blob: fe56a3369c8f2d62623c8e5446d606118a6aaac1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
(function (window, undefined) {
odatajs.oData.defaultHandler.accept = "application/json;q=0.9, */*;q=0.1";
var CustomDataSource = function (baseUri) {
this.baseUri = baseUri;
}; = function (index, count, success, error) {
var that = this;
var url = this.baseUri + "?$skip=" + index + "&$top=" + count;
$(this).triggerHandler("request", { requestUri: url });
url: url,
dataType: "json",
success: function (results) {
$(that).triggerHandler("success", { data: results });
error: error
CustomDataSource.prototype.count = function (success, error) {
url: "./endpoints/CustomDataService.svc/Count",
dataType: "json",
success: success,
error: error
CustomDataSource.prototype.toString = function () {
return this.baseUri;
var sources = [
{ source: "./endpoints/FoodStoreDataServiceV4.svc/Foods", countSupported: true },
{ source: new CustomDataSource("./endpoints/CustomDataService.svc/ReadRange"), countSupported: true }
var itemsInCollection = 16;
// Cache config variations for single readRange with fixed skip/take that spans the entire collection
var pageSizes = [
4, // factor of total, <= server page size
5, // non-factor of total, <= server page size
6, // non-factor of total, > server page size
8, // factor of total, > server page size
itemsInCollection + 1
var cacheSizes = [
-5, // All you can store
0, // Store nothing
1024, // 1 KB
2.5 * 1024, // 2.5 KB
100 * 1024, // 10 KB
512 * 1024, // 512 KB
100 * 1024 * 1024, // 100 MB
undefined // Default to 1 MB
// Skip/take variations for single readRange with fixed cache config
var fixedPageSize = 6;
var skipValues = [
fixedPageSize - 1,
fixedPageSize + 1,
fixedPageSize * 2,
itemsInCollection + 1,
itemsInCollection + fixedPageSize + 1
var takeValues = [
fixedPageSize - 1,
fixedPageSize + 1,
fixedPageSize * 2,
itemsInCollection + 1
// Skip/take variations for multiple readRanges with fixed cache config
var multipleReads = [
{ skip: 1, take: 2 }, // page 1
{skip: 2, take: 7 }, // page 1, 2
{skip: 3, take: 10 }, // page 1, 2, 3
{skip: 6, take: 2} // page 2
var invalidSkipValues = [-5, NaN, undefined, Infinity, "not a valid value"];
var invalidTakeValues = [-5, NaN, undefined, Infinity, "not a valid value"];
var invalidPageSizes = [-5, NaN, Infinity, 0, "not a valid value"];
// Prefetchsize variations for a single readRange
var prefetchSizes = [
itemsInCollection + 1
var expectException = function (cache) {
djstest.assert(false, "We should not get here because the an exception is expected.");
var makeUnexpectedErrorHandler = function (cache) {
return function (err) {
djstest.assert(false, "Unexpected call to error handler with error: " + djstest.toString(err));
if (cache) {
} else {
/** Validates the data returned by readRange
* @param {Object} cache - The cache object
* @param {Object} data - The data returned by the cache
* @param {Object} source - The base URI of the feed, or the custom data source
* @param {Integer} skipValue - The skip value
* @param {Integer} takeValue - The take value
* @param {Function} finished - Callback function called after data is verified
var validateExpectedRange = function (cache, data, source, skipValue, takeValue, finished) {
var assertData = function (expectedData) {
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(data, expectedData, "Verify response data");
if (typeof source === "string") {
var expectedRangeUrl = source + "?$skip=" + skipValue + "&$top=" + takeValue;
window.ODataVerifyReader.readJsonAcrossServerPages(expectedRangeUrl, assertData);
} else {, takeValue, assertData);
var onidleValidation = function () {
djstest.assert(true, "expected call to onidle");
var createSingleReadTestName = function (params) {
return "Testing readRange of " + params.source + " [skip " + params.skip + " take " + params.take + "] with pageSize " +
params.pageSize + ", prefetch " + params.prefetchSize + " and cacheSize " + params.cacheSize;
var createMultipleReadTestName = function (params) {
return "Testing readRange of " + params.source + " [skip " + params.firstSkip + " take " + params.firstTake + ", " +
(params.destroyCacheBetweenReads ? "cache.destroy(), " : "") +
"skip " + params.secondSkip + " take " + params.secondTake + "] with pageSize " +
params.pageSize + ", prefetch " + params.prefetchSize + " and cacheSize " + params.cacheSize;
var dataCacheSingleReadRangeTest = function (params) {
var options = { name: "cache" + new Date().valueOf(), source: params.source, pageSize: params.pageSize, prefetchSize: params.prefetchSize, cacheSize: params.cacheSize };
if (params.mechanism) {
options.mechanism = params.mechanism;
var cache = this.createAndAddCache(options);
var session = typeof params.source === "string" ? this.observableHttpClient.newSession() : new Session(params.source);
var cacheVerifier = new CacheVerifier(params.source, params.pageSize, itemsInCollection, params.cacheSize);
cache.readRange(params.skip, params.take).then(function (data) {
cacheVerifier.verifyRequests(session.requests, session.responses, params.skip, params.take, "readRange requests");
validateExpectedRange(cache, data, params.source, params.skip, params.take, function () {
}, makeUnexpectedErrorHandler(cache));
var dataCacheParallelReadRangeTest = function (params) {
var options = { name: "cache" + new Date().valueOf(), source: params.source, pageSize: params.pageSize, prefetchSize: params.prefetchSize, cacheSize: params.cacheSize };
var cache = this.createAndAddCache(options);
var firstReadRange = function (finished) {
cache.readRange(params.firstSkip, params.firstTake).then(function (data) {
validateExpectedRange(cache, data, params.source, params.firstSkip, params.firstTake, finished);
}, makeUnexpectedErrorHandler(cache));
var secondReadRange = function (finished) {
cache.readRange(params.secondSkip, params.secondTake).then(function (data) {
validateExpectedRange(cache, data, params.source, params.secondSkip, params.secondTake, finished);
}, makeUnexpectedErrorHandler(cache));
djstest.asyncDo([firstReadRange, secondReadRange], function () {
var dataCacheSerialReadRangeTest = function (params) {
var options = { name: "cache" + new Date().valueOf(), source: params.source, pageSize: params.pageSize, prefetchSize: params.prefetchSize, cacheSize: params.cacheSize };
var cacheVerifier = new CacheVerifier(params.source, params.pageSize, itemsInCollection, params.cacheSize);
var secondRead = function () {
cache.readRange(params.secondSkip, params.secondTake).then(function (data) {
cacheVerifier.verifyRequests(session.requests, session.responses, params.secondSkip, params.secondTake, "Second readRange requests");
validateExpectedRange(cache, data, params.source, params.secondSkip, params.secondTake, djstest.done);
}, makeUnexpectedErrorHandler(cache));
var cache = this.createAndAddCache(options);
var session = typeof params.source === "string" ? this.observableHttpClient.newSession() : new Session(params.source);
cache.readRange(params.firstSkip, params.firstTake).then(function (data) {
cacheVerifier.verifyRequests(session.requests, session.responses, params.firstSkip, params.firstTake, "First readRange requests");
validateExpectedRange(cache, data, params.source, params.firstSkip, params.firstTake, function () {
if (params.destroyCacheBetweenReads === true) {
cache.clear().then(function () {
}, function (err) {"Error destroying the cache: " + djstest.toString(err));
} else {
}, makeUnexpectedErrorHandler(cache));
var dataCachePrefetchTest = function (params) {
var options = {
name: "cache" + new Date().valueOf(),
source: params.source,
pageSize: params.pageSize,
prefetchSize: params.prefetchSize,
cacheSize: params.cacheSize,
user: params.user,
password: params.password
var cache = this.createAndAddCache(options);
var session = typeof params.source === "string" ? this.observableHttpClient.newSession() : new Session(params.source);
var cacheVerifier = new CacheVerifier(params.source, params.pageSize, itemsInCollection, params.cacheSize);
cache.readRange(params.skip, params.take).then(function (data) {
cacheVerifier.verifyRequests(session.requests, session.responses, params.skip, params.take, "readRange requests");
}, makeUnexpectedErrorHandler(cache));
cache.onidle = function () {
var prefetchSize = params.prefetchSize < 0 ? itemsInCollection : params.prefetchSize;
cacheVerifier.verifyRequests(session.requests, session.responses, params.skip + params.take, prefetchSize, "prefetch requests", false, true);
cache.onidle = false;
var cleanDomStorage = function (done) {
/** Cleans all the data saved in the browser's DOM Storage. Needs to be called asynchronously in the
* setup and teardown methods to be consistent with indexedDb's cleanup method.
* @param {Function} done - Function to be called after DOM storage is cleared.
if (window.localStorage) {
var cleanIndexedDb = function (done) {
/** Cleans all the data saved in the browser's IndexedDb Storage.
* @param {Function} done - Function to be called after indexedDb is cleared.
var caches = this.caches;
djstest.cleanStoreOnIndexedDb(caches, done);
var cleanupAllStorage = function (done) {
/** Cleans up all available storage mechanisms in the browser.
* @param {Function} done - Function to be called by each cleanup function after storage is cleared.
var that = this;
var storeCleanup = [];
$.each(CacheVerifier.mechanisms, function (_, mechanism) {
if (CacheVerifier.isMechanismAvailable(mechanism)) {
storeCleanup.push(function (done) {
if (storageMechanisms[mechanism]) {
storageMechanisms[mechanism], done);
} else {
djstest.asyncDo(storeCleanup, done);
var storageMechanisms = {
indexeddb: { cleanup: cleanIndexedDb },
dom: { cleanup: cleanDomStorage },
memory: { cleanup: function (done) { done(); } },
best: { cleanup: function (done) { done(); } }
module("Functional", {
setup: function () {
this.createAndAddCache = function (options) {
/** Returns a cache created from the options object and
* @param {Object} options - Object to create a cache from.
var cache = odatajs.cache.createDataCache(options);
this.caches.push({ name:, cache: cache });
return cache;
this.observableHttpClient = new ObservableHttpClient(); = this.observableHttpClient;
this.caches = [];
var that = this;
djstest.wait(function (done) {, done);
teardown: function () { = this.observableHttpClient.provider;
var clearActions = [];
var that = this;
$.each(this.caches, function (_, cacheObject) {
cacheObject.cache.onidle = undefined;
clearActions.push(function (done) {
cacheObject.cache.clear().then(function () {
function (err) {
djstest.assert(false, "Unexpected call to error handler while attempting to clear with error: " + djstest.toString(err));
djstest.wait(function (done) {
djstest.asyncDo(clearActions, function () {, function () {
that.caches = [];
$.each(CacheVerifier.mechanisms, function (_, mechanism) {
var parameters = { mechanism: mechanism, source: sources[1].source, take: 5, skip: 0, pageSize: 5, prefetchSize: 5 };
if (CacheVerifier.isMechanismAvailable(mechanism)) {
djstest.addTest(dataCacheSingleReadRangeTest, "Specified mechanism: " + parameters.mechanism + createSingleReadTestName(parameters), parameters);
else {
djstest.addTest(function (params) {
var options = { name: "cache" + new Date().valueOf(), mechanism: params.mechanism, source: params.source };
try {
var cache = this.createAndAddCache(options);
catch (e) {
if (mechanism === "indexeddb") {
djstest.assertAreEqual(e.message, "IndexedDB is not supported on this browser", "Validating expected error");
} else if (mechanism === "dom") {
djstest.assertAreEqual(e.message, "Web Storage not supported by the browser", "Validating expected error");
} else {"Creating cache with mechanism " + mechanism + " should not fail: " + djstest.toString(e));
}, "Invalid mechanism for browser: " + parameters.mechanism + createSingleReadTestName(parameters), parameters);
$.each(sources, function (_, sourceObject) {
$.each(pageSizes, function (_, pageSizeValue) {
$.each(cacheSizes, function (_, cacheSizeValue) {
var parameters = { source: sourceObject.source, skip: 0, take: itemsInCollection, pageSize: pageSizeValue, prefetchSize: 0, cacheSize: cacheSizeValue };
djstest.addTest(dataCacheSingleReadRangeTest, createSingleReadTestName(parameters), parameters);
$.each(skipValues, function (_, skipValue) {
$.each(takeValues, function (_, takeValue) {
var parameters = { source: sourceObject.source, take: takeValue, skip: skipValue, pageSize: 4, prefetchSize: 0, cacheSize: 0 };
djstest.addTest(dataCacheSingleReadRangeTest, createSingleReadTestName(parameters), parameters);
$.each(multipleReads, function (_, firstRange) {
$.each(multipleReads, function (_, secondRange) {
var parallelReadParams = { source: sourceObject.source, firstTake: firstRange.take, firstSkip: firstRange.skip, secondTake: secondRange.take, secondSkip: secondRange.skip, pageSize: 5, prefetchSize: 0, cacheSize: 0 };
djstest.addTest(dataCacheParallelReadRangeTest, "Parallel: " + createMultipleReadTestName(parallelReadParams), parallelReadParams);
$.each([false, true], function (_, destroyCacheBetweenReads) {
var serialReadParams = $.extend({}, parallelReadParams, { destroyCacheBetweenReads: destroyCacheBetweenReads });
djstest.addTest(dataCacheSerialReadRangeTest, "Serial: " + createMultipleReadTestName(serialReadParams), serialReadParams);
var getInvalidValueErrorMessage = function (invalidValue, parameterName) {
/** Returns the expected error message for the specified invalid value.
* @param {Object} invalidValue - invalid value (anything other than zero or positive integer) to determine the error message from.
* @param {String} parameterName - The name of the parameter being verified.
* @returns {String} Error message expected.
return (invalidValue === undefined || typeof invalidValue !== "number") ?
"'" + parameterName + "' must be a number." :
"'" + parameterName + "' must be greater than or equal to zero.";
$.each(invalidSkipValues, function (_, invalidSkipValue) {
var parameters = { source: sourceObject.source, skip: invalidSkipValue, take: 1 };
djstest.addTest(function (params) {
var options = { name: "cache" + new Date().valueOf(), source: params.source };
var cache = this.createAndAddCache(options);
try {
cache.readRange(params.skip, params.take);
} catch (e) {
djstest.assertAreEqual(e.message, getInvalidValueErrorMessage(invalidSkipValue, "index"), "Error message validation");
}, "Invalid skip: " + createSingleReadTestName(parameters), parameters);
$.each(invalidTakeValues, function (_, invalidTakeValue) {
var parameters = { source: sourceObject.source, skip: 0, take: invalidTakeValue };
djstest.addTest(function (params) {
var options = { name: "cache" + new Date().valueOf(), source: params.source };
var cache = this.createAndAddCache(options);
try {
cache.readRange(params.skip, params.take);
} catch (e) {
djstest.assertAreEqual(e.message, getInvalidValueErrorMessage(invalidTakeValue, "count"), "Error message validation");
}, "Invalid take: " + createSingleReadTestName(parameters), parameters);
$.each(invalidPageSizes, function (_, invalidPageSize) {
var parameters = { source: sourceObject.source, skip: 0, take: 5, pageSize: invalidPageSize };
djstest.addTest(function (params) {
var options = { name: "cache", source: params.source, pageSize: params.pageSize };
try {
var cache = this.createAndAddCache(options);
} catch (e) {
var expectedError = typeof invalidPageSize === "number" ? "'pageSize' must be greater than zero." : getInvalidValueErrorMessage(invalidPageSize, "pageSize");
djstest.assertAreEqual(e.message, expectedError, "Error message validation");
}, "Invalid pageSize: " + createSingleReadTestName(parameters), parameters);
$.each(pageSizes, function (_, pageSize) {
$.each(cacheSizes, function (_, cacheSize) {
var parameters = { source: sourceObject.source, skip: 0, take: pageSize, pageSize: pageSize, prefetchSize: -1, cacheSize: cacheSize };
djstest.addTest(dataCachePrefetchTest, "Prefetch: " + createSingleReadTestName(parameters), parameters);
$.each(skipValues, function (_, skipValue) {
var parameters = { source: sourceObject.source, skip: skipValue, take: fixedPageSize, pageSize: fixedPageSize, prefetchSize: -1, cacheSize: -1 };
djstest.addTest(dataCachePrefetchTest, "Prefetch: " + createSingleReadTestName(parameters), parameters);
$.each(takeValues, function (_, takeValue) {
var parameters = { source: sourceObject.source, skip: 0, take: takeValue, pageSize: fixedPageSize, prefetchSize: -1, cacheSize: -1 };
djstest.addTest(dataCachePrefetchTest, "Prefetch: " + createSingleReadTestName(parameters), parameters);
$.each(prefetchSizes, function (_, prefetchSize) {
var parameters = { source: sourceObject.source, skip: 0, take: fixedPageSize, pageSize: fixedPageSize, prefetchSize: prefetchSize, cacheSize: -1 };
djstest.addTest(dataCachePrefetchTest, "Prefetch: " + createSingleReadTestName(parameters), parameters);
var fixedPrefetchSize = 5;
djstest.addTest(function (params) {
var cache = this.createAndAddCache({
name: "cache" + new Date().valueOf(),
source: params.source,
prefetchSize: fixedPrefetchSize,
idle: onidleValidation,
pageSize: 2,
mechanism: "memory"
cache.readRange(0, 5);
}, "onidle in constructor, prefetch size = " + fixedPrefetchSize + " on " + sourceObject.source, { source: sourceObject.source });
djstest.addTest(function (params) {
var cache = this.createAndAddCache({
name: "cache" + new Date().valueOf(),
source: params.source,
prefetchSize: fixedPrefetchSize,
pageSize: 2,
mechanism: "memory"
cache.onidle = onidleValidation;
cache.readRange(0, 5);
}, "onidle, prefetch size = " + fixedPrefetchSize + " on " + sourceObject.source, { source: sourceObject.source });
djstest.addTest(function (params) {
var cache = this.createAndAddCache({
name: "cache" + new Date().valueOf(),
source: params.source,
prefetchSize: fixedPrefetchSize,
idle: function () { djstest.assert(false, "unexpected onidle call") },
pageSize: 2,
mechanism: "memory"
cache.onidle = onidleValidation;
cache.readRange(0, 5);
}, "onidle override, prefetch size = " + fixedPrefetchSize + " on " + sourceObject.source, { source: sourceObject.source });
djstest.addTest(function (params) {
var cache = this.createAndAddCache({ name: "cache" + new Date().valueOf(), source: params.source, pageSize: 1, prefetchSize: -1 });
var observableSource = typeof params.source === "string" ? this.observableHttpClient : params.source;
cache.readRange(0, 1).then(function (data) {
// Let one prefetch request go out, to make sure the prefetcher is started, and then destroy the cache
$(observableSource).one("success", function () {
var session = new Session(observableSource);
cache.clear().then(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(session.requests, [], "Verify no prefetch requests are sent out after cache.clear() callback");
}, 1000);
}, function (err) {"Error destroying the cache: " + djstest.toString(err));
}, "Testing cache.clear() halts the prefetcher" + sourceObject.source, { source: sourceObject.source });
djstest.addTest(function (params) {
var cache = this.createAndAddCache({ name: "cache" + new Date().valueOf(), source: params.source });
if (params.countSupported) {
cache.count().then(function (count) {
djstest.assertAreEqual(count, itemsInCollection, "All items accounted for");
}, makeUnexpectedErrorHandler(cache));
else {
cache.count().then(function (count) {
djstest.assert(false, "Success should not be called, count not supported");
}, function (err) {
djstest.assertAreEqual(err.message, "HTTP request failed", "Validating expected error");
}, "Testing cache.count() on " + sourceObject.source, { source: sourceObject.source, countSupported: sourceObject.countSupported });
djstest.addTest(function (params) {
var cache = this.createAndAddCache({ name: "cache" + new Date().valueOf(), source: params.source, pageSize: 1, prefetchSize: 0 });
var session = typeof params.source === "string" ? this.observableHttpClient.newSession() : new Session(params.source);
cache.readRange(0, 1).cancel();
setTimeout(function () {
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(session.requests, [], "Verify no requests are sent out after readRange is cancelled");
}, 1000);
}, "Testing cancel()" + sourceObject.source, { source: sourceObject.source });
djstest.addTest(function (params) {
var cache = this.createAndAddCache({ name: "cache" + new Date().valueOf(), source: params.source, pageSize: 1, prefetchSize: 0 });
cache.clear().then(function () {
cache.clear().then(function () {
djstest.pass("Second clear succeeded");
}, makeUnexpectedErrorHandler(cache));
}, makeUnexpectedErrorHandler(cache));
}, "Testing .clear().then(cache.clear())" + sourceObject.source, { source: sourceObject.source });
var params = {
source: "./endpoints/BasicAuthDataService.svc/Customers",
skip: 0,
take: 5,
pageSize: 5,
prefetchSize: -1,
cacheSize: -1,
user: "djsUser",
password: "djsPassword"
djstest.addTest(dataCachePrefetchTest, createSingleReadTestName(params), params);