blob: 9ccec434b81a3e226f24b0b28cf1b07910659364 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
//TODO: should we use ${} substitution syntax instead, like widgets do?
dojo.string.substituteParams = function(/*string*/template, /* object - optional or ... */hash){
// summary:
// Performs parameterized substitutions on a string. Throws an exception if any parameter is unmatched.
// description:
// For example,
// dojo.string.substituteParams("File '%{0}' is not found in directory '%{1}'.","foo.html","/temp");
// returns
// "File 'foo.html' is not found in directory '/temp'."
// template: the original string template with %{values} to be replaced
// hash: name/value pairs (type object) to provide substitutions. Alternatively, substitutions may be
// included as arguments 1..n to this function, corresponding to template parameters 0..n-1
var map = (typeof hash == 'object') ? hash : dojo.lang.toArray(arguments, 1);
return template.replace(/\%\{(\w+)\}/g, function(match, key){
if(typeof(map[key]) != "undefined" && map[key] != null){
return map[key];
dojo.raise("Substitution not found: " + key);
}); // string
dojo.string.capitalize = function(/*string*/str){
// summary:
// Uppercases the first letter of each word
if(!dojo.lang.isString(str)){ return ""; }
if(arguments.length == 0){ str = this; }
var words = str.split(' ');
for(var i=0; i<words.length; i++){
words[i] = words[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + words[i].substring(1);
return words.join(" "); // string
dojo.string.isBlank = function(/*string*/str){
// summary:
// Return true if the entire string is whitespace characters
if(!dojo.lang.isString(str)){ return true; }
return (dojo.string.trim(str).length == 0); // boolean
//FIXME: not sure exactly what encodeAscii is trying to do, or if it's working right
dojo.string.encodeAscii = function(/*string*/str){
if(!dojo.lang.isString(str)){ return str; } // unknown
var ret = "";
var value = escape(str);
var match, re = /%u([0-9A-F]{4})/i;
while((match = value.match(re))){
var num = Number("0x"+match[1]);
var newVal = escape("&#" + num + ";");
ret += value.substring(0, match.index) + newVal;
value = value.substring(match.index+match[0].length);
ret += value.replace(/\+/g, "%2B");
return ret; // string
dojo.string.escape = function(/*string*/type, /*string*/str){
// summary:
// Adds escape sequences for special characters according to the convention of 'type'
// type: one of xml|html|xhtml|sql|regexp|regex|javascript|jscript|js|ascii
// str: the string to be escaped
var args = dojo.lang.toArray(arguments, 1);
case "xml":
case "html":
case "xhtml":
return dojo.string.escapeXml.apply(this, args); // string
case "sql":
return dojo.string.escapeSql.apply(this, args); // string
case "regexp":
case "regex":
return dojo.string.escapeRegExp.apply(this, args); // string
case "javascript":
case "jscript":
case "js":
return dojo.string.escapeJavaScript.apply(this, args); // string
case "ascii":
// so it's encode, but it seems useful
return dojo.string.encodeAscii.apply(this, args); // string
return str; // string
dojo.string.escapeXml = function(/*string*/str, /*boolean*/noSingleQuotes){
// Adds escape sequences for special characters in XML: &<>"'
// Optionally skips escapes for single quotes
str = str.replace(/&/gm, "&amp;").replace(/</gm, "&lt;")
.replace(/>/gm, "&gt;").replace(/"/gm, "&quot;");
if(!noSingleQuotes){ str = str.replace(/'/gm, "&#39;"); }
return str; // string
dojo.string.escapeSql = function(/*string*/str){
// Adds escape sequences for single quotes in SQL expressions
return str.replace(/'/gm, "''"); //string
dojo.string.escapeRegExp = function(/*string*/str){
// Adds escape sequences for special characters in regular expressions
return str.replace(/\\/gm, "\\\\").replace(/([\f\b\n\t\r[\^$|?*+(){}])/gm, "\\$1"); // string
//FIXME: should this one also escape backslash?
dojo.string.escapeJavaScript = function(/*string*/str){
// Adds escape sequences for single and double quotes as well
// as non-visible characters in JavaScript string literal expressions
return str.replace(/(["'\f\b\n\t\r])/gm, "\\$1"); // string
//FIXME: looks a lot like escapeJavaScript, just adds quotes? deprecate one?
dojo.string.escapeString = function(/*string*/str){
// Adds escape sequences for non-visual characters, double quote and backslash
// and surrounds with double quotes to form a valid string literal.
return ('"' + str.replace(/(["\\])/g, '\\$1') + '"'
).replace(/[\f]/g, "\\f"
).replace(/[\b]/g, "\\b"
).replace(/[\n]/g, "\\n"
).replace(/[\t]/g, "\\t"
).replace(/[\r]/g, "\\r"); // string
// TODO: make an HTML version
dojo.string.summary = function(/*string*/str, /*number*/len){
// summary:
// Truncates 'str' after 'len' characters and appends periods as necessary so that it ends with "..."
if(!len || str.length <= len){
return str; // string
return str.substring(0, len).replace(/\.+$/, "") + "..."; // string
dojo.string.endsWith = function(/*string*/str, /*string*/end, /*boolean*/ignoreCase){
// summary:
// Returns true if 'str' ends with 'end'
str = str.toLowerCase();
end = end.toLowerCase();
if((str.length - end.length) < 0){
return false; // boolean
return str.lastIndexOf(end) == str.length - end.length; // boolean
dojo.string.endsWithAny = function(/*string*/str /* , ... */){
// summary:
// Returns true if 'str' ends with any of the arguments[2 -> n]
for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if(dojo.string.endsWith(str, arguments[i])) {
return true; // boolean
return false; // boolean
dojo.string.startsWith = function(/*string*/str, /*string*/start, /*boolean*/ignoreCase){
// summary:
// Returns true if 'str' starts with 'start'
if(ignoreCase) {
str = str.toLowerCase();
start = start.toLowerCase();
return str.indexOf(start) == 0; // boolean
dojo.string.startsWithAny = function(/*string*/str /* , ... */){
// summary:
// Returns true if 'str' starts with any of the arguments[2 -> n]
for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if(dojo.string.startsWith(str, arguments[i])) {
return true; // boolean
return false; // boolean
dojo.string.has = function(/*string*/str /* , ... */) {
// summary:
// Returns true if 'str' contains any of the arguments 2 -> n
for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if(str.indexOf(arguments[i]) > -1){
return true; // boolean
return false; // boolean
dojo.string.normalizeNewlines = function(/*string*/text, /*string? (\n or \r)*/newlineChar){
// summary:
// Changes occurences of CR and LF in text to CRLF, or if newlineChar is provided as '\n' or '\r',
// substitutes newlineChar for occurrences of CR/LF and CRLF
if (newlineChar == "\n"){
text = text.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");
text = text.replace(/\r/g, "\n");
} else if (newlineChar == "\r"){
text = text.replace(/\r\n/g, "\r");
text = text.replace(/\n/g, "\r");
text = text.replace(/([^\r])\n/g, "$1\r\n").replace(/\r([^\n])/g, "\r\n$1");
return text; // string
dojo.string.splitEscaped = function(/*string*/str, /*string of length=1*/charac){
// summary:
// Splits 'str' into an array separated by 'charac', but skips characters escaped with a backslash
var components = [];
for (var i = 0, prevcomma = 0; i < str.length; i++){
if (str.charAt(i) == '\\'){ i++; continue; }
if (str.charAt(i) == charac){
components.push(str.substring(prevcomma, i));
prevcomma = i + 1;
return components; // array