspaceElement() {
// Construct a service doc with no workspaces and verify that the parser throws.
var serviceDocString = "\
<service xml:base=\"\" \r\n\
xmlns:atom=\"\" \r\n\
xmlns:app=\"\" \r\n\
djstest.expectException(function () {
var serviceDoc = OData.atomParser(OData.atomHandler, serviceDocString, {});
}, "Parsing service doc with no workspaces");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function testServiceDocMayHaveMoreThanOneWorkspaceElement() {
var serviceDocString = "\
<service xml:base=\"\" \r\n\
xmlns:atom=\"\" \r\n\
xmlns:app=\"\" \r\n\
<atom:title>Default</atom:title> \r\n\
<collection href=\"Products\">\r\n\
<atom:title>Products</atom:title> \r\n\
<collection href=\"Categories\">\r\n\
<atom:title>Categories</atom:title> \r\n\
<collection href=\"Suppliers\">\r\n\
<atom:title>Suppliers</atom:title> \r\n\
<atom:title>Second Workspace</atom:title> \r\n\
<collection href=\"Collection1\">\r\n\
<atom:title>Collection Number 1</atom:title> \r\n\
<collection href=\"Collection2\">\r\n\
<atom:title>Collection Number 2</atom:title> \r\n\
var serviceDoc = OData.atomParser(OData.atomHandler, serviceDocString, {});
djstest.assertAreEqual(serviceDoc.workspaces.length, 2, "Incorrect number of workspaces");
var workspace = serviceDoc.workspaces[0];
djstest.assertAreEqual(workspace.title, "Default", "Incorrect service doc title");
var expectedCollections;
expectedCollections = [
{ expectedHref: "", expectedTitle: "Products" },
{ expectedHref: "", expectedTitle: "Categories" },
{ expectedHref: "", expectedTitle: "Suppliers" }
djstest.assertAreEqual(workspace.collections.length, expectedCollections.length, "Incorrect number of collections in workspace");
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = expectedCollections.length; i < len; i++) {
djstest.assertAreEqual(workspace.collections[i].href, expectedCollections[i].expectedHref, "Incorrect href on collection");
djstest.assertAreEqual(workspace.collections[i].title, expectedCollections[i].expectedTitle, "Incorrect title on collection");
workspace = serviceDoc.workspaces[1];
djstest.assertAreEqual(workspace.title, "Second Workspace", "Incorrect service doc title");
expectedCollections = [
{ expectedHref: "", expectedTitle: "Collection Number 1" },
{ expectedHref: "", expectedTitle: "Collection Number 2" }
djstest.assertAreEqual(workspace.collections.length, expectedCollections.length, "Incorrect number of collections in workspace");
for (i = 0, len = expectedCollections.length; i < len; i++) {
djstest.assertAreEqual(workspace.collections[i].href, expectedCollections[i].expectedHref, "Incorrect href on collection");
djstest.assertAreEqual(workspace.collections[i].title, expectedCollections[i].expectedTitle, "Incorrect title on collection");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function testCollectionTitlesAndHrefsMayBeDifferent() {
var serviceDocString = "\
<service xml:base=\"\" \r\n\
xmlns:atom=\"\" \r\n\
xmlns:app=\"\" \r\n\
<atom:title>Default</atom:title> \r\n\
<collection href=\"abc\">\r\n\
<atom:title>xyz</atom:title> \r\n\
<collection href=\"blah\">\r\n\
<atom:title>foo</atom:title> \r\n\
var serviceDoc = OData.atomParser(OData.atomHandler, serviceDocString, {});
djstest.assertAreEqual(serviceDoc.workspaces.length, 1, "Incorrect number of workspaces");
var workspace = serviceDoc.workspaces[0];
djstest.assertAreEqual(workspace.title, "Default", "Incorrect service doc title");
var expectedCollections = [
{ expectedHref: "", expectedTitle: "xyz" },
{ expectedHref: "", expectedTitle: "foo" }
djstest.assertAreEqual(workspace.collections.length, expectedCollections.length, "Incorrect number of collections in workspace");
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = expectedCollections.length; i < len; i++) {
djstest.assertAreEqual(workspace.collections[i].href, expectedCollections[i].expectedHref, "Incorrect href on collection");
djstest.assertAreEqual(workspace.collections[i].title, expectedCollections[i].expectedTitle, "Incorrect title on collection");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function testParserShouldTreatMissingWorkspaceTitleAsBlank() {
// Per RFC 5023 Section, the workspace element MUST have a title but
// in the interests of being permissive, we should treat this as blank.
var serviceDocString = "\
<service xml:base=\"\" \r\n\
xmlns:atom=\"\" \r\n\
xmlns:app=\"\" \r\n\
<!-- No workspace title element -->\r\n\
<collection href=\"Products\">\r\n\
<atom:title>Products</atom:title> \r\n\
<collection href=\"Categories\">\r\n\
<atom:title>Categories</atom:title> \r\n\
<collection href=\"Suppliers\">\r\n\
<atom:title>Suppliers</atom:title> \r\n\
var serviceDoc = OData.atomParser(OData.atomHandler, serviceDocString, {});
djstest.assertAreEqual(serviceDoc.workspaces.length, 1, "Incorrect number of workspaces");
var workspace = serviceDoc.workspaces[0];
djstest.assertAreEqual(workspace.title, "", "Incorrect service doc title");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function testWorkspaceMayHaveNoCollections() {
var serviceDocString = "\
<service xml:base=\"\" \r\n\
xmlns:atom=\"\" \r\n\
xmlns:app=\"\" \r\n\
<atom:title>Default</atom:title> \r\n\
var serviceDoc = OData.atomParser(OData.atomHandler, serviceDocString, {});
djstest.assertAreEqual(serviceDoc.workspaces.length, 1, "Incorrect number of workspaces");
var workspace = serviceDoc.workspaces[0];
var expectedCollections = [];
djstest.assertAreEqual(workspace.collections.length, expectedCollections.length, "Incorrect number of collections in workspace");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function testCollectionMustHaveTitleElement() {
var serviceDocString = "\
<service xml:base=\"\" \r\n\
xmlns:atom=\"\" \r\n\
xmlns:app=\"\" \r\n\
<atom:title>Default</atom:title> \r\n\
<collection href=\"Products\">\r\n\
<!-- No title element -->\r\n\
djstest.expectException(function () {
var serviceDoc = OData.atomParser(OData.atomHandler, serviceDocString, {});
}, "Parsing service doc with a collection with no title element");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function testCollectionMustHaveHrefAttribute() {
var serviceDocString = "\
<service xml:base=\"\" \r\n\
xmlns:atom=\"\" \r\n\
xmlns:app=\"\" \r\n\
<atom:title>Default</atom:title> \r\n\
<!-- href attribute missing below --> \r\n\
<atom:title>Products</atom:title> \r\n\
djstest.expectException(function () {
var serviceDoc = OData.atomParser(OData.atomHandler, serviceDocString, {});
}, "Parsing service doc with a collection with no href attribute");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadDocumentTest() {
var emptyServiceString = "\
<service xml:base=\"\" \r\n\
xmlns:atom=\"\" \r\n\
xmlns:app=\"\" \r\n\
<atom:title>empty service</atom:title> \r\n\
var emptyFeedString = "\
<feed xml:base=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns:app=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns=\'\'> \r\n\
<id>feed id</id> \r\n\
<title>empty feed</title> \r\n\
</feed> \r\n";
var emptyEntryString = "\
<entry xml:base=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns:app=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns=\'\'> \r\n\
<id>entry id</id> \r\n\
<title>empty entry</title> \r\n\
</entry> \r\n";
var nonAtomString = "\
<notAtom xml:base=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns:app=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns=\'\'> \r\n\
<id>entry id</id> \r\n\
<title>empty entry</title> \r\n\
</notAtom> \r\n";
var service = OData.atomReadDocument(odatajs.xmlParse(emptyServiceString).documentElement);
var feed = OData.atomReadDocument(odatajs.xmlParse(emptyFeedString).documentElement);
var entry = OData.atomReadDocument(odatajs.xmlParse(emptyEntryString).documentElement);
var nonAtom = OData.atomReadDocument(odatajs.xmlParse(nonAtomString).documentElement);
djstest.assert(service && service.workspaces.length === 1, "atomReadDocument deserialized a service document");
djstest.assert(feed && feed.results.length === 0, "atomReadDocument deserialized a feed document");
djstest.assert(entry && !entry.results && entry.__metadata.uri === " id", "atomReadDocument deserialized a entry document");
djstest.assertAreEqual(nonAtom, undefined, "atomReadDocument returns undefined with non Atom input");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadFeedWithActionsAndFunctionsTest() {
var feed = "\r\n\
<feed xml:base='' \r\n\
xmlns:app='' \r\n\
xmlns:m='' \r\n\
xmlns:me='http://myExtensions' \r\n\
xmlns=''> \r\n\
<id>feed id</id> \r\n\
<title>test feed</title> \r\n\
<m:action metadata='#EntityContainer.Action1' title='Action1' target='http://service/entities(0)/action' /> \r\n\
<m:action metadata='#EntityContainer.Action2' title='Action2' target='entities(0)/action2'/> \r\n\
<m:action metadata='http://someService/$metadata#Container.Action1' title='Action1' target='http://someService/action' /> \r\n\
<m:function metadata='#EntityContainer.Function1' title='Function1' target='http://service/entities(0)/function' /> \r\n\
<m:function metadata='#EntityContainer.Function2' title='Function2' target='entities(0)/function2' /> \r\n\
<m:function metadata='http://someService/$metadata#Container.Function1' title='Function1' target='http://someService/function' /> \r\n\
</feed> \r\n";
var expected = {
__metadata: {
uri: " id",
uri_extensions: [],
title: "test feed",
title_extensions: [],
feed_extensions: [],
actions: [
metadata: "#EntityContainer.Action1",
title: "Action1",
target: "http://service/entities(0)/action",
extensions: []
metadata: "#EntityContainer.Action2",
title: "Action2",
target: "",
extensions: []
metadata: "http://someService/$metadata#Container.Action1",
title: "Action1",
target: "http://someService/action",
extensions: []
functions: [
metadata: "#EntityContainer.Function1",
title: "Function1",
target: "http://service/entities(0)/function",
extensions: []
metadata: "#EntityContainer.Function2",
title: "Function2",
target: "",
extensions: []
metadata: "http://someService/$metadata#Container.Function1",
title: "Function1",
target: "http://someService/function",
extensions: []
results: []
var response = { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml", "OData-Version": "4.0" }, body: feed };;
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(, expected, "atomReadEntry didn't return the expected entry object");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadFeedExtensionsTest() {
var feedWithExtensionsString = "\
<feed xml:base=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns:app=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns:me=\'http://myExtensions' \r\n\
xmlns=\'\' attr1=\'a1\' me:attr2=\'a2\'> \r\n\
<me:element1>e1</me:element1> \r\n\
<me:element2> \r\n\
<me:element21 attr3=\'a3\' me:attr4=\'a4\' >e1</me:element21> \r\n\
</me:element2> \r\n\
<id>feed id</id> \r\n\
<title>test feed</title> \r\n\
</feed> \r\n"
var feed = OData.atomReadFeed(odatajs.xmlParse(feedWithExtensionsString).documentElement);
djstest.assert(feed, "atomReadFeed didn't return a feed object for a payload with feed extensions");
djstest.assertAreEqual(feed.__metadata.feed_extensions.length, 4, "atomReadFeed didn't return the expected number of extensions");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadFeedLinksTest() {
var feedLinksString = "\
<feed xml:base=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns:app=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns:me=\'http://myExtensions\' \r\n\
xmlns=\'\'> \r\n\
<link rel=\'next\' href=\'http://nexturi\' me:attr1=\'a1\' attr2=\'a2\'/> \r\n\
<link rel=\'self\' href=\'http://selfuri\' me:attr3=\'a1\' attr4=\'a2\'/> \r\n\
<link rel=\'alternate\' href=\'http://otheruri\'/> \r\n\
</feed> \r\n";
var root = odatajs.xmlParse(feedLinksString).documentElement;
var feed = { __metadata: {} };
odatajs.xmlChildElements(root, function (child) {
OData.atomReadFeedLink(child, feed);
djstest.assertAreEqual(feed.__next, "http://nexturi", "atomReadFeedLink didn't read the next link element");
djstest.assertAreEqual(feed.__metadata.next_extensions.length, 2, "atomReadFeedLink didn't return the expected number of next link extensions");
djstest.assertAreEqual(feed.__metadata.self, "http://selfuri", "atomReadFeedLink didn't read the self link element");
djstest.assertAreEqual(feed.__metadata.self_extensions.length, 2, "atomReadFeedLink didn't return the expected number of self link extensions");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadLinkTest() {
var linkString = "\
<link xmlns:me=\'http://myExtensions\' \r\n\
xmlns=\'\' \r\n\
rel=\'next\' \r\n\
href=\'http://nexturi\' \r\n\
type=\'application/atom+xml;type=feed\' \r\n\
me:attr1=\'a1\' \r\n\
attr2=\'a2\'/> \r\n";
var link = OData.atomReadLink(odatajs.xmlParse(linkString).documentElement);
djstest.assert(link, "atomReadLink didn't return a link object");
djstest.assertAreEqual(link.href, "http://nexturi", "atomReadLink, link object href field has an unexpected value");
djstest.assertAreEqual(link.rel, "next", "atomReadLink, link object rel field has an unexpected value");
djstest.assertAreEqual(link.type, "application/atom+xml;type=feed", "atomReadLink, link object type field has an unexpected value");
djstest.assertAreEqual(link.extensions.length, 2, "atomReadLink, link object extensions doesn't have the expected number of extensions");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadLinkThrowHrefMissingTest() {
var linkString = "\
<link xmlns:me=\'http://myExtensions\' \r\n\
xmlns=\'\' \r\n\
rel=\'next\' \r\n\
type=\'application/atom+xml;type=feed\' \r\n\
me:attr1=\'a1\' \r\n\
attr2=\'a2\'/> \r\n";
var linkRoot = odatajs.xmlParse(linkString).documentElement;
djstest.expectException(function () {
}, "atomReadLink didn't throw an exception when the link doesn't have the href attribute");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadExtensionElementTest() {
var extensionString = "\
<me:ext xmlns:me=\'http://myExtensions\' me:attr1=\'a1\' attr2=\'a2\'> \r\n\
<ext>e1</ext> \r\n\
</me:ext> \r\n";
var validateExtension = function (ext, name, namespaceURI, attributeCount, childrenCount, value) {
djstest.assertAreEqual(, name, "atomReadExtensionElement, extension object name field has an unexpected value");
djstest.assertAreEqual(ext.namespaceURI, namespaceURI, "atomReadExtensionElement, extension object namespaceURI field has an unexpected value");
djstest.assertAreEqual(ext.attributes.length, attributeCount, "atomReadExtensionElement, extension object attributes doesn't have the expected number of attributes");
djstest.assertAreEqual(ext.children.length, childrenCount, "atomReadExtensionElement, extension object attributes doesn't have the expected number of children");
djstest.assertAreEqual(ext.value, value, "atomReadExtensionElement, extension object value field has an unexpected value");
var extension = OData.atomReadExtensionElement(odatajs.xmlParse(extensionString).documentElement);
validateExtension(extension, "ext", "http://myExtensions", 2, 1);
extension = extension.children[0];
validateExtension(extension, "ext", null, 0, 0, "e1");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadExtensionAttributesTest() {
var extensionString = "\
<me:ext xmlns:me=\'http://myExtensions\' me:attr1=\'a1\' attr2=\'a2\' /> \r\n";
var extensionAttributes = OData.atomReadExtensionAttributes(odatajs.xmlParse(extensionString).documentElement);
djstest.assertAreEqual(extensionAttributes.length, 2, "atomReadExtensionAttribute, returned collection doesn't have the expected number of attributes");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadExtensionAttributeTest() {
var tests = {
"extension with namespace": {
i: '<me:ext xmlns:me="http://myExtensions" me:attr1="a1" />',
e: { name: "attr1", namespaceURI: "http://myExtensions", value: "a1" }
"extension without namespace": {
i: '<me:ext xmlns:me="http://myExtensions" attr2="a2" />',
e: { name: "attr2", namespaceURI: null, value: "a2" }
for (var name in tests) {
var test = tests[name];
var xmlElement = odatajs.xmlParse(test.i).documentElement;
var extensions = OData.atomReadExtensionAttributes(xmlElement);
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(extensions[0], test.e, name + " - extension object is the expected one");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryTest() {
var entryString = "\
<entry xml:base=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns:d2=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns:m2=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns:atom=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns:app=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns=\'\'> \r\n\
<id>the id</id> \r\n\
<category term=\'the type\' \r\n\
scheme=\'\' /> \r\n\
<content type=\'application/xml\'> \r\n\
<m2:properties xmlns=\'\'>\r\n\
<Untyped>untyped value</Untyped> \r\n\
<Typed m2:type='Edm.Int32'>100</Typed> \r\n\
</m2:properties> \r\n\
</content> \r\n\
<link rel=\'self\' href=\'http://selfuri\' /> \r\n\
var expectedEntry = {
__metadata: {
uri: " id",
uri_extensions: [],
type: "the type",
type_extensions: [],
self: "http://selfuri",
self_link_extensions: [],
properties: {
Untyped: {
type: "Edm.String",
extensions: []
Typed: {
type: "Edm.Int32",
extensions: []
Untyped: "untyped value",
Typed: 100
var entry = OData.atomReadEntry(odatajs.xmlParse(entryString).documentElement);
djstest.assert(entry, "atomReadEntry didn't return an entry object");
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(entry, expectedEntry);
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryGmlCRSValueTest() {
var entryXml =
"<entry \r\n\
xmlns:m='' \r\n\
xmlns=''> \r\n\
<content type='application/xml'> \r\n\
<m:properties xmlns='' \r\n\
xmlns:gml=''> \r\n\
<PointQualified> \r\n\
<gml:Point gml:srsName=''> \r\n\
<gml:pos>1 2 3 4</gml:pos> \r\n\
</gml:Point> \r\n\
</PointQualified> \r\n\
<PointUnQualified> \r\n\
<gml:Point srsName=''> \r\n\
<gml:pos>5 6 7 8</gml:pos> \r\n\
</gml:Point> \r\n\
</PointUnQualified> \r\n\
</m:properties> \r\n\
</content> \r\n\
var entry = {
__metadata: {
properties: {
PointQualified: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] },
PointUnQualified: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] }
PointQualified: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
crs: {
type: "name",
properties: {
name: "EPSG:1234"
type: "Point",
coordinates: [1, 2, 3, 4]
PointUnQualified: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
crs: {
type: "name",
properties: {
name: "EPSG:5678"
type: "Point",
coordinates: [5, 6, 7, 8]
var response = { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml" }, body: entryXml };;
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(, entry, "Entry was read successfully");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryGmlUnknownCRSValueThrowsTest() {
var entryXml =
"<entry \r\n\
xmlns:m='' \r\n\
xmlns=''> \r\n\
<content type='application/xml'> \r\n\
<m:properties xmlns='' \r\n\
xmlns:gml=''> \r\n\
<Point> \r\n\
<gml:Point srsName=''> \r\n\
<gml:pos>1 2 3 4</gml:pos> \r\n\
</gml:Point> \r\n\
</Point> \r\n\
</m:properties> \r\n\
</content> \r\n\
var response = { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml" }, body: entryXml };
try {;"An exception was expected");
} catch (e) {
djstest.assert(e.message.indexOf("Unsupported srs name:") === 0, "Error is the expected one");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryGmlPointValueTest() {
var entryXml =
"<entry \r\n\
xmlns:m='' \r\n\
xmlns=''> \r\n\
<content type='application/xml'> \r\n\
<m:properties xmlns='' \r\n\
xmlns:gml=''> \r\n\
<Point> \r\n\
<gml:Point> \r\n\
<gml:pos>1 2 -3 4</gml:pos> \r\n\
</gml:Point> \r\n\
</Point> \r\n\
<PointWithExtraTags> \r\n\
<gml:Point> \r\n\
<gml:name>the point</gml:name> \r\n\
<gml:pos>5 6 7 8</gml:pos> \r\n\
</gml:Point> \r\n\
</PointWithExtraTags> \r\n\
<EmptyPoint > \r\n\
<gml:Point> \r\n\
<gml:pos/> \r\n\
</gml:Point> \r\n\
</EmptyPoint> \r\n\
<PointWithSpacesInValue> \r\n\
<gml:Point> \r\n\
<gml:pos> 8 9 10 11 12 </gml:pos> \r\n\
</gml:Point> \r\n\
</PointWithSpacesInValue> \r\n\
<PointWithSingleValue> \r\n\
<gml:Point> \r\n\
<gml:pos>13</gml:pos> \r\n\
</gml:Point> \r\n\
</PointWithSingleValue> \r\n\
<PointWithSingleValueAndSpaces> \r\n\
<gml:Point> \r\n\
<gml:pos> 14 </gml:pos> \r\n\
</gml:Point> \r\n\
</PointWithSingleValueAndSpaces> \r\n\
</m:properties> \r\n\
</content> \r\n\
var entry = {
__metadata: {
properties: {
Point: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] },
PointWithExtraTags: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] },
EmptyPoint: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] },
PointWithSpacesInValue: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] },
PointWithSingleValue: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] },
PointWithSingleValueAndSpaces: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] }
Point: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
type: "Point",
coordinates: [1, 2, -3, 4]
PointWithExtraTags: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
type: "Point",
coordinates: [5, 6, 7, 8]
EmptyPoint: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
type: "Point",
coordinates: []
PointWithSpacesInValue: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
type: "Point",
coordinates: [8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
PointWithSingleValue: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
type: "Point",
coordinates: [13]
PointWithSingleValueAndSpaces: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
type: "Point",
coordinates: [14]
var response = { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml" }, body: entryXml };;
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(, entry, "Entry was read successfully");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryGmlLineStringValueTest() {
var entryXml =
"<entry \r\n\
xmlns:m='' \r\n\
xmlns=''> \r\n\
<content type='application/xml'> \r\n\
<m:properties xmlns='' \r\n\
xmlns:gml=''> \r\n\
<LineStringExtraTags> \r\n\
<gml:LineString> \r\n\
<gml:name>the line</gml:name> \r\n\
<gml:posList>1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0</gml:posList> \r\n\
</gml:LineString> \r\n\
</LineStringExtraTags> \r\n\
<LineStringPosList> \r\n\
<gml:LineString> \r\n\
<gml:posList>5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0</gml:posList> \r\n\
</gml:LineString> \r\n\
</LineStringPosList> \r\n\
<LineStringEmptyPosList> \r\n\
<gml:LineString> \r\n\
<gml:posList/> \r\n\
</gml:LineString> \r\n\
</LineStringEmptyPosList> \r\n\
<LineStringPosAndPoint> \r\n\
<gml:LineString> \r\n\
<gml:pos>7 8</gml:pos> \r\n\
<gml:pointProperty> \r\n\
<gml:Point> \r\n\
<gml:pos>9 10 11 12</gml:pos> \r\n\
</gml:Point> \r\n\
</gml:pointProperty> \r\n\
</gml:LineString> \r\n\
</LineStringPosAndPoint> \r\n\
<LineStringEmptyPosAndPoint> \r\n\
<gml:LineString> \r\n\
<gml:pos/> \r\n\
<gml:pointProperty> \r\n\
<gml:Point> \r\n\
<gml:pos/> \r\n\
</gml:Point> \r\n\
</gml:pointProperty> \r\n\
</gml:LineString> \r\n\
</LineStringEmptyPosAndPoint> \r\n\
</m:properties> \r\n\
</content> \r\n\
var entry = {
__metadata: {
properties: {
LineStringExtraTags: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] },
LineStringPosList: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] },
LineStringEmptyPosList: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] },
LineStringPosAndPoint: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] },
LineStringEmptyPosAndPoint: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] }
LineStringExtraTags: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
type: "LineString",
coordinates: [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
LineStringPosList: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
type: "LineString",
coordinates: [[5, 6], [7, 8]]
LineStringEmptyPosList: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
type: "LineString",
coordinates: []
LineStringPosAndPoint: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
type: "LineString",
coordinates: [[7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]]
LineStringEmptyPosAndPoint: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
type: "LineString",
coordinates: [[], []]
var response = { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml" }, body: entryXml };;
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(, entry, "Entry was read successfully");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryGmlLineStringValueWithOddPosListTest() {
var entryXml =
"<entry \r\n\
xmlns:m='' \r\n\
xmlns=''> \r\n\
<content type='application/xml'> \r\n\
<m:properties xmlns='' \r\n\
xmlns:gml=''> \r\n\
<LineString> \r\n\
<gml:LineString> \r\n\
<gml:posList>1.0 2.0 3.0</gml:posList> \r\n\
</gml:LineString> \r\n\
</LineString> \r\n\
</m:properties> \r\n\
</content> \r\n\
var response = { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml" }, body: entryXml };
try {;"An exception was expected");
} catch (e) {
djstest.assertAreEqual(e.message, "GML posList element has an uneven number of numeric values");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryGmlPolygonValueTest() {
var entryXml =
"<entry \r\n\
xmlns:m='' \r\n\
xmlns=''> \r\n\
<content type='application/xml'> \r\n\
<m:properties xmlns='' \r\n\
xmlns:gml=''> \r\n\
<PolygonExteriorOnly> \r\n\
<gml:Polygon> \r\n\
<gml:exterior> \r\n\
<gml:LinearRing> \r\n\
<gml:pos>1.0 2.0</gml:pos> \r\n\
</gml:LinearRing> \r\n\
</gml:exterior> \r\n\
</gml:Polygon> \r\n\
</PolygonExteriorOnly> \r\n\
<PolygonExteriorInterior> \r\n\
<gml:Polygon> \r\n\
<gml:exterior> \r\n\
<gml:LinearRing> \r\n\
<gml:pos>3.0 4.0</gml:pos> \r\n\
</gml:LinearRing> \r\n\
</gml:exterior> \r\n\
<gml:interior> \r\n\
<gml:LinearRing> \r\n\
<gml:pos>5.0 6.0</gml:pos> \r\n\
</gml:LinearRing> \r\n\
</gml:interior> \r\n\
</gml:Polygon> \r\n\
</PolygonExteriorInterior> \r\n\
<PolygonInteriorFirst> \r\n\
<gml:Polygon> \r\n\
<gml:interior> \r\n\
<gml:LinearRing> \r\n\
<gml:pos>9.0 10.0</gml:pos> \r\n\
</gml:LinearRing> \r\n\
</gml:interior> \r\n\
<gml:exterior> \r\n\
<gml:LinearRing> \r\n\
<gml:pos>11.0 12.0</gml:pos> \r\n\
</gml:LinearRing> \r\n\
</gml:exterior> \r\n\
</gml:Polygon> \r\n\
</PolygonInteriorFirst> \r\n\
<PolygonInteriorOnly> \r\n\
<gml:Polygon> \r\n\
<gml:interior> \r\n\
<gml:LinearRing> \r\n\
<gml:pos>13.0 14.0</gml:pos> \r\n\
</gml:LinearRing> \r\n\
</gml:interior> \r\n\
<gml:interior> \r\n\
<gml:LinearRing> \r\n\
<gml:pos>15.0 16.0</gml:pos> \r\n\
</gml:LinearRing> \r\n\
</gml:interior> \r\n\
</gml:Polygon> \r\n\
</PolygonInteriorOnly> \r\n\
<EmptyPolygon> \r\n\
<gml:Polygon/> \r\n\
</EmptyPolygon> \r\n\
<PolygonEmptyExteriorInterior> \r\n\
<gml:Polygon> \r\n\
<gml:interior> \r\n\
<gml:LinearRing> \r\n\
<gml:pos/> \r\n\
</gml:LinearRing> \r\n\
</gml:interior> \r\n\
<gml:exterior> \r\n\
<gml:LinearRing> \r\n\
<gml:pos/> \r\n\
</gml:LinearRing> \r\n\
</gml:exterior> \r\n\
</gml:Polygon> \r\n\
</PolygonEmptyExteriorInterior> \r\n\
</m:properties> \r\n\
</content> \r\n\
var entry = {
__metadata: {
properties: {
PolygonExteriorOnly: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] },
PolygonExteriorInterior: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] },
PolygonInteriorFirst: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] },
PolygonInteriorOnly: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] },
EmptyPolygon: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] },
PolygonEmptyExteriorInterior: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] }
PolygonExteriorOnly: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
type: "Polygon",
coordinates: [[[1, 2]]]
PolygonExteriorInterior: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
type: "Polygon",
coordinates: [[[3, 4]], [[5, 6]]]
PolygonInteriorFirst: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
type: "Polygon",
coordinates: [[[11, 12]], [[9, 10]]]
PolygonInteriorOnly: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
type: "Polygon",
coordinates: [[[]], [[13, 14]], [[15, 16]]]
EmptyPolygon: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
type: "Polygon",
coordinates: []
PolygonEmptyExteriorInterior: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
type: "Polygon",
coordinates: [[[]], [[]]]
var response = { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml" }, body: entryXml };;
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(, entry, "Entry was read successfully");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryGmlMultiPointValueTest() {
var entryXml =
"<entry \r\n\
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var entry = {
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EmptyMultiPoint: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] },
MultiPoint: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] },
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EmptyMultiPoint: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
type: "MultiPoint",
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MultiPoint: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
type: "MultiPoint",
coordinates: [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]]
MultiPointEmptyMembers: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
type: "MultiPoint",
coordinates: []
var response = { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml" }, body: entryXml };;
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(, entry, "Entry was read successfully");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryGmlMultiListStringValueTest() {
var entryXml =
"<entry \r\n\
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MultiLineStringEmptyMembers: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
type: "MultiLineString",
coordinates: []
var response = { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml" }, body: entryXml };;
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(, entry, "Entry was read successfully");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryGmlMultiPolygonValueTest() {
var entryXml =
"<entry \r\n\
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var entry = {
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__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
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MultiPolygon: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
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[[[1, 2]], [[3, 4]]], [[[5, 6]], [[7, 8]]], [[[9, 10]], [[11, 12]]], [[[13, 14]], [[15, 16]]]
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__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
type: "MultiPolygon",
coordinates: []
var response = { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml" }, body: entryXml };;
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(, entry, "Entry was read successfully");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryGmlMultiGeometryValueTest() {
var entryXml =
"<entry \r\n\
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var entry = {
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EmptyMultiGeometry: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] },
MultiGeometry: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] },
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NestedMultiGeometry: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] }
EmptyMultiGeometry: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
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MultiGeometry: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
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type: "Point",
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type: "Point",
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coordinates: [[[9, 10]]]
type: "MultiPoint",
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coordinates: [[[13, 14], [15, 16]]]
type: "MultiPolygon",
coordinates: [[[[17, 18]], [[19, 20]]]]
MultiGeometryEmptyMembers: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
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NestedMultiGeometry: {
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type: "GeometryCollection",
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type: "Point",
coordinates: [21, 22]
type: "GeometryCollection",
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type: "GeometryCollection",
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type: "Point",
coordinates: [23, 24]
var response = { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml" }, body: entryXml };;
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(, entry, "Entry was read successfully");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryGeometryProperties() {
var entryXml =
"<entry \r\n\
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var entry = {
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Point: { type: "Edm.GeometryPoint", extensions: [] },
LineString: { type: "Edm.GeometryLineString", extensions: [] },
Polygon: { type: "Edm.GeometryPolygon", extensions: [] },
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MultiLineString: { type: "Edm.GeometryMultiLineString", extensions: [] },
MultiPolygon: { type: "Edm.GeometryMultiPolygon", extensions: [] },
Collection: { type: "Edm.GeometryCollection", extensions: [] },
Geometry: { type: "Edm.Geometry", extensions: [] }
Point: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryPoint" },
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Polygon: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryPolygon" },
type: "Polygon",
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MultiPoint: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryMultiPoint" },
type: "MultiPoint",
coordinates: []
MultiLineString: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryMultiLineString" },
type: "MultiLineString",
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MultiPolygon: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryMultiPolygon" },
type: "MultiPolygon",
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Collection: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryCollection" },
type: "GeometryCollection",
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Geometry: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
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var response = { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml" }, body: entryXml };;
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(, entry, "Entry was read successfully");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryGeographyProperties() {
var entryXml =
"<entry \r\n\
xmlns:m='' \r\n\
xmlns=''> \r\n\
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var entry = {
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Point: { type: "Edm.GeographyPoint", extensions: [] },
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MultiLineString: { type: "Edm.GeographyMultiLineString", extensions: [] },
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Collection: { type: "Edm.GeographyCollection", extensions: [] },
Geography: { type: "Edm.Geography", extensions: [] }
Point: {
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__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeographyPolygon" },
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__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeographyMultiPoint" },
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__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeographyMultiLineString" },
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__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeographyMultiPolygon" },
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coordinates: [[[[18, 17]], [[20, 19]]]]
Collection: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeographyCollection" },
type: "GeometryCollection",
geometries: [
type: "GeometryCollection",
geometries: [
type: "Point",
coordinates: [22, 21]
type: "GeometryCollection",
geometries: [
type: "GeometryCollection",
geometries: [
type: "Point",
coordinates: [24, 23]
Geography: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geography" },
type: "Point",
coordinates: [26, 25]
var response = { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml" }, body: entryXml };;
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(, entry, "Entry was read successfully");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryMediaLinkEntryTest() {
var entryString = "\
<entry xml:base=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns:m=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns:atom=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns:app=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns=\'\'> \r\n\
<id>the id</id> \r\n\
<link m:etag=\'etag\' rel=\'edit-media\' href=\'http://editmediauri\' /> \r\n\
<content type=\'application/png\' src=\'mediaSource/source.png' /> \r\n\
<m:properties xmlns=\'\'>\r\n\
<Untyped>untyped value</Untyped> \r\n\
<Typed m:type='Edm.Int32'>100</Typed> \r\n\
</m:properties> \r\n\
var expectedEntry = {
__metadata: {
uri: " id",
uri_extensions: [],
media_src: "",
content_type: "application/png",
edit_media: "http://editmediauri",
edit_media_extensions: [],
media_etag: "etag",
properties: {
Untyped: {
type: "Edm.String",
extensions: []
Typed: {
type: "Edm.Int32",
extensions: []
Untyped: "untyped value",
Typed: 100
var entry = OData.atomReadEntry(odatajs.xmlParse(entryString).documentElement);
djstest.assert(entry, "atomReadFeed didn't return an entry object for the media link entry payload");
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(entry, expectedEntry);
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryTypeTest() {
var categoryString = "\
<category term=\'the type\' \r\n\
scheme=\'\' \r\n\
attr1=\'a1\' me:attr2=\'a2\' \r\n\
xmlns:me=\'http//:myExtensions\' \r\n\
xmlns=\'\'/> \r\n";
var entryMetadata = {};
OData.atomReadEntryType(odatajs.xmlParse(categoryString).documentElement, entryMetadata);
djstest.assertAreEqual(entryMetadata.type, "the type", "atomReadEntryType, entry type has an unexpected value");
djstest.assertAreEqual(entryMetadata.type_extensions.length, 2, "readATomEntryType, entry type_extensions doens't have the expected number of extensions");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryTypeIgnoresCategoryTest() {
var categoryString = "\
<category term=\'the type\' \r\n\
attr1=\'a1\' me:attr2=\'a2\' \r\n\
xmlns:me=\'http//:myExtensions\' \r\n\
xmlns=\'\'/> \r\n";
var entry = { __metadata: {} };
OData.atomReadEntryType(odatajs.xmlParse(categoryString).documentElement, entry, entry.__metadata);
djstest.assert(!entry.__metadata.type, "atomReadEntryType, processed a category of without a scheme attribute!!");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryTypeThrowsWithMultipleCategoryTest() {
var categoryString = "\
<entry> \r\n\
<category term=\'the type\' \r\n\
scheme=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns=\'\'/> \r\n\
<category term=\'the type\' \r\n\
scheme=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns=\'\'/> \r\n\
</entry> \r\n";
var entry = { __metadata: {} };
djstest.expectException(function () {
var categories = odatajs.xmlParse(categoryString).documentElement;
odatajs.xmlChildElements(categories, function (child) {
OData.atomReadEntryType(child, entry, entry.__metadata);
}, "atomReadEntryType didn't throw the expected exception");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryContentThrowsWithNoTypeAttributeTest() {
var contentString = "\
<content src=\'http://mediasource\' xmlns=\'\'/> \r\n"
var entry = { __metadata: {} };
var content = odatajs.xmlParse(contentString).documentElement;
djstest.expectException(function () {
OData.atomReadEntryContent(content, entry);
}, "atomReadEntryContent didn't throw the expected exception");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryContentThrowsWithSrcAndChildrenTest() {
var contentString = "\
<content type=\'applicaton/xml\' src=\'http://mediasource\' \r\n\
xmlns=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns:m2=\'\'> \r\n\
<m2:properties xmlns=\'\'>\r\n\
<Untyped>untyped value</Untyped> \r\n\
<Typed m2:type='Edm.Int32'>100</Typed> \r\n\
</m2:properties> \r\n\
</content> \r\n";
var entry = { __metadata: {} };
var content = odatajs.xmlParse(contentString).documentElement;
djstest.expectException(function () {
OData.atomReadEntryContent(content, entry);
}, "atomReadEntryContent didn't throw the expected exception");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryEditMediaLinkTest() {
var linkString = "\
<link m:etag=\'etag\' rel=\'edit-media\' href=\'http://editmediauri\' \r\n\
attr1=\'a1\' me:attr2=\'a2\' \r\n\
xmlns:me=\'http://myExtensions\' \r\n\
xmlns:m=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns=\'\'/> \r\n";
var entry = { __metadata: {} };
OData.atomReadEntryLink(odatajs.xmlParse(linkString).documentElement, entry, entry.__metadata);
djstest.assertAreEqual(entry.__metadata.edit_media, "http://editmediauri", "edit_media field has a un expected value");
djstest.assertAreEqual(entry.__metadata.media_etag, "etag", "media_etag field has a un expected value");
djstest.assertAreEqual(entry.__metadata.edit_media_extensions.length, 2, "edit_media_extensions doesn't have the expected number of extensions");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryLink() {
var linksString = "\
<entry xmlns=\'\'> \r\n\
<link rel=\'edit-media\' href=\'http://editmediauri\' />\r\n\
<link rel=\'edit\' href=\'http://edituri\' />\r\n\
<link rel=\'self\' href=\'http://selfuri\' />\r\n\
<link rel=\'\' \r\n\
type=\'application/atom+xml;type=entry\' \r\n\
href=\'http://otherEntryuri\' /> \r\n\
</entry> \r\n";
var expectedEntry = {
__metadata: {
edit: "http://edituri",
edit_link_extensions: [],
edit_media: "http://editmediauri",
edit_media_extensions: [],
self: "http://selfuri",
self_link_extensions: [],
properties: {
otherEntry: {
extensions: []
otherEntry: {
__deferred: { uri: "http://otherEntryuri" }
var entry = { __metadata: {} };
var links = odatajs.xmlParse(linksString).documentElement;
odatajs.xmlChildElements(links, function (child) {
OData.atomReadEntryLink(child, entry, entry.__metadata);
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(entry, expectedEntry);
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryNavigationPropertyTest() {
var entryString = "\
<entry xml:base='' \r\n\
xmlns='' \r\n\
xmlns:m='' \r\n\
xmlns:me='http://myextensions'> \r\n\
<link rel='' \r\n\
type='application/atom+xml;type=entry' \r\n\
href='entry/deferred' /> \r\n\
<link rel='' \r\n\
type='application/xml' \r\n\
href='entry/deferred/$links' \r\n\
me:ext1='value1' /> \r\n\
<link rel='' \r\n\
type='application/atom+xml;type=feed' \r\n\
href='http://inline' > \r\n\
<m:inline> \r\n\
<feed xml:base='' \r\n\
xmlns:app='' \r\n\
xmlns:m='' \r\n\
xmlns=''> \r\n\
<id>feed id</id> \r\n\
<title>test feed</title> \r\n\
</feed> \r\n\
</m:inline> \r\n\
</link> \r\n\
<content type='application/xml'> \r\n\
<m:properties xmlns=''>\r\n\
<Typed m:type='Edm.Int32'>100</Typed> \r\n\
</m:properties> \r\n\
</content> \r\n\
</entry> \r\n";
var expectedEntry = {
__metadata: {
properties: {
deferred: {
associationuri: "$links",
associationuri_extensions: [{ name: "ext1", namespaceURI: "http://myextensions", value: "value1"}],
extensions: []
inline: {
extensions: []
Typed: {
type: "Edm.Int32",
extensions: []
deferred: {
__deferred: { uri: "" }
inline: {
__metadata: {
uri: " id",
uri_extensions: [],
title: "test feed",
title_extensions: [],
feed_extensions: []
results: []
Typed: 100
var entry = OData.atomReadEntry(odatajs.xmlParse(entryString).documentElement);
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(entry, expectedEntry);
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryStructuralObjectTest() {
var content = "\
<d:Data m:type = \"Data\" \r\n \
xmlns:d=\"\" \r\n \
xmlns:m=\"\">\r\n \
<d:Complex m:type=\"Complex\">\r\n \
<d:Property1>value 1</d:Property1>\r\n \
<d:Property2>value 2</d:Property2> \r\n \
<d:Nested m:type=\"Complex.Nested\">\r\n \
<d:NestedProperty1>value 3</d:NestedProperty1> \r\n \
<d:NestedProperty2>value 4</d:NestedProperty2> \r\n \
<d:NestedProperty3>value 5</d:NestedProperty3> \r\n \
</d:Nested>\r\n \
</d:Complex>\r\n \
var dataElement = odatajs.xmlParse(content).documentElement;
var data = {};
var metadata = {};
OData.atomReadEntryStructuralObject(dataElement, data, metadata);
var expectedData = {
Complex: {
__metadata: { type: "Complex" },
Property1: "value 1",
Property2: "value 2",
Nested: {
__metadata: { type: "Complex.Nested" },
NestedProperty1: "value 3",
NestedProperty2: "value 4",
NestedProperty3: "value 5"
var expectedMetadata = {
properties: {
Complex: {
type: "Complex",
extensions: [],
properties: {
Property1: { type: "Edm.String", extensions: [] },
Property2: { type: "Edm.String", extensions: [] },
Nested: {
type: "Complex.Nested",
extensions: [],
properties: {
NestedProperty1: { type: "Edm.String", extensions: [] },
NestedProperty2: { type: "Edm.String", extensions: [] },
NestedProperty3: { type: "Edm.String", extensions: [] }
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(data, expectedData, "atomReadEntryComplexProperty didn't returned the expected data for a complex property");
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(metadata, expectedMetadata, "atomReadEntryComplexProperty didn't returned the expected metadata for a complex property");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryWithComplexTypePropertiesTest() {
var entryString = "\
<entry xml:base=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns:m2=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns:atom=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns:app=\'\' \r\n\
xmlns=\'\'> \r\n\
<id>the id</id> \r\n\
<category term=\'the type\' \r\n\
scheme=\'\' /> \r\n\
<content type=\'application/xml\'> \r\n\
<m2:properties xmlns=\'\'>\r\n\
<Untyped>untyped value</Untyped> \r\n\
<Typed m2:type='Edm.Int32'>100</Typed> \r\n\
<Complex m2:type=\"Complex\">\r\n \
<Property1>value 1</Property1>\r\n \
<Property2>value 2</Property2> \r\n \
<Nested m2:type=\"Complex.Nested\">\r\n \
<NestedProperty1>value 3</NestedProperty1> \r\n \
<NestedProperty2>value 4</NestedProperty2> \r\n \
<NestedProperty3>value 5</NestedProperty3> \r\n \
</Nested>\r\n \
</Complex>\r\n \
<P1>value 3</P1>\r\n\
</m2:properties> \r\n\
</content> \r\n\
<link rel=\'self\' href=\'http://selfuri\' /> \r\n\
var expectedEntry = {
__metadata: {
uri: " id",
uri_extensions: [],
type: "the type",
type_extensions: [],
self: "http://selfuri",
self_link_extensions: [],
properties: {
Untyped: {
type: "Edm.String",
extensions: []
Typed: {
type: "Edm.Int32",
extensions: []
Complex: {
type: "Complex",
extensions: [],
properties: {
Property1: { type: "Edm.String", extensions: [] },
Property2: { type: "Edm.String", extensions: [] },
Nested: {
type: "Complex.Nested",
extensions: [],
properties: {
NestedProperty1: { type: "Edm.String", extensions: [] },
NestedProperty2: { type: "Edm.String", extensions: [] },
NestedProperty3: { type: "Edm.String", extensions: [] }
UntypedComplex: {
type: null,
extensions: [],
properties: {
P1: { type: "Edm.String", extensions: [] }
Untyped: "untyped value",
Typed: 100,
Complex: {
__metadata: { type: "Complex" },
Property1: "value 1",
Property2: "value 2",
Nested: {
__metadata: { type: "Complex.Nested" },
NestedProperty1: "value 3",
NestedProperty2: "value 4",
NestedProperty3: "value 5"
UntypedComplex: {
__metadata: { type: null },
P1: "value 3"
var entry = OData.atomReadEntry(odatajs.xmlParse(entryString).documentElement);
djstest.assert(entry, "atomReadEntry didn't return an entry object");
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(entry, expectedEntry, "atomReadEntry didn't return the expected entry object");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryWithActionsAndFunctionsTest() {
var entryString = "\
<entry xml:base='' \r\n\
xmlns:m='' \r\n\
xmlns:me='http://myExtensions' \r\n\
xmlns:atom='' \r\n\
xmlns:app='' \r\n\
xmlns=''> \r\n\
<id>the id</id> \r\n\
<category term='the type' scheme='' /> \r\n\
<content type='application/xml' /> \r\n\
<m:action metadata='#EntityContainer.Action1' title='Action1' target='http://service/entities(0)/action' /> \r\n\
<m:action metadata='#EntityContainer.Action2' title='Action2' target='entities(0)/action2' /> \r\n\
<m:action metadata='http://someService/$metadata#Container.Action1' title='Action1' target='http://someService/action' /> \r\n\
<m:function metadata='#EntityContainer.Function1' title='Function1' target='http://service/entities(0)/function' /> \r\n\
<m:function metadata='#EntityContainer.Function2' title='Function2' target='entities(0)/function2' /> \r\n\
<m:function metadata='http://someService/$metadata#Container.Function1' title='Function1' target='http://someService/function' /> \r\n\
var expected = {
__metadata: {
uri: " id",
uri_extensions: [],
type: "the type",
type_extensions: [],
actions: [
metadata: "#EntityContainer.Action1",
title: "Action1",
target: "http://service/entities(0)/action",
extensions: []
metadata: "#EntityContainer.Action2",
title: "Action2",
target: "",
extensions: []
metadata: "http://someService/$metadata#Container.Action1",
title: "Action1",
target: "http://someService/action",
extensions: []
functions: [
metadata: "#EntityContainer.Function1",
title: "Function1",
target: "http://service/entities(0)/function",
extensions: []
metadata: "#EntityContainer.Function2",
title: "Function2",
target: "",
extensions: []
metadata: "http://someService/$metadata#Container.Function1",
title: "Function1",
target: "http://someService/function",
extensions: []
var response = { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml", "OData-Version": "4.0" }, body: entryString };;
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(, expected, "atomReadEntry didn't return the expected entry object");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryWithNamedStreamsTest() {
var entryString = "\
<entry xml:base='' \r\n\
xmlns:m2='' \r\n\
xmlns:me='http://myExtensions' \r\n\
xmlns:atom='' \r\n\
xmlns:app='' \r\n\
xmlns=''> \r\n\
<id>the id</id> \r\n\
<category term='the type' scheme='' /> \r\n\
<content type='application/xml' /> \r\n\
<link rel='' href='readonly' type='image/png' me:ext1='value1' /> \r\n\
<link rel='' href='http://readwrite' type='image/gif' me:ext2='value2' /> \r\n\
<link rel='' href='http://readwrite/update' type='image/gif' m2:etag='etag0' me:ext3='value3' /> \r\n\
<link rel='' href='writeonly' type='image/jpeg' m2:etag='etag1' me:ext4='value4' /> \r\n\
var expected = {
__metadata: {
uri: " id",
uri_extensions: [],
type: "the type",
type_extensions: [],
properties: {
readonly: {
media_src_extensions: [
{ name: "ext1", namespaceURI: "http://myExtensions", value: "value1" }
readwrite: {
media_src_extensions: [
{ name: "ext2", namespaceURI: "http://myExtensions", value: "value2" }
edit_media_extensions: [
{ name: "ext3", namespaceURI: "http://myExtensions", value: "value3" }
writeonly: {
media_src_extensions: [],
edit_media_extensions: [
{ name: "ext4", namespaceURI: "http://myExtensions", value: "value4" }
readonly: {
__mediaresource: {
media_src: "",
content_type: "image/png"
readwrite: {
__mediaresource: {
media_src: "http://readwrite",
edit_media: "http://readwrite/update",
content_type: "image/gif",
media_etag: "etag0"
writeonly: {
__mediaresource: {
media_src: "",
edit_media: "",
content_type: "image/jpeg",
media_etag: "etag1"
var response = { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml", "OData-Version": "4.0" }, body: entryString };;
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(, expected, "atomReadEntry didn't return the expected entry object");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadEntryWithCollectionPropertiesTest() {
var entryString = "\
<entry xml:base='' \r\n\
xmlns:m2='\' \r\n\
xmlns:me=\'http://myExtensions' \r\n\
xmlns:atom='' \r\n\
xmlns:app='' \r\n\
xmlns=''> \r\n\
<id>the id</id> \r\n\
<category term='the type' \r\n\
scheme='' /> \r\n\
<content type='application/xml'> \r\n\
<m2:properties xmlns=''>\r\n\
<Empty m2:type='Collection(Edm.Int32)' me:attr1='value1' /> \r\n\
<Primitive m2:type='Collection(Edm.Int32)'> \r\n\
<element>50</element> \r\n\
<element me:attr2='value2'>100</element> \r\n\
</Primitive> \r\n\
<Complex m2:type='Collection(ns.MyType)' me:attr3='value3'> \r\n\
<element me:attr4='value4'> \r\n\
<Property1>value 1</Property1> \r\n\
<Property2>value 2</Property2> \r\n\
</element> \r\n\
<element> \r\n\
<Property1>value 3</Property1> \r\n\
<Property2>value 4</Property2> \r\n\
</element> \r\n\
</Complex> \r\n\
<SingleTyped m2:type='Collection(Edm.Int32)'> \r\n\
<element>500</element> \r\n\
</SingleTyped> \r\n\
<SingleUntyped> \r\n\
<element>600</element> \r\n\
</SingleUntyped> \r\n\
</m2:properties> \r\n\
</content> \r\n\
<link rel=\'self\' href=\'http://selfuri\' /> \r\n\
var expectedEntry = {
__metadata: {
uri: " id",
uri_extensions: [],
type: "the type",
type_extensions: [],
self: "http://selfuri",
self_link_extensions: [],
properties: {
Empty: {
type: "Collection(Edm.Int32)",
extensions: [
{ name: "attr1", namespaceURI: "http://myExtensions", value: "value1" }
elements: []
Primitive: {
type: "Collection(Edm.Int32)",
extensions: [],
elements: [
{ type: "Edm.Int32", extensions: [] },
type: "Edm.Int32",
extensions: [
{ name: "attr2", namespaceURI: "http://myExtensions", value: "value2" }
Complex: {
type: "Collection(ns.MyType)",
extensions: [
{ name: "attr3", namespaceURI: "http://myExtensions", value: "value3" }
elements: [
type: "ns.MyType",
extensions: [
{ name: "attr4", namespaceURI: "http://myExtensions", value: "value4" }
properties: {
Property1: { type: "Edm.String", extensions: [] },
Property2: { type: "Edm.String", extensions: [] }
type: "ns.MyType",
extensions: [],
properties: {
Property1: { type: "Edm.String", extensions: [] },
Property2: { type: "Edm.String", extensions: [] }
SingleTyped: {
type: "Collection(Edm.Int32)",
extensions: [],
elements: [
type: "Edm.Int32",
extensions: []
SingleUntyped: {
type: null,
extensions: [],
properties: {
element: {
type: "Edm.String",
extensions: []
Empty: {
__metadata: { type: "Collection(Edm.Int32)" },
results: []
Primitive: {
__metadata: { type: "Collection(Edm.Int32)" },
results: [50, 100]
Complex: {
__metadata: { type: "Collection(ns.MyType)" },
results: [
__metadata: { type: "ns.MyType" },
Property1: "value 1",
Property2: "value 2"
__metadata: { type: "ns.MyType" },
Property1: "value 3",
Property2: "value 4"
SingleTyped: {
__metadata: { type: "Collection(Edm.Int32)" },
results: [500]
SingleUntyped: {
__metadata: { type: null },
element: "600"
// Todo refactor all this tests to use the mock http client instead.
var entry = OData.atomReadEntry(odatajs.xmlParse(entryString).documentElement);
djstest.assert(entry, "atomReadEntry didn't return an entry object");
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(entry, expectedEntry, "atomReadEntry didn't return the expected entry object");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomSerializeFeedTest() {
var feed = {
__metadata: {
feed_extensions: []
results: [
{ __metadata: {
uri: " id",
uri_extensions: [],
type: "the type",
type_extensions: [],
properties: {
Untyped: {
type: "Edm.String",
extensions: []
Typed: {
type: "Edm.Int32",
extensions: []
Untyped: "untyped value",
Typed: 100
var feedXml = OData.atomSerializer(OData.atomHandler, feed, {});
function (expectedData) {
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(feed, expectedData, "Response data not same as expected");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomSerializeEntryTest() {
var entry = {
__metadata: {
uri: " id",
uri_extensions: [],
type: "the type",
type_extensions: [],
properties: {
Untyped: {
type: "Edm.String",
extensions: []
Typed: {
type: "Edm.Int32",
extensions: []
Untyped: "untyped value",
Typed: 100
var entryXml = OData.atomSerializer(OData.atomHandler, entry, {});
function (expectedData) {
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(entry, expectedData, "Response data not same as expected");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomSerializeEntryWithNamedStreamsTest() {
var entry = {
__metadata: {
uri: " id",
uri_extensions: [],
type: "the type",
type_extensions: [],
properties: {
readonly: {
media_src_extensions: [
{ name: "ext1", namespaceURI: "http://myExtensions", value: "value1" }
readwrite: {
media_src_extensions: [
{ name: "ext2", namespaceURI: "http://myExtensions", value: "value2" }
edit_media_extensions: [
{ name: "ext3", namespaceURI: "http://myExtensions", value: "value3" }
writeonly: {
media_src_extensions: [],
edit_media_extensions: [
{ name: "ext4", namespaceURI: "http://myExtensions", value: "value4" }
readonly: {
__mediaresource: {
media_src: "",
content_type: "image/png"
readwrite: {
__mediaresource: {
media_src: "http://readwrite",
edit_media: "http://readwrite/update",
content_type: "image/gif",
media_etag: "etag0"
writeonly: {
__mediaresource: {
media_src: "",
edit_media: "",
content_type: "image/jpeg",
media_etag: "etag1"
complexAsNamedStream1: {
__metadata: {},
__mediaresource: {
media_src: "",
content_type: "image/png"
complexAsNamedStream2: {
__mediaresource: {
p1: 500
var expectedEntry = {
__metadata: {
uri: " id",
uri_extensions: [],
type: "the type",
type_extensions: [],
properties: {
complexAsNamedStream1: {
type: null,
extensions: [],
properties: {
__mediaresource: {
type: null,
extensions: [],
properties: {
content_type: {
extensions: [],
type: "Edm.String"
media_src: {
extensions: [],
type: "Edm.String"
complexAsNamedStream2: {
type: null,
extensions: [],
properties: {
__mediaresource: {
type: null,
extensions: [],
properties: {
p1: {
type: "Edm.String",
extensions: []
complexAsNamedStream1: {
__metadata: { type: null },
__mediaresource: {
__metadata: { type: null },
media_src: "",
content_type: "image/png"
complexAsNamedStream2: {
__metadata: { type: null },
__mediaresource: {
__metadata: { type: null },
p1: "500"
var request = { headers: {}, data: entry };
function (expectedData) {
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(expectedData, expectedEntry, "Response data not same as expected");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomSerializeComplexEntryTest() {
var entry = {
__metadata: {
uri: " id",
uri_extensions: [],
type: "the type",
type_extensions: [],
properties: {
Untyped: {
type: "Edm.String",
extensions: []
Typed: {
type: "Edm.Int32",
extensions: []
Complex: {
type: "Complex",
extensions: [],
properties: {
Property1: { type: "Edm.String", extensions: [] },
Property2: { type: "Edm.String", extensions: [] },
Nested: {
type: "Complex.Nested",
extensions: [],
properties: {
NestedProperty1: { type: "Edm.String", extensions: [] },
NestedProperty2: { type: "Edm.String", extensions: [] },
NestedProperty3: { type: "Edm.String", extensions: [] }
Untyped: "untyped value",
Typed: 100,
Complex: {
__metadata: { type: "Complex" },
Property1: "value 1",
Property2: "value 2",
Nested: {
__metadata: { type: "Complex.Nested" },
NestedProperty1: "value 3",
NestedProperty2: "value 4",
NestedProperty3: "value 5"
var entryXml = OData.atomSerializer(OData.atomHandler, entry, {});
function (expectedData) {
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(entry, expectedData, "Response data not same as expected");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomSerializeInlinedDeferredEntryTest() {
var entry = {
__metadata: {
uri: " id",
uri_extensions: [],
type: "the type",
type_extensions: [],
properties: {
deferred: {
//the test oracle service always adds the title extension to the link
extensions: [
name: "title",
namespaceURI: null,
value: null
inline: {
extensions: [
name: "title",
namespaceURI: null,
value: null
deferred: {
__deferred: { uri: "http://deferred/" }
inline: {
__metadata: {
uri: " id",
uri_extensions: [],
type: "the type",
type_extensions: [],
properties: {
Untyped: {
type: "Edm.String",
extensions: []
Typed: {
type: "Edm.Int32",
extensions: []
Untyped: "untyped value",
Typed: 100
var entryXml = OData.atomSerializer(OData.atomHandler, entry, {});
function (expectedData) {
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(entry, expectedData, "Response data not same as expected");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomSerializeJsObjectTest() {
var entryData = {
Color: 0x0000ff,
Height: 500,
Width: 100
var entry = {
__metadata: {
properties: {
Color: {
type: "Edm.String",
extensions: []
Width: {
type: "Edm.String",
extensions: []
Height: {
type: "Edm.String",
extensions: []
Color: "255",
Height: "500",
Width: "100"
var entryXml = OData.atomSerializer(OData.atomHandler, entryData, {});
function (data) {
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(entry, data, "Response data not same as expected");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomSerializePrimitiveTypesTest() {
// Currently DateTime, Time and DateTimeOffset primitive types are not being covered.
// DateTimeOffset and Time are not covered because they aren't supported by current WCF DataServices implementations.
// DateTime follow non standard ways of being represented in JSON streams.
var testEntry = {
__metadata: {
properties: {
Binary: {
type: "Edm.Binary",
extensions: []
Boolean: {
type: "Edm.Boolean",
extensions: []
Byte: {
type: "Edm.Byte",
extensions: []
Decimal: {
type: "Edm.Decimal",
extensions: []
Guid: {
type: "Edm.Guid",
extensions: []
Double: {
type: "Edm.Double",
extensions: []
Single: {
type: "Edm.Single",
extensions: []
Int16: {
type: "Edm.Int16",
extensions: []
Int32: {
type: "Edm.Int32",
extensions: []
Int64: {
type: "Edm.Int64",
extensions: []
SByte: {
type: "Edm.SByte",
extensions: []
Binary: "01007A8A680D9E14A64EAC1242DD33C9DB05",
Boolean: false,
UntypedBoolean: "true",
Byte: 0xf0,
Decimal: "100.0",
Guid: "12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddddeeeeffff",
Double: 1E+10,
Single: 100.01,
Int16: 16,
Int32: 32,
Int64: "64",
SByte: -8
var expectedEntry = {
__metadata: {
properties: {
Binary: {
type: "Edm.Binary",
extensions: []
Boolean: {
type: "Edm.Boolean",
extensions: []
UntypedBoolean: {
type: "Edm.String",
extensions: []
Byte: {
type: "Edm.Byte",
extensions: []
Decimal: {
type: "Edm.Decimal",
extensions: []
Guid: {
type: "Edm.Guid",
extensions: []
Double: {
type: "Edm.Double",
extensions: []
Single: {
type: "Edm.Single",
extensions: []
Int16: {
type: "Edm.Int16",
extensions: []
Int32: {
type: "Edm.Int32",
extensions: []
Int64: {
type: "Edm.Int64",
extensions: []
SByte: {
type: "Edm.SByte",
extensions: []
Binary: "01007A8A680D9E14A64EAC1242DD33C9DB05",
Boolean: false,
UntypedBoolean: "true",
Byte: 0xf0,
Decimal: "100.0",
Guid: "12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddddeeeeffff",
Double: 1E+10,
Single: 100.01,
Int16: 16,
Int32: 32,
Int64: "64",
SByte: -8
var entryXml = OData.atomSerializer(OData.atomHandler, testEntry, {});
function (data) {
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(data, expectedEntry, "Response data not same as expected");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomSerializeSpatialPropertyTest() {
var entry = {
__metadata: {
properties: {
SpatialEdmTypeOnObjectWins: { type: "My.Type", extensions: [] },
SpatialEdmTypeOnMetadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryPoint", extensions: [] }
SpatialEdmTypeOnly: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryPoint" },
coordinates: [100, 200]
SpatialEdmTypeWins: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryPoint" },
type: "MultiPoint",
coordinates: [300, 400]
SpatialAbstractType: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.Geometry" },
type: "Point",
coordinates: [500, 600]
SpatialEdmTypeOnObjectWins: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryPoint" },
type: "Point",
coordinates: [5, 6]
SpatialEdmTypeOnMetadata: {
type: "Point",
coordinates: [7, 8]
SpatialUntyped: {
type: "Point",
coordinates: [9, 10]
var request = { headers: {}, data: entry };
OData.atomHandler.write(request, {});
var entryXml = request.body;
djstest.assertAreEqual("4.0", request.headers["OData-Version"], "Request data service version is the expected one");
var response = {
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml", "OData-Version": "4.0" },
body: entryXml
};, {});
var actual =;
window.ODataReadOracle.readEntryLoopback(entryXml, function (expected) {
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(actual, expected, "Response data not same as expected");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomSerializeSpatialPointTest() {
var entry = {
__metadata: {
properties: {
pointEdmTypeOnObjectWins: { type: "Edm.GeographyPoint", extensions: [] },
pointEdmTypeOnMetadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryPoint", extensions: [] }
geometryPoint: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryPoint" },
type: "Point",
coordinates: [1, 2]
geographyPoint: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeographyPoint" },
type: "Point",
coordinates: [3, 4]
emptyPoint: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryPoint" },
type: "Point",
coordinates: []
var request = { headers: {}, data: entry };
OData.atomHandler.write(request, {});
var entryXml = request.body;
djstest.assertAreEqual("4.0", request.headers["OData-Version"], "Request data service version is the expected one");
var response = {
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml", "OData-Version": "4.0" },
body: entryXml
};, {});
var actual =;
window.ODataReadOracle.readEntryLoopback(entryXml, function (expected) {
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(actual, expected, "Response data not same as expected");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomSerializeSpatialLineStringTest() {
var entry = {
__metadata: {
properties: {
lineStringTypeOnObjectWins: { type: "Edm.GeographyLineString", extensions: [] },
lineStringTypeOnMetadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryLineString", extensions: [] }
geometryLineString: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryLineString" },
type: "LineString",
coordinates: [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
geographyLineString: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeographyLineString" },
type: "Point",
coordinates: [[5, 6], [7, 8]]
emptyLineString: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryLineString" },
type: "LineString",
coordinates: []
lineStringTypeOnObjectWins: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryLineString" },
type: "LineString",
coordinates: [[9, 10], [11, 12]]
lineStringTypeOnMetadata: {
type: "LineString",
coordinates: [[13, 14], [15, 16]]
var request = { headers: {}, data: entry };
OData.atomHandler.write(request, {});
var entryXml = request.body;
djstest.assertAreEqual("4.0", request.headers["OData-Version"], "Request data service version is the expected one");
var response = {
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml", "OData-Version": "4.0" },
body: entryXml
};, {});
var actual =;
window.ODataReadOracle.readEntryLoopback(entryXml, function (expected) {
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(actual, expected, "Response data not same as expected");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomSerializeSpatialPolygonTest() {
var entry = {
__metadata: {
properties: {
polygonTypeOnObjectWins: { type: "Edm.GeographyPolygon", extensions: [] },
polygonTypeOnMetadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryPolygon", extensions: [] }
geometryPolygon: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryPolygon" },
type: "Polygon",
coordinates: [[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [1, 2]]]
geographyPolygon: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeographyPolygon" },
type: "Point",
coordinates: [[[7, 8], [9, 10], [11, 12], [7, 8]]]
emptyPolygon: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryPolygon" },
type: "Point",
coordinates: []
polygonWithInternalRing: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryPolygon" },
type: "Polygon",
coordinates: [[[13, 14], [15, 16], [17, 18], [13, 14]], [[19, 20], [21, 22], [23, 24], [19, 20]]]
polygonTypeOnObjectWins: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryPolygon" },
type: "Polygon",
coordinates: [[[33, 34], [35, 36], [37, 38], [33, 34]]]
polygonTypeOnMetadata: {
type: "Polygon",
coordinates: [[[39, 40], [41, 42], [43, 44], [39, 40]]]
var request = { headers: {}, data: entry };
OData.atomHandler.write(request, {});
var entryXml = request.body;
djstest.assertAreEqual("4.0", request.headers["OData-Version"], "Request data service version is the expected one");
var response = {
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml", "OData-Version": "4.0" },
body: entryXml
};, {});
var actual =;
window.ODataReadOracle.readEntryLoopback(entryXml, function (expected) {
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(actual, expected, "Response data not same as expected");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomSerializeSpatialMultiPointTest() {
var entry = {
geometryMultiPoint: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryMultiPoint" },
type: "MultiPoint",
coordinates: [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
geographyMultiPoint: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeographyMultiPoint" },
type: "MultiPoint",
coordinates: [[5, 6], [7, 8]]
emptyMultiPoint: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryMultiPoint" },
type: "MultiPoint",
coordinates: []
var request = { headers: {}, data: entry };
OData.atomHandler.write(request, {});
var entryXml = request.body;
djstest.assertAreEqual("4.0", request.headers["OData-Version"], "Request data service version is the expected one");
var response = {
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml", "OData-Version": "4.0" },
body: entryXml
};, {});
var actual =;
window.ODataReadOracle.readEntryLoopback(entryXml, function (expected) {
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(actual, expected, "Response data not same as expected");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomSerializeSpatialMultiLineStringTest() {
var entry = {
geometryMultiLineString: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryMultiLineString" },
type: "MultiLineString",
coordinates: [[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]
geographyMultiLineString: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeographyMultiLineString" },
type: "Point",
coordinates: [[[9, 10], [11, 12]]]
emptyMultiLineString: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryMultiLineString" },
type: "MultiLineString",
coordinates: []
var request = { headers: {}, data: entry };
OData.atomHandler.write(request, {});
var entryXml = request.body;
djstest.assertAreEqual("4.0", request.headers["OData-Version"], "Request data service version is the expected one");
var response = {
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml", "OData-Version": "4.0" },
body: entryXml
};, {});
var actual =;
window.ODataReadOracle.readEntryLoopback(entryXml, function (expected) {
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(actual, expected, "Response data not same as expected");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomSerializeSpatialMultiLinePolygonTest() {
var entry = {
geometryMultiLineString: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryMultiPolygon" },
type: "MultiPolygon",
coordinates: [[[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [1, 2]]], [[[7, 8], [9, 10], [11, 12], [7, 8]]]]
geographyMultiLineString: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeographyMultiPolygon" },
type: "MultiPolygon",
coordinates: [[[[9, 10], [11, 12], [13, 14], [9, 10]]]]
emptyMultiLineString: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryMultiPolygon" },
type: "MultiPolygon",
coordinates: []
var request = { headers: {}, data: entry };
OData.atomHandler.write(request, {});
var entryXml = request.body;
djstest.assertAreEqual("4.0", request.headers["OData-Version"], "Request data service version is the expected one");
var response = {
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml", "OData-Version": "4.0" },
body: entryXml
};, {});
var actual =;
window.ODataReadOracle.readEntryLoopback(entryXml, function (expected) {
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(actual, expected, "Response data not same as expected");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomSerializeSpatialGeometryCollectionTest() {
var entry = {
geometryCollection: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryCollection" },
type: "GeometryCollection",
geometries: [
type: "Point",
coordinates: [1, 2]
geographyCollection: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryCollection" },
type: "GeometryCollection",
geometries: [
type: "Point",
coordinates: [3, 4]
emptyGeometryCollection: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryCollection" },
type: "GeometryCollection",
geometries: []
nestedGeometryCollection: {
__metadata: { type: "Edm.GeometryCollection" },
type: "GeometryCollection",
geometries: [
type: "GeometryCollection",
geometries: [
type: "GeometryCollection",
geometries: [
type: "Point",
coordinates: [5, 6]
var request = { headers: {}, data: entry };
OData.atomHandler.write(request, {});
var entryXml = request.body;
djstest.assertAreEqual("4.0", request.headers["OData-Version"], "Request data service version is the expected one");
var response = {
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml", "OData-Version": "4.0" },
body: entryXml
};, {});
var actual =;
window.ODataReadOracle.readEntryLoopback(entryXml, function (expected) {
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(actual, expected, "Response data not same as expected");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomSerializeCollectionPropertiesTest() {
var entry = {
__metadata: {
uri: " id",
properties: {
primitiveColArray: { type: "Collection(Edm.Int16)" },
primitiveColObject: { type: "Collection(Edm.Int32)" },
primitiveTypelessCollection: { type: "Collection()" },
complexColArray: { type: "Collection(My.Type)" },
complexColObject: { type: "Collection(My.Type2)" },
colObjectTypeInObjectWins: { type: "Collection(Edm.Double)" },
complexColArrayPropertiesInfo: {
type: "Collection(My.Type3)",
properties: {
p3: { type: "Edm.Int32" },
p4: { type: "Edm.Int16" }
primitiveColArray: [1, 2, 3, 4],
primitiveColObject: {
results: [5, 6, 7, 8]
primitiveColObjectWithType: {
__metadata: { type: "Collection(Edm.Double)" },
results: [1.1, 2.2, 3.3]
primitiveUntypedColArray: [5, 6, 7],
primitiveUntypedColObject: {
results: [10, 11, 12]
primitiveTypelessCollection: [13, 14, 15],
complexColArray: [{ p1: 10 }, { p1: 20}],
complexColObject: {
results: [{ p2: 300 }, { p2: 400}]
colObjectTypeInObjectWins: {
__metadata: { type: "Collection(Edm.Single)" },
results: [1.5, 2.5, 3.5]
complexColArrayPropertiesInfo: [
{ p3: 900, p4: 1000 },
{ p3: 900, p4: 1000 }
complexTypelessCollection: {
__metadata: { type: "Collection()" },
results: [{ p5: 1500 }, { p5: 1600}]
var request = { headers: {}, data: entry };
OData.atomHandler.write(request, {});
var entryXml = request.body;
var response = {
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml", "OData-Version": "4.0" },
body: entryXml
};, {});
var actual =;
window.ODataReadOracle.readEntryLoopback(entryXml, function (expected) {
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(actual, expected, "Response data not same as expected");
// djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomSerializeInvalidPayloadTest() {
// djstest.expectException(function () {
// OData.atomSerializer(OData.atomHandler, { EntitySets: [] });
// }, "expected exception for serializing a service document");
// djstest.expectException(function () {
// OData.atomSerializer(OData.atomHandler, null, {});
// }, "expected exception for serializing null data");
// djstest.expectException(function () {
// OData.atomSerializer(OData.atomHandler, undefined, {});
// }, "expected exception for serializing undefined data");
// djstest.done();
// });
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomSetEntryValueByPathTest() {
var target = {};
// simple property added.
OData.atomSetEntryValueByPath("p", target, 1);
djstest.assertAreEqual(target.p, 1, "target.p set to 1");
// simple property replaced.
OData.atomSetEntryValueByPath("p", target, 2);
djstest.assertAreEqual(target.p, 2, "target.p overwritten to 1");
// Construct object and set property.
OData.atomSetEntryValueByPath("a/b", target, 3);
djstest.assertAreEqual(target.a.b, 3, "target.a.b set to 3");
// Construct object and replace property.
OData.atomSetEntryValueByPath("a/b", target, 4);
djstest.assertAreEqual(target.a.b, 4, "target.a.b set to 4");
// Construct object deeply and set property.
OData.atomSetEntryValueByPath("a/deep/value", target, 5);
djstest.assertAreEqual(target.a.b, 4, "target.a.b still 4");
djstest.assertAreEqual(target.a.deep.value, 5, "target.a.deep.value set to 5");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function getXmlPathValueTest() {
// Tests with expected value and result based on doc.
var doc = odatajs.xmlParse(
"<atom:entry xmlns:atom='' xmlns:c='custom'>" +
" <atom:title>title</atom:title>" +
" <atom:summary>summary</atom:summary>" +
" <atom:author><atom:name>author name</atom:name><atom:uri>author uri</atom:uri><atom:email>author email</atom:email></atom:author>" +
" <atom:contributor><atom:name>contributor name</atom:name></atom:contributor>" +
" <c:element>custom element</c:element>" +
" <c:other c:with-attribute='attribute' with-attribute='decoy'>text</c:other>" +
" <c:third><c:item><c:a>a</c:a><c:b>b</c:b><c:empty /></c:item></c:third>" +
var root = odatajs.xmlFirstChildElement(doc);
var atomXmlNs = "";
var tests = [
{ ns: atomXmlNs, path: "title", e: "title" },
{ ns: atomXmlNs, path: "updated", e: null },
{ ns: atomXmlNs, path: "summary", e: "summary" },
{ ns: atomXmlNs, path: "rights", e: null },
{ ns: atomXmlNs, path: "published", e: null },
{ ns: atomXmlNs, path: "contributor/email", e: null },
{ ns: atomXmlNs, path: "contributor/uri", e: null },
{ ns: atomXmlNs, path: "contributor/name", e: "contributor name" },
{ ns: atomXmlNs, path: "author/uri", e: "author uri" },
{ ns: atomXmlNs, path: "author/name", e: "author name" },
{ ns: atomXmlNs, path: "author/email", e: "author email" },
{ ns: "custom", path: "element", e: "custom element" },
{ ns: "other", path: "element", e: null },
{ ns: "custom", path: "other", e: "text" },
{ ns: "custom", path: "other/@with-attribute", e: "attribute" },
{ ns: "custom", path: "third/item/a", e: "a" },
{ ns: "custom", path: "third/item/b", e: "b" },
{ ns: "custom", path: "third/item/c", e: null },
{ ns: "custom", path: "third/item/empty", e: null }
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = tests.length; i < len; i++) {
var test = tests[i];
var node = odatajs.xmlFindNodeByPath(root, test.ns, test.path);
var actual = node && odatajs.xmlNodeValue(node);
djstest.assertAreEqual(actual, test.e, "match for test #" + i + "(" + test.path + ")");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomApplyCustomizationToEntryObjectTest() {
var entryXml =
"<atom:entry xmlns:atom='' xmlns:c='custom'>" +
" <atom:title>title</atom:title>" +
" <atom:summary>summary</atom:summary>" +
" <atom:author><atom:name>author name</atom:name><atom:uri>author uri</atom:uri><atom:email>author email</atom:email></atom:author>" +
" <atom:contributor><atom:name>contributor name</atom:name></atom:contributor>" +
" <atom:category term='Ns.Customer' scheme='' />" +
" <c:element>custom element</c:element>" +
" <c:other c:with-attribute='attribute' with-attribute='decoy'>text</c:other>" +
" <c:third><c:item><c:a>a</c:a><c:b>b</c:b><c:empty /></c:item></c:third>" +
var tests = [
{ ns: null, path: "SyndicationTitle", e: "title" },
{ ns: null, path: "SyndicationUpdated", e: undefined },
{ ns: null, path: "SyndicationSummary", e: "summary" },
{ ns: "custom", path: "element", e: "custom element" },
{ ns: "custom", path: "other/@with-attribute", e: "attribute" }
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = tests.length; i < len; i++) {
var test = tests[i];
var model = {
"namespace": "Ns",
entityType: [
name: "Customer",
FC_SourcePath: "targetProperty/value",
FC_NsUri: test.ns, FC_TargetPath: test.path
var response = { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml" }, body: entryXml };, { metadata: model });
var data =;
var actual = (data.targetProperty) ? data.targetProperty.value : undefined;
djstest.assertAreEqual(actual, test.e, "match for test #" + i + "(" + test.path + ")");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadCustomizedEntryWithNoTypeInformation() {
var entryXml =
"<atom:entry xmlns:atom='' xmlns:c='custom'>" +
" <atom:title>title</atom:title>" +
" <atom:summary>summary</atom:summary>" +
" <atom:author><atom:name>author name</atom:name><atom:uri>author uri</atom:uri><atom:email>author email</atom:email></atom:author>" +
" <atom:contributor><atom:name>contributor name</atom:name></atom:contributor>" +
" <c:element>custom element</c:element>" +
" <c:other c:with-attribute='attribute' with-attribute='decoy'>text</c:other>" +
" <c:third><c:item><c:a>a</c:a><c:b>b</c:b><c:empty /></c:item></c:third>" +
var response = { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml" }, body: entryXml };
var metadata = { "namespace": "Ns", entityType: [{ name: "Customer"}] };, { metadata: metadata });
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(, { __metadata: {} }, "No change for entity with no type name");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadCustomizedEntryWithMismatchedType() {
var entryXml =
"<atom:entry xmlns:atom='' xmlns:c='custom'>" +
" <atom:title>title</atom:title>" +
" <atom:summary>summary</atom:summary>" +
" <atom:author><atom:name>author name</atom:name><atom:uri>author uri</atom:uri><atom:email>author email</atom:email></atom:author>" +
" <atom:contributor><atom:name>contributor name</atom:name></atom:contributor>" +
" <atom:category term='Ns.Customer' scheme='' />" +
" <c:element>custom element</c:element>" +
" <c:other c:with-attribute='attribute' with-attribute='decoy'>text</c:other>" +
" <c:third><c:item><c:a>a</c:a><c:b>b</c:b><c:empty /></c:item></c:third>" +
var response = { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml" }, body: entryXml };
var metadata = { "namespace": "Ns", entityType: [{ name: "Person"}] };, { metadata: metadata });
{ __metadata: { type: "Ns.Customer", type_extensions: []} },
"No change for entity with no matching type name");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function atomReadCustomizedEntryTest() {
var entryXml =
"<atom:entry xmlns:atom='' xmlns:c='custom'>" +
" <atom:title>title</atom:title>" +
" <atom:summary>summary</atom:summary>" +
" <atom:author><atom:name>author name</atom:name><atom:uri>author uri</atom:uri><atom:email>author email</atom:email></atom:author>" +
" <atom:contributor><atom:name>contributor name</atom:name></atom:contributor>" +
" <atom:category term='Ns.Customer' scheme='' />" +
" <c:element>custom element</c:element>" +
" <c:other c:with-attribute='attribute' with-attribute='decoy'>text</c:other>" +
" <c:third><c:item><c:a>a</c:a><c:b>b</c:b><c:empty /></c:item></c:third>" +
var response = { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml" }, body: entryXml };
var metadata;
// Entity-level feed customization.
metadata = { "namespace": "Ns", entityType: [{ name: "Customer", FC_SourcePath: "name", FC_TargetPath: "SyndicationTitle"}] };, { metadata: metadata });
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(, {
__metadata: { type: "Ns.Customer", type_extensions: [] },
name: "title"
}, "title mapped from entity");
// Property-level feed customization.
metadata = {
"namespace": "Ns",
entityType: [
name: "Customer",
FC_SourcePath: "name",
property: [
{ name: "biography", FC_TargetPath: "SyndicationSummary" },
{ name: "stuff", FC_TargetPath: "third/item/a", FC_NsUri: "custom" },
{ name: "contactInfo", FC_SourcePath: "email", FC_TargetPath: "SyndicationAuthorEmail" }
};, { metadata: metadata });
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(, {
__metadata: { type: "Ns.Customer", type_extensions: [] },
name: "title",
biography: "summary",
"stuff": "a",
contactInfo: { email: "author email" }
}, "biography and stuff mapped from property feed customizations");
// Base type customization.
metadata = {
"namespace": "Ns",
entityType: [
name: "Customer", baseType: "Ns.Person",
FC_SourcePath: "name", FC_TargetPath: "SyndicationTitle",
property: [
{ name: "biography", FC_TargetPath: "SyndicationSummary" },
{ name: "stuff", FC_TargetPath: "third/item/a", FC_NsUri: "custom" }
name: "Person",
FC_SourcePath: "name", FC_TargetPath: "SyndicationTitle",
property: [
{ name: "personAttribute", FC_TargetPath: "other/@with-attribute", FC_NsUri: "custom" }
};, { metadata: metadata });
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(, {
__metadata: { type: "Ns.Customer", type_extensions: [] },
name: "title",
biography: "summary",
"stuff": "a",
personAttribute: "attribute"
}, "attribute mapped from base type");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function lookupPropertyTypeTest() {
// Tests are in metadata / entity / path / expected name form.
var schema = {
namespace: "Ns",
entityType: [
{ name: "Person", property: [
{ name: "id", type: "Edm.Int32" }, { name: "name" }
{ name: "Customer", baseType: "Ns.Person", property: [
{ name: "account", type: "Edm.Int32" }, { name: "delivery", type: "Ns.Address" }
complexType: [
{ name: "Address", property: [{ name: "street", type: "Edm.String" }, { name: "city"}] }
var tests = [
{ m: schema, e: schema.entityType[0], path: "id", n: "Edm.Int32" },
{ m: schema, e: schema.entityType[0], path: "foo", n: null },
{ m: schema, e: schema.entityType[0], path: "name", n: null },
{ m: schema, e: schema.entityType[1], path: "id", n: "Edm.Int32" },
{ m: schema, e: schema.entityType[1], path: "name", n: null },
{ m: schema, e: schema.entityType[1], path: "account", n: "Edm.Int32" },
{ m: schema, e: schema.entityType[1], path: "delivery/street", n: "Edm.String" }
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = tests.length; i < len; i++) {
var test = tests[i];
var actual = OData.lookupPropertyType(test.m, test.e, test.path);
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(actual, test.n, "matching type name for path " + test.path);
var dateMs = function (text, extraMs, ns, offset) {
/// <summary>Constructs a Date object by parsing the specified text and adding milliseconds, nanosenconds and offest data.</summary>
/// <param name="text" type="String">Date in string form.</param>
/// <param name="extraMS" type="Number">Milliseconds to add.</param>
/// <param name="ns" type="Number">Nanoseconds.</param>
/// <param name="offset" type="String">Offset data.</param>
var result = new Date(new Date(text).valueOf() + extraMs);
if (ns !== undefined) {
result.__ns = ns;
if (offset) {
result.__edmType = "Edm.DateTimeOffset";
result.__offset = offset;
return result;
djstest.addFullTest(true, function parseDateTimeTest() {
// This function is used to create dates with out-of-range years; it works only on Safari
var createDateWithLargeYear = function (dateString, actualYear) {
var date = new Date(dateString);
if (!isNaN(date.valueOf())) {
return date;
else {
return undefined;
// Input and expected values (undefined for exceptions).
var tests = [
// Valid values.
{i: "2000-01-02T03:04:05", e: new Date("01/02/2000 03:04:05 GMT") }, // simple date
{i: "2000-01-31T03:04:05", e: new Date("01/31/2000 03:04:05 GMT") }, // 31st date of month
{i: "2000-01-31T23:58:59", e: new Date("01/31/2000 23:58:59 GMT") }, // post-noon hours
{i: "0500-08-09T09:09:09", e: new Date("08/09/0500 09:09:09 GMT") }, // leading zeroes
{i: "20000-01-31T23:58:59", e: new Date("01/31/20000 23:58:59 GMT") }, // >4 digit years
{i: "2000-01-02T24:00:00", e: new Date("01/03/2000 00:00:00 GMT") }, // 24:00 for midnight
{i: "0050-01-31T23:00:00", e: new Date(-60586621200000) }, // year in 0-99 range
{i: "2000-01-31T03:04:05.5", e: dateMs("01/31/2000 03:04:05 GMT", 500) }, // An extra half-second
{i: "2000-01-31T03:04:05.001", e: dateMs("01/31/2000 03:04:05 GMT", 1) }, // An extra millisecond
{i: "2000-01-31T03:04:05.0000001", e: dateMs("01/31/2000 03:04:05 GMT", 0, 1) }, // An extra nanosecond
{i: "2000-01-31T03:04:05.0010001", e: dateMs("01/31/2000 03:04:05 GMT", 1, 1) }, // An extra millisecond and nanosecond
{i: "2000-01-31T03:04:05.0011000", e: dateMs("01/31/2000 03:04:05 GMT", 1, 1000) }, // An extra millisecond and 1000 nanoseconds
{i: "2000-01-31T03:04:05.00101", e: dateMs("01/31/2000 03:04:05 GMT", 1, 100) }, // An extra millisecond and 100 nanoseconds
{i: "2011-09-24T16:20:15.7724193", e: dateMs("09/24/2011 16:20:15 GMT", 772, 4193) }, // Azure timestamp value
{i: "-0100-01-31T23:58:59", e: new Date(-65288678461000) }, // BC years
{i: "2000-02-29T03:04:05", e: new Date("02/29/2000 03:04:05 GMT") }, // Leap day
{i: "0000-01-02T03:04:05", e: new Date(-62135499355000) }, // Zero year
{i: "2000-13-32T25:61:61", e: new Date("02/02/2001 02:02:01 GMT") }, // Time components overflow
{i: "2000-01-02T24:00:01", e: new Date("01/03/2000 00:00:01 GMT") }, // 24-hour overflow
{i: "2000-04-31T00:00:00", e: new Date("05/01/2000 00:00:00 GMT") }, // Day overflow
{i: "2001-02-29T00:00:00", e: new Date("03/01/2001 00:00:00 GMT") }, // Non-existent leap day overflow
{i: "2000-01-02T03:04", e: new Date("01/02/2000 03:04:00 GMT") }, //Date without seconds
// Unparseable invalid values.
{i: "2000-01-02T03:04:05+01:00" }, // Timezone included
{i: "2000-01-02T03:04:05.00000001" }, // Too much precision, tenths of nanoseconds not supported
{i: "-100-01-31T23:58:59" }, // Year component too short
{i: "2000" }, // Not enough components
{i: "+2000-01-02T03:04:05" }, // Positive sign prefix
{i: "2000-1-2T3:4:5" }, // Components too short
{i: "2000-01-02T03:04:05." }, // Trailing dot with no fractional seconds component
// Out of range date values (except Safari)
{i: "-271822-04-19T23:59:59", e: createDateWithLargeYear("04/19/2000 23:59:59 GMT", -271821) },
{ i: "275760-09-13T00:00:01", e: createDateWithLargeYear("09/13/2000 00:00:01 GMT", 275760) }
for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
var result;
try {
result = OData.parseDateTime(tests[i].i);
} catch (err) {
result = undefined;
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(result, tests[i].e, "parseDateTime for " + tests[i].i + " expecting " + tests[i].e + " found " + result);
djstest.addFullTest(true, function parseDateTimeOffsetTest() {
// Each test has input, expected value in text form, and expected offset text.
var tests = [
// Valid values.
{i: "2000-01-02T03:04:05Z", ev: dateMs("01/02/2000 03:04:05 GMT", 0, 0, "Z") }, // simple date
{i: "2000-01-02T03:04:05+00:00", ev: dateMs("01/02/2000 03:04:05 GMT", 0, 0, "Z") }, // simple date with zero positive offset
{i: "2000-01-02T03:04:05-00:00", ev: dateMs("01/02/2000 03:04:05 GMT", 0, 0, "Z") }, // simple date with zero negative offset
{i: "2000-01-02T03:04:05+14:00", ev: dateMs("01/01/2000 13:04:05 GMT", 0, 0, "+14:00") }, // simple date with maximum positive offset
{i: "2000-01-02T03:04:05-14:00", ev: dateMs("01/02/2000 17:04:05 GMT", 0, 0, "-14:00") }, // simple date with maximum negative offset
{i: "2000-01-02T03:04:05+01:00", ev: dateMs("01/02/2000 02:04:05 GMT", 0, 0, "+01:00") }, // simple date with an hour positive offset
{i: "2000-01-02T03:04:05+00:30", ev: dateMs("01/02/2000 02:34:05 GMT", 0, 0, "+00:30") }, // simple date with a half-hour positive offset
{i: "2000-01-02T03:04:05-01:00", ev: dateMs("01/02/2000 04:04:05 GMT", 0, 0, "-01:00") }, // simple date with an hour negative offset
{i: "2000-01-02T03:04:05+10:30", ev: dateMs("01/01/2000 16:34:05 GMT", 0, 0, "+10:30") }, // simple date with a ten hour and a half positive offset
{i: "2000-01-02T03:04:05-10:30", ev: dateMs("01/02/2000 13:34:05 GMT", 0, 0, "-10:30") }, // simple date with a ten hour and a half negative offset
{i: "2000-01-01T00:29:00+00:30", ev: dateMs("12/31/1999 23:59:00 GMT", 0, 0, "+00:30") }, // positive offset crossing component boundaries
{i: "1999-12-31T23:30:00-00:30", ev: dateMs("01/01/2000 00:00:00 GMT", 0, 0, "-00:30") }, // negative offset crossing component boundaries
{i: "2011-09-24T16:20:15.7724193Z", ev: dateMs("09/24/2011 16:20:15 GMT", 772, 4193, "Z")} // Azure timestamp value
for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
var result = OData.parseDateTimeOffset(tests[i].i);
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(result, tests[i].ev, "parseDateTimeOffset for " + tests[i].i);
djstest.addFullTest(true, function parseTimeTest() {
var error;
try {
error = null;
} catch (err) {
error = err;
djstest.assert(error !== null, "error !== null");
djstest.addFullTest(true, function formatDateTimeOffsetTest() {
// Input values that should simply round-trip.
var tests = [
for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
var test = tests[i];
var dateValue = OData.parseDateTimeOffset(test);
var textValue = OData.formatDateTimeOffset(dateValue);
djstest.assertAreEqual(textValue, test, "Roundtripping " + test + " through " + dateValue.toUTCString());
djstest.addFullTest(true, function malformedXmlTest() {
// Verifies that malformed XML documents (typically incomplete payloads) do indeed throw an error.
var xmlText = "<top>text <another /> <item> </item> <!-- top not closed -->";
var err = null;
try {
} catch (_) { err = _; }
var expectedErrorMessage0 = "The following tags were not closed: top."; // IE MSXML
var expectedErrorMessage1 = "XML Parsing Error: no element found"; // FF
var expectedErrorMessage2 = "This page contains the following errors"; // Chrome
var expectedErrorMessage3 = "Error"; // Opera
var expectedErrorMessage4 = "DOM Exception: SYNTAX_ERR (12)" // IE9 DOMParser
var expectedErrorMessage5 = "SyntaxError" // IE10 DOMParser
djstest.assert(err !== null, "err !== null");
djstest.assertAreEqual(err.errorXmlText, xmlText, "xmlText matches original");
err.message.indexOf(expectedErrorMessage0) === 0 ||
err.message.indexOf(expectedErrorMessage1) === 0 ||
err.message.indexOf(expectedErrorMessage2) === 0 ||
err.message.indexOf(expectedErrorMessage3) === 0 && window.opera ||
err.message.indexOf(expectedErrorMessage4) === 0 ||
err.message.indexOf(expectedErrorMessage5) === 0,
err.message + " contains one of '" +
[expectedErrorMessage0, expectedErrorMessage1, expectedErrorMessage2,
expectedErrorMessage3, expectedErrorMessage4, expectedErrorMessage5].join(',') + "'");