blob: f5f6940a7dfc93d577faf9482e42e56624f5f649 [file] [log] [blame]
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distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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under the License.
# This page displays both the textarea for text and the file upload control.
# It was awkward to do it with screen widgets because need to show checkboxes
# by each control.
<#-- This code sets the checkboxes based on existing data -->
<#assign text_check=""/>
<#assign img_check=""/>
<#if (imageContent?has_content && (drDataTemplateTypeId?default("") == "SCREEN_COMBINED")
|| drMimeTypeId?default("")?starts_with("image"))>
<#assign img_check="checked='checked'"/>
<#if (textContent?has_content && drMimeTypeId?default("")?starts_with("text"))
|| (textContent?has_content && (drDataTemplateTypeId?default("") == "SCREEN_COMBINED"))
|| !img_check?has_content>
<#assign text_check="checked='checked'"/>
<#-- Sets one of the two templates -->
<#assign topleft_check=""/>
<#assign topcenter_check=""/>
<#if view.drDataResourceId?has_content && view.drDataResourceId == "BLOG_TPL_TOPLEFT">
<#assign topleft_check="checked='checked'"/>
<#assign topcenter_check="checked='checked'"/>
<#-- Fills in existing text -->
<#assign textData=""/>
<#if electronicText?has_content >
<#if electronicText.textData?has_content >
<#assign textData=electronicText.textData/>
<#-- Stores the ids for existing data -->
<#assign textContentId=""/>
<#assign textDataResourceId=""/>
<#if textContent?has_content >
<#assign textContentId=textContent.contentId!/>
<#assign textDataResourceId=textContent.drDataResourceId!/>
<#if textElectronicText?has_content && textElectronicText.textData?has_content >
<#assign textData=textElectronicText.textData/>
<#assign imageContentId=""/>
<#assign imageDataResourceId=""/>
<#if imageContent?has_content >
<#assign imageContentId=imageContent.contentId!/>
<#assign imageDataResourceId=imageContent.drDataResourceId!/>
<input type="hidden" name="textContentId" value="${textContentId}"/>
<input type="hidden" name="imageContentId" value="${imageContentId}"/>
<input type="hidden" name="textDataResourceId" value="${textDataResourceId}"/>
<input type="hidden" name="imageDataResourceId" value="${imageDataResourceId}"/>
<td width="10%" align="right">
<span class="treeHeader"> </span>
<td width="5%" valign="top">
<div class="inputBox">
<input type="checkBox" ${text_check} name="drMimeTypeId_TEXT" value="Y"/>
<td width="60%">
<textarea class="textAreaBox" class="inputBox" name="textData" cols="60" rows="24">
<td width="10%" align="right">
<span class="treeHeader"> </span>
<td width="10%" align="right">
<span class="treeHeader"> </span>
<td width="5%" valign="top">
<div class="inputBox"><input type="checkbox" ${img_check} name="drMimeTypeId_IMAGE" value="Y"/>
<td width="60%">
<div class="inputBox">
Existing file name:
<#if imageContent?has_content && imageContent.drObjectInfo?has_content>
<br />
<input type="file" class="inputBox" name="uploadedFile" size="25"/>
Force: <input type="checkbox" value="true" name="forceElectronicText"/>
<br />
Top-left:<input type="radio" ${topleft_check} class="inputBox" name="templateId" value="BLOG_TPL_TOPLEFT"/>&nbsp;
Top-center:<input type="radio" ${topcenter_check} class="inputBox" name="templateId" value="BLOG_TPL_TOPCENTER"/>
<td width="10%" align="right">
<span class="treeHeader">&nbsp;</span>