Applied patch from jira issue - OFBIZ-5842. 
As we have Entity Query Builder implemented in trunk (OFBIZ-4053) and now we should add Junit tests for its methods.

As per initial analyses, we can write Junit tests for following methods of Entity Query Builder:

1. queryList()
2. queryFirst()
3. queryCount()
4. queryOne()
5. distinct()
6. filterByDate()
7. orderBy()
8. select()
9. cursorForwardOnly()
10. cursorScrollSensitive()
11. cursorScrollInSensitive()
12. fetchSize()
13. maxRows()
14. cache()
15. queryIterator()
Thanks Arun for the contribution. 
Thanks Scott, Jacopo and Adrian for your help in reviewing the patch content. 

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
2 files changed