blob: 71be5cd7408f05e572576edae4fbe958793f502f [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
dojo.lang.assert = function(/* boolean */ booleanValue, /* string? */ message){
/* summary:
* Throws an exception if the assertion fails.
* description:
* If the asserted condition is true, this method does nothing. If the
* condition is false, we throw an error with a error message.
* booleanValue: Must be true for the assertion to succeed.
* message: A string describing the assertion.
// throws: Throws an Error if 'booleanValue' is false.
var errorMessage = "An assert statement failed.\n" +
"The method dojo.lang.assert() was called with a 'false' value.\n";
errorMessage += "Here's the assert message:\n" + message + "\n";
// Use throw instead of dojo.raise, until bug #264 is fixed:
// dojo.raise(errorMessage);
throw new Error(errorMessage);
dojo.lang.assertType = function(/* anything */ value, /* misc. */ type, /* object? */ keywordParameters){
/* summary:
* Throws an exception if 'value' is not of type 'type'
* description:
* Given a value and a data type, this method checks the type of the value
* to make sure it matches the data type, and throws an exception if there
* is a mismatch.
* value: Any literal value or object instance.
* type: A class of object, or a literal type, or the string name of a type, or an array with a list of types.
* keywordParameters: {optional: boolean}
/* examples:
* dojo.lang.assertType("foo", String);
* dojo.lang.assertType(12345, Number);
* dojo.lang.assertType(false, Boolean);
* dojo.lang.assertType([6, 8], Array);
* dojo.lang.assertType(dojo.lang.assertType, Function);
* dojo.lang.assertType({foo: "bar"}, Object);
* dojo.lang.assertType(new Date(), Date);
* dojo.lang.assertType(null, Array, {optional: true});
* throws: Throws an Error if 'value' is not of type 'type'.
if (dojo.lang.isString(keywordParameters)) {
dojo.deprecated('dojo.lang.assertType(value, type, "message")', 'use dojo.lang.assertType(value, type) instead', "0.5");
if(!dojo.lang.isOfType(value, type, keywordParameters)){
dojo.lang.assertType._errorMessage = "Type mismatch: dojo.lang.assertType() failed.";
dojo.lang.assert(false, dojo.lang.assertType._errorMessage);
dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords = function(/* object */ object, /* array */ expectedProperties, /* string? */ message){
/* summary:
* Throws an exception 'object' has any properties other than the 'expectedProperties'.
* description:
* Given an anonymous object and a list of expected property names, this
* method check to make sure the object does not have any properties
* that aren't on the list of expected properties, and throws an Error
* if there are unexpected properties. This is useful for doing error
* checking on keyword arguments, to make sure there aren't typos.
* object: An anonymous object.
* expectedProperties: An array of strings (or an object with all the expected properties).
* message: A message describing the assertion.
/* examples:
* dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords({a: 1, b: 2}, ["a", "b"]);
* dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords({a: 1, b: 2}, ["a", "b", "c"]);
* dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords({foo: "iggy"}, ["foo"]);
* dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords({foo: "iggy"}, ["foo", "bar"]);
* dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords({foo: "iggy"}, {foo: null, bar: null});
* throws: Throws an Error if 'object' has unexpected properties.
var key;
dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords._errorMessage = "In dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords(), found invalid keyword:";
message = dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords._errorMessage;
for(key in object){
if(!dojo.lang.inArray(expectedProperties, key)){
dojo.lang.assert(false, message + " " + key);
for(key in object){
if(!(key in expectedProperties)){
dojo.lang.assert(false, message + " " + key);