blob: 2cc32ec4d1065a5b1f4501b3d85fd37ad8002b55 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.ofbiz.securityext.test;
import java.util.Map;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
import org.ofbiz.service.testtools.OFBizTestCase;
public class AuthorizationTests extends OFBizTestCase {
private static final String module = AuthorizationTests.class.getName();
protected Authorization security = null;
public AuthorizationTests(String name) {
public void setUp() throws SecurityConfigurationException {
if (security == null) {
security = AuthorizationFactory.getInstance(delegator);
public void testBasicAdminPermission() throws Exception {
Debug.logInfo("Running testBasicAdminPermission()", module);
assertTrue("User was not granted permission as expected", security.hasPermission("system", "access:foo:bar", null));
public void testBasePermissionFailure() throws Exception {
Debug.logInfo("Running testBasePermissionFailure()", module);
assertFalse("Permission did not fail as expected", security.hasPermission("system", "no:permission", null));
public void testDynamicAccessFromClasspath() throws Exception {
Debug.logInfo("Running testDynamicAccessFromClasspath()", module);
assertTrue("User was not granted dynamic access as expected", security.hasPermission("system", "test:groovy2:2000", null));
public void testDynamicAccessService() throws Exception {
Debug.logInfo("Running testDynamicAccessService()", module);
assertTrue("User was not granted dynamic access as expected", security.hasPermission("system", "test:service:2000", null));
public void testDynamicAccessFailure() throws Exception {
Debug.logInfo("Running testDynamicAccessFailure()", module);
assertFalse("Dynamic access did not fail as expected", security.hasPermission("system", "test:groovy1:2000", null));
public void testAutoGrantPermissions() throws Exception {
Debug.logInfo("Running testDynamicAccessFailure()", module);
// first verify the user does not have the initial permission
assertFalse("User already has the auto-granted permission", security.hasPermission("system", "test:autogranted", null));
// next run security check to setup the auto-grant
assertTrue("User was not granted dynamic access as expected", security.hasPermission("system", "test:groovy1:1000", null));
// as long as this runs in the same thread (and it should) access should now be granted
assertTrue("User was not auto-granted expected permission", security.hasPermission("system", "test:autogranted", null));
public void testAutoGrantCleanup() throws Exception {
Debug.logInfo("Running testAutoGrantCleanup()", module);
assertFalse("User was auto-granted an unexpected permission", security.hasPermission("user", "test:autogranted", null));
public void testDynamicAccessRecursion() throws Exception {
Debug.logInfo("Running testDynamicAccessRecursion()", module);
assertFalse("User was granted an unexpected permission", security.hasPermission("user", "test:recursion", null));
public void testFindAllPermissionRegexp() throws Exception {
Debug.logInfo("Running testFindAllPermissionRegexp()", module);
Map<String,Boolean> permResultMap = security.findMatchingPermission("system", ".*:example", null);
assertEquals("Invalid result map size; should be 5", 5, permResultMap.size());
assertTrue("User was not granted expected permission {access:example}", permResultMap.get("access:example"));
assertTrue("User was not granted expected permission {create:example}", permResultMap.get("create:example"));
assertTrue("User was not granted expected permission {read:example}", permResultMap.get("read:example"));
assertTrue("User was not granted expected permission {update:example}", permResultMap.get("update:example"));
assertTrue("User was not granted expected permission {delete:example}", permResultMap.get("delete:example"));
public void testFindLimitedPermissionRegexp() throws Exception {
Debug.logInfo("Running testFindLimitedPermissionRegexp()", module);
Map<String,Boolean> permResultMap = security.findMatchingPermission("user", "(access|read):example", null);
assertEquals("Invalid result map size; should be 2", 2, permResultMap.size());
assertFalse("User was granted an unexpected permission {access:example}", permResultMap.get("access:example"));
assertFalse("User was granted an unexpected permission {read:example}", permResultMap.get("read:example"));