blob: 35c546151f5b01c845e127b2b7e4a05bf280bfdd [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
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// TODO: do something with addChild / setChild, so that RpcController become able
// to hook on this and report to server
extraRpcOnEdit: false,
* Make request to server about moving children.
* Request returns "true" if move succeeded,
* object with error field if failed
* I can't leave DragObject floating until async request returns, need to return false/true
* so making it sync way...
* Also, "loading" icon is not shown until function finishes execution, so no indication for remote request.
doMove: function(child, newParent, index, sync){
//if (newParent.isTreeNode) newParent.markLoading();
var params = {
// where from
child: this.getInfo(child),
childTree: this.getInfo(child.tree),
oldParent: this.getInfo(child.parent),
oldParentTree: this.getInfo(child.parent.tree),
// where to
newParent: this.getInfo(newParent),
newParentTree: this.getInfo(newParent.tree),
newIndex: index
var deferred = this.runRpc({
url: this.getRpcUrl('move'),
sync: sync,
params: params
var _this = this;
var args = arguments;
//deferred.addCallback(function(res) { dojo.debug("doMove fired "+res); return res});
deferred.addCallback(function() {
return deferred;
// -------------- detach
prepareDetach: function(node, sync) {
var deferred = this.startProcessing(node);
return deferred;
finalizeDetach: function(node) {
doDetach: function(node, sync){
var params = {
node: this.getInfo(node),
tree: this.getInfo(node.tree)
var deferred = this.runRpc({
url: this.getRpcUrl('detach'),
sync: sync,
params: params
var _this = this;
var args = arguments;
deferred.addCallback(function() {
return deferred;
// -------------------------- Inline edit node ---------------------
* send edit start request if needed
* useful for server-side locking
requestEditConfirmation: function(node, action, sync) {
if (!this.extraRpcOnEdit) {
return dojo.Deferred.prototype.makeCalled();
//dojo.debug("requestEditConfirmation "+node+" "+action);
var _this = this;
var deferred = this.startProcessing(node);
//dojo.debug("startProcessing "+node);
var params = {
node: this.getInfo(node),
tree: this.getInfo(node.tree)
deferred.addCallback(function() {
//dojo.debug("add action on requestEditConfirmation "+action);
return _this.runRpc({
url: _this.getRpcUrl(action),
sync: sync,
params: params
deferred.addBoth(function(r) {
//dojo.debug("finish rpc with "+r);
return r;
return deferred;
editLabelSave: function(node, newContent, sync) {
var deferred = this.startProcessing(node);
var _this = this;
var params = {
node: this.getInfo(node),
tree: this.getInfo(node.tree),
newContent: newContent
deferred.addCallback(function() {
return _this.runRpc({
url: _this.getRpcUrl('editLabelSave'),
sync: sync,
params: params
deferred.addBoth(function(r) {
return r;
return deferred;
editLabelStart: function(node, sync) {
if (!this.canEditLabel(node)) {
return false;
var _this = this;
if (!this.editor.isClosed()) {
//dojo.debug("editLabelStart editor open");
var deferred = this.editLabelFinish(this.editor.saveOnBlur, sync);
deferred.addCallback(function() {
return _this.editLabelStart(node, sync);
return deferred;
//dojo.debug("editLabelStart closed, request");
var deferred = this.requestEditConfirmation(node, 'editLabelStart', sync);
deferred.addCallback(function() {
//dojo.debug("start edit");
return deferred;
editLabelFinish: function(save, sync) {
var _this = this;
var node = this.editor.node;
var deferred = dojo.Deferred.prototype.makeCalled();
if (!save && !node.isPhantom) {
deferred = this.requestEditConfirmation(this.editor.node,'editLabelFinishCancel', sync);
if (save) {
if (node.isPhantom) {
deferred = this.sendCreateChildRequest(
} else {
// this deferred has new information from server
deferred = this.editLabelSave(node, this.editor.getContents(), sync);
deferred.addCallback(function(server_data) {
_this.doEditLabelFinish(save, server_data);
deferred.addErrback(function(r) {
//dojo.debug("Error occured");
return false;
return deferred;
* TODO: merge server-side info
createAndEdit: function(parent, index, sync) {
var data = {title:parent.tree.defaultChildTitle};
if (!this.canCreateChild(parent, index, data)) {
return false;
/* close editor first */
if (!this.editor.isClosed()) {
//dojo.debug("editLabelStart editor open");
var deferred = this.editLabelFinish(this.editor.saveOnBlur, sync);
deferred.addCallback(function() {
return _this.createAndEdit(parent, index, sync);
return deferred;
var _this = this;
/* load parent and create child*/
var deferred = this.prepareCreateChild(parent, index, data, sync);
deferred.addCallback(function() {
var child = _this.makeDefaultNode(parent, index);
child.isPhantom = true;
return child;
deferred.addBoth(function(r) {
_this.finalizeCreateChild(parent, index, data, sync);
return r;
/* expand parent */
deferred.addCallback(function(child) {
var d = _this.exposeCreateChild(parent, index, data, sync);
d.addCallback(function() { return child });
return d;
deferred.addCallback(function(child) {
//dojo.debug("start edit");
return child;
return deferred;
prepareDestroyChild: function(node, sync) {
var deferred = this.startProcessing(node);
return deferred;
finalizeDestroyChild: function(node) {
doDestroyChild: function(node, sync){
var params = {
node: this.getInfo(node),
tree: this.getInfo(node.tree)
var deferred = this.runRpc({
url: this.getRpcUrl('destroyChild'),
sync: sync,
params: params
var _this = this;
var args = arguments;
deferred.addCallback(function() {
return deferred;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create node stuff
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sendCreateChildRequest: function(parent, index, data, sync) {
var params = {
tree: this.getInfo(parent.tree),
parent: this.getInfo(parent),
index: index,
data: data
var deferred = this.runRpc({
url: this.getRpcUrl('createChild'),
sync: sync,
params: params
return deferred;
doCreateChild: function(parent, index, data, sync){
if (dojo.lang.isUndefined(data.title)) {
data.title = parent.tree.defaultChildTitle;
var deferred = this.sendCreateChildRequest(parent,index,data,sync);
var _this = this;
var args = arguments;
deferred.addCallback(function(server_data) {
dojo.lang.mixin(data, server_data); // add my data as less priority
//dojo.debug("Create ");
return deferred;
// TODO: merge server data into cloned node, like in createChild
doClone: function(child, newParent, index, deep, sync) {
var params = {
child: this.getInfo(child),
oldParent: this.getInfo(child.parent),
oldParentTree: this.getInfo(child.parent.tree),
newParent: this.getInfo(newParent),
newParentTree: this.getInfo(newParent.tree),
index: index,
deep: deep ? true : false, // undefined -> false
tree: this.getInfo(child.tree)
var deferred = this.runRpc({
url: this.getRpcUrl('clone'),
sync: sync,
params: params
var _this = this;
var args = arguments;
deferred.addCallback(function() {
return deferred;