blob: 76bb854291e40923a3149d8e5e8ff321ef2120a4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.ofbiz.entity.model;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.ofbiz.base.lang.ThreadSafe;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilXml;
import org.ofbiz.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
* An object that models the <code>&lt;field&gt;</code> element.
public final class ModelField extends ModelChild {
public static final String module = ModelField.class.getName();
public enum EncryptMethod {
public boolean isEncrypted() {
return false;
public boolean isEncrypted() {
return true;
public boolean isEncrypted() {
return true;
public abstract boolean isEncrypted();
* Returns a new <code>ModelField</code> instance, initialized with the specified values.
* @param modelEntity The <code>ModelEntity</code> this field is a member of.
* @param name The field name.
* @param type The field type.
* @param isPk <code>true</code> if this field is part of the primary key.
public static ModelField create(ModelEntity modelEntity, String name, String type, boolean isPk) {
return create(modelEntity, null, name, type, null, null, null, false, isPk, false, false, false, null);
* Returns a new <code>ModelField</code> instance, initialized with the specified values.
* @param modelEntity The <code>ModelEntity</code> this field is a member of.
* @param description The field description.
* @param name The field name.
* @param type The field type.
* @param colName The data source column name for this field. Will be generated automatically if left empty.
* @param colValue
* @param fieldSet The field set name this field is a member of.
* @param isNotNull <code>true</code> if this field cannot contain a null value.
* @param isPk <code>true</code> if this field is part of the primary key.
* @param encrypt <code>true</code> if this field is encrypted.
* @param isAutoCreatedInternal <code>true</code> if this field was generated automatically by the entity engine.
* @param enableAuditLog <code>true</code> if this field is included in the entity audit log.
* @param validators The validators for this field.
public static ModelField create(ModelEntity modelEntity, String description, String name, String type, String colName, String colValue, String fieldSet, boolean isNotNull, boolean isPk, boolean encrypt, boolean isAutoCreatedInternal, boolean enableAuditLog, List<String> validators) {
return create(modelEntity, description, name, type, colName, colValue, fieldSet, isNotNull, isPk, encrypt ? EncryptMethod.TRUE : EncryptMethod.FALSE, isAutoCreatedInternal, enableAuditLog, validators);
public static ModelField create(ModelEntity modelEntity, String description, String name, String type, String colName, String colValue, String fieldSet, boolean isNotNull, boolean isPk, EncryptMethod encrypt, boolean isAutoCreatedInternal, boolean enableAuditLog, List<String> validators) {
// TODO: Validate parameters.
if (description == null) {
description = "";
if (name == null) {
name = "";
if (type == null) {
type = "";
if (colName == null || colName.isEmpty()) {
colName = ModelUtil.javaNameToDbName(name);
if (colValue == null) {
colValue = "";
if (fieldSet == null) {
fieldSet = "";
if (validators == null) {
validators = Collections.emptyList();
} else {
validators = Collections.unmodifiableList(validators);
if (isPk) {
isNotNull = true;
return new ModelField(modelEntity, description, name, type, colName, colValue, fieldSet, isNotNull, isPk, encrypt, isAutoCreatedInternal, enableAuditLog, validators);
* Returns a new <code>ModelField</code> instance, initialized with the specified values.
* @param modelEntity The <code>ModelEntity</code> this field is a member of.
* @param fieldElement The <code>&lt;field&gt;</code> element containing the values for this field.
* @param isPk <code>true</code> if this field is part of the primary key.
public static ModelField create(ModelEntity modelEntity, Element fieldElement, boolean isPk) {
String description = UtilXml.childElementValue(fieldElement, "description");
if (description == null) {
description = "";
String name = fieldElement.getAttribute("name").intern();
String type = fieldElement.getAttribute("type").intern();
String colName = fieldElement.getAttribute("col-name").intern();
if (colName.isEmpty()) {
colName = ModelUtil.javaNameToDbName(name);
String colValue = "";
String fieldSet = fieldElement.getAttribute("field-set").intern();
boolean isNotNull = "true".equals(fieldElement.getAttribute("not-null"));
if (isPk) {
isNotNull = true;
EncryptMethod encrypt = EncryptMethod.valueOf(fieldElement.getAttribute("encrypt").toUpperCase());
if (encrypt == null) {
Debug.logWarning("invalid encrypt value: %s", module, fieldElement.getAttribute("encrypt"));
encrypt = EncryptMethod.FALSE;
boolean enableAuditLog = "true".equals(fieldElement.getAttribute("enable-audit-log"));
List<String>validators = Collections.emptyList();
List<? extends Element> elementList = UtilXml.childElementList(fieldElement, "validate");
if (!elementList.isEmpty()) {
validators = new ArrayList<String>(elementList.size());
for (Element validateElement : elementList) {
validators = Collections.unmodifiableList(validators);
return new ModelField(modelEntity, description, name, type, colName, colValue, fieldSet, isNotNull, isPk, encrypt, false, enableAuditLog, validators);
* Returns a new <code>ModelField</code> instance, initialized with the specified values.
* @param modelEntity The <code>ModelEntity</code> this field is a member of.
* @param ccInfo The <code>ColumnCheckInfo</code> containing the values for this field.
* @param modelFieldTypeReader
public static ModelField create(ModelEntity modelEntity, DatabaseUtil.ColumnCheckInfo ccInfo, ModelFieldTypeReader modelFieldTypeReader) {
String colName = ccInfo.columnName;
String name = ModelUtil.dbNameToVarName(colName);
String type = ModelUtil.induceFieldType(ccInfo.typeName, ccInfo.columnSize, ccInfo.decimalDigits, modelFieldTypeReader);
boolean isPk = ccInfo.isPk;
boolean isNotNull = "NO".equals(ccInfo.isNullable.toUpperCase());
String description = "";
String colValue = "";
String fieldSet = "";
EncryptMethod encrypt = EncryptMethod.FALSE;
boolean enableAuditLog = false;
return new ModelField(modelEntity, description, name, type, colName, colValue, fieldSet, isNotNull, isPk, encrypt, false, enableAuditLog, Collections.<String>emptyList());
* Developers - this is an immutable class. Once constructed, the object should not change state.
* Therefore, 'setter' methods are not allowed. If client code needs to modify the object's
* state, then it can create a new copy with the changed values.
/** The name of the Field */
private final String name;
/** The type of the Field */
private final String type;
/** The col-name of the Field */
private final String colName;
private final String colValue;
/** boolean which specifies whether or not the Field is a Primary Key */
private final boolean isPk;
private final EncryptMethod encrypt;
private final boolean isNotNull;
private final boolean isAutoCreatedInternal;
private final boolean enableAuditLog;
/** when any field in the same set is selected in a query, all fields in that set will be selected */
private final String fieldSet;
/** validators to be called when an update is done */
private final List<String> validators;
private ModelField(ModelEntity modelEntity, String description, String name, String type, String colName, String colValue, String fieldSet, boolean isNotNull, boolean isPk, EncryptMethod encrypt, boolean isAutoCreatedInternal, boolean enableAuditLog, List<String> validators) {
super(modelEntity, description); = name;
this.type = type;
this.colName = colName;
this.colValue = colValue;
this.fieldSet = fieldSet;
this.isPk = isPk;
this.isNotNull = isNotNull;
this.encrypt = encrypt;
this.enableAuditLog = enableAuditLog;
this.isAutoCreatedInternal = isAutoCreatedInternal;
this.validators = validators;
/** Returns the name of this field. */
public String getName() {
/** Returns the type of this field. */
public String getType() {
return this.type;
/** Returns the data source column name of this field. */
public String getColName() {
return this.colName;
public String getColValue() {
return this.colValue.isEmpty() ? this.colName : this.colValue;
/** Returns <code>true</code> if this field is part of the primary key. */
public boolean getIsPk() {
return this.isPk;
/** Returns <code>true</code> if this field cannot contain null. */
public boolean getIsNotNull() {
return this.isNotNull;
/** Returns <code>true</code> if this field is encrypted. */
public boolean getEncrypt() {
return this.encrypt.isEncrypted();
public EncryptMethod getEncryptMethod() {
return this.encrypt;
/** Returns <code>true</code> if this field is included in the entity audit log. */
public boolean getEnableAuditLog() {
return this.enableAuditLog;
/** Returns <code>true</code> if this field was generated automatically by the entity engine. */
public boolean getIsAutoCreatedInternal() {
return this.isAutoCreatedInternal;
/** Returns the field set name this field is a member of. */
public String getFieldSet() {
return fieldSet;
public List<String> getValidators() {
return this.validators;
public String toString() {
return getModelEntity() + "@" + getName();
// TODO: Externalize this.
public Element toXmlElement(Document document) {
Element root = document.createElement("field");
root.setAttribute("name", this.getName());
if (!this.getColName().equals(ModelUtil.javaNameToDbName(this.getName()))) {
root.setAttribute("col-name", this.getColName());
root.setAttribute("type", this.getType());
if (this.getEncryptMethod().isEncrypted()) {
root.setAttribute("encrypt", this.getEncryptMethod().toString().toLowerCase());
if (this.getIsNotNull()) {
root.setAttribute("not-null", "true");
Iterator<String> valIter = this.validators.iterator();
if (valIter != null) {
while (valIter.hasNext()) {
String validator =;
Element val = document.createElement("validate");
val.setAttribute("name", validator);
return root;