blob: ec660a7de39d90706a7cbae705df3a22128b1fa9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004 Actuate Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Actuate Corporation - Initial implementation.
* BirtSoapRequest
* ...
BirtSoapRequest = Class.create( );
BirtSoapRequest.prototype =
__url : null,
__message : null,
__xml_document : null,
__operation_content : null,
* Initialization routine required by "ProtoType" lib.
* @return, void
initialize : function( )
XML namespaces are supported by the following browsers :
- Firefox 2 and 3
- Safari 3
- Mozilla 1.7.13
Unsupported by:
- IE6 nor IE7
this.hasXmlNamespaceSupport = ( typeof( document.createElementNS ) != "undefined" );
* Init the request message. There's only one request message DOM instance at any time,
* when client running.
* @message, request message DOM
* @return, void
setMessage : function( message )
// TODO: need to use dom contrcture the request.
this.__xml_document = message;
* Retrieve the request message.
* @return, request message in DOM
getMessage : function( message )
return this.__message;
* Retrieve the request message.
* @return, request message in DOM
setURL : function( url )
this.__url = url;
* Retrieve the request message.
* @return, request message in DOM
getURL : function( )
return this.__url;
* Clears the message body
reset : function( )
// Soap envelope
this.__xml_document = this.createXMLDom( this.SOAP_NAMESPACE_URI, "soap:Envelope" );
var soapEnv = this.__xml_document.documentElement;
// Soap body
var soapBody;
if ( this.hasXmlNamespaceSupport )
soapBody = this.__xml_document.createElementNS( this.SOAP_NAMESPACE_URI, "Body" );
soapBody = this.__xml_document.createElement( "soap:Body" );
soapEnv.appendChild( soapBody );
// Get updated objects method
var getUpdatedObjects = this.createBirtElement( "GetUpdatedObjects" );
if ( !this.hasXmlNamespaceSupport )
// only the first element needs the xmlns attribute
getUpdatedObjects.setAttribute( "xmlns", this.BIRT_NAMESPACE_URI );
soapBody.appendChild( getUpdatedObjects );
this.__operation_content = getUpdatedObjects;
var str = this.prettyPrintXML( this.__xml_document.documentElement, false );
debug( "RESET XML : new message body is\n" + str );
* Utility method to create an XML element in the birt namespace.
* @param qualifiedName qualified name
createBirtElement : function( qualifiedName )
if ( this.hasXmlNamespaceSupport )
return this.__xml_document.createElementNS( this.BIRT_NAMESPACE_URI, qualifiedName );
return this.__xml_document.createElement( qualifiedName );
* Utility method creates an XML document.
* @param rootName the name of documentElement
* @return xmlDocument a new XML document
createXMLDom : function( namespaceUri, qualifiedName )
if ( document.implementation && document.implementation.createDocument )
// DOM Level 2 Browsers
var dom = document.implementation.createDocument( namespaceUri, qualifiedName, null );
if ( !dom.documentElement )
dom.appendChild( dom.createElement( qualifiedName ) );
return dom;
else if ( window.ActiveXObject )
// Internet Explorer
var createdDocument = new ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" );
var documentElement = createdDocument.createElement( qualifiedName );
createdDocument.appendChild( documentElement );
// check for a namespace prefix
var namespacePrefix = null;
var nameParts = qualifiedName.split(":");
if ( nameParts.length > 0 )
namespacePrefix = nameParts[0];
qualifiedName = nameParts[1];
var nsAttribute = "xmlns";
if ( namespacePrefix )
nsAttribute += ":" + namespacePrefix;
documentElement.setAttribute( nsAttribute, namespaceUri );
return createdDocument;
throw "Unable to create new Document.";
* Adds Operation type to message.
* @param id id of UIComponent
* @param operator name of desired operation (from Constants.js)
* @param data xmlElement type 'Data' or null if not applicable
* @param (optional) argument[1] - argument[n] object {name: "paramName1", value: "paramValue1"}
addOperation : function( id, type, operator, data )
var optionalArgs = 4; //number of params
var operation = this.createBirtElement( "Operation" );
// Target
var target = this.createBirtElement( "Target" );
operation.appendChild( target );
// Target id
var reportId = this.createBirtElement( "Id" );
target.appendChild( reportId );
var reportIdText = this.__xml_document.createTextNode( id || "Error-id" );
reportId.appendChild( reportIdText );
// Target type
var reportType = this.createBirtElement( "Type" );
target.appendChild( reportType );
var reportTypeText = this.__xml_document.createTextNode( type || "Error-id" );
reportType.appendChild( reportTypeText );
// Operator
var operatorEl = this.createBirtElement( "Operator" );
var targetText = this.__xml_document.createTextNode( operator || "Error-operator" );
operatorEl.appendChild( targetText );
operation.appendChild( operatorEl );
// Oprands
if( arguments.length > optionalArgs ) //there are optional parameters
var operand, name, value;
for( var i = optionalArgs; i < arguments.length; i++ )
if( arguments[i].length && arguments[i].length > 0 )
for( var j = 0; j < arguments[i].length; j++ )
if ( !arguments[i][j].name )
operand = this.createBirtElement( "Oprand" );
name = this.createBirtElement( "Name" );
nameText = this.__xml_document.createTextNode( arguments[i][j].name );
name.appendChild( nameText );
operand.appendChild( name );
value = this.createBirtElement( "Value" );
valueText = this.__xml_document.createTextNode( arguments[i][j].value );
value.appendChild( valueText );
operand.appendChild( value );
operation.appendChild( operand );
if ( arguments[i].name )
operand = this.createBirtElement( "Oprand" );
name = this.createBirtElement( "Name" );
nameText = this.__xml_document.createTextNode( arguments[i].name );
name.appendChild( nameText );
operand.appendChild( name );
value = this.createBirtElement( "Value" );
valueText = this.__xml_document.createTextNode( arguments[i].value );
value.appendChild( valueText );
operand.appendChild( value );
operation.appendChild( operand );
// Data
if( data )
operation.appendChild( data.documentElement );
this.__operation_content.appendChild( operation );
var str = this.prettyPrintXML( this.__xml_document.documentElement, false );
debug( "ADDED OPERATION : new message body is\n" + str );
* Creates string of xml, optionally prints to debug window.
* @param xmlRoot documentElement of xml Element
* @param str leave empty -- used in recursive call
* @param offset leave empty -- used in recursive call
* @return String with indented tree of elements and text contents
prettyPrintXML : function( xmlRoot, isDebug, str, offset )
if( !str )
str = "";
var myIndent = 6;
if( offset == null )
myIndent = 2;
myIndent += offset;
var spacer = "";
for( var i = 0; i < myIndent;i++ )
spacer += " ";
var topLevel = xmlRoot.childNodes;
var size = topLevel.length;
var temp;
for( var i = 0; i < size; i++ )
var curNode = topLevel[i];
//either node or a leaf
if( curNode.nodeType == "1" )
str += spacer + "&lt" + curNode.nodeName + "&gt\n";
if( isDebug )
debug( spacer + "&lt" + curNode.nodeName + "&gt" );
str = this.prettyPrintXML( curNode, isDebug, str, myIndent );
str += spacer + "&lt/" + curNode.nodeName + "&gt\n";
if( isDebug )
debug( spacer + "&lt/" + curNode.nodeName + "&gt" );
str += spacer + + "\n";
if( isDebug )
debug( spacer + );
return str;
var birtSoapRequest = new BirtSoapRequest( );