blob: a08a241b74497b4c2372be2a21e0194c9486dc94 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
dojo.undo.Manager = function(/*dojo.undo.Manager Object */parent) {
//summary: Constructor for a dojo.undo.Manager object.
this._parent = parent;
dojo.extend(dojo.undo.Manager, {
_parent: null,
_undoStack: null,
_redoStack: null,
_currentManager: null,
canUndo: false,
canRedo: false,
isUndoing: false,
isRedoing: false,
onUndo: function(/*Object*/manager, /*Object*/item) {
//summary: An event that fires when undo is called.
//It allows you to hook in and update your code (UI?) as necessary.
//manager: Object: the dojo.undo.Manager instance.
//item: Object: The object stored by the undo stack. It has the following properties:
// undo: Function: the undo function for this item in the stack.
// redo: Function: the redo function for this item in the stack. May be null.
// description: String: description of this item. May be null.
onRedo: function(/*Object*/manager, /*Object*/item) {
//summary: An event that fires when redo is called.
//It allows you to hook in and update your code (UI?) as necessary.
//manager: Object: the dojo.undo.Manager instance.
//item: Object: The object stored by the redo stack. It has the following properties:
// undo: Function: the undo function for this item in the stack.
// redo: Function: the redo function for this item in the stack. May be null.
// description: String: description of this item. May be null.
onUndoAny: function(/*Object*/manager, /*Object*/item) {
//summary: An event that fires when *any* undo action is done,
//which means you'll have one for every item
//in a transaction. This is usually only useful for debugging.
//See notes for onUndo for info on the function parameters.
onRedoAny: function(/*Object*/manager, /*Object*/item) {
//summary: An event that fires when *any* redo action is done,
//which means you'll have one for every item
//in a transaction. This is usually only useful for debugging.
//See notes for onRedo for info on the function parameters.
_updateStatus: function() {
//summary: Private method used to set some internal state.
this.canUndo = this._undoStack.length > 0;
this.canRedo = this._redoStack.length > 0;
clear: function() {
//summary: Clears this instance of dojo.undo.Manager.
this._undoStack = [];
this._redoStack = [];
this._currentManager = this;
this.isUndoing = false;
this.isRedoing = false;
undo: function() {
//summary: Call this method to go one place back in the undo
//stack. Returns true if the manager successfully completed
//the undo step.
if(!this.canUndo) { return false; /*boolean*/}
this.isUndoing = true;
var top = this._undoStack.pop();
if(top instanceof dojo.undo.Manager){
this.isUndoing = false;
this.onUndo(this, top);
if(!(top instanceof dojo.undo.Manager)) {
this.getTop().onUndoAny(this, top);
return true; //boolean
redo: function() {
//summary: Call this method to go one place forward in the redo
//stack. Returns true if the manager successfully completed
//the redo step.
if(!this.canRedo){ return false; /*boolean*/}
this.isRedoing = true;
var top = this._redoStack.pop();
if(top instanceof dojo.undo.Manager) {
this.isRedoing = false;
this.onRedo(this, top);
if(!(top instanceof dojo.undo.Manager)){
this.getTop().onRedoAny(this, top);
return true; //boolean
undoAll: function() {
//summary: Call undo as many times as it takes to get all the
//way through the undo stack.
while(this._undoStack.length > 0) {
redoAll: function() {
//summary: Call redo as many times as it takes to get all the
//way through the redo stack.
while(this._redoStack.length > 0) {
push: function(/*Function*/undo, /*Function?*/redo, /*String?*/description) {
//summary: add something to the undo manager.
if(!undo) { return; }
if(this._currentManager == this) {
undo: undo,
redo: redo,
description: description
} else {
this._currentManager.push.apply(this._currentManager, arguments);
// adding a new undo-able item clears out the redo stack
this._redoStack = [];
concat: function(/*Object*/manager) {
//summary: Adds all undo and redo stack items to another dojo.undo.Manager
if ( !manager ) { return; }
if (this._currentManager == this ) {
for(var x=0; x < manager._undoStack.length; x++) {
// adding a new undo-able item clears out the redo stack
if (manager._undoStack.length > 0) {
this._redoStack = [];
} else {
this._currentManager.concat.apply(this._currentManager, arguments);
beginTransaction: function(/*String?*/description) {
//summary: All undo/redo items added via
//push() after this call is made but before endTransaction() is called are
//treated as one item in the undo and redo stacks. When undo() or redo() is
//called then undo/redo is called on all of the items in the transaction.
//Transactions can be nested.
if(this._currentManager == this) {
var mgr = new dojo.undo.Manager(this);
mgr.description = description ? description : "";
this._currentManager = mgr;
return mgr;
} else {
//for nested transactions need to make sure the top level _currentManager is set
this._currentManager = this._currentManager.beginTransaction.apply(this._currentManager, arguments);
endTransaction: function(flatten /* optional */) {
//summary: Ends a transaction started by beginTransaction(). See beginTransaction()
//for details.
//flatten: boolean: If true, adds the current transaction to the parent's
//undo stack.
if(this._currentManager == this) {
if(this._parent) {
this._parent._currentManager = this._parent;
// don't leave empty transactions hangin' around
if(this._undoStack.length == 0 || flatten) {
var idx = dojo.lang.find(this._parent._undoStack, this);
if (idx >= 0) {
this._parent._undoStack.splice(idx, 1);
//add the current transaction to parents undo stack
if (flatten) {
for(var x=0; x < this._undoStack.length; x++){
this._parent._undoStack.splice(idx++, 0, this._undoStack[x]);
return this._parent;
} else {
//for nested transactions need to make sure the top level _currentManager is set
this._currentManager = this._currentManager.endTransaction.apply(this._currentManager, arguments);
endAllTransactions: function() {
//summary: Ends all nested transactions.
while(this._currentManager != this) {
getTop: function() {
//summary: Finds the top parent of an undo manager.
if(this._parent) {
return this._parent.getTop();
} else {
return this;