blob: f612c55659bc501381665b76900d1ac657cc4952 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilMisc;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilValidate;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericDelegator;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue;
import org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityUtil;
import org.ofbiz.service.LocalDispatcher;
/** It represents an (in-memory) bill of materials (in which each
* component is an BOMNode)
* Useful for tree traversal (breakdown, explosion, implosion).
public class BOMTree {
public static final int EXPLOSION = 0;
public static final int EXPLOSION_SINGLE_LEVEL = 1;
public static final int EXPLOSION_MANUFACTURING = 2;
public static final int IMPLOSION = 3;
protected LocalDispatcher dispatcher = null;
protected GenericDelegator delegator = null;
BOMNode root;
BigDecimal rootQuantity;
BigDecimal rootAmount;
Date inDate;
String bomTypeId;
GenericValue inputProduct;
/** Creates a new instance of BOMTree by reading downward
* the productId's bill of materials (explosion).
* If virtual products are found, it tries to configure them by running
* the Product Configurator.
* @param productId The product for which we want to get the bom.
* @param bomTypeId The bill of materials type (e.g. manufacturing, engineering, ...)
* @param inDate Validity date (if null, today is used).
* @param delegator The delegator used.
* @throws GenericEntityException If a db problem occurs.
public BOMTree(String productId, String bomTypeId, Date inDate, GenericDelegator delegator, LocalDispatcher dispatcher, GenericValue userLogin) throws GenericEntityException {
this(productId, bomTypeId, inDate, EXPLOSION, delegator, dispatcher, userLogin);
/** Creates a new instance of BOMTree by reading
* the productId's bill of materials (upward or downward).
* If virtual products are found, it tries to configure them by running
* the Product Configurator.
* @param productId The product for which we want to get the bom.
* @param bomTypeId The bill of materials type (e.g. manufacturing, engineering, ...)
* @param inDate Validity date (if null, today is used).
* @param type if equals to EXPLOSION, a downward visit is performed (explosion);
* if equals to EXPLOSION_SINGLE_LEVEL, a single level explosion is performed;
* if equals to EXPLOSION_MANUFACTURING, a downward visit is performed (explosion), including only the product that needs manufacturing;
* if equals to IMPLOSION an upward visit is done (implosion);
* @param delegator The delegator used.
* @throws GenericEntityException If a db problem occurs.
public BOMTree(String productId, String bomTypeId, Date inDate, int type, GenericDelegator delegator, LocalDispatcher dispatcher, GenericValue userLogin) throws GenericEntityException {
// If the parameters are not valid, return.
if (productId == null || bomTypeId == null || delegator == null || dispatcher == null) return;
// If the date is null, set it to today.
if (inDate == null) inDate = new Date();
this.delegator = delegator;
this.dispatcher = dispatcher;
inputProduct = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("Product", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", productId));
String productIdForRules = productId;
// The selected product features are loaded
List productFeaturesAppl = delegator.findByAnd("ProductFeatureAppl",
UtilMisc.toMap("productId", productId,
"productFeatureApplTypeId", "STANDARD_FEATURE"));
List productFeatures = new ArrayList();
GenericValue oneProductFeatureAppl = null;
for (int i = 0; i < productFeaturesAppl.size(); i++) {
oneProductFeatureAppl = (GenericValue)productFeaturesAppl.get(i);
UtilMisc.toMap("productFeatureId", oneProductFeatureAppl.getString("productFeatureId"))));
// If the product is manufactured as a different product,
// load the new product
GenericValue manufacturedAsProduct = manufacturedAsProduct(productId, inDate);
// We load the information about the product that needs to be manufactured
// from Product entity
GenericValue product = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("Product",
(manufacturedAsProduct != null? manufacturedAsProduct.getString("productIdTo"): productId)));
if (product == null) return;
BOMNode originalNode = new BOMNode(product, dispatcher, userLogin);
// If the product hasn't a bill of materials we try to retrieve
// the bill of materials of its virtual product (if the current
// product is variant).
if (!hasBom(product, inDate)) {
List virtualProducts = product.getRelatedByAnd("AssocProductAssoc", UtilMisc.toMap("productAssocTypeId", "PRODUCT_VARIANT"));
virtualProducts = EntityUtil.filterByDate(virtualProducts, inDate);
GenericValue virtualProduct = EntityUtil.getFirst(virtualProducts);
if (virtualProduct != null) {
// If the virtual product is manufactured as a different product,
// load the new product
productIdForRules = virtualProduct.getString("productId");
manufacturedAsProduct = manufacturedAsProduct(virtualProduct.getString("productId"), inDate);
product = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("Product",
(manufacturedAsProduct != null? manufacturedAsProduct.getString("productIdTo"): virtualProduct.get("productId"))));
if (product == null) return;
try {
root = new BOMNode(product, dispatcher, userLogin);
if (type == IMPLOSION) {
root.loadParents(bomTypeId, inDate, productFeatures);
} else {
root.loadChildren(bomTypeId, inDate, productFeatures, type);
} catch(GenericEntityException gee) {
root = null;
this.bomTypeId = bomTypeId;
this.inDate = inDate;
rootQuantity = BigDecimal.ONE;
rootAmount = BigDecimal.ZERO;
public GenericValue getInputProduct() {
return inputProduct;
private GenericValue manufacturedAsProduct(String productId, Date inDate) throws GenericEntityException {
List manufacturedAsProducts = delegator.findByAnd("ProductAssoc",
UtilMisc.toMap("productId", productId,
"productAssocTypeId", "PRODUCT_MANUFACTURED"));
manufacturedAsProducts = EntityUtil.filterByDate(manufacturedAsProducts, inDate);
GenericValue manufacturedAsProduct = null;
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(manufacturedAsProducts)) {
manufacturedAsProduct = EntityUtil.getFirst(manufacturedAsProducts);
return manufacturedAsProduct;
private boolean hasBom(GenericValue product, Date inDate) throws GenericEntityException {
List children = product.getRelatedByAnd("MainProductAssoc", UtilMisc.toMap("productAssocTypeId", bomTypeId));
children = EntityUtil.filterByDate(children, inDate);
return UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(children);
/** It tells if the current (in-memory) tree representing
* a product's bill of materials is completely configured
* or not.
* @return true if no virtual nodes (products) are present in the tree.
public boolean isConfigured() {
ArrayList notConfiguredParts = new ArrayList();
return (notConfiguredParts.size() == 0);
/** Getter for property rootQuantity.
* @return Value of property rootQuantity.
public BigDecimal getRootQuantity() {
return rootQuantity;
/** Setter for property rootQuantity.
* @param rootQuantity New value of property rootQuantity.
public void setRootQuantity(BigDecimal rootQuantity) {
this.rootQuantity = rootQuantity;
/** Getter for property rootAmount.
* @return Value of property rootAmount.
public BigDecimal getRootAmount() {
return rootAmount;
/** Setter for property rootAmount.
* @param rootAmount New value of property rootAmount.
public void setRootAmount(BigDecimal rootAmount) {
this.rootAmount = rootAmount;
/** Getter for property root.
* @return Value of property root.
public BOMNode getRoot() {
return root;
/** Getter for property inDate.
* @return Value of property inDate.
public Date getInDate() {
return inDate;
/** Getter for property bomTypeId.
* @return Value of property bomTypeId.
public String getBomTypeId() {
return bomTypeId;
/** It visits the in-memory tree that represents a bill of materials
* and it collects info of its nodes in the StringBuffer.
* Method used for debug purposes.
* @param sb The StringBuffer used to collect tree info.
public void print(StringBuffer sb) {
if (root != null) {
root.print(sb, getRootQuantity(), 0);
/** It visits the in-memory tree that represents a bill of materials
* and it collects info of its nodes in the ArrayList.
* Method used for bom breakdown (explosion/implosion).
* @param arr The ArrayList used to collect tree info.
* @param initialDepth The depth of the root node.
public void print(ArrayList arr, int initialDepth) {
print(arr, initialDepth, true);
public void print(ArrayList arr, int initialDepth, boolean excludeWIPs) {
if (root != null) {
root.print(arr, getRootQuantity(), initialDepth, excludeWIPs);
/** It visits the in-memory tree that represents a bill of materials
* and it collects info of its nodes in the ArrayList.
* Method used for bom breakdown (explosion/implosion).
* @param arr The ArrayList used to collect tree info.
public void print(ArrayList arr) {
print(arr, 0, false);
public void print(ArrayList arr, boolean excludeWIPs) {
print(arr, 0, excludeWIPs);
/** It visits the in-memory tree that represents a bill of materials
* and it collects info of its nodes in the HashMap.
* Method used for bom summarized explosion.
* @param quantityPerNode The HashMap that will contain the summarized quantities per productId.
public void sumQuantities(HashMap quantityPerNode) {
if (root != null) {
/** It visits the in-memory tree that represents a bill of materials
* and it collects all the productId it contains.
* @return ArrayLsit conatining all the tree's productId.
public ArrayList getAllProductsId() {
ArrayList nodeArr = new ArrayList();
ArrayList productsId = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < nodeArr.size(); i++) {
return productsId;
/** It visits the in-memory tree that represents a bill of materials
* and it creates a manufacturing order for each of the nodes that needs
* to be manufactured.
* @param orderId The (sales) order id for which the manufacturing orders are created. If specified (together with orderItemSeqId) a link between the two order lines is created. If null, no link is created.
* @param orderItemSeqId
* @param delegator The delegator used.
* @throws GenericEntityException If a db problem occurs.
public String createManufacturingOrders(String facilityId, Date date, String workEffortName, String description, String routingId, String orderId, String orderItemSeqId, String shipmentId, GenericValue userLogin) throws GenericEntityException {
String workEffortId = null;
if (root != null) {
if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(facilityId)) {
if (orderId != null) {
GenericValue order = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("OrderHeader", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId));
String productStoreId = order.getString("productStoreId");
if (productStoreId != null) {
GenericValue productStore = ProductStoreWorker.getProductStore(productStoreId, delegator);
if (productStore != null) {
facilityId = productStore.getString("inventoryFacilityId");
if (facilityId == null && shipmentId != null) {
GenericValue shipment = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("Shipment", UtilMisc.toMap("shipmentId", shipmentId));
facilityId = shipment.getString("originFacilityId");
Map tmpMap = root.createManufacturingOrder(facilityId, date, workEffortName, description, routingId, orderId, orderItemSeqId, shipmentId, true, true);
workEffortId = (String)tmpMap.get("productionRunId");
return workEffortId;
public void getProductsInPackages(ArrayList arr) {
if (root != null) {
root.getProductsInPackages(arr, getRootQuantity(), 0, false);