blob: eb4de08076db8e598add5130f1ae20c5ce6fee99 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.ofbiz.base.util.cache;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
public interface Cache<K, V> {
/** Getter for the name of the Cache instance.
* @return The name of the instance
public String getName();
public void setMaxInMemory(int newInMemory);
public int getMaxInMemory();
public void setSizeLimit(int newSizeLimit);
public int getSizeLimit();
/** Sets the expire time for the cache elements.
* If 0, elements never expire.
* @param expireTimeMillis The expire time for the cache elements
public void setExpireTime(long expireTimeMillis);
/** return the current expire time for the cache elements
* @return The expire time for the cache elements
public long getExpireTime();
/** Set whether or not the cache lines should use a soft reference to the data */
public void setUseSoftReference(boolean useSoftReference);
/** Return whether or not the cache lines should use a soft reference to the data */
public boolean getUseSoftReference();
public boolean getUseFileSystemStore();
/** Returns the number of elements currently in the cache
* @return The number of elements currently in the cache
public long size();
/** Returns a boolean specifying whether or not an element with the specified key is in the cache.
* @param key The key for the element, used to reference it in the hashtables and LRU linked list
* @return True is the cache contains an element corresponding to the specified key, otherwise false
public boolean containsKey(Object key);
* NOTE: this returns an unmodifiable copy of the keySet, so removing from here won't have an effect,
* and calling a remove while iterating through the set will not cause a concurrent modification exception.
* This behavior is necessary for now for the persisted cache feature.
public Set<? extends K> getCacheLineKeys();
public Collection<? extends Map<String, Object>> getLineInfos();
/** Adds an event listener for key removals */
public void addListener(CacheListener<K, V> listener);
/** Removes an event listener for key removals */
public void removeListener(CacheListener<K, V> listener);
/** Puts or loads the passed element into the cache
* @param key The key for the element, used to reference it in the hashtables and LRU linked list
* @param value The value of the element
public V put(K key, V value);
public V putIfAbsent(K key, V value);
public V putIfAbsentAndGet(K key, V value);
/** Gets an element from the cache according to the specified key.
* @param key The key for the element, used to reference it in the hashtables and LRU linked list
* @return The value of the element specified by the key
public V get(Object key);
/** Removes an element from the cache according to the specified key
* @param key The key for the element, used to reference it in the hashtables and LRU linked list
* @return The value of the removed element specified by the key
public V remove(Object key);
public Collection<V> values();
public void clear();
/** Removes all elements from this cache */
public void erase();
public boolean isEmpty();
/** Returns the number of successful hits on the cache
* @return The number of successful cache hits
public long getHitCount();
public long getSizeInBytes();
/** Returns the number of cache misses from entries that are not found in the cache
* @return The number of cache misses
public long getMissCountNotFound();
/** Returns the number of cache misses from entries that are expired
* @return The number of cache misses
public long getMissCountExpired();
/** Returns the number of cache misses from entries that are have had the soft reference cleared out (by garbage collector and such)
* @return The number of cache misses
public long getMissCountSoftRef();
/** Returns the number of cache misses caused by any reason
* @return The number of cache misses
public long getMissCountTotal();
public long getRemoveHitCount();
public long getRemoveMissCount();
/** Clears the hit and miss counters
public void clearCounters();