blob: 545eb4cd6ea701730caed2f7c65a8c9b66ac23b7 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
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dojo.declare("dojo.gfx.Shape", null, {
// summary: a Shape object, which knows how to apply
// graphical attributes and transformations
initializer: function(){
// rawNode: Node: underlying node
this.rawNode = null;
// shape: Object: an abstract shape object
// (see dojo.gfx.defaultPath,
// dojo.gfx.defaultPolyline,
// dojo.gfx.defaultRect,
// dojo.gfx.defaultEllipse,
// dojo.gfx.defaultCircle,
// dojo.gfx.defaultLine,
// or dojo.gfx.defaultImage)
this.shape = null;
// matrix: dojo.gfx.matrix.Matrix: a transformation matrix
this.matrix = null;
// fillStyle: Object: a fill object
// (see dojo.gfx.defaultLinearGradient,
// dojo.gfx.defaultRadialGradient,
// dojo.gfx.defaultPattern,
// or dojo.gfx.color.Color)
this.fillStyle = null;
// strokeStyle: Object: a stroke object
// (see dojo.gfx.defaultStroke)
this.strokeStyle = null;
// bbox: dojo.gfx.Rectangle: a bounding box of this shape
// (see dojo.gfx.defaultRect)
this.bbox = null;
// virtual group structure
// parent: Object: a parent or null
// (see dojo.gfx.Surface,
// dojo.gfx.shape.VirtualGroup,
// or dojo.gfx.Group)
this.parent = null;
// parentMatrix: dojo.gfx.matrix.Matrix
// a transformation matrix inherited from the parent
this.parentMatrix = null;
// trivial getters
getNode: function(){
// summary: returns the current DOM Node or null
return this.rawNode; // Node
getShape: function(){
// summary: returns the current shape object or null
// (see dojo.gfx.defaultPath,
// dojo.gfx.defaultPolyline,
// dojo.gfx.defaultRect,
// dojo.gfx.defaultEllipse,
// dojo.gfx.defaultCircle,
// dojo.gfx.defaultLine,
// or dojo.gfx.defaultImage)
return this.shape; // Object
getTransform: function(){
// summary: returns the current transformation matrix or null
return this.matrix; // dojo.gfx.matrix.Matrix
getFill: function(){
// summary: returns the current fill object or null
// (see dojo.gfx.defaultLinearGradient,
// dojo.gfx.defaultRadialGradient,
// dojo.gfx.defaultPattern,
// or dojo.gfx.color.Color)
return this.fillStyle; // Object
getStroke: function(){
// summary: returns the current stroke object or null
// (see dojo.gfx.defaultStroke)
return this.strokeStyle; // Object
getParent: function(){
// summary: returns the parent or null
// (see dojo.gfx.Surface,
// dojo.gfx.shape.VirtualGroup,
// or dojo.gfx.Group)
return this.parent; // Object
getBoundingBox: function(){
// summary: returns the bounding box or null
// (see dojo.gfx.defaultRect)
return this.bbox; // dojo.gfx.Rectangle
getEventSource: function(){
// summary: returns a Node, which is used as
// a source of events for this shape
return this.rawNode; // Node
// empty settings
setShape: function(shape){
// summary: sets a shape object
// (the default implementation simply ignores it)
// shape: Object: a shape object
// (see dojo.gfx.defaultPath,
// dojo.gfx.defaultPolyline,
// dojo.gfx.defaultRect,
// dojo.gfx.defaultEllipse,
// dojo.gfx.defaultCircle,
// dojo.gfx.defaultLine,
// or dojo.gfx.defaultImage)
return this; // self
setFill: function(fill){
// summary: sets a fill object
// (the default implementation simply ignores it)
// fill: Object: a fill object
// (see dojo.gfx.defaultLinearGradient,
// dojo.gfx.defaultRadialGradient,
// dojo.gfx.defaultPattern,
// or dojo.gfx.color.Color)
return this; // self
setStroke: function(stroke){
// summary: sets a stroke object
// (the default implementation simply ignores it)
// stroke: Object: a stroke object
// (see dojo.gfx.defaultStroke)
return this; // self
// z-index
moveToFront: function(){
// summary: moves a shape to front of its parent's list of shapes
// (the default implementation does nothing)
return this; // self
moveToBack: function(){
// summary: moves a shape to back of its parent's list of shapes
// (the default implementation does nothing)
return this;
setTransform: function(matrix){
// summary: sets a transformation matrix
// matrix: dojo.gfx.matrix.Matrix: a matrix or a matrix-like object
// (see an argument of dojo.gfx.matrix.Matrix
// constructor for a list of acceptable arguments)
this.matrix = dojo.gfx.matrix.clone(matrix ? dojo.gfx.matrix.normalize(matrix) : dojo.gfx.identity, true);
return this._applyTransform(); // self
// apply left & right transformation
applyRightTransform: function(matrix){
// summary: multiplies the existing matrix with an argument on right side
// (this.matrix * matrix)
// matrix: dojo.gfx.matrix.Matrix: a matrix or a matrix-like object
// (see an argument of dojo.gfx.matrix.Matrix
// constructor for a list of acceptable arguments)
return matrix ? this.setTransform([this.matrix, matrix]) : this; // self
applyLeftTransform: function(matrix){
// summary: multiplies the existing matrix with an argument on left side
// (matrix * this.matrix)
// matrix: dojo.gfx.matrix.Matrix: a matrix or a matrix-like object
// (see an argument of dojo.gfx.matrix.Matrix
// constructor for a list of acceptable arguments)
return matrix ? this.setTransform([matrix, this.matrix]) : this; // self
applyTransform: function(matrix){
// summary: a shortcut for dojo.gfx.Shape.applyRight
// matrix: dojo.gfx.matrix.Matrix: a matrix or a matrix-like object
// (see an argument of dojo.gfx.matrix.Matrix
// constructor for a list of acceptable arguments)
return matrix ? this.setTransform([this.matrix, matrix]) : this; // self
// virtual group methods
remove: function(silently){
// summary: removes the shape from its parent's list of shapes
// silently: Boolean?: if true, do not redraw a picture yet
this.parent.remove(this, silently);
return this; // self
_setParent: function(parent, matrix){
// summary: sets a parent
// parent: Object: a parent or null
// (see dojo.gfx.Surface,
// dojo.gfx.shape.VirtualGroup,
// or dojo.gfx.Group)
// matrix: dojo.gfx.matrix.Matrix:
// a 2D matrix or a matrix-like object
this.parent = parent;
return this._updateParentMatrix(matrix); // self
_updateParentMatrix: function(matrix){
// summary: updates the parent matrix with new matrix
// matrix: dojo.gfx.matrix.Matrix:
// a 2D matrix or a matrix-like object
this.parentMatrix = matrix ? dojo.gfx.matrix.clone(matrix) : null;
return this._applyTransform(); // self
_getRealMatrix: function(){
// summary: returns the cumulative ("real") transformation matrix
// by combining the shape's matrix with its parent's matrix
return this.parentMatrix ? new dojo.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D([this.parentMatrix, this.matrix]) : this.matrix; // dojo.gfx.matrix.Matrix
dojo.declare("dojo.gfx.shape.VirtualGroup", dojo.gfx.Shape, {
// summary: a virtual group of shapes, which can be used
// as a foundation for renderer-specific groups, or as a way
// to logically group shapes (e.g, to propagate matricies)
initializer: function() {
// children: Array: a list of children
this.children = [];
// group management
add: function(shape){
// summary: adds a shape to the list
// shape: dojo.gfx.Shape: a shape
var oldParent = shape.getParent();
oldParent.remove(shape, true);
return shape._setParent(this, this._getRealMatrix()); // self
remove: function(shape, silently){
// summary: removes a shape from the list
// silently: Boolean?: if true, do not redraw a picture yet
for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; ++i){
if(this.children[i] == shape){
// skip for now
shape._setParent(null, null);
this.children.splice(i, 1);
return this; // self
// apply transformation
_applyTransform: function(){
// summary: applies a transformation matrix to a group
var matrix = this._getRealMatrix();
for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; ++i){
return this; // self
dojo.declare("dojo.gfx.shape.Rect", dojo.gfx.Shape, {
// summary: a generic rectangle
initializer: function(rawNode) {
// summary: creates a rectangle
// rawNode: Node: a DOM Node
this.shape = dojo.lang.shallowCopy(dojo.gfx.defaultRect, true);
getBoundingBox: function(){
// summary: returns the bounding box (its shape in this case)
return this.shape; // dojo.gfx.Rectangle
dojo.declare("dojo.gfx.shape.Ellipse", dojo.gfx.Shape, {
// summary: a generic ellipse
initializer: function(rawNode) {
// summary: creates an ellipse
// rawNode: Node: a DOM Node
this.shape = dojo.lang.shallowCopy(dojo.gfx.defaultEllipse, true);
getBoundingBox: function(){
// summary: returns the bounding box
var shape = this.shape;
this.bbox = {x: - shape.rx, y: - shape.ry,
width: 2 * shape.rx, height: 2 * shape.ry};
return this.bbox; // dojo.gfx.Rectangle
dojo.declare("dojo.gfx.shape.Circle", dojo.gfx.Shape, {
// summary: a generic circle
// (this is a helper object, which is defined for convinience)
initializer: function(rawNode) {
// summary: creates a circle
// rawNode: Node: a DOM Node
this.shape = dojo.lang.shallowCopy(dojo.gfx.defaultCircle, true);
getBoundingBox: function(){
// summary: returns the bounding box
var shape = this.shape;
this.bbox = {x: - shape.r, y: - shape.r,
width: 2 * shape.r, height: 2 * shape.r};
return this.bbox; // dojo.gfx.Rectangle
dojo.declare("dojo.gfx.shape.Line", dojo.gfx.Shape, {
// summary: a generic line
// (this is a helper object, which is defined for convinience)
initializer: function(rawNode) {
// summary: creates a line
// rawNode: Node: a DOM Node
this.shape = dojo.lang.shallowCopy(dojo.gfx.defaultLine, true);
getBoundingBox: function(){
// summary: returns the bounding box
var shape = this.shape;
this.bbox = {
x: Math.min(shape.x1, shape.x2),
y: Math.min(shape.y1, shape.y2),
width: Math.abs(shape.x2 - shape.x1),
height: Math.abs(shape.y2 - shape.y1)
return this.bbox; // dojo.gfx.Rectangle
dojo.declare("dojo.gfx.shape.Polyline", dojo.gfx.Shape, {
// summary: a generic polyline/polygon
// (this is a helper object, which is defined for convinience)
initializer: function(rawNode) {
// summary: creates a line
// rawNode: Node: a DOM Node
this.shape = dojo.lang.shallowCopy(dojo.gfx.defaultPolyline, true);
getBoundingBox: function(){
// summary: returns the bounding box
if(!this.bbox && this.shape.points.length){
var p = this.shape.points;
var l = p.length;
var t = p[0];
var bbox = {l: t.x, t: t.y, r: t.x, b: t.y};
for(var i = 1; i < l; ++i){
t = p[i];
if(bbox.l > t.x) bbox.l = t.x;
if(bbox.r < t.x) bbox.r = t.x;
if(bbox.t > t.y) bbox.t = t.y;
if(bbox.b < t.y) bbox.b = t.y;
this.bbox = {
x: bbox.l,
y: bbox.t,
width: bbox.r - bbox.l,
height: bbox.b - bbox.t
return this.bbox; // dojo.gfx.Rectangle
dojo.declare("dojo.gfx.shape.Image", dojo.gfx.Shape, {
// summary: a generic image
// (this is a helper object, which is defined for convinience)
initializer: function(rawNode) {
// summary: creates an image
// rawNode: Node: a DOM Node
this.shape = dojo.lang.shallowCopy(dojo.gfx.defaultImage, true);
getBoundingBox: function(){
// summary: returns the bounding box
var shape = this.shape;
this.bbox = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: shape.width,
height: shape.height
return this.bbox; // dojo.gfx.Rectangle