An patch from John McDonald for "Customer's Shipment Address Not Assigned to Dropship Purchase Orders"

When buying drop ship products from the demo store the customer's shipping address is not saved with the purchase order, so the shipping address cannot be provided to the drop ship supplier. 

Steps to Reproduce:
* From the DropShip Category add "DropShip from BigSupplier" and "DropShip from DemoSupplier" to your cart. 
* Login as admin
* Use the one page checkout to order the products

Resulting Order:
The purchase orders WS10003 and WS10004 are associated correctly with the order items, but as the shipping groups don't have addresses, the purchase orders don't have either.

All Shipment groups should have the shipping address assigned.

Only the first shipment group has the shipping address assigned. 

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
1 file changed