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// odata-xml-tests.js
(function (window, undefined) {
djstest.addTest(function getURIInfoTest() {
var tests = [
{ input: "", expected: { scheme: "https:", authority: "//", path: "/path1/path2", query: "?p1=1&p2=2", fragment: "#fragment", isAbsolute: true} },
{ input: "", expected: { scheme: "http:", authority: "//", path: "/path1/path2", query: "?p1=1&p2=2", fragment: "#fragment", isAbsolute: true} },
{ input: "https:", expected: { scheme: "https:", isAbsolute: true} },
{ input: "http:", expected: { scheme: "http:", isAbsolute: true} },
{ input: "//", expected: { authority: "//", isAbsolute: false} },
{ input: "path1", expected: { path: "path1", isAbsolute: false} },
{ input: "?query", expected: { query: "?query", isAbsolute: false} },
{ input: "#fragment", expected: { fragment: "#fragment", isAbsolute: false} },
{ input: undefined, expected: { isAbsolute: false} },
{ input: "", expected: { isAbsolute: false} },
{ input: null, expected: { isAbsolute: false} }
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = tests.length; i < len; i++) {
var actual = odatajs.utils.getURIInfo(tests[i].input);
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(actual, tests[i].expected, "test " + i + "didn't return the expected URI parts");
djstest.addTest(function normalizeURICaseTest() {
var tests = [
{ uri: "hTTp://", expected: "" },
{ uri: "", expected: "" },
{ uri: "/PATH1/PATH2?P1=AbC#fraGment", expected: "/PATH1/PATH2?P1=AbC#fraGment" },
{ uri: "HttP://" + encodeURIComponent("FTP://"), expected: "http://" + encodeURIComponent("FTP://").toLowerCase() }
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = tests.length; i < len; i++) {
var actual = odatajs.utils.normalizeURICase(tests[i].uri, tests[i].base);
djstest.assertAreEqual(actual, tests[i].expected, "test " + i + "didn't return the expected URI");
djstest.addTest(function normalizeURITest() {
var tests = [
{ uri: "", base: "http://base", expected: "" },
{ uri: "//", base: "http://base?p2=1", expected: "" },
{ uri: "?p1=0#fragment", base: "http://base/basepath", expected: "http://base/basepath?p1=0#fragment" },
{ uri: "?p1=0#fragment", base: "http://base/basepath?p2=1", expected: "http://base/basepath?p1=0#fragment" },
{ uri: "#fragment", base: "http://base/basepath?p2=1", expected: "http://base/basepath?p2=1#fragment" },
{ uri: "/path1/path2?p1=0", base: "http://base/basePath", expected: "http://base/path1/path2?p1=0" },
{ uri: "path1/path2?p1=0", base: "http://base/basepath", expected: "http://base/path1/path2?p1=0" },
{ uri: "path1/path2?p1=0", base: "http://base/basepath/basepath2", expected: "http://base/basepath/path1/path2?p1=0" },
{ uri: "", base: "http://base/basepath?p1=0#fragment", expected: "http://base/basepath?p1=0" },
{ uri: "path1/path2?p1=0", base: "", expected: "path1/path2?p1=0" },
{ uri: "/a/b/c/./../../g", base: "http://base/basepath", expected: "http://base/a/g" },
{ uri: "a/b/c/././../../g", base: "http://base/basepath/", expected: "http://base/basepath/a/g" },
{ uri: "../a/b/c/././../../g", base: "http://base/basepath/", expected: "http://base/a/g" },
{ uri: "./a/b/c/././../../g", base: "http://base/basepath/", expected: "http://base/basepath/a/g" },
{ uri: "/../a/b/c/././../../g", base: "http://base/basepath/", expected: "http://base/a/g" },
{ uri: "/./a/b/c/././../../g", base: "http://base/basepath/", expected: "http://base/a/g" }
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = tests.length; i < len; i++) {
var actual = odatajs.utils.normalizeURI(tests[i].uri, tests[i].base);
djstest.assertAreEqual(actual, tests[i].expected, "test " + i + "didn't return the expected normalized URI");
djstest.addTest(function xmlParseTest() {
var xml = '<root xmlns:n1="http://namespace1" xml:base="" />';
var root = odatajs.xml.xmlParse(xml);
djstest.assert(root, "xml._parse didn't return a xml dom object");
djstest.addTest(function xmlbaseURITest() {
var xml = "\
<root xmlns:n1=\"http://namespace1\" \r\n\
xml:base=\"\"> \r\n\
<element base=\"this is not a xml base attribute\" /> \r\n\
var doc = odatajs.xml.xmlParse(xml);
var root = odatajs.xml.xmlFirstChildElement(doc);
var child = odatajs.xml.xmlFirstChildElement(root);
djstest.assertAreEqual(odatajs.xml.xmlBaseURI(root), "", "xml._baseURI didn't return the expected value");
djstest.assert(!odatajs.xml.xmlBaseURI(child), "xml._baseURI returned a value when it wasn't expected");
djstest.addTest(function xmlAttributeValueTest() {
var xml = "\
<root xmlns:n1=\"http://namespace1\" \r\n\
xml:base=\"\"> \r\n\
<element attribute=\"value\" n1:nsAttribute=\"nsValue\" /> \r\n\
</root> \r\n";
var doc = odatajs.xml.xmlParse(xml);
var root = odatajs.xml.xmlFirstChildElement(doc);
var child = odatajs.xml.xmlFirstChildElement(root);
djstest.assertAreEqual(odatajs.xml.xmlAttributeValue(child, "attribute"), "value", "xml._attribute didn't return the expected value for attribute");
djstest.assertAreEqual(odatajs.xml.xmlAttributeValue(child, "nsAttribute", "http://namespace1"), "nsValue", "xml._attribute didn't return the expected value for nsAttribute");
djstest.assert(!odatajs.xml.xmlAttributeValue(child, "nsAttribute"), "xml._attribute returned a value for nsAttribute without specifying a namespace");
djstest.addTest(function xmlLocalNameTest() {
var xml = "<root xmlns:n1=\"http://namespace1\" /> \r\n";
var doc = odatajs.xml.xmlParse(xml);
var root = odatajs.xml.xmlFirstChildElement(doc);
djstest.assertAreEqual(odatajs.xml.xmlLocalName(root), "root", "xml._localName didn't return the expected localName of the root element");
djstest.addTest(function xmlFirstChildElement() {
var xml = "\
<root xmlns:n1=\"http://namespace1\" \r\n\
xml:base=\"\"> \r\n\
<element1 /> \r\n\
<element2 /> \r\n\
var doc = odatajs.xml.xmlParse(xml);
var root = odatajs.xml.xmlFirstChildElement(doc);
var child = odatajs.xml.xmlFirstChildElement(root);
djstest.assertAreEqual(odatajs.xml.xmlLocalName(child), "element1", "xml.firstElement returned didn't return the expected element");
djstest.addTest(function xmlChildElementsTest() {
var xml = "\
<root xmlns:n1=\"http://namespace1\" \r\n\
xml:base=\"\"> \r\n\
<element1 /> \r\n\
<element2 xml:base=\"\" /> \r\n\
<n1:element3 xml:base=\"path1/path2\" /> \r\n\
var expected = [
{ localName: "element1", nsURI: null },
{ localName: "element2", nsURI: null },
{ localName: "element3", nsURI: "http://namespace1" }
var actual = [];
var doc = odatajs.xml.xmlParse(xml);
var root = odatajs.xml.xmlFirstChildElement(doc);
odatajs.xml.xmlChildElements(root, function (child) {
djstest.log("in child elements callback");
localName: odatajs.xml.xmlLocalName(child),
nsURI: odatajs.xml.xmlNamespaceURI(child)
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(actual, expected, "xml.childElements didn't return the expected elements");
djstest.addTest(function xmlAttributesTest() {
var xml = "\
<root xmlns:n1=\"http://namespace1\" \r\n\
xml:base=\"\" \r\n\
attribute=\"value\" \r\n\
n1:nsAttribute=\"nsValue\" />\r\n";
var expected = {
n1: { localName: "n1", nsURI: "", value: "http://namespace1" },
base: { localName: "base", nsURI: "", value: "" },
attribute: { localName: "attribute", nsURI: null, value: "value" },
nsAttribute: { localName: "nsAttribute", nsURI: "http://namespace1", value: "nsValue" }
var actual = {};
var doc = odatajs.xml.xmlParse(xml);
var root = odatajs.xml.xmlFirstChildElement(doc);
odatajs.xml.xmlAttributes(root, function (attribute) {
djstest.log("in child elements callback");
var localName = odatajs.xml.xmlLocalName(attribute);
actual[localName] = {
localName: localName,
nsURI: odatajs.xml.xmlNamespaceURI(attribute),
value: attribute.value
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(actual, expected, "xml.attributes returned didn't return the expected attributes");
djstest.addTest(function hasLeadingOrTrailingWhitespaceTest() {
// tests are in text / expected format.
var tests = [
{ t: "", r: false },
{ t: " ", r: true },
{ t: "text", r: false },
{ t: "text with spaces", r: false },
{ t: "not \r\n really", r: false },
{ t: " at start", r: true },
{ t: "at end ", r: true },
{ t: "end\r", r: true },
{ t: "end\n", r: true },
{ t: "end\r\n", r: true }
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = tests.length; i < len; i++) {
var result = odatajs.xml.hasLeadingOrTrailingWhitespace(tests[i].t);
djstest.assertAreEqual(result, tests[i].r, "match for " + tests[i].t);
djstest.addTest(function xmlInnerTextTest() {
// Tests are in test / expected format.
var tests = [
{ t: "<t>text</t>", r: "text" },
{ t: "<t>text with a <![CDATA[cdata block]]></t>", r: "text with a cdata block" },
{ t: "<t> text </t>", r: " text " },
{ t: "<t> </t>", r: null },
{ t: "<t> <b>text</b> </t>", r: null },
{ t: "<t> preceding</t>", r: " preceding" },
{ t: "<t xml:space='preserve'> <b>text</b> </t>", r: " " },
{ t: "<t xml:space='default'> <b>text</b> </t>", r: null}
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = tests.length; i < len; i++) {
var test = tests[i];
var doc = odatajs.xml.xmlParse(test.t);
var actual = odatajs.xml.xmlInnerText(doc);
djstest.assertAreEqual(actual, test.r, "test for [" + test.t + "]");