blob: 44fb96e4ee84de4cdb343ad58cc8379c511e8d21 [file] [log] [blame]
/// <reference path="../src/datajs.js" />
/// <reference path="../src/odata-utils.js" />
/// <reference path="../src/cache.js" />
/// <reference path="common/djstest.js" />
(function (window, undefined) {
OData.defaultHandler.accept = "application/atomsvc+xml;q=0.9, application/json;odata=verbose;q=0.8, application/json;odata=fullmetadata;q=0.7, application/json;q=0.5, */*;q=0.1";
var feeds = [
{ feed: "./endpoints/FoodStoreDataService.svc/Foods" },
{ feed: "./endpoints/FoodStoreDataServiceV2.svc/Foods" },
{ feed: "./endpoints/FoodStoreDataServiceV3.svc/Foods" }
var itemsInCollection = 16;
var pageSize = 3;
var readRangeStart = pageSize + 1;
var readRangeTake = pageSize;
// Indices for filterForward after an initial readRange has partially filled the cache
var filterForwardAfterReadIndices = [
readRangeStart - 1, // before items in the cache
readRangeStart, // beginning of items in the cache
readRangeStart + readRangeTake, // last item prefetched in the cache
readRangeStart + readRangeTake + 1 // past range already in cache
// Indices for filterBack after an initial readRange has partially filled the cache
var filterBackAfterReadIndices = [
readRangeStart - 1, // before items in the cache
readRangeStart, // beginning of items in the cache
readRangeStart + readRangeTake, // last item prefetched in the cache
readRangeStart + readRangeTake + 1 // past range already in cache
// Counts for filterForward after a readRange has partially filled the cache
var filterForwardAfterReadCounts = [
-5, // Get all items
3, // Subset of all items found in the cache
// Counts for filterBack after a readRange has partially filled the cache
var filterBackAfterReadCounts = [
-5, // Get all items
3, // Subset of all items found in the cache
// Indices for single filterForward
var singleFilterForwardIndices = [
itemsInCollection - 1,
itemsInCollection, // beyond the end of the collection
itemsInCollection + pageSize // more than one page beyond the collection
// Indices for single filterBack
var singleFilterBackIndices = [
itemsInCollection - 1
// Count for single filterForward
var singleFilterForwardCounts = [
itemsInCollection + 1 // more than number of items in collection
// Count for single filterBack
var singleFilterBackCounts = [
itemsInCollection + 1 // more than number of items in collection
// Index/count variations for multiple filterForwards
var multipleFilterForwards = [
{ index: 0, count: -1 }, // everything
{index: 2, count: 5 }, // range in first half
{index: 4, count: 7 }, // range in the middle to overlap first and second half
{index: 9, count: 4} // range in second half
// Index/count variations for multiple filterBacks
var multipleFilterBacks = [
{ index: itemsInCollection - 1, count: -1 }, // everything
{index: itemsInCollection - 2, count: 5 }, // range in second half
{index: itemsInCollection - 4, count: 7 }, // range in the middle to overlap first and second half
{index: itemsInCollection - 9, count: 4} // range in first half
var invalidIndices = [NaN, undefined, Infinity, "not a valid value"];
var invalidCounts = [NaN, undefined, Infinity, "not a valid value"];
// Predicate which returns all items in the collection
var getAllItemsPredicate = function (item) {
return true;
// Predicate which returns none of the items in the collection
var getNoItemsPredicate = function (item) {
return false;
var getEveryThirdPredicate = function (item) {
return ((item.FoodID % 3) === 0);
var filterPredicates = [
var expectException = function (cache) {
djstest.assert(false, "We should not get here because the an exception is expected.");
var makeUnexpectedErrorHandler = function (cache) {
return function (err) {
djstest.assert(false, "Unexpected call to error handler with error: " + djstest.toString(err));
if (cache) {
} else {
var validateFilterResultsAndRequests = function (feed, cache, index, count, predicate, finished, backwards, session, cacheOracle) {
/// <summary>Runs filter and validates the results and network requests</summary>
/// <param name="feed" type="Object">The feed being read from</param>
/// <param name="cache" type="Object">The cache to perform the filter on</param>
/// <param name="index" type="Integer">The index value</param>
/// <param name="count" type="Integer">The count value</param>
/// <param name="predicate" type="Object">Filter string to append to the feed to validate the predicate</param>
/// <param name="finished" type="Function">Callback function called after data is verified</param>
/// <param name="session" type="Object">Session object to validate the network requests</param>
/// <param name="cacheOracle" type="Object">cacheOracle object to validate the network requests</param>
// If the count is zero, avoid a network call by comparing actual results to an empty array.
if (count === 0) {
var verifyZeroCount = function (actualResults) {
var filterMethod = backwards ? "filterBack" : "filterForward";
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(actualResults, [], "results for zero count " + filterMethod);
cacheOracle.verifyRequests(session.requests, session.responses, index, count, filterMethod + " requests", backwards);
if (backwards) {
cache.filterBack(index, count, predicate).then(verifyZeroCount);
else {
cache.filterForward(index, count, predicate).then(verifyZeroCount);
else {
if (count < 0) {
count = itemsInCollection;
if (index < 0) {
index = 0;
window.ODataReadOracle.readJsonAcrossServerPages(feed, function (collection) {
if (backwards) {
cache.filterBack(index, count, predicate).then(function (actualResults) {
var expectedResults = CacheOracle.getExpectedFilterResults(collection, index, count, predicate, backwards);
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(actualResults, expectedResults, "results for " + "filterBack requests");
if (session && cacheOracle) {
// If the count is not satisfied in the expected results, read to the beginning of the collection
// otherwise read to the first expected index
var firstIndex = (expectedResults.length < count) ? 0 : expectedResults[0].index;
// The effective count is the number of items between the first and last index
var expectedCount = index - firstIndex + 1;
cacheOracle.verifyRequests(session.requests, session.responses, firstIndex, expectedCount, "filterBack requests", backwards);
else {
cache.filterForward(index, count, predicate).then(function (actualResults) {
var expectedResults = CacheOracle.getExpectedFilterResults(collection, index, count, predicate, backwards)
djstest.assertAreEqualDeep(actualResults, expectedResults, "results for " + "filterForward requests");
if (session && cacheOracle) {
if (expectedResults.length > 0) {
// If the count is not satisfied in the expected results, read to the end of the collection
// otherwise read to the last index
var lastIndex = (expectedResults.length < count) ? itemsInCollection : expectedResults[expectedResults.length - 1].index + 1;
// One request is made if the index is outside the range of the collection if the end of the collection has not yet been found
var expectedCount = (index < itemsInCollection) ? (lastIndex - index) : 1;
else {
var expectedCount = itemsInCollection;
cacheOracle.verifyRequests(session.requests, session.responses, index, expectedCount, "filterForward requests", backwards);
var createMultipleFilterTestName = function (scenarioName, params) {
return "Testing " + scenarioName + (params.backwards ? "filterBack: " : "filterForward: ") + " of " + params.feed + " with predicate " + params.predicate + " [index " +
params.firstIndex + ", count " + params.firstCount + "] and [index " + params.secondIndex + ", count " + params.secondCount +
"] with pageSize " + params.pageSize + ", and prefetch " + params.prefetchSize;
var createSingleFilterTestName = function (scenarioName, params) {
return "Testing " + scenarioName + (params.backwards ? "filterBack: " : "filterForward: ") + " of " + params.feed + " with predicate " + params.predicate + " [index " +
params.index + ", count " + params.count + "] with pageSize " + params.pageSize + ", and prefetch " + params.prefetchSize;
var singleFilterTest = function (params) {
var options = { name: "cache" + new Date().valueOf(), source: params.feed, pageSize: params.pageSize, prefetchSize: params.prefetchSize };
var cache = datajs.createDataCache(options);
var cacheOracle = new CacheOracle(params.feed, params.pageSize, itemsInCollection);
var session = this.observableHttpClient.newSession();
validateFilterResultsAndRequests(params.feed, cache, params.index, params.count, params.predicate, function () { djstest.destroyCacheAndDone(cache) }, params.backwards, session, cacheOracle);
var filterAfterReadRangeTest = function (params) {
var options = { name: "cache" + new Date().valueOf(), source: params.feed, pageSize: params.pageSize, prefetchSize: params.prefetchSize };
var cache = datajs.createDataCache(options);
var cacheOracle = new CacheOracle(params.feed, params.pageSize, itemsInCollection);
var session = this.observableHttpClient.newSession();
cache.readRange(params.skip, params.take).then(function (data) {
cacheOracle.verifyRequests(session.requests, session.responses, params.skip, params.take, "readRange requests");
validateFilterResultsAndRequests(params.feed, cache, params.index, params.count, params.predicate, function () { djstest.destroyCacheAndDone(cache); }, params.backwards, session, cacheOracle);
var parallelFilterTest = function (params) {
var options = { name: "cache" + new Date().valueOf(), source: params.feed, pageSize: params.pageSize, prefetchSize: params.prefetchSize };
var cache = datajs.createDataCache(options);
var firstfilter = function (finished) {
validateFilterResultsAndRequests(params.feed, cache, params.firstIndex, params.firstCount, params.predicate, finished, params.backwards);
var secondfilter = function (finished) {
validateFilterResultsAndRequests(params.feed, cache, params.secondIndex, params.secondCount, params.predicate, finished, params.backwards);
djstest.asyncDo([firstfilter, secondfilter], function () {
var serialFilterTest = function (params) {
var options = { name: "cache" + new Date().valueOf(), source: params.feed, pageSize: params.pageSize, prefetchSize: params.prefetchSize };
var cache = datajs.createDataCache(options);
var cacheOracle = new CacheOracle(params.feed, params.pageSize, itemsInCollection);
var session = this.observableHttpClient.newSession();
var filterMethod = function (index, count, predicate, backwards) {
if (backwards) {
return cache.filterBack(index, count, predicate);
else {
return cache.filterForward(index, count, predicate)
filterMethod(params.firstIndex, params.firstCount, params.predicate, params.backwards).then(
function (results) {
validateFilterResultsAndRequests(params.feed, cache, params.firstIndex, params.firstCount, params.predicate,
function () {
validateFilterResultsAndRequests(params.feed, cache, params.secondIndex, params.secondCount, params.predicate, function () { djstest.destroyCacheAndDone(cache) }, params.backwards, session, cacheOracle);
}, params.backwards, session, cacheOracle);
module("Functional", {
setup: function () {
this.observableHttpClient = new ObservableHttpClient();
OData.defaultHttpClient = this.observableHttpClient;
teardown: function () {
OData.defaultHttpClient = this.observableHttpClient.provider;
$.each(filterPredicates, function (_, filterPredicate) {
$.each(feeds, function (_, feedObject) {
$.each(filterForwardAfterReadCounts, function (_, filterCount) {
$.each(filterForwardAfterReadIndices, function (_, filterIndex) {
var parameters = { index: filterIndex, count: filterCount, predicate: filterPredicate, feed: feedObject.feed, take: readRangeTake,
skip: readRangeStart, pageSize: pageSize, prefetchSize: 0, backwards: false
djstest.addTest(filterAfterReadRangeTest, createSingleFilterTestName("after readRange, ", parameters), parameters);
$.each(filterBackAfterReadCounts, function (_, filterCount) {
$.each(filterBackAfterReadIndices, function (_, filterIndex) {
var parameters = { index: filterIndex, count: filterCount, predicate: filterPredicate, feed: feedObject.feed, take: readRangeTake,
skip: readRangeStart, pageSize: pageSize, prefetchSize: 0, backwards: true
djstest.addTest(filterAfterReadRangeTest, createSingleFilterTestName("After readRange, ", parameters), parameters);
$.each(singleFilterForwardIndices, function (_, filterIndex) {
$.each(singleFilterForwardCounts, function (_, filterCount) {
var parameters = { index: filterIndex, count: filterCount, predicate: filterPredicate, feed: feeds[0].feed, pageSize: pageSize, prefetchSize: 0, backwards: false };
djstest.addTest(singleFilterTest, createSingleFilterTestName("single ", parameters), parameters);
$.each(singleFilterBackIndices, function (_, filterIndex) {
$.each(singleFilterBackCounts, function (_, filterCount) {
var parameters = { index: filterIndex, count: filterCount, predicate: filterPredicate, feed: feeds[0].feed, pageSize: pageSize, prefetchSize: 0, backwards: true };
djstest.addTest(singleFilterTest, createSingleFilterTestName("single ", parameters), parameters);
$.each(multipleFilterForwards, function (_, firstFilter) {
$.each(multipleFilterForwards, function (_, secondFilter) {
var serialParameters = { firstIndex: firstFilter.index, firstCount: firstFilter.count, secondIndex: secondFilter.index, secondCount: secondFilter.count,
predicate: filterPredicate, feed: feeds[1].feed, pageSize: pageSize, prefetchSize: 0, backwards: false
djstest.addTest(serialFilterTest, createMultipleFilterTestName("serial ", serialParameters), serialParameters);
$.each(multipleFilterBacks, function (_, firstFilter) {
$.each(multipleFilterBacks, function (_, secondFilter) {
var serialParameters = { firstIndex: firstFilter.index, firstCount: firstFilter.count, secondIndex: secondFilter.index, secondCount: secondFilter.count,
predicate: filterPredicate, feed: feeds[1].feed, pageSize: pageSize, prefetchSize: 0, backwards: true
djstest.addTest(serialFilterTest, createMultipleFilterTestName("serial ", serialParameters), serialParameters);
$.each(multipleFilterForwards, function (_, firstFilter) {
$.each(multipleFilterForwards, function (_, secondFilter) {
var parallelParameters = { firstIndex: firstFilter.index, firstCount: firstFilter.count, secondIndex: secondFilter.index, secondCount: secondFilter.count,
predicate: filterPredicate, feed: feeds[0].feed, pageSize: pageSize, prefetchSize: 6, backwards: false
djstest.addTest(parallelFilterTest, createMultipleFilterTestName("parallel ", parallelParameters), parallelParameters);
$.each(multipleFilterBacks, function (_, firstFilter) {
$.each(multipleFilterBacks, function (_, secondFilter) {
var parallelParameters = { firstIndex: firstFilter.index, firstCount: firstFilter.count, secondIndex: secondFilter.index, secondCount: secondFilter.count,
predicate: filterPredicate, feed: feeds[0].feed, pageSize: pageSize, prefetchSize: 6, backwards: true
djstest.addTest(parallelFilterTest, createMultipleFilterTestName("parallel ", parallelParameters), parallelParameters);
$.each([true, false], function (_, isBackwards) {
var zeroCountParameters = { index: 0, count: 0, predicate: filterPredicate, feed: feeds[1].feed, take: readRangeTake,
skip: readRangeStart, pageSize: pageSize, prefetchSize: 0, backwards: isBackwards
djstest.addTest(singleFilterTest, createSingleFilterTestName("Count 0 ", zeroCountParameters), zeroCountParameters);
$.each([true, false], function (_, backwards) {
$.each(invalidIndices, function (_, invalidIndex) {
var invalidIndexParameters = { index: invalidIndex, count: -1, predicate: filterPredicates[0], feed: feeds[1].feed, pageSize: pageSize, prefetchSize: 0, backwards: backwards };
function (params) {
var options = { name: "cache" + new Date().valueOf(), source: params.feed };
var cache = datajs.createDataCache(options);
try {
params.backwards ?
cache.filterForward(params.index, params.count, params.predicate).then(function (results) {
}) :
cache.filterForward(params.index, params.count, params.predicate).then(function (results) {
} catch (e) {
djstest.assertAreEqual(e.message, "'index' must be a valid number.", "Error message validation");
}, createSingleFilterTestName("invalid index ", invalidIndexParameters), invalidIndexParameters);
$.each(invalidCounts, function (_, invalidCount) {
var invalidCountParameters = { index: 0, count: invalidCount, predicate: filterPredicates[0], feed: feeds[1].feed, pageSize: pageSize, prefetchSize: 0, backwards: backwards };
function (params) {
var options = { name: "cache" + new Date().valueOf(), source: params.feed };
var cache = datajs.createDataCache(options);
try {
params.backwards ?
cache.filterBack(params.index, params.count, params.predicate).then(function (results) {
}) :
cache.filterForward(params.index, params.count, params.predicate).then(function (results) {
} catch (e) {
djstest.assertAreEqual(e.message, "'count' must be a valid number.", "Error message validation");
}, createSingleFilterTestName("invalid count ", invalidCountParameters), invalidCountParameters);