blob: 2615e557547ca76c3413cb8e0c341cd0657c7ba6 [file] [log] [blame]
// mockXMLHttpRequest.js
// This file provides a window.MockXMLHttpRequest object that can be used
// to replace or wrap the browser's XMLHttpRequest object for testing.
// Typically the object is installed, a test run, and then the original
// object restored. The addResponse and addRequest verifier can be
// used to set up callbacks; reset is used to clear those values.
// For a sample demonstrating how to use this functionality, see
// the httpClientSendRequestTest test in odata-net-tests.js.
(function (window, undefined) {
if (!window.MockXMLHttpRequest) {
window.MockXMLHttpRequest = {};
var mockXMLHttpRequest = window.MockXMLHttpRequest;
var responses = {};
var verifiers = {};
mockXMLHttpRequest.addResponse = function (uri, response) {
/// <summary>Adds a new response to be returned for the specified uri (* for 'anything').</summary>
/// <param name="uri" type="String">URI to match (* to match anything not otherwise specified).</param>
/// <param name="response" type="Object">Response object.</param>
responses = responses || {};
responses[uri] = response;
return this;
mockXMLHttpRequest.addRequestVerifier = function (uri, verifier) {
/// <summary>Adds a new request verifier to be invoked for the specified uri (* for 'anything').</summary>
/// <param name="uri" type="String">URI to match (* to match anything not otherwise specified).</param>
/// <param name="response" type="Function">Verifier callback that takes the request.</param>
verifiers = verifiers || {};
verifiers[uri] = verifier;
return this;
mockXMLHttpRequest.reset = function () {
/// <summary>Resets all configuration from the mock XHR object.</summary>
responses = {};
verifiers = {};
mockXMLHttpRequest.onCreate = undefined;
mockXMLHttpRequest.onAfterSend = undefined;
return this;
var xmlHttpRequest = function () {
this.readyState = 0;
this.responseXML = undefined;
this.ontimeout = undefined;
this.onreadystatechange = undefined;
if (mockXMLHttpRequest.onCreate) {
}; = function (method, url, async, user, password) {
if (!method) {
throw { method: "method parameter is not defined, empty, or null " };
if (!url) {
throw { message: "url parameter is not defined, empty, or null " };
this._request = {
headers: {},
url: url,
method: method,
async: async,
user: user,
password: password
xmlHttpRequest.prototype.getAllResponseHeaders = function () {
if (!this._response) {
throw { message: "_response property is undefined, did you forget to call send() or map the request url to a response?" };
var result = "";
var header;
for (header in this._response.headers) {
result = result + header + ": " + this._response.headers[header] + "\n\r";
//remove trailing LFCR
return result.substring(0, result.length - 2);
xmlHttpRequest.prototype.getResponseHeader = function (header) {
if (!this._response) {
throw { message: "_response property is undefined, did you forget to call send() or map the request url to a response?" };
return this._response.headers[header];
xmlHttpRequest.prototype.abort = function () {
//do nothing for now.
xmlHttpRequest.prototype.setRequestHeader = function (header, value) {
if (!this._request) {
throw { message: "_request property is undefined, did you forget to call open() first?" };
this._request.headers[header] = value;
xmlHttpRequest.prototype.send = function (data) {
if (!this._request) {
throw { message: "_request property is undefined, did you forget to call open() first?" };
if (this._request.headers["MockNoOp"]) {
if (this._request.headers["MockTimeOut"]) {
if (!this.timeout) {
throw { message: "timeout property is not set" };
if (this.ontimeout) {
(function (xhr) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, xhr.timeout);
var url = this._request.url;
var verifier = verifiers[url];
var response = responses[url];
if (!verifier) {
verifier = verifiers["*"];
if (!response) {
response = responses["*"];
if (!verifier && !response) {
throw { message: "neither verifier or response defined for url: " + url };
this._request.body = data;
if (verifier) {
if (response) {
// Execute the respone after a 30ms delay.
this._response = response;
sendResponseDelay(this, response, 60);
var sendResponseDelay = function (xhr, response, delay) {
setTimeout(function () {
xhr.status = response.status;
xhr.responseText = response.body;
xhr.responseBody = response.body;
xhr.readyState = 4;
if (xhr.onreadystatechange) {
if (mockXMLHttpRequest.onAfterSend) {
}, delay);
mockXMLHttpRequest.XMLHttpRequest = xmlHttpRequest;