All build tasks are executed using the Gradle build system which is embedded in OFBiz. To execute build tasks go to OFBiz top-level directory (folder) and execute tasks from there.
The syntax for tasks differ slightly between windows and Unix-like systems
Windows: gradlew <tasks-in-here>
Unix-like: ./gradlew <tasks-in-here>
For the rest of this document, we will use the windows syntax, if you are on a Unix-like system, you need to add the ./
to gradlew
There are two types of tasks designed for OFBiz in Gradle:
Standard tasks: To execute general standard Gradle tasks
OFBiz server tasks: To execute OFBiz startup commands. These tasks start with one of the following words:
OFBiz server commands require “quoting” the commands. For example: gradlew "ofbiz --help"
Shortcuts to task names can be used by writing the first letter of every word in a task name. However, you cannot use the shortcut form for OFBiz server tasks. Example: gradlew loadAdminUserLogin -PuserLoginId=myadmin
= gradlew lAUL -PuserLoginId=myadmin
gradlew build
gradlew cleanAll loadDefault testIntegration
gradlew "ofbiz --help"
gradlew "ofbizSecure --start --portoffset 10000"
gradlew "ofbizDebug --test"
gradlew "ofbizBackground --start --portoffset 10000"
gradlew "ofbiz --shutdown --portoffset 10000"
gradlew ofbiz
(default is --start)
gradlew cleanAll loadDefault "ofbiz --start"
You can use the below common list of tasks as a quick reference for controlling the system. This document uses the windows task syntax, if you are on a Unix-like system, you need to add the ./
to gradlew i.e. ./gradlew
List all available commands to control the OFBiz server
gradlew "ofbiz --help"
List all available tasks from the build system
gradlew tasks
List all available projects in the build system
gradlew projects
Show usage and options for the Gradle build system
gradlew --help
gradlew "ofbiz --start"
start is the default server task so this also works:
gradlew ofbiz
gradlew "ofbiz --shutdown"
gradlew "ofbiz --status"
Terminate all running OFBiz server instances by calling the appropriate operating system kill command. Use this command to force OFBiz termination if the --shutdown command does not work. Usually this is needed when in the middle of data loading or testing in OFBiz.
Warning: Be careful in using this command as force termination might lead to inconsistent state / data
gradlew terminateOfbiz
Starts OFBiz in remote debug mode and waits for debugger or IDEs to connect on port 5005
gradlew "ofbizDebug --start"
gradlew ofbizDebug
Starts OFBiz in secure mode using the notsoserial API to prevent Java serialization security issues
gradlew "ofbizSecure --start"
gradlew ofbizSecure
Start OFBiz of the network port offsetted by the range provided in the argument to --portoffset
gradlew "ofbiz --start --portoffset 10000"
Start OFBiz in the background by forking it to a new process and redirecting the output to runtime/logs/console.log
gradlew "ofbizBackground --start"
gradlew ofbizBackground
You can also offset the port, for example:
gradlew "ofbizBackground --start --portoffset 10000"
Start OFBiz in secure mode in the background by forking it to a new process and redirecting the output to runtime/logs/console.log
gradlew "ofbizBackgroundSecure --start"
gradlew ofbizBackgroundSecure
OFBiz contains the following data reader types:
you can choose which data readers to pass in the following syntax:
gradlew "ofbiz --load-data readers=<readers-here-comma-separated>"
gradlew "ofbiz --load-data readers=seed,seed-initial,ext,ext-demo"
Load default data; meant for generic OFBiz development, testing, demonstration, etc purposes
gradlew loadDefault
gradlew "ofbiz --load-data"
Load ONLY the seed data (not seed-initial, demo, ext* or anything else); meant for use after an update of the code to reload the seed data as it is generally maintained along with the code and needs to be in sync for operation
gradlew "ofbiz --load-data readers=seed"
Load seed, seed-initial and ext data; meant for manual/generic testing, development, or going into production with a derived system based on stock OFBiz where the ext data basically replaces the demo data
gradlew "ofbiz --load-data readers=seed,seed-initial,ext"
Load seed, seed-initial, ext and ext-test data; meant for automated testing with a derived system based on stock OFBiz
gradlew "ofbiz --load-data readers=seed,seed-initial,ext,ext-test"
Load data from an XML file holding entity data.
gradlew "ofbiz --load-data file=foo/bar/FileNameHere.xml"
Create a new tenant in your environment, create the delegator, load initial data with admin-user and password (needs multitenant=Y in The following project parameters are passed:
gradlew createTenant -PtenantId=mytenant -PtenantName="My Name"
gradlew createTenant -PtenantId=mytenant -PtenantName="My Name" -PdomainName=com.example -PtenantReaders=seed,seed-initial,ext -PdbPlatform=M -PdbIp= -PdbUser=mydbuser -PdbPassword=mydbpass
If run successfully, the system creates a new tenant having:
Load data for one specific tenant in a multitenant environment. Note that you must set multitenant=Y in and the following project parameters are passed:
gradlew loadTenant -PtenantId=mytenant
gradlew loadTenant -PtenantId=mytenant -PtenantReaders=seed,seed-initial,demo -PtenantComponent=base
gradlew test
gradlew testIntegration
gradlew 'ofbiz --test'
run a test case, in this example the componnet is “entity” and the case name is “entity-tests”
gradlew "ofbiz --test component=entity --test case=entity-tests"
listens on port 5005
gradlew "ofbizDebug --test component=entity --test case=entity-tests"
listens on port 5005
gradlew "ofbiz --test component=widget --test suitename=org.apache.ofbiz.widget.test.WidgetMacroLibraryTests"
listens on port 5005
gradlew "ofbizDebug --test component=widget --test suitename=org.apache.ofbiz.widget.test.WidgetMacroLibraryTests"
This is a very convenient feature of Gradle which allows the user to interact with Gradle through a swing GUI. You can save frequently used commands in a list of favorites for frequent reuse.
gradlew --gui
gradlew cleanAll loadDefault testIntegration
gradlew cleanAll
gradlew clean build
gradlew createComponent -PcomponentName=Custom -PcomponentResourceName=Custom -PwebappName=customweb -PbasePermission=OFBTOOLS,CUSTOM_SECURITY
Create an admin user with login name MyUserName and default password with value “ofbiz”. Upon first login OFBiz will request changing the default password
gradlew loadAdminUserLogin -PuserLoginId=MyUserName
Thanks to some gradle magic, setting up OFBiz on eclipse is very easy. All you need is to execute one command and then you can import the project to eclipse. This command will generate the necessary .classpath and .project files for eclipse.
gradlew eclipse
To get tab completion (auto complete gradle commands by pressing tab) you can download the script from the below link and place it in the appropriate location for your system.
For example, on debian based systems, you can use the following command:
sudo curl -L -s -o /etc/bash_completion.d/gradle-tab-completion.bash