blob: 184d569f33ef53b7bccdc746f6e358cf1f7b3b56 [file] [log] [blame]
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dojo.lang.timing.Timer = function(/*int*/ interval){
// summary: Timer object executes an "onTick()" method repeatedly at a specified interval.
// repeatedly at a given interval.
// interval: Interval between function calls, in milliseconds.
this.timer = null;
this.isRunning = false;
this.interval = interval;
this.onStart = null;
this.onStop = null;
dojo.extend(dojo.lang.timing.Timer, {
onTick : function(){
// summary: Method called every time the interval passes. Override to do something useful.
setInterval : function(interval){
// summary: Reset the interval of a timer, whether running or not.
// interval: New interval, in milliseconds.
if (this.isRunning){
this.interval = interval;
if (this.isRunning){
this.timer = dj_global.setInterval(dojo.lang.hitch(this, "onTick"), this.interval);
start : function(){
// summary: Start the timer ticking.
// description: Calls the "onStart()" handler, if defined.
// Note that the onTick() function is not called right away,
// only after first interval passes.
if (typeof this.onStart == "function"){
this.isRunning = true;
this.timer = dj_global.setInterval(dojo.lang.hitch(this, "onTick"), this.interval);
stop : function(){
// summary: Stop the timer.
// description: Calls the "onStop()" handler, if defined.
if (typeof this.onStop == "function"){
this.isRunning = false;