blob: 5e5cb096fd897c29efbb5938eca3ae55615e5b86 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
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dojo.widget.defineWidget("dojo.widget.TreeBasicController", dojo.widget.HtmlWidget, {
widgetType: "TreeBasicController",
DNDController: "",
dieWithTree: false,
initialize: function(args, frag){
/* no DND by default for compatibility */
if (this.DNDController == "create") {
this.DNDController = new dojo.dnd.TreeDNDController(this);
* Binds controller to all tree events
listenTree: function(tree) {
//dojo.debug("Event "+tree.eventNames.treeClick);
dojo.event.topic.subscribe(tree.eventNames.createDOMNode, this, "onCreateDOMNode");
dojo.event.topic.subscribe(tree.eventNames.treeClick, this, "onTreeClick");
dojo.event.topic.subscribe(tree.eventNames.treeCreate, this, "onTreeCreate");
dojo.event.topic.subscribe(tree.eventNames.treeDestroy, this, "onTreeDestroy");
if (this.DNDController) {
unlistenTree: function(tree) {
dojo.event.topic.unsubscribe(tree.eventNames.createDOMNode, this, "onCreateDOMNode");
dojo.event.topic.unsubscribe(tree.eventNames.treeClick, this, "onTreeClick");
dojo.event.topic.unsubscribe(tree.eventNames.treeCreate, this, "onTreeCreate");
dojo.event.topic.unsubscribe(tree.eventNames.treeDestroy, this, "onTreeDestroy");
onTreeDestroy: function(message) {
var tree = message.source;
if (this.dieWithTree) {
//alert("Killing myself "+this.widgetId);
onCreateDOMNode: function(message) {
var node = message.source;
if (node.expandLevel > 0) {
this.expandToLevel(node, node.expandLevel);
// perform actions-initializers for tree
onTreeCreate: function(message) {
var tree = message.source;
var _this = this;
if (tree.expandLevel) {
function(child) {
_this.expandToLevel(child, tree.expandLevel-1)
expandToLevel: function(node, level) {
if (level == 0) return;
var children = node.children;
var _this = this;
var handler = function(node, expandLevel) {
this.node = node;
this.expandLevel = expandLevel;
// recursively expand opened node
this.process = function() {
//dojo.debug("Process "+node+" level "+level);
for(var i=0; i<this.node.children.length; i++) {
var child = node.children[i];
_this.expandToLevel(child, this.expandLevel);
var h = new handler(node, level-1);
this.expand(node, false, h, h.process);
onTreeClick: function(message){
var node = message.source;
if(node.isLocked()) {
return false;
if (node.isExpanded){
} else {
expand: function(node, sync, callObj, callFunc) {
if (callFunc) callFunc.apply(callObj, [node]);
collapse: function(node) {
// =============================== move ============================
* Checks whether it is ok to change parent of child to newParent
* May incur type checks etc
* It should check only hierarchical possibility w/o index, etc
* because in onDragOver event for Between DND mode we can't calculate index at once on onDragOVer.
* index changes as client moves mouse up-down over the node
canMove: function(child, newParent){
if (child.actionIsDisabled(child.actions.MOVE)) {
return false;
// if we move under same parent then no matter if ADDCHILD disabled for him
// but if we move to NEW parent then check if action is disabled for him
// also covers case for newParent being a non-folder in strict mode etc
if (child.parent !== newParent && newParent.actionIsDisabled(newParent.actions.ADDCHILD)) {
return false;
// Can't move parent under child. check whether new parent is child of "child".
var node = newParent;
while(node.isTreeNode) {
if (node === child) {
// parent of newParent is child
return false;
node = node.parent;
return true;
move: function(child, newParent, index) {
/* move sourceTreeNode to new parent */
if (!this.canMove(child, newParent)) {
return false;
var result = this.doMove(child, newParent, index);
if (!result) return result;
if (newParent.isTreeNode) {
return result;
doMove: function(child, newParent, index) {
child.tree.move(child, newParent, index);
return true;
// =============================== removeNode ============================
canRemoveNode: function(child) {
if (child.actionIsDisabled(child.actions.REMOVE)) {
return false;
return true;
removeNode: function(node, callObj, callFunc) {
if (!this.canRemoveNode(node)) {
return false;
return this.doRemoveNode(node, callObj, callFunc);
doRemoveNode: function(node, callObj, callFunc) {
if (callFunc) {
callFunc.apply(dojo.lang.isUndefined(callObj) ? this : callObj, [node]);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create node stuff
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
canCreateChild: function(parent, index, data) {
if (parent.actionIsDisabled(parent.actions.ADDCHILD)) return false;
return true;
/* send data to server and add child from server */
/* data may contain an almost ready child, or anything else, suggested to server */
/*in RPC controllers server responds with child data to be inserted */
createChild: function(parent, index, data, callObj, callFunc) {
if (!this.canCreateChild(parent, index, data)) {
return false;
return this.doCreateChild.apply(this, arguments);
doCreateChild: function(parent, index, data, callObj, callFunc) {
var widgetType = data.widgetType ? data.widgetType : "TreeNode";
var newChild = dojo.widget.createWidget(widgetType, data);
parent.addChild(newChild, index);
if (callFunc) {
callFunc.apply(callObj, [newChild]);
return newChild;